Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily Times-Gazette, 19 Aug 1953, p. 7

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CROCHETED HAT This head-hugging wisp of a hat follows the vacation wardrobe rule of the 2 P's, packable and pretty. The hat is simply made of rounds of single crochet, usfag the thread double for extra body. Then the base is encrusted with tiny white flowers with rhine- stone centres. If you would like to have a leaflet with instructions for making this FLOWER- TRIMMED - HAT, just send a stamped, self-addressed envelope to the Needlework Department of this paper and ask for Leaflet No. C PC-6531 D. HALF-SIZF. MODEL 14Y2--24%2 By ANNE ADAMS Want something new and pretty? Sew this in a jiffy! It's propor- tioned to fit the short, fuller fig- ure--no alteration worries! Simple slimming lines with a collar that can match or contrast with the dress. Have it with or without sleeves. Pattern 4670: Half Sizes 14%, 16%, 18%, 20%, 22%, 24%. Size 16% takes 3% yards 39-inch. This pattern easy to use, simple to sew, is tested for fit. Has com- plete illustrated instructions. Send THIRTY-FIVE CENTS (35) in coin (stamps cannot be accept- ed) for this pattern. Print plainly SIZE, NAME, ADDRESS, STYLE NUMBER. Send order to ANNE ADAMS, care of The Daily Times-Gazette, Pattern Dept., Oshawa, Ontario. DOVER, England .(CP)--Experi- ments are being conducted here on the feasibility of linking French HOLLYWOOD HIGHLIGHTS The Cisco Kid Rides Again Thanks To Chil By BOB THOMAS HOLLYWOOD (AP) --Youthful TV-watchers will be happy to know that the Cisco Kid will be back in the saddle by next month. Duncan Renaldo, who plays Cisco, reported today he is making an amazing , recovery from the broken neck which almost crippled him for life. With a degree of sentiment, he attributes part of his progress to the prayers of thou- sands of his young fans. Renaldo was injured June 4 when a prop boulder rolled down a hill and struck him. Two verte- bae in his neck were dislocated and fractured,the disc crushed and the spinal cord distended. *'the doctor said if the cord had been displaced two millimetres more, it woul have been disastrous," he re- marked. The actor mow is getting around in a neck brace, and he said he will be able to resume shooting the Western Series by the middle of next mnoth. "The doctor is amazed," he said. "At first he said I would be in traction six weeks and a brace for eight months. I was in traction for only three weeks and he pre- dicts I will have recovered in three months. "It is the kids who have helped me. I have received over 17,000 cards from them, and nearly all ended with 'I will be praying for you.' Many of them sent me crosses and Jewish mezuzahs. Ever since I got out of traction, I have been dren's Prayers trying to answer every letter per- sonally." Renaldo takes his temporary set- back philosophically. He is alter- nately amazed and, happy at the new fame that TV has brought him. "I have been in Hollywood since 1926," he remarked, "and I have had my ups and downs. In 1931 fans tore the clothes off my back in Washington when'I was touring with 'Trader Horn.' Six months later, nobody cared if I was alive. "I have had success three or four times, but never have I known the amazing reaction that TV has brought. It is something entirely new in the entertainment business. When you enter people's | houses every week, you become a part of the family." Renaldo recognizes his obligation to his young audience. At his re- quest, toned down the violence in its films. "I hope some of the other West- ern series will follow suit. I saw one the other night that had seven murders in it. Why don't they use a little sense?" FORMER MLA DIES MONTREAL (CP) -Romeo For- tin, 68, former Liberal member of the Quebec legislative assembly for Chateauguay-Laprairie, died in hospital here during the week-end. Born at St. Remi de Napierville, Dr. Fortin was an MLA from 1940 to 1945. the Cisco Kid series has| and English power systems in a pool, which would allow power to be exchanged from one country te another as required during periods of peak consumption. 