Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily Times-Gazette, 18 Jun 1953, p. 4

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J. H. ORMISTON Editor and Manager PHONE 703 WHITBY AND DISTRICT NEWS "THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE, Thursday, June 18, 1953 ' |day that a building permit had WHITBY DAY BY DAY Accounts of social events and news items of local interest and names of visiters are ap- preciated. PHONE 703 Drunk Driving A legal quirk, decided by Mag- istrate F. S. Ebbs, in Whitby Po- lice Court, freed two district men, one charged with driving a motor vehicle while intoxicated, and the other charged with having the care and control of a motor ve- hicle while intoxicated. James Marrin, of Toronto, charged with drunk driving in Ajax on May 30, was freed when his counsel claim- ed that 'arrin had not been seen in the vehicle which was stuck in a ditch. Wm. Culetta, charged by Emily and Vivian Hawes have returned to their home, 6 Brown Street, Bowmanville, after a suc- cessful year at St. Mildred's Col- lege, Toronto. Emily had the high- est standing in English literature with a mark of 96, also General Knowledge 90. Vivian in singing secured 95 and general knowledge, A 'Not Behind Wheel of Car time it was found, gave every in- dication of being intoxicated. ity in the two ¢ the accused had when found by police and stated that the Court would almost be forced to dismiss this charge also. ig was also dismissed but the po- ice | charge of intoxication in a public | place, which was laid forthwith be- fore Court closed. Sign Contract Construction Intake Pipe Chairman and Secretary of the Public Utility Commission have been authorized to sign the contract with the Cornish Construction Com- pany of Oshawa for the extension of the intake pipe at the lake. Ap- proval has been given to the ac- tion of the consulting engineers, Dismissed Mr. Hall pointed out the similar- es. Neither of een in their cars further charge of careless driv- were instructed to lay a the Pickering Police Department with having the care and control of a motor vehicle, was freed when evidence could not be pre- sented that Culetta had been in the car. A further charge of care- less driving against Culetta was also dismissed on the same grounds. MARRIN CASE Chief Constable H. S. Traves, of Ajax, testifying in the Marrin case, stated that he had found the accused's car stuck in a ditch on Second Ave. on the date mention- 98. The girls are granddaughters of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Hawes, Whitby, RR No. 1. NEW STORE BEING BUILT Assessor and Building Inspector Gordon Davis reported on Wednes- been issued to Don Bryant of Whit- by for the construction of a new store on the corner of Dunlop and Brock Street. The permit calls for a one-storey building, 100 feet by 30 feet of cement block. It is esti- mated to cost $28,000. G. E. Thomp- Bijan Resident Gets Five Years In Whitby Court yesterday sentenced a former Ajax resident to five years in the peni- Gore and Storrie, in ordering cast- poration for the intake. The work on this extension, contemplated for of which contained morphine. No defense was introduced but His Honour Judge F. J. MacRae |in cross-examination, Mr. Frankel that the kit found belonged to the ings from the National Iron Cor-, hout on the day mentioned and had | round therein four hypo needles, | a syringe and four glass vials, one | suggested that the officer had been | told by the accused and his sister | many years, will soon be under way and it is hoped to carry it out with as little interruption to the water service as possible. When completed Whitby will haye a wa- ter supply of three million gallons at present lake level, enough to take care of industrial and other needs for some years to come. The sewer extension necessary to serve the new high school, the Board has been advised by the | Commission, will be laid for a dis- tance of approximately 3.3300 feet at a total estimated cost of $13.353.- 00, averaging $4.04 a foot. The school board's share of this cost, R. L. ROBERTSON News Editor PHONE 703 billed on a frontage basis of 482 feet at $4.00 per foot will be $1928.