46 THE. DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE, Tuesday, June 28, 1953 The Vere First Time You Try Times Ads You'll See Why People Rely On Them Mrs. L - Leslie St. Rented Her Room From The Economical Ad. For Results Like This, Phone 3-2233 >= FURNISHED ROOM, LAby OR GEN- (138¢c) tleman. $6 per wi Street. Business -- Professional DIRECTORY la--Accountants, Chartered MONTEITH AND MONTEITH, CHAR- tered Accountants, 37 King St. E., Dial 5.4662. R. Gordon, W. Riehl, CA, Resi- dent Partner. (July?) 2--Auditors ACCOUNTANTS, AUDITORS, § T. HOP: Kins, Certified General Accountant. 172 King St. East. Dial 5-3509. (July?) 3---Barristers | LOUIS S. HYMAN, QC, BARRISTER, etc., Alger Bidg., 37 King East. Mortgage Loans Arranged Phones: Of fice. 3-4843; Residencq 5-0254. ANNIS, JONES AND CAMERON, 18% King Street East. Dial 3-2269. Ralph S. Jones, B.A., John A. Cameron, B.A. Money to loan. Jy) HUMPHREYS & BOYCHYN, BARRIS ters, solicitors, 6 King West. Phones: Office 5:1177; Residences 5-4604, Whitby 2761. Money to loan. (Julyl) GIBBON & BASTEDO, BARRISTERS a Solicitors. Clients' funds available for first mortgages. 20 Simcoe St. N. Phone 53566. Charles C. McGibbon, QC, Edgar F. Bastedo. (June24) CONANT AND CONANT. BARRISTERS and Solicitors, Roger G. Conant. B.A.. oifices: Oshawa, Ont., 7/2 Simcoe St. S. ax, Qnt., Phone 25. Dial 32227: Aj WIy13) | CONCRETE FOUNDATIONS, 8--Building Trades 14--Instruction ~ CONCRETE WEEPING AND CUL- vert tile. Dial 5-4052. (July6) INTERIOR AND EXTERIOR PAINT- nd free Dial LEARNING TO DANCE IS EASY AND fun at the Oshawa Studio of Dancing, 47 Brine St. Dial 5-0841 or Residence 5-1 Jly10) ing a 3-9313. Jly10) SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED HE SANI- tary way. Dial 5-3986. FOR SIDEWALKS, CURBS, CEMENT, porchs, etc. Dial 5-1474 evenings. (July8) YOUR LOCAL PAINTER BY CON- associated subjects. (July2) | school classes "begin any Monday. Osh: awa Business College. Dial 5-4343. § COURSES IN STENOGRAPHY, comptometry and writing, accounting, Day and night (June22) GUITARS SUPPLIED. KEEP THEM home. Yours on completion. Free trial lesson. Bell's Hawaiian kphone at 5-0251. ly) hool. Leave fast or by the hour, reasonable rates. . J. Howard. Dial 3-8700. (Jne22) J. H. HENDERSON--CONCRETE AND cinder blocks, large stock on hand. Dial 3-4412, Uly12) BLOCKS LAID. DIAL 34864 OR 5-4891. (1456) WATER WELLS DRILLED, 6", 5" AND 4" casing, $5 per ft. Phone 5-5007. (July18) FIRST-CLASS BLOCK LAYING, 15c A block. Dial 3-8165. (July23) FLOORS, walks, porch and driveways. Free esti- mates. Workmanship guaranteed. Wm. Sorochan, dial 3-4842 after 6, please. (Jly23) BLOCKS LAID, SIDEWALKS, garage floors, 'footings, etc., poured. Phone 5-4040. (Jne23,25,27) DO YOU HAVE TO KEEP YOUR WIN- CEMENT McMURTRY Sts. Phone 3-9841. 15--insurance INSURANCE, FIRE, auto, burglary, life. (Rep., Imperial Life) -- 21 King West. Dial 3-3722. Jiyl?) PRUDENTIAL OF ENGLAND ASSURANCE COMPANY is Jeprosented in Oshawa and District by FRANK E. TURNEY, C.L.U. 47 PRINCE STREET -- DIAL 5-0832 Life, Fire and Auto Insurance Overseas policies given special attention (June29) 18--Lost & Found LOST -- RED AND WHITE TRICYCLE, large size, vicinity Brock and Colborne (144c) dows closed because of screen trouble? If so call us for free estimates and screening of your choice. All work guar- anteed. Orders will be filled in order LOST -- SUNDAY AT CEDAR GLEN, lady's white gold watch. Reward. Dial 5-5400. (145¢) received. All types of carpentry work done, new and remodelling. Phone 5 9650, W. S. GREER, QC, BARRISTER, Solicitor, etc., € King Street East. Dial 5.4717. Residence 3-4759. John M. Greer, B.A., St. Resident 5-3368. Jly10) Z T. SALMERS, B.A, BAKRISTER, Sulicitor, etc., 32% Smee Stren J North, 3741, residence Dial: office 5 34 bh JOSEPH P. MANGAN, Q.C., BARRIS ter, Solicitor. Money to loan. Office 