35-MM Cameras Best For Color Kodak Retina 11 -af2.0 lens 174.00 Kodak Pony 135 f4.5 lens 41.00 |Praktica (Single lens Reflex) 35 lens ... [cei Signet 3.5 Ektor lens $109.00 165.00 45.00 99.00 [Baldinette | 3.5 lens .... Super Baldinette 2.8 lens Canon IV £1.8 lens @ NWI HRIAS 28 King St. E. Diol 5-4621 'dence by CHILD GUIDANCE Wise Parents Do Not Enter Child | In School Below the Regular Age By G. CLEVELAND MYERS In' spite of the fact that most first grade classes are over-crowd- ed, many parents are pressing the school to admit children below the regular age for entrance; and all too often the school succumbs to pressure. y Even if the first grade class is small, the child entering it un- duly garly, will usually be harmed thereby. The bulk of objective evi- chool psychold@ists and casual observations of primary children, indicate that as a rule, it's better if a child enters school several months over age than'a month or two under age. Parents want their child to be- gin the first grade too soon for various reasons: He wants to go; they suppose he will be lonely, left at home; they fear he will miss out on a lot of experiences the older playmates have. And many parents suppose. their child is brighter than most other children are, regardless of the facts. Furthermore, some moth- ers, whether they work outside the home or not, think of the school as a parking place, for a child. Then some parents, seeing that their child has few or no playmates, think of early school- entrance as an advantage. Yet he's the very child the school will be calling "immature." As reading usually begins in the first grade, the too-young child will have unusual eyestrain. More- | over, follow-up studies have in- dicated that the child beginning | reading too early very often lags in reading then and later. But suppose your child is about to enter the first grade and is a very lonely, timid child. At any reasonable sacrifice, you should find ways to attract playmates of his age to your home, just one at a time and more later. Help him win more playmates. This may require a lot of parental skill and effort and at best, success may come slowly. Let me urge parents to attack For a pleasant climax to a family drive, you'll save more than enough to pay for your gas . . . BY SHOPPING AT GLECOFT'S IGA SUPER MARKET 174 Ritson Rd. South this problem of few or no play: mates when the child is only three or four, and' find ways to help him mix with other children long before he is old enough or school (My bulletins, "Tot Learn- ing to Be Sociable," and "Your Child and His Playmates,"' may be had by sending a self-addressed, stamped envelope to me in care of this newspaper.) Parents would be wise to abide by the school's regulation and ad- vice on when their child should enter the first grade. E.GEO.GREEN 5-28 . WIFE PRESERVER Don't put your children's toys which have plastic or rubber faces into the dryer after wash- ing. The heat may soften the plastic and rubber. Better wipe with a damp cloth, and when dry brush the stuffed plush bodies against the grain. Cleans on a cushion of air.. Vibrascloaning it's called . . . the enly cleaning principle that dislodges the. harmful grit which is embedded deep in the nap of your rugs. Plain suction annot do this, ne matter how power ful. Take the word of rug manufac turers, the cleaner fe protect your Open Every Evening until 10 p.m. WATCH FOR OUR IGA AD IN TOMORROW'S TIMES-GAZETTE They come from the east and they come from the west. They come from all 'streets afar to shop at our store. For values galore! In taxis, by bus end by car, Shop and Save Every Day at Our Everyday Low Prices! GLECOFF'S IGA SUPER MARKET 174 Ritson Rd. South I in rugs and furnishings is a Hoover. Come in and see the Hoover of your choice now. with a Your new Hoover comes complete with a handy kit of tools for all above-the-floor cleaning jobs AT MEAGHER'S DIAL 3-3425 | 5 KING ST. W. | " Bring him "on the double" with the grand aroma ofa Once the delicious aroma of Chase & Sanborn is beamed at his nose, you'll have him downstairs in a twinkle. It's the cheery call of a truly great coffee -- ? blended from the world's choicest aromatic coffees for nearly 100 years. Get a pound of Chase & Sanborn today. ase &- Cantor A the Haver SoU CP n hoklf " scrub such toys