Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily Times-Gazette, 25 Jun 1953, p. 25

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MAPLE GROVE Big Attendace At Anniversary MAPLE GROVE Large érowds attended the anniversary services here ofi Sunday, June 21, when cal Weather prevailed throughout The ay closed shed was decorated for the occasion meémbers of the Sunday re seated on the platform. i speaker for the day v. H. C. Wolfraim, MA, BD, onte, a former pastor who to fie children in, Li ge aoa. on subject asure unt" My ne the fr A 18 5.0- ject was 'The Call of the Chureh". The members of thé school sing several selections and were assist- éd by Misses Ann and Ruth Wolf- I8im, twin daughters of Rev. and . Wolfraim. Ann atid Ruth sang ig Lr ul duets ll ME lex | of s Metcalf a Orono; sa a solo aftérioon and so at the |g a service with Ross at the | © piano. On Wednesday, June 24, the an- niversary will continued with a supper served in the shed. Otis Pritchard and sons, John and Peter, Manotick, have been er ied few days with pan bther, a Mr, and vey BW ittraim and daughiters, Ann and Ruth, Almonte, were entertained at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Freeman. MOUNT CARMEL Friends Mourn Sonya Youth MRS. WALTER i gre Cortes) EL = on MOUNT C @vening, June 21, ep eo of ty uly By great! 3 shock n fitws sprea ufitimely death o Tommy 14-year-old son William Page Uy a. aig Ms was drowiied in the swimming pool at Geneva Park. Where he and his nts; and brothers, Norman and 'ernon, were spending the after- noon. Mr. and Mrs. Page and their four sons lived in our commufity before taking up residence in Sonya tén years ago. Tommy attended Mount Carmel and was a great favorite with the rest of the pupils. His asant ways and happy smile will greatly missed by all who ed by all who knew him. The funeral was from the Luke- Mcintosh Funeral Home in Osh- awa on June 23. Tommy will rest in the Stone Church Crm '-=v, near Beaverton» The sympathy of our community is extended to ius s. ent and brothers, Norman, mon and Ross. Ver- Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. ' a. Hubbard, Ronnie a 2 gh. Fay, 24 NEL upd Gainer Sreht the He Neskead , and Mrs. Stan . and Mrs. Russell Cochrane i ae Bi C. Snowden | OTTAWA (CP)--You'd be wise to leave your sword at home on election day, Aug. 10, And that goes for firearms, bludgeons, staves or other weapons of po- tential intimidation. For years Canada's election law en a dim view of people carry around such offens sive iP when people go to the law doesn't sdy you can't rpy swords or other weapons pat I but it does say you can fined ig? and sent to prison for attended Cannington Fair on Wed- nesday last. Russell won . second prizé on both the teams he show- and Mrs. Fred Scheiderhau- Slee their daughters, Eleanor Elsie ii Gravenhurst re- f. and Mrs. Russ Merick and Lorraine of Uxbridge visited the latter's brother, Mr. and Mrs. S. Metherel and family, on Sunday. Sunday visitors with Mr. and gh! . Slute and family were and Mrs. A. Higgins, Robert ahd Ie of fufora, r. and Mrs, DeMille, any Dayid and Terry od Ay r. and Mrs. T. Slute and Marie of Scugog, Mrs. Lola McEachern and Bunny and Mrs. Helma McEachern and Mary Lee of Port Perry. Quite a number from this com- munity attended the decoration service in Pine Grove Cemetery, Prince Albert, on Sunday last. Lorne Duff of Shirley was a re- cent visitor at the home of Mr. Mrs. 