14% King Street East, Oshawa. Dial 3-8232. Kesidence, Dial 5-3405. (Julyl) ERNEST MARKS, BARRISTER, SO- licitor, 11 Ring East, Room 2. Dial Office 3-42!1, Residence 3-4325. (Julyl) A. J. PARKHILL AND J. A. YANCH, Barristers, Mortgage loans, National Housing Act loans, 26 Simcoe North. Dial 3-4619. Res. 3-2417. Jy) MANNING F. SWARTZ BARRISTER, Solicitor, Notary. Money to loan. Bas- sett Block, Suite No. 4. Dial 3-4697. Residence 3-4029. yl) CREIGHTON, FRASER AND DRYNAN, Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries, Bank of Commerce Bldg., 5 Simcoe St. N. Dial 3.3446. T. K. Creighton, qc, N. C. Fra- ser, QC, G. K. Drynan, G J Murdoch 4--Chiropodists LOST--TWO GOLD LADIES' watches, ward, Phone Ajax 683. (146¢) WRIST at Chalk Lake, Sunday. Re- PLASTERING Cornice work a specialty. Ce- ment work. Painting and dec- orating, interior-exterior. All LOST -- WALLET ON THOMAS ST. on Sunday, wallet containing identifica- tion papers. Lodge, Whitby, Mr. L. G. Sproul. (1 Finder leave at Fairview 46a) work carried out by first-class tradesmen. Call the Scottish Plasterers, for free estimates. 19--Money To Loan DIAL 5-3262 +(July13) Roofing, insul-bric, all types of masonry. Fireplaces, sidewalks, chimneys, blocks. stucco, Estimates Cheerfully Given GORDON MAY Dial 3-9911 Pre-Cast Concrete SEPTIC TANKS Delivered and instal led Sizes 300 gallons and up BROOKLIN CONCRETE PRODUCTS Brooklin -- Phone 1 55 (July19) JAMES A. BRITTAIN, DOCTOR Ror Xx h and leg ray diagnosis. ie 2 y 47 Prince Dial 5-5621. ri 5--Dentists PETER E. WILLSON, DENTIST, OSH- awa Clinic. Hours 9 to 6 daily 'Saturday mornings. Dial 3-8632 or 3-3782. (JlyD) C. R.. COLLARD, DENTIST, 24% SIM- coe N. Hours: 9 to 6 daily. Saturday mornings. Dial 5-4832. (Jne24) 6--Nursing Services MIDDLE GREEN VILLA REST HOME. Phone Bowmanville 2974. Vacancies, men and women. Good care. (Jlyl9) 7--Optometrists C. H. TUCK, OPTOMETRIST, DISNEY Building, opposite Post Office. Daily 9- 5; Mon., Wed., and Fri. evenings, 7-9. Contact lenses "and pigstic eyes. Dial 5- 6143. yl) 7a--Surveyors G. T. HORTON, ONTARIO LAND SUR- veyor, Civil Engineer, Woodhouse Crescent, Ajax. Phone UTR, Ajax. (Jun27) | DONEVAN AND RICHARDS, ONTAR- fo Land Surveyors, and professional en- gineers. 215 King St. E. Phone 350. 8--Building Trades EAVESTROUGHING FREE ESTI- mates. Guaranteed work. Dial 5-1286. Murray Holiday. Jly22) CHIMNEYS AND FIREPLACES Sule and estimates. rt Lou Rasicott 5-1474 after 6. Jy3) ALTERATIONS AND REMODELLING, BULLDOZING EXCAVATING GRADING SAND and GRAVEL Prompt Service LILLEY BROS. OSHAWA DIAL 5-4902 (June2?) 8a--Sharpening Serv lpraz 5-6169 FOR YOUR CHILDREN'S MONEY TO LOAN ON CENTRAL Oshawa property, $10,000 upward pre- ferred. Phone 3-2612. (1420) FIRST AND SECOND MORTGAGES, Sale Agreements purchased and sold. Hennick & Hennick, Barristers, 31 King St. E. Dial 3-7232, (June26tf) REAL ESTATE MORTGAGES BOUGHT or arranged. North Shore Realty Com- pany Limited, 112 Simcoe St. North, Oshawa. Dial 5-3568 (Julyl) CLIENT'S MONEY TO LOAN ON first mortgages. Mortgages and agree- ments for sale purchased on favorable terms. Creighton, Fraser & Drynan, Canadian Bank of C ce Ch (June2?) CLIENTS' MONIES AVAILABLE FOR first and second mortgages. Mortgages and agreements for sale purchased. N.H.A. and Builders' Loans arranged. Apply--M. F. Swartz, Barristers &c., 3 Simcoe St. S., Oshawa. Dial 3-4697. Wy 20--Personal FAIRY VISTA, HUNTSVILLE -- HEAT- ed houseke~ping cottages, cabins, hydro, sand beach, screened verandahs, very reasonable rites. Write above address for folder. (TuesJly?) READ THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE UMMER RESORTS ADVERTISEMENTS «Photo Courtesy of Ontario Department of HIGH Pauls CABINS--COMPLETELY running water, I mattresses, sandy beach, fishing, boating. Write Mrs. B. Flumer- felt, Bracebridge, Ont. (Tues.,Jly28) HOUSEKFEFING COTTAGES -- BULL Luke, good fishing, boat, ice included, $30. weekly Charles Wilson, 182 Mulock Ave., Toronto. (Tue.,June23) HALIBURTON COTTAGES SANDY beach, ice, boats, till Augusct 1. After August 15. A. Recalla. 