with a dry lather, | NONE has ever compared THE STARS SAY By ESTRELLITA FOR TOMORROW On this day the moon enters Capricorn, which makes it an ex- cellent period for "all household matters. Renovating and interior decorating plans started now should culminate most { opportunities which may come your THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE, Wednesday, Augdst 19, 1958 7 ters, social life and romance in the balance of 1953. Be alert to Skill has been a tradition with us for over a quarter of a century. LEWIS... OPTOMETRISTS 3 KING ST. E. DIAL 5-0444 way during December since, prop- erly grasped and handled, they can give you a magnificent start for 1954. A child born on this day will be courageous, ambitious and en- dowed with great personal charm. fully, and any purchases made for home use should prove satisfac- favored. During the evening hours you can gratify an inner desire for idventure by taking on an as- ignment or responsibility that will act as a challenge to your capa- bilities. Plan, for instance, on a large-scale social function or a program designed for community welfare. You'll not only enjoy the effort, but it may well bring about an increase in your personal pres- ige. FOR THE BIRTHDAY If tomorrow is your birthday, the months ahead should yield many unexpected surprises, espe- cially where work and opportuni. ties for travel are concerned. At the present time you may be ex- periencing some financial stress, but by mid-fall you should have conquered the monetary hurdles with less difficulty than you an- ticipate now. There is reason for great opti- mism in all of your affairs, for | your horoscope indicates success- ful, if not spectacular, results in | work, domestic and family mat- tory. Real estate matters are aiso| Be) Vanishing Cream Deodorant with CHLOROPHYLL Every day rub it in -- rub odor out! When the green color vanishes, the odor is gone. New Arrid with Chlorophyll deodorizes instantly on contact . . . gives you rubbed-in protection. Stops underarm perspiration 1 to 3 days--keeps underarms dry and odorless. Arvid with Chlorophyll is safe for nor- mal skin. Antiseptic. A smooth, pleasant vanishing cream. Preferred 2 out of 3 women over their regular deodorant. Get new Arrid with -staining chlorophyll! Approved American lasttute of Laundering "*ARRID with NON-STAINING CHLOROPHYLL Rub it in RUB ODOR OUT! When the green color vanishes ALL ODOR IS GONE! RICHARD HUDNUT and It's simpler than setting your hair" $1.75 Competitive Prices, Plus Personal Service & Reminders for Thurs, Fri. and Sat. I.D.A. BRAND SPECIALS Sold on a Money-Back Guarantee Boracic Acid ;;.. ., is Epsom Salts 16 oz., reg. 25¢ Idol-Agar ic, 59¢ 1.29 Mercurochrome 2 5: ™* Seidlitz Powders ,, Wild Strawberry REFRESHES / cooLS/ ALLEL] reg. 29¢ COMPOUND reg. 50c WILDROOT CREAM OIL In Bottles and Tubes Non-Alcoholic Contains Lanolin Grooms the Hair Relieves Dryness Removes Loose Dandruff You Need These For PRESERVING CERTO - for proper jelling ... 29¢ LINIMENT Is best for sore, aching muscles, says Gordie Howe. Also for cuts, ruises, rai athlete's RIS! ns PAROWAX sect bites, sunburn, | for air-tight sealing-- Adios, ...:. 98¢ 1 Ib. oe DY COMPLETE HAIR CARE 4 OUNCES $1.25 JAR RINGS 98c | Red rubber, box of 12 9¢ Solid Stickk . MAGNESIA 16 oz, reg. 35¢ 32 oz, reg. 60¢ 9c 9c LD.A. MILK of MAGNESIA TABLETS 100s, reg. 39c--33¢c; 300's, reg. 89c--&69% IT'S HERE! fabulous new LOTION SHAMPOO MAKES YOUR HAIR SUNSHINE BRIGHT! wnee sizes $1.25 - 756 - 45¢ NN ; "The Face-Elle in the Pink Box" HAY FEVER RELIEVERS Allergitabs ... $1.00, $2 Ciba's Pyribenzamine, 12's . ul » 9250, yw. Susnioney Face-Elle phazone Tablets .. $1.65, $2. Idaphedrin Aqueous Nose Drops . . . 73 phd Frosst's Yyrithen Compound Tablets 65¢, $1.90 I.D.A. Brand WAX PAPER 100-foot roll of heavy-grade paper in box with metal cutting edge. Reg. 34c 55¢ 28¢ 2 for ABSORBENT COTTON "VAL-U" BRAND -- HOSPITAL GRADE ONE POUND ROLL (Gross Weight) 89- POWELL'S DRUG STORE 35 SIMCOE ST. N. (Next to Loblaws) We Deliver KARN'S | MITCHELL'S DRUG STORE DRUG STORE (Next to Post Office) 28 KING ST. E. 9 SIMCOE ST. N. DIAL 3-3431 Prompt Delivery DIAL 5-4734 DIAL 3-4621

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