'W. Slute. fi Gainer spent a few. days in Toronto last week with his par- ents, Mr. and Mrs, Jim Bulmer. Mr. H. Collett of Galt spent a few days last week at the home of Bi Saughter Mr. and Mrs. W. ute. Buttons and Bludgeons Banned In Vote Act two years if you're caught with | vy, them within half- -a-mile of a polling booth. If you're a st er in those particular parts, the full mile. It's part of the precautions taken to ensure that elections are orderly, fair and secret and that no voter ets coerced into voting a certain ay. LOT TO REMEMBER The Canada Elections Act has a lot Of other precautions, too. It says you can't wear a campai button or any other party emblem within eight ays of the election. ou ean't sell beer or liquor on election day. You can't use or get others to use "apy loudspeaker, bunting, ensign, banner, stand or any set of colors or any ot! flag. . . with intent that it shall be carried, worn or used on auto- mobiles, truéks or other vehicles as political propaganda' on tion day or the day before. You aren't allowed to bribe or threaten a voter. You're not su posed to try to get a ballot false pretences or to try to vote if you're disqualified. You're mot even supposed to heckle at a political meeting with {stance is a €elec- THE DAILY TIMES-GAPETTE, Thursday, June 3, 1083 "SAVE WHILE SHOPPING!" YES . IT'S A PROVEN FACT YOU SAVE EVERYTIME YOU SHOP AT PENNYWORTH'S STORES DEPT. 454 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH 21 BOND ST. WEST FRIDAY " OPENING. HOUR SPECIALS % 0 AM. TO 10:30 A.M. AVAILABLE AT BOTH STORES AVAILABLE AT BOTH STORES AYAILABLE AT BoTH STORES BOYS' SANFORIZED SHORT-SLEEVE SPORT SHIRTS Sizes 2 to 51 ¢ Ideal fot suiimer wear. 6x. Reg. $1.29. Men's First Quality Sanferized Broadcloth Windsor Collar DRESS SHIRTS Naime Brand. Sizes 14 - 17. Colours blue, grey; 3.95. white. Regular to (2 to a customer only) :... Hy GIRLS' ENGLISH COMB. Cotton Inlerlocked T-SHIRTS Sizes 8 to 12. Colours white ond "intent to prevent the tr of business." As for the candidates themsélves they have their own list of dont's. They can make all the promises | they want to orally but they can't | sign an election promise. If elected, they must turn in statements show- ing where they got their campaign funds and how they were spent. All these dont's are backed up by penalties which usually can be as bad as a term in prison. Most of them never get used. But they're in the law. DUNSCROFT, England (CP)-- Joseph Duddington, who died in this Yorkshire town at age 76, had set a record in 1938 by operating a locomotive with seven coaches # PLUS... at a speed of 125 miles an hour. YOU GET SERVINGS IN EVERY 8 QT. BAG CRYSTAL CLEAR JACOBEAN TUMBLER Dicnies, outings and holiday ong call fo _-- == {ose C3 | 8 = SE ---- it Your favourite grocer is featuring good things to eat that go so well with ice-cold Coca-Cola. So when you shop for supplies, be sure to buy several cartons of Coke, 6 bottle carton 26° lnclodiog Federal Taxes, Pls deposit 2c por bottle, Authorized bottler of Coca-Cola under contract with Cocn-Cola Lid; HAMBLY'S BEVERAGES 145 KING ST. W. suka" bo © registered bade h. DIAL 3-2733 o her - NYLO-GABARDINE * Reg, 11.95 each .... 