Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily Times-Gazette, 19 Aug 1953, p. 8

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8 THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE, Wednesday, August 19, 1958 Tadlay with JO Al DWiINCK B E a rg Be SP * ha 4 AEN ven WK, Cool and comfortable, that's the look of hair for summer. But not at the sacrifice of neatness. Which probably means you'll want a per- manent to do away with summer droopiness or every-night curl roll- ing. If you're like most women, you want to do everything in the fastest way possible, and a new home WOMEN'S EDITOR SHORT, COOL AND CASUAL - permanent allows you to do just that. It has an instant neutralizer that makes your curl permanent in just one, instant application. No pouring and re-pouring of the solu- tion over your curls. No drying on the rods. It also has a hair conditioner in the neutralizer, to DIAL 3.2233 hc Most summer "'do's feature casual waves, set back from the face. A flick of the hairbrush, a little ar- ranging with the fingers, and your hairdo is cool and neat, ready to take you through a warm summer day. It's easier and more lasting with a permanent. N.Y. Chef Prefers Wite's Cooking To Fancy Fare MONTREAL (CP)--Robert Aude- lan, despite a lifetime of preparin fancy dishes at a New York hotel, prefers his wife's cooking. Audelan, an authority on food and chief chef at his hotel (Essex) is president of the Federation des Chefs de Cuisine d'Amerique and director of the Culinary Federa- Li tion of New York. Visiting Montreal, he said food, | to be right, should be home- | cooked. His own favorite dish is | plain boiled beef--as prepared by | his wife. | ""There's nothing peculiar about keep your hair soft and beautiful. that," he e: ! so much artistically-prepared food that he develops an extremely con- servative taste himself." In the summer, Audelan said, his main meals are cold foods but warned: " 'One hot meal a day is important for everyone regardless of the temperature. Too many cold dishes can be disturbing to the system." He regards Quebec chefs as among those at the top of their profession. "I am certain that in this little French corner of North America they will continue to earn the re- nown which French chefs have merited throughout the world." He came to present Amicale des Cuisiniers et Patissiers of Quebec ained. "A chef sees] province with a scroll of alliance Following their marriage which was solemnized recently in St. George's Anglican Church, Mr. and Mrs. Stanley G. Clark left for a wedding trip to Flor- HONEYMOON IN FLORIDA AND THE BAHAMAS ida and the Bahamas. Formerly Miss Nina Kowalchuk, the bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Kowalchuk of = Osh- awa and the bridegroom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. John Clark of Peterborough. Photo by Hornsby Studio PERSONAL NOTES Accounts of social events and news of visitors to and from the city are appreciated by the Social Department. Telephone 3-2233. Mr. Merton Crawford spent two weeks at Oro Beach, Lake Sim- coe. Miss Barbara Fisher is the guest of her cousin Miss Norma Hunter of Whitby. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Henry and son, Alan, Albert Street, spent their holidays at Hastings, Ontario. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Henry and children, Carol and Jimmie, North Oshawa, spent their holidays at Clear Lake, Scotia, Ontario. Mr. and Mrs. William Demaray of London, Ontario, are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Herman J. Pincombe at Bonniebrae Lodge. Mrs. Howard Couch, Prince Street, has returned home after spending a holiday in Portage-la- Prairie, Manitoba. Mrs. Cora B. Real of Toronto is spending her vacation with Mrs. Fred Langmaid, Simcoe Street North. . Mr. and Mrs. Berwin Adams and family and Mr. and Mrs. Glen Taylor and family spent last week camping at Bobcaygeon. Miss Sara Middleton has re- turned home after spending her vacation with friends in Orillia and Caesarea. Mr. and Mrs. Everitt Fice and i [family spent two weeks at their S-12 _©.GEo. i WIFE PRESERVER When you make coleslaw try using half red cabbage for a pretty contrast. Seedless raisins and chopped red apples give a pretty and flavorful accent to the cabbage. cottage on Little Bob Lake near Bobcaygeon. Miss Shirley Hutcheon was 'a guest of Mr. and "Mrs. Arthur Hurst at their cottage on Shadow Lake, for two weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Dalby and family spent last week at a cot- tage on Belmont Lake near Have- lock. Erie and also visited relatives at Lucknow and Barrie. Master Wayne smith of Hamilton is spending his holidays with Mr. and Mrs. Carl Henry, North Osh- awa. Mrs. Freda Fleming, William | | Street East, had as her guest re- | cently, her niece, Miss Nancy | Churchill from Chatham, Ontario. | Miss Ann Fleming and Master | Freddie Fleming, William Street | East, are visiting their uncle and | aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Charles | Churchill, Chatham, for two weeks. | Mr. and Mrs. Fred Churchill, Roxborough Avenue, and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Churchill of Chat- trip through the Kentucky States. Mr. and Mrs. E. V. Cook and Mr. and Mrs. O. E. Cory have returned home after spending a pleasant holiday touring through northern Ontario. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Crawford, North Oshawa, motored around Lake Ontario going west first and returning by way of the Ivy Leaf Bridge and the north shore. Mr. and Mrs. David Hutcheon and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Craw- ford, North Oshawa, were recent guests at the home of Mrs. Harry Gifford, Athens, Ontario. Mr. and Mrs. John Bellingham and family, Simcoe Street North, motored to Syracuse and other United States places of interest in that vicinity. Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert Clarke, Oshawa Boulevard, and Mr. and DRAPES - CU ; VENETIAN SHADES Mode-to-Measure FREE ESTIMATES WARD'S Simcoe at Athol Dial 5-1151 to the federation of chefs. offering 3 racks of summer dresses, skirts, blouses, sweaters, jackets, etc., at drastic reductions. EVERYTHING MUST GO REGARDLESS OF PRICE! Most of these items are selling at less than Half price, Come in and see for yourself. Group No. This rack contains mostly maternity dresses, blouses, and odds and ends, all ot the ridiculously low price of only . ¢ 2.99 1 Heres a rack of half price ot . . ets, cotton dresses, skirts, etc., that in most cases have been cut to less than CHECK THESE FOR VALUES Group No.2 sweaters, Corduroy jack- . never Group No.3 These are better dresses and a few suits that were regularly priced as high as $29.50. This is an opportunity that you'll get again! Buy now at only . . \ $10.00 BLACK'S 72 SIMCOE STREET NORTH LADIES' WEAR DIAL 5-1912 J Mr. and Mrs. S..0. Plowright ford spent last weekend on a motor had an enjoyable trip around Lake [trip to Huntsville and Algonquin ham have returned from a motor |* Mrs. Arthur Holmes, Mary Street, have returned from vacationing at Sandy Beach, Fenelon Falls. The Misses Bernice Peebles, ean Winnacott and Doreen Craw- Park. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Faith and family, Russet Avenue, have re- turned home from a month's vaca- tion spent with Mr. Faith's parents Mr. and Mrs. William Faith at Richmond, Ontario. Miss Bonnie and Miss Betty Lytle have returned to their home on Victoria Road after having spent holidays with their grand- parents Mr. and Mrs. James Woolley. Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Peel and family with Mr. and Mrs. George Twine and family spent their vaca- tion at Highland Grove on Bap- iste Lake, in the Haliburton Dis- rict. Four friends, Alan Corbetf, Clif- ford Hayes, Dennis Pallister and John Kozak motored to Miami Beach for their vacation, spent al- most a week there and did some sight-seeing on the return journey. Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Bradbury and Mrs. Bradbury's mother, Mrs. Robert Knox, Simcoe Street South, have returned from an enjoyable holiday during which they visited Baltimore, Maryland; Washington, D.C. and Richmond, Virginia. John Knight, Canadian concert pianist gave a highly pleasing re- cital in Stratford last Thursday afternoon and chatting after the performance recalled the night he came to play in Oshawa when the worst snow storm of the win- ter was raging. Stratford was a likely place to run into friends this summer dur- ing the five-week Festival run. It was a pleasant surprise to be singled out of a crowd of 1,500 by Mrs. Warren Kirkpatrick and Miss Ruth Landers both formerly of Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. , Kirk- patrick are now living in Lynden, Ontario, and Miss Lander in Oril- lia. Both sent greeting to their friends in Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Bray- ford, Gibbons Street, are sp>nding their holidays in Atlantic City. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Langfield, Athol Street East, have returned from Hanover, Ontario, where they Huron and in Michigan were pick- ed up by the Border Patrol and made to retrace their steps Trans-Canada Highway to Banff, Alberta, and Field, B.C. ret through North Dakota, Minnesota, Wisconsin and Michigan. In Banff they witnessed the mi of the picture 'Saskatchewan' with Alan Ladd and Shelly Winters starring and jrom pom they auto. graphs. ey re enjoyal nights spent under the stars and through the courtesy of the mot- orists made the trip in 16 -days. visited their son, L Ray Langfield. : A motor tour through seven of the United States in four days is something of a record for Oshawa men. Mr. Donald Sager, his r, Mr. Garnet Sager and Mr. Ronald Bryant left Oshawa at 5 am. on Sunday and were home again last Wednesday night. They crossed into the U.S. via the Rainbow Bridge at Niagara Falls, and motored through Buffa- lo, New York; Cincinnati and Cleveland, Ohio; Louisville, Ken- tucky; into Indiana and back to Lexingtomr down to West Virginia and home again by way of Col- umbus, and Toledo, Ohio, and Michigan. They claim they even had time for sight-seeing and shopping. Mr. Noel MacDonald, Masson Street and Mr. Duane Richards of Toronto have returned from an en- joyable hitch-hiking holiday. They BETTER HEARING Zenith's famous after-purchase protection 3 MODELS, EACH *8 5 (Bone Conduction Devices at moderate extra cost) Zenith-wearers, by the tens of thou- sands, are now enjoying the happiness of hearing...with hourly operating cost as low as 14 of a cent! You get #0 much with a Zenith! Come in today for free demonstration . . . learn first- hand about Zenith's outstanding fea- tures and quality. ..get full details on fi 5-year after-purchase plan given to each Zenith buyer. 10-DAY MONEY - BACK GUARANTEE By Makers of . Zenith Television and Radio Sets IMPERIAL OPTICAL CO. LTD. ABOVE THE HOME DAIRY 22%; SIMCOE ST. SOUTH DIAL 5-1741 - LUCKY CLOVER WINNIPEG (CP)--Twelve-year- old Larry Karp claims to be more than twice as lucky as people who find four-leaf clovers. He says that while playing in his back yard, he discovered one with nine leaves, "and all on one stem." About 217,000,000 pi were dispensed by the Bri na- tional health service in 1952, new! single-sudsing 1.5 the shampoo specially made to preserve your permanent and protect your tint by RICHARD HUDNUT of Fifth Avenue KARN'S DRUG STORE 28 KING ST. E, DIAL 3-3428 So delicious as you shop... so convenient to take home When shopping hours lengthen out, it's important to refresh yourself now and then with a Coke. And take a carton home » « « young folks love it. ou? peli¢! ab: > buble carton 36° > "ua il NI. ping eS) DRINK oa TRADEMARK © {| IV BOTTLES | \ Including Federal Taxes, Ples deposit 2¢ por bottle, Authorized bottler of Coca-Cola under contract with Coca-Cola Lid. HAMBLY"S BEVERAGES 145 KING ST. W. - DIAL 3-2733 entered the United States at Port North Bay. They travelled gh |

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