35-6416. (Tue..J1y28) HALIBURTON, QUIET HOUSEKEEP- ing cottages, sandy beach, hydro, store, trout, bass fishing. Redstone Lake area. Folders, C. Lynn, West Guiiford, 'Ont. (Tues..June3)) BEAVERTON -- FAMILY COTTAGES, equipped except linen and silverware. Fishing, swimming, boats, $25. Mrs. M. Sampson, Holiday Inn, R.R. 1, Brechin. (Tues. ,J1y28) LAKE OF BAYS, HOUSEKEEPING cottages. Snack bar, shopping centre, flush toilets, safe beach, fishing. May 15 to Thanksgiving. Glen Manor, Dwight, Muskoka. (Tue.,June23) FOR RENT -- THREE HOUSEKEEP- ing cottages on beautiful Mork Lake. Highlands of Haliburton, write Mack Peters, Highiand Grove for particulars. (Tue.,Jly14) GEORGIAN BAY NEAR MIDLAND, furnished cottages. Fifteen to thirty-five dollars weckly, safe bathing beach, fishing. Folders, Walter Farle, Box 808, Newtonbrook, Ont. (Tues.,June23) GRAYMOORE HOUSEKEEPING COT- tages, Haliburton Highlands. Good fish- ing, swimming, safe beach. Write John Gray, Graymoore Cottages, R.R. 1 Norland, Ontario. (Tue..June23) BONNIE VIEW HOUSEKEEPING COT- tages. River Trent, half mile from town. Electricity, running water, safe beach, fishing, boats. Thos. Craighead, Campbellford. (Tue. ,Jly21) FISHERMAN'S PARADISE, BASS. pickerel, trout fishing. Furnished cot- tages, 218 week, boat, ice supplied. In- formation folders, D. MacPherson, Wil- son, Ont. (Tue.,Jly21) HOUSEKEEPING COTTAGES AND moderna cabins on Trent River, May to bet. For reservation, write Tren- SPENCER INDIVIDUALLY DESIGNED supports for style comfort and health. Guaranteed fittings. Registered corset- jerre. Mrs. Irene Hendershot, 208 Park Rd. N. (July1l) Ontario. (Tue.,June23) STURGEON LAKE, 'KENSTONE Beach, housekeeping cottages, accom- dat: 4, boat, $25. Open week end. tonia Camp, Hastings, GOING OUT? WE HAVE EXPERI enced baby-sitters, reliable middle- aged women. Phone Baby-Sitters Club, 5-4310. Mrs. Weeks. Uy?) LEAVING FOR NEW BRUNSWICK July 8, room for 3 passengers. Dial 3-4300. (146d) ATTENTION---LAWN MOWERS PRE- (July20) AUTOMATIC Aw FILING, SETTING retoothing a mming. All types of etc., shar- DRIVE WANTED TO LEASIDE DAILY. Leaving 7, returning 5. Dial 5-211 T1400) 20q--Cartage WE MOVE ALMosT ANYTHING ANY- 21. time. Dial 5- (July3) saws a shears, pened. Stan's Sharpening ce, King West. (22tf) 21 Personal Service V. A. Tullett, 6 Freem Ave., Toronto 13. (Tue.,Jly7) GEORGIAN BAY, PENETANG -- Double housekeeping cabins, fully equipped, hydro, private beach. 5-3660, write F. Philips, 57 Buckingham Ave., Oshawa. (Tue.,Jlyl4) SIX POINT LODGE ALONE ON beautiful Silent Lake, bass, trout, pick- erel. Excellent food and accommoda- . Folder, Bancroft, Ont. tion. I 1Tue.,June23) CRYSTAL SPRINGS LODGE, BON- field, Ont. Equipped housekeeping cot- tages with propane and hydro. Boats, motors, guides, baits. Folders, Write Hank Walbridge. (June16,23,30-J1y7) HOUSEKEEPING CABINS AND COT- tages. $18 up weekly. Good swimming, fishing, safe beach. Write Island View Cabins, Hastings, Ontario. (Tuve.,Jly21) JENORA BUNGALOWS HOUSE- keeping cottages for rent on Mary Lake, Muskoka. Write F. W. Jennings, Box 541, Huntsville. (Tue.,June23) ORILLIA -- MAPLE LEAF COTTAGES on Lake Simcoe. Swimming, fishing, ight housekeeping, electricity, flush toilets. Write R. Rees. (Tue.,June23) FURNISHED COTTAGES--ELECTRIC- ity. Open May 15th to October 15. Apply James Dunn, Trent River, Ont. Reason able rates. (Tue. Jlyl4) HOUSEKEEPING COTTAGES ~--- CHE- mong Lake, near Fowlers Corners, 8 miles from Peterborough. Spring mat- tresses, A. Brotherstone, 562 Waterford St., Peterborough. {Tue..June30) GLEN AIRD RESORT -- HOUSEKEEP- ing cottages, beats, good fishing. Rates to fit