6. WOMEN'S WASHABLE PRINT House Coats and House Dresses Slightly S30 er-solled. Srokan sizes. Reg. from 99. OR SW WOMEN'S SHOWER CAPS Banded Rubber Cdps &- Woinen's IM 51-gauge, 400 needle First Quality Full-Fashioned NYLONS 15 denier. seamless nylons. Sizes 814 to 11 Regular 1.29 LADIES' LADIES' Holiday Denim quality. 2 1st side ckets, Backs zipper. izes 12 to Regular 1.98 1st quality, Sizes SM.L. 100% Nylon GIRDLES Regular 3.95 1.65 WOMEN'S 'Helen Morgan' Sanfotized oon 10 ered. Sith rg pA 20 2.98 Ladies' COTTON HALF SLIPS eyelet Reg. 99- Sonforized Sanforized Eylet CAMISOLES Sizes 32 - 38 Reg. 1.98 99. embroid- Sizes SM.L. 1.98 ~ SAVINGS THAT YOU CAN'T AFFORD TO MISS LADIES' SILK BATHING SUITS Beautifully styled, elosticized back --all sizes. Reg. 6.50 LADIES' KRISKAY GAPS--4 pas- tol shades. All sizes. Reg. 1.00 LADIES' Peay SKIRTS -- 4 stunning shodes. Sizes 1.99 12 to 20. Reg. 2.98 .. LADIES' STRIDES--Belted, triple 72 1015, Rog. 8.95 4.88 LADIES' 15T-QUALITY COTTON SLIPS -- 1:year guarantee for satisfactory weer. Sizes 32 to 42. Regular ALL - WOOL CARDIGANS -- 2 styles, cable stitch and batwing. 2.49 6 colors, Sizes 12 to 20. Reg. 3.98 Men's Heavy-Duty JEANS, 7V4-0x. denim rivet reinforced 2 5 1 ] TRICOT NYLON BRIEFS -- Em- broidered sides. Regular 1.49 Sizes 30:44. Reg. 4.95 Men's Senforized BOXER SHORTS Small, medium, large © © | Reg. 89¢ BOYS' BROADCLOTH FRONT KNITTED BACK BRIEFS, Sizes 4 to 12. c Reg. 59¢ ...,........ 9 3 FOR 1.00 KIDDIES' CAMP SUITS -- Blue and yellow. Sizes 1.48 2t0 6. Reg. 1.95 ... CHENILLE CRIB SPREADS -- 4 BOYS' STRIPED T-SHIRTS made FIRST QUALITY NYLONS -- Fully Guaranteed MEN'S IMPORTED ALL - WOOL SPORTS JACKETS -- -1 8. 95: ot 2-ph 49e BOYS' ALL- LEATHER BELTS -- rT ARRIVED! THOSE FAMOUS LADIES' REVERSIBLE COLORED DUSTER COATS--Reg. 10.95 MULTI- . 5.95 COTTON ""T" SHIRTS -- Sizes S, M, L. Colors: yellow, white, grey. Subs CELLO WRAPPED COLORED 5.49 SHEETS -- 81 x 90. Reg. 7.95 MEN'S HANDKERCHIEFS, Large size. Hemstitched. 99 LADIES' and shad LADIES' BLUE AND BLACK JEANS -- Sizes 12 to 2 1) [] Reg. 5.95 NYLON BLOUSES -- Large assortment, various styles Reg. 2.00 value. Doz. * 49: MEN'S BRIEFS AND TOPS Sizes 5, M, L. Reg. 98¢c . MEN'S REVERSIBLE JACKETS -- The 2-way jacket all men want. RAYON BEDSPREADS 80 x 100 Made of corduroy ond fine pin- check material, Reg. 19.95 69° | Regular 89 1.50 . sors PENMAN SRILES AND -- Sizes 4 to 14. Reg. 79¢ 49¢ Boge Playflex RUNNING SHOES --By Bote. Sizes 1.00 . BOYS' BOYS' KNEE PANTS -- Made of strong sonforized cotton. Sizes 2 to 6. Reg. 2.50 GLEN CHECK PATTERN. Sizes 4 ond 6. Reg. 1.95 9 BABY'S PLASTIC PANTS had Beautiful 1 14 = pattern, Reg. 3.95 . . . QUILTED COTTON BABY PADS, 9 Reg. 95¢ THOSE FAMOUS CURITY DIA- PERS -- 1st quality. 4.95 Reg. HOSPITAL DIAPERS --Reg: 50c 26+ FANCY KNIT CARDIGANS -- Sizes 4-6 69- KIDDIES' SUN SUITS -- Save 25 to 50% on preview of this Sum- mer's styles. 49- 19 KEEP THE NIDDIES HAPPY, AND AROUND THE HOUSE WITH A VINYL WADING POOL Comes with 3 plastic Fish, fishing rod and hook, repair kit, in- floating air adapter. Size 40" x 40". Reg. 2.88 Safe for the © we No 98e. UNBREAKABLE RUBBER PAILS edges or hooks. Reg. 39: DOUBLE BOYS' kiddies Sturdy, sharp KNEE JEANS sanfor- ized, zipper clos- ure. Sizes 6 to 12. Reg. 2.95. 