every budget. A holiday you'll remember. B. J. Snider, Griffith. (Tue.,June30) LAVOY'S TOURIST HOME AND CAB- ins, boats, good fishing in York branch river. R. G. Lavoy, Boulter, Ont. (Tues.,July28) RED ARROW COTTAGES, CHANDOS Lake, 40 miles from Peterborough, completely furnished 2 and 3 bedroom A few good 9--Business Opportunities GARAGE, SERVICE STATION AND house combined, or will sell bus line. EXCELLENT WASHING AND SIMONIZ- ing cars, Phone Ajax 682 day or night. (146b) Ted Houck. Phone 68, Uxbridge. (1462) BEAUTY SHOP FOR BALE IN A MACHINE SHOP WORK. print. SMALL parts made to order. Sample or blue- Apply P.O. Box 309, Ajax. adn thriving Sommunly. Fifteen miles from Oshawa. Write Box 402, Times-Gazette. / (1446) MEATS, GROCERIES, ETC. LARGE Other lerests force to sell. Apply 583 yet Street. (1406) SMALL GENERAL INSURANCE BUSI- ness for sale. For full particulars write Box 414, Times-Gazette. (146¢c) LADIES' WEAR SHOP, IN GOOD LO- cation. Write Box 413, 'Times-Gazette. (1466) 11--Dressmaking attics and kitchen cabinets built and installed; general repairs. Flor, and Fal sling. Work guaranteed. arks a (July9) NEW PLASTZRING AND REPAIRS, archways, Teiacasiling, water ony 8912. A. apd PhO) clothes made from new ma- terial, or made over from your clothes. Jy19) 11a--Tailoring TOP TOWN TAILORS SPECIALIZE IN ladies' and finest FRAMES, DOQRS,~ WINDOWS _ AND North. (June23) . Tiling kitchen, bathroom. All work Free 12--Gardening & Supplies Alex ye Moders Woodworking Shop. Phone 3- (June29) GENERAL GONTRACTOR_OPEN FOR s, stores, brick, block, cement work, septic tanks so forth. Phone Ajax 19wl. (June2?) YOUR LOCAL ROOFER--SHINGLING, insul-bric, flat roofing, flashing, eaves- troug! Free stim gales, guaranteed, Terms. H. Tucker. Dial (June29) WALL AND FLOOR TILES LAID, cupboards made 'to measure. Collect Bowmanville 2753. Julyll) CEMENT SIDEWALKS, STOOPS AND giivéways: etc. Also cellars, stucco fin- Weeks, phone 3-8453. (June20) PLUMBING AND HEATING PIPES, fittings, fixtures, new and used. Instal- lations at reasonable prices. Dial 5- \4241. (Jly10) EAVESTROUGHING, ROOFING AND chimney repairs. Dial 3-4373. Jly1l) PAINTING, CARPENTRY AND ALL odd jobs, satisfactory work. Dial 3-8329. (June20) INTERIOR AND EXTERIOR PAINTING and decorating. Gardens cleared and cul- tivated. Free estimates; all work carried out by experts at low prices. Call or write Thom, 135 Simcoe Street North. Dial 3-2551. (July10) CARPENTRY SERVICES AVAILABLE, cupboards, roofing and remodelling. Also contracting for new homes, all or part. Layout assistance for people building own homes. Phone 35-0650. (JulylD) FILL FOR SALE, LARGE OR SMALL Also fill © d. Dial 5-3422. (July10) CARPENTER WORK ALTERATIONS, a ds. F' sti Ask about time payment plan. Jas. Clarke-- Dial §- 1754. (June29) BUILT uP R oc OFS, ASPHALT, s.ngle, eavestroughing. Apply J. R. Pigden, 319 Gibbs Ave. Phone 5-3224. Jly9) BRICK AND BLOCK LAYING PLASTERING AND GENERAL CEMENT WORK Prompt service. Call for esti- mates. LILLEY'S BROS. OSHAWA ~-- DIAL 5-4902 (June2?) PRIVET HEDGE, 18" - 24" HIGH. IM- mediate delivery, $25 per 100 plants. Dial 3-8908 Oshawa. (Junel2) CUSTOM GARDENING DONE BY Roto-tiller. Dealer for roto-hoes and roto-tillers -- Harold McDiarmid; 304 Bloor West. Dial 3-7901. (Jne2s) sodding, stock and quality work- manship on stone retain- For nursery ing walls, flagstone walks and rockeries, GARDEN FURNITURE and LAWN ORNAMENTS Made to order. Reasonable prices -- best materials and workmanship. DIAL 3-4741 (July18) PHONE 5-5854 DON SMITH FOR ° CORONET T.V. SAVINGS -- SERVICE GUARANTEED (July15) Let us thoroughly CLEAN -- Your -- Venetian inds DIAL 5-0858 SO-BRITE VENETIAN BLIND LAUNDRY (July2) Hillside Nursery 22--Radio Repairs EXPERT RADIO REPAIRS, AERIAL phone 5-2744. Clare and Allan Shank. (July10) 13--Household Repairs CHESTERFIELDS REBUILT, RECOV- ered. Like new. Why pay more? Our rates are reasonable. Satisfaction guar- anteed. Mattresses rebuilt. Oshawa Up- holstering Co., 10 Bond St. West. Dial 5-0311. Jly10) REPAIRED AND RE- sales and service. Phone 3-3043. an Parkway Television. Jly16) RADIO SERVICE Car installation, small appli- ance repair. Ten years' ex- perience. Same day service. DIAL 5-4311, 102 WILSON RD. SOUTH OPEN DAY & EVENINGS Wy12) FURNITURE upholstered. See our materials for re- covering. Bruce R. Dalton, 75 Charles St. Dial 3-7212, (July3) 23--Women's Column 14--Instruction ENROLL NOW CLUB CABS DRIVING SCHOOL Dual control for your MACHINELESS PERMANENTS, 3-2651. bon St. SPECIAL---PERMANENTS $450 UP. 5-5363. PRENTICE'S BEAUTY PARLOR---NEW location, 72 Church St. Opening Special: $3.50 up; Cold Wave, $5 up. Guaranteed. Dial Clarke's Beauty Shop. 182 Gib- (Jly15) 396 Pine Ave. Dial Page Hairdressing, 5 (June29) $10 cold wave for $7.50. Dial 3-4521. (June30) CHARIS -- DISTRIBUTOR FOR ALL types of Foundation Garments. B. Blatter, Dial 5-3434. (July5) safety. Special for two only beginning 15, $2.50 per weeks June lesson. (145d) CORNER LOT, 25--Real Estate For Sale FOR SALE--BUILDING LOTS, J1ARTS: Hill south. Apply 114 East, Rodgers, King (146¢) RESIDENTIAL _S SEC- tion, sidewalks and sewers paid for. Ap- Ply 208 College Ave. (146¢) MUSKOKA -- MODERN SHORE COT- tages, spring mattresses, electric stoves, inside toilets. Open May 1. C. Crisp, Lakeview Cottages, Theron, X Ont " FENELON FALLS HOUSEKEEPING bookings still. Available July and Aug- ust. C. J. BRASIER, 212 Brock St., Peterborough, Phone 4450 Monday to ursday. (146¢) SUMMER COTTAGE AT HASTINGS-- 3 rooms, electricity and boat. Dial 5-1483. (146¢c) E. phone Blackstock 34r3. 31a--Summer Resorts 25---Real Estate Foi Sale THREE 7, 4, 2-ROOM COTTAGES, Caesarea, 27 miles, Lake gos on waterfront, $37, $30, or we Hydro, everything fences. Kingsdale ro Toronto, even- ings. + (Junl?7,18,22,23) LOT, 57 x 25¢', CITY SEWER water, Grierson St. Dial 5-4049. LOT, 40' x 1", Pacific and Cn Phone - 5-1282. AND (144c) ON THE CORNER OF Ave. R (146¢) GRAHAM'S COTTAGES, CROSS LAKE Arden. Sleeps five. Boat, and ice. $22.50 weekly. Dial 5-1763 (Tues. »Thurs.,June18) FOR RENT NEAR APSLEY, COTTAGE and boat, good fishing safe beach for children. Write Box 305, Times-Gazette. (144c) FIVE-ROOM COTTAGE, PARTLY FUR- nished for sale or rent on Lake Sougog. AJAX 4- hi of 'month with OF without. furniture J: n 2 €1 ug 5.3 Ea Tutigerator and Balance of $2,400 at rag i hey . Apply 25 BEACH STREET, AJAX PHONE 561 1430) Write W. ise) Lake Kashawakomak Family cottages, July only. fishing od 32 imming $25 JEAN DELYEA HARLOWE, ONT. (146e) Travel and Publicity FURNISHED COTTAGE AT SNUG Harbour on Sturgeon Lake. Electricity, spring-filled mattresses and boats. Good 'lunge, bass, pickerel iishing. Apply C. Bryant, 427 Fairleigh Ave, Dial 3.9572, Not available Aug. 1 to 15. (Tue.,Jly25) INGLEWOOD LODGE FRIENDLY, restful home, beautiful lake location, city col meals, sports. 'Write Milford Bay P.O,, Musko- ka. (1426) NEAR HALIBURTON, CLEAN COT- tages, spring mattresses, ly, Phone R. Slaght, Toronto, LY-4923, June 26) SUNSET COVE LODGE BOLSOVER, ONT. On Trent. Valley waterway, cottages, cabins, conveniences, boats, meals. Pickerel, bass fishing. Phone Beaverton 164R14 (TuesSept8) FERN COTTAGE RESORT * Home ot Rolls and Honey Modern rates, golf, fishing, bowling, 8-piece band, social hostesses. Superb food and sincere hospitality. Opening May 23, closing Sept. 19, Write FERN COTTAGE, Atherley, Hh folder, or telephone ORILLIA (July2) 25--Real Estate For Sale IMMEDIATE POSSESSION $2,500 down -- 5-room brick bungalow, hard- floors. Apply 184 Ritson South. Phone 3-9819, (146¢) BAYFIELD Housekeeping cabins on Lake Huron, $20 couple weekly. Everything supplied, - spring- filled mattresses. Sand beach, good swimming. Write G. HAZELWOOD, RR 1, field, Ont. Bay- (Tues, Septl) 6 - ROOM BUNGALOW, HARDWOOD floors, 4-plece bath. Close to school, park. $9,000. 