1.99 CHILDREN'S oi id BOYS' RAYON GABARDINE LONGS Finest quolity gobar- dine with double pleats, zipper fly, cuffs, 5. pockets. In blue, navy, teal, toupe and brown. Sizes 24- 34. Regulor value 3.98. Pair 1.87 Fine quality shivks, In plain scemic fronts. orew neck. SHIRTS combed cotton, and jersey "T" Neat In blue, white end yellow. Sizes 2 to 6. Reg. volue 98¢. 43 FIRST-QUALITY SATIN SWIM SUITS Skirted back, white trim, elastici- zed back, 3 stun- ning shades. Sizes 2 to 6. Reg. $2.98. or and 80 NYLON & WOOL BLANKETS First quality, long- wearing grey wool blankets, woven from 20% nhylon for extra wear. Reg. 5.95. 3.75 Priced from For those cool night in the city or coun- try. Boys' striped flannelette PYJAMAS 4 shades. Sizes 8 to 14. Reg. 3.59. 2.47 % wool yarn sturdy 'YOU ARE INVITED TO OPEN A CHARGE OR BUDGET ACCOUNT DON'T PAY A DIME . PAY IT ALL ON TIME! MEN'S DRESS TROUSERS One of the most satisfactory suitings to weer. 4 shades. Reg. 7.95. ig Knit from nylon MEN'S NYLON COTTON SHIRTS combed yarns and reinforced. White only. Sizes S, M, L. Reg. 1. MEN'S fine der jersey silk shirts with Sizes S-M-L. 00 12.49, SPORT SHIRTS Cool, easy to laun- sleeves. Six shades. 1.49 sport short SAVE oN MEN'S SOCKS 12 brands--30 pat- terns. All first qual ity. 39:n 129 MEN'S Poplin- Lightweight Gabardine In sand only. Sizes 38, 40, 42, Reg. 4.75 MEN'S OUTDOOR SHORTS Poplin Gabardine! Zipper, belted. 30 to 42, You'll Regular 2.98 1.99 Men's Gabardine STROLLER JACKETS ing this sports, motoring or plain relexing. ice jend, Smoky Grey. Yipes 3 4.75 KIDDIES' FANCY KNIT _ANKLETS enjoy wear- relaxable, jacket for Sizes 614 to 8 Regular 29¢ «$1 of Summer- to 42. Rey. THESE PRICES WILL AMAZE YOU!! ALL-WOOL BLANKETS -- Sizes 60" x 80". ALL - LINEN TABLECLOTHS -- Different shades 50" x 50". Reg. 2.49 PLASTIC SHOWER CURTAINS-- 72" x 72", Reg. 2.95 SIR STUNNING CAMP SUITS eautiful shades. 1 29 COLORED BORDERED PILLOW CASES. 4 shades. Reg. 95¢ ... CHENILLE BATH MAT SETS -- 7 beautiful shades. Reg. 3.95 AMERICAN COTTON TABLE CLOTHS -- Beautiful pat- 79¢ terns end shades. Reg. 1.29 ARCTIC FLANNELETTE BLAN- KETS. 1st quality. Size 70 x 84, Reg. 6.95. Pr. 4.38 7. LARGE - SIZE CANNON TOWELS --Regular 2.98, COTTON TEA TOWELS--Various stripe Reg. 19¢ Reg. 2.50 GIRLS' SLEEVELESS BOLD STRIPE | T-SHIRTS -- 4 shades. 4 to 8. Reg. 1.50 Sms SEERSUCKER PYJAMAS-- shad SNOW WHITE COTTON SHEETS ro vibla ped size. acl CELLO - WRAPPED PEPPERELL SHEETS -- 81 x 99 Reg. 9.95. Peir WABASSO PILLOW CASES -- (family). PILLOWS -- KAPOK PILLOWS -- FEATHER . .. wn 1 49 60% WOOL, COMFORTERS-- Reg. 7.95 J" 2.49 Sizes 8 to 14 Reg. 2.98 yo PLASTIC TABLE CLOTH--Water- COMIC BOOKS -- Latest out. Reg. 10¢ proof and crack-proof. 4 attrac. tive shades. Sizes 54" x 72", Reg. 98¢ KIDDIES' ELASTIC TOP SANFOR. ized Jeans. Rivet reinforced at points of strain. Sizes 2 to 6x. Reg. 1.95 Sizes | | Sizes 2 to 6x. GIRLS' NYLON SOCKEES -- 7 stunning shades. | Reg. 89¢ GIRLS' JEAN SETS -- Sanforized. 2.49 GIRLS' PEDAL PUSHERS. Made of 4 stunning pastel shades of sanforized denim. Sizes gf I: ) 12 to 18. Reg. 3.95 . GIRLS' STRIDES -- 3 shades, lap Reg. 3.95 ...... bis {- | Reg, 4.95 seams. Sizes 6 to 12. ® SATISFACTION GUARANTLED OR PENNYWORTH'S DEPT. MONKEY REFUNDED @ 21 Bond St. W. Dial 5-4313 'STORES 454 Simcoe St. 8. - Dial 5-5505

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