302 Chestnut Street, Whitby. (Jun20) LOT ON TRESANE STREET, 45' x 132". Sewer, Sidewalk, Nater, Apply EY Sim- coe South, Apt. (146¢) $1,200 DOWN BUYS GOOD CORNER lof, 2 acres, insul-bric, 2 bedrooms, large kitchen, large 'living room, hydro. ville 2377. (1446) HOUSEKEEPING COTTAGES Haliburton Highlands All conveniences. Good fish- ing, good beach. Write BERT CONSTABLE, WILBERFORCE, ONTARIO. (Tues,June16,23) BIRCH GROVE CABINS Oakview, Central 1, 2, 3-bedroom housekeeping, iences,. Write N. WOLFE, RR 2, STAYNER, ONT. (TuesJly21) CHATEAU WOODLAND HALIBURTON Delightfully situated on Lake Kasha- gawigamog. Large main dining room, lounges, recreation room,etc. Sleeping ncommodation in individu. al cottages, many with private. bath- rooms. All sports, excellent meals, American plan, reasonable rates. Write for folder. Tue.,J1y28) CAMP SHARBOT For Boys 5 to 16 At Sharbot Lake, north of Kingston. Add your name to a growing list of Wasaga-- cottages, city conven- cabins, fishing, mming. ar E. Mag den, Fl Wellesley E., Toronto. 5557. it (Tu, Thur,Jly23) THREE-ROOMED COTTAGE ON LAKE Dalrymple. Seventeen miles east of Oril- lia, Furnished, except linen. Electricity, boat, garage, stores near. Large private lot and shore. One hundred dollars per month. Twenty-five per week. Apply F. J. Reed, Sebright. Phone 8rd. (June18,20,23) FOR JULY 11 TO AUGUST 1, WIL- liams Point, Lake Scugog. Large cot- tage, 3 bedrooms, screened verandah, sleeps 10. Stove, fireplace, hydro, ice supplied, electric cooking. Large fenced lot opposite playground. $40 per week. Phone 348554. (146¢) SHLVER BIRCHES On beautiful South Lake, Minden. i cottages, recreation MUSKOKA, 4-ROOM COTTAGE, LAKE Joseph, fully furnished, safe beach, good fishing, boat included. - Reasonable. Phone 35-4149. (145¢) RIDE 'EM COWBOY FRONTIER DAYS Canada's original child dude ranch, where your boy or girl, 6 to 16 icarns - to ride and swim. Archery. Strict supervision. Tenth season. Rates folder. Write Little Buckaroo Roueh, P.O. Box 173, Osh- awa. Phone 5-6092. ITS POPULAR--IT'S DIFFERENT Tue.,June23) WOLVERINE BEACH HONEY HARBOR, ONT. Furnished cottages, electric, boats, ice, $30 week up. Write for folder. R. W. CARPENTER (Tues.,July28) hall, children's playground, shufflc- board, good fishing, safe swimming. Write MRS. 'H. SCHMIDT 419 Bay St. North, Hamilton Tue.,June23) CAMP RAWLEY LODGE A 1! New, accommodation; superb Ft Sear glan Bay, Severn River Resort. Fish- ing, activities, or relax on a Jawns. re family plan. Write PORT SEVERN Phone, Wire WAUBAUSHENE (Tue. Jly14) SOUTH BEACH HOTEL CLEAR LAKE at the Hotel with the at- mosphere of a country club. Fully near good highway, 14 50 com- water Ex- Holiday secludad, milss from Peterborough. fortable rooms, running CATCHCOMA HIGHLANDS 20 MILES NORTH OF BUCKORN Cottages, accommodate 2 to 10 people. Sandy beach, remote section, good fishing. Also 2 cottages piv ais on point of land. STAN BURGER Phone 431 Lakefield, Ont. (Tue.,June23) MINERS' BAY learn many satisfying happy camping Mtmorphere. For folders write: C. L. PROCTOR, 86 Glendora Bivd., Willowdale, Ont.. (Tue..June23) JOYLAND BEACH LAKE SIMCOE 2, 3, or 5 room cottages, good fish- ing, safe swimming. Ideal vacation spot. Write: R. GOOD, 41 ST. MARK'S RD., TORONTO. (Tue.,June30) LONE MAPLE PIGEON LAKE Heated cottages, running water, electric refrigeration, flush toilets, early. pickerel fishing, muskie, bass in season. BOX 182, BOBCAYGEON PHONE 45r22 (Tues.,June23) HALIMAR Small, friendly resort, 1,000 ft., safe sandy beach. Modern throughout. Bountiful meals. Near golf course. Apply Bruce Henry, Haliburton. (Tues.,June30) some with baths. cellent food, large well dining room and lounge, "card room, snack bar, fine sandy beach. Write Point, Lakefield (Tue.,Aug.11) LAKE DALRYMPLE Graham Beach Young's phone 221R2. C d, safe swimming, electricity, fishing. CHESTER GRAHAM Phone Sebright, Ont. (Tues.,Jlyl4) Fooms, cabins, cottages. tion and relaxation at one of Hali- burton's finest. For a vacation you will enjoy, write for a descriptive folder to W. H. WUNKER AND SONS Miners' Bay, Ont. (Tue.,June23) SUNSET VIEW COTTAGES Accommodate six, hydro, fully furn- ished, screcned, safe swiming, sandy beach. On Georgian Bay. $32 weekly. E. THOMBS 174 Kensington Ave., N. Hamilton, Ont. (Tues.,June23) DELAWANA INN IT'S NEW! IT'S DIFFERENT! IT'S EXCITING! C letel rebuilt ng last season's fire. The brand new Dela- wana is Ontario's most modern va- cation resort. For folders and rates, write: DELAWANA INN, HONEY HARBOUR, GEORGIAN BAY, ONT. (Tues.,June23) COLEMAN LAKE LODGE Haliburton. Meals, cabins, house- keeping cottages, hydro, flush toil- ets, sandy beach, boats. Good fish- ing. Recreation Hall. E. Sills, 40) Jane St, Toronto LY. 0790. (Tue.,Aug.4) SANDY BAY CAMP RICE LAKE H 4 - 6 persons, hydro, ice and boat included. Sand beach for children. Good fishing. Rates $32 to $35 weekly. For reservation write R.' McCracken, 9 Church St., Port Hope. Phone 4013. Thes. ,Junes0) CEDAR CREST CAMP Housekeeping cottages, 15 miles northeast of Napanee, hydro, boat, ice supplied; innerspring mattressec, good fishing, safe beach for ¢ child RIDGE MINE BAY, ONTARIO Modern accommodation ovetiooking scenic Gull Lake in Higniands, Safe, e, Sandy Poy fin- food, Many a folk each . year iA Pine Ridge. Write for folder and rate sheet. R. J. Wood, Miners Bay, Ontario, or phone Coboconk 131-4, (Tue.,Aug.11) HOTEL THURSTONIA STURGEON LAKE THURSTONIA PARK Come and enjoy good meals, safe bathing, fishing, tennis, dancing. Twenty furnished family cottages. rates, klet: (Tues.,June23) LAKE SIMCOE 7 Miles East of Sutton Best and safest beach on Lake Sim- coe. Cabins, family cottages and motel, picnic grounds and tables for church or private parties. In- formation write: BAISLEY AND MERCER Pefferlaw Point, Ont. (fues., July?) ARDAGH COTTAGES Po h on b iful L Lake, near 1 Falls. Safe sandy bath- ren. Vacancies to July 25. rates for June and Sept. Write: CLARENCE H. WATSON, 78 KENT ST., LINDSAY, ONT. "Tue.,dly7) KIRKLAND CABINS Housekeeping or with meals. Accommodate 2-6, conven- iences. Central, Write or phone H. GILLIES, WASAGA BEACH WASAGA BEACH (TuesAug2s) : THREE MILE LAKE MUSKOKA Furnished cottages, heated, electric- ity, $30 per week, includi boat, ing for children. Bass, muskie and pickerel fishing. Write Mrs. I. J. Ardagh, Ardagh Cottages, Burleigh Falls, Ont. (TuesJly?) HEATHER LODGE ON LAKE MUSKOKA Wonderful meals, comfortable ac- fuel, and ice. HAMMELL COTTAGES R.R. NO. 1,. Utterson, Ontario (Tus.,June23) dati modern swimming, boating shuffle - board, ping pong, etc. $30 weekly. For folder write Heather Lodge, Mortim- er's Point, Muskoka. (TuesJun23) ELGIN STREET -- 10-roomed brick double house, 5 rooms and bath on either side; lot 71' x 132'; taxes $200. Could be turned into excellent in- vestment, income type. Asking price $9,950. MASSON STREET--near Aber- deen--very attractive, well- built 1VY2-storey brick home, oak floors, modern throughout, good-sized living room with natural fireplace, forced hot- air heating, storms, screens, etc. Early possession arranged. Asking price $15,500. KINGSTON ROAD EAST--6- room, 1V2-storey home, mod- ern kitchen, good-sized living room, 3-piece bath, 3 bed- rooms, forced air heating elec- tric hot water tank, double ga- rage, storm windows, screens, venetian blinds, etc. V2 acre of land. Immediate possession. Asking price $10,300. RICHMOND STREET EAST ---- Attractive family-type 7-room, 4-bedroom brick home, very tastefully decorated through- out, spacious modern kitchen, full-sized dining room, newly- decorated living room, second floor has 4 bedrooms each with wardrobe closet and 3- piece bath, Good-sized lot with garage, handy to bus, school, this home, oil heated, is well insulated. Asking price $13,- 200 -- terms, GRETA STREET--near Masson Street--7-room, 2-storey brick home, 4 rooms on main floor, 3 bedrooms and bath on 2nd floor, modern kitchen, forced air heating with &il, double garage, asphalt drive. Early possession arranged. Asking price $12,300. Substantial cash payment required. Dial 3-3849 or 3-3331 until 6 P.M. LEON B. NASH Real Estate Broker and General Insurance Agent 134 SIMCOE ST. NORTH 3-9290 - EVERETT ELLIOTT 3-2988 - LLOYD METCALF 3-3507 - DOUG WILSON (Sales Representatives) $3,000 Down--6 rooms, heated, brick, centrally cated, hardwood throughout. Large modern kitchen, paved Street, garage. Possession Aug. t oil $7,800 Full Price--central, 6 rooms, modern kitchen, good furnace, 2-pc. bathroom, gar- age. erneice H. Patrick Real Estate Broker 16 BOND ST. E. DIAL 5-3692 (1462) SEE US SEE THEM MAKE YOUR OFFER $10,500 GRIERSON Brick bungalow, large fenced rear yard, nicely landscaped. Large living-dining room, at- tractive kitchen, housework is easy here. Dry full basement, hot-air coal Keating. Tastefully decorated, immaculate: condi tion. Low monthly payments. $10,800 -- COURTICE Attractive suburban frame bun- galow with garage and chicken house, approx. acre of gars den, berries and fruit trees. Good-sized living room, built- in bookcases, large modern kitchen-dining room, 2 bed- rooms, modern 4-pc. bath, Oak and tile floors. Automatic pressure system, good well. Deep dry basement, hot-air heating. $11,300 -- CADILLAC S. 5-room brick bungalow, land- scaped. Large living. room, step-saving kitchen, oak floors, nicely decorated, deep dry basement, hot-air, coal heat- ing. $12,500 -- ELGIN E, 2Va-storey brick duplex with garage on landscaped lot. Good sized living room with open ifreplace, sun-room adjoining, large kitchen, bedroom and 3- piece standard bath down. Good-sized living room, at- tractive kitchen with break- fast nook, 2 large bedrooms and three-piece standard bath with shower attachment up. Each self-contained apartment is equipped with electric stove and refrigerator, separate electric hot water tanks. Dry divided basement equipped with laundry tubs and electric washing machine, hot-air oil heating, oak hardwood through. out. Upstairs apartment avail- able for buyer. $16,000 -- SIMCOE S. Modern storey and a half brick on beautifully landscaped deep lot. Good-sized living room, sun room off, family dining room, large Kitchen, 3 good-sized bedrooms. Forced hot-air conditioned oil heating, deep dry basement, launary tubs, heater and tank. Oak hardwood and tile floors, At- tractively decorated. INSURANCE SCHOFIELD sie REAL ESTATE 6 SIMCOE ST. NORTH AFTER 6 P.M. DIAL RONALD BAKER -- 5-2140 RALPH VICKERY --- 3-2005 STEVE MACKO -- 5-0771 BERT (Red) HARDIE--5-2531 Realtors = Appraisers (146¢) PAUL RISTOW REAL ESTATE BROKER 5-6 69 DROP THAT PEN! Don't make out another rent cheque until you have called 5-6165 and enquire how you can move into a new home of your own within the next ten days. No forms to fill out, no delay for mortgage approval. All you need is $3000 and $60 a month and this brand new one and one-half storey brick home is yours: Six rooms, oil heating, high basement and an extra large lot. Suburban near a school. LANDLORDS ARE FINE PEOPLE And we would like you to be a landlord. We have in mind a large red brick income home in tip-top condi- tion with two bedrooms, sunroom, kitchen, living room and three piece bath on the main floor and four room apartment on the second. Forced hot air oil heating and residentially central: We would. like $6000 down: and $75 a month on the or either apartment. balance. Possession of all Call 5-6165 Regarding your property. 37 FRINCE ST. OSHAWA |