- 00. SOURCE OF VITAMIN C Strawberries need no testimon- ial to persuade people that they are good to eat, but the fact that they are an excellent source of vi- tamin C, that health essential, is an additional reason for eating plenty of them while they are in season. KIN KARNIVAL | PARADE Saturday, June 20th starts at 7 p.m. from tentiary when he found him guilty of an indecent act. A plea of guilty to a controvention of the Narcotic Drug Act brought the accused man John D. Osterhout, a sentence of six months and a fine of $200 or in default, 12 months. Osterhout was tried by His Honour at the June son js the contractor Construction has already begun. TAX COLLECTIONS ed. Marrin, he said, was found walking across a lawn, unsteady | on hit feet and talking unnatural- i pie |v. He said that Marrin smelled b. Miss Belend chaden Whin of liquor and had been unable to hut 63 per cent of the 1953 hat | open' the trunk door of the car. poll 'has been received following | IN his opimen, he added, Marrin receipt of the second installment of | Was drunx. taxes, due on June 15. There are| Constable H. scenes sero ane woes | KINSIMEN PARK York. He suggested that the Kkit | 4 and arrives at "| KINSMEN AREN her graduation. Some members of | the Court expressed skepticism of | this suggestion. Sentence was with- | held at is Hine pending the hear- | ing of the other charges. | CRIMINAL CASE Is 2nd Prize Prize 3rd Hedlun, of the Prize also testified S. two more installments, August 15 and October' 15. Ajax Department and stated that toxicaid. Marrin was in- sessions of the General Sessions of the Peace, in Whitby. Although the | trial in the drug charge was open As noted before, the Court was | closed for the hearing of the crim- inal charge in order to protect the | Best Decorated Float Best Decorated Car enna ess $10.00 5.00 $5.00 2.50 | to the public, Crown Attorney Alex Hall, QC, asked that the hearing in the indecent act charge be held in camera in order to prevent fur- ther embarrassment being heaped upon some of the Crown witnesses. This request was granted. FUNERAL ON FRIDAY | The funeral of the late William Weatherall, Port Whitby boy who | was the victim of a drowning acci- | diteh, it was therefore immobile Sent on Tuesday. wil be held ox and hence not a motor vehicle. He thw | also pointed out that there was no Church, Port Whithy. after Which/ gvidence before the court, other y : than the officers' recollection of the | Duncan B. McIntyre, Whitby at- John's Cemetery. Until the fullera) | conversation at the scene, that |torney, prosecuted the drug ae the body is resting at the Town | p,weq that Marrin had ever been | and Crown Attorney Alex. Hall pro- Funeral Home. | behind the wheel of the car. His|secuted the charges under the | Worship ruled that because of this | Criminal Code. M. Frankel appear- on OR a the | lack of evidence he could not find {ed for Osterhout. Osterhout or Town of Whitby through the works | the accused guilty as charged since (ed a plea of guilty in the charge supervisor and chairman of streets, | he could have become intoxicated | that on April 3rd of this year he Supe aving King Street from Dun. | While away from the car. He was in possession of morphine das paving to Gilbert Street and | therefore dismissed the case. A |without a licence. Loyd Stewart, Gilbert Street from King Street to | further charge of failing to pro-|of the Narcotics Squad of the RC Centre Street, a distance of approx- |duce. a driver's license brought 2 MP, reported that he had search- imately 1500 lineal feet, 18 feet (Plea of guilty and a fine of $5 and jed a suitcase belonging to Oster- wide with H. L 4 asphalt. Tenders | | | | . |CULETTA CASE close Monday, June 29th, at noon. | Before Court was over, His Wor- | IN MEMORIAM _ iil i, let is JEPPESEN--In loving memory of a | counsel. Crown Attorney Alex. C. | wonderful son and brother, Morris | Hall, QC, asked that a plea of not | Jeppesen, whe passed away one year | g.ilty be accepted since the cir-| AE ene sour grave we often stand | cumstances, following this earlier | With hearts both crushed and sore; | case, might warrant such a plea. | But in the gloom the sweet' words |He noted that the acqused had no | tome, | counsel and asked that he be not | | penalized because of this. After "Not lost but gone before'. «It is lonesome here without you, : | 2 ¥ {some persuasion, Culetta chang- | led his plea. | complainants. Later His Honour was to sentence Osterhout to five years on the indecency count. A sentence of six months imprison- | ment and a fine of $200 was hand- | ed out in the drug conviction. In! default, the accused is liable to an additional 12 months. | Defence Counsel Marsh claimed that since the car could not move under its own power from the Best Decorated Motorcycle \ Best Costumed Rider on Horseback Best Clown Best Boys' Costume ......... Best Girls' Costume ..... Best Boys' Bicycle ...... Best Girls' Bicycle ...... Best Dolls' Carriage ..... Best Boys' Wagon Best Boys' Tricycle Best Girls' Tricycle Best Boy and Girl Couple 3.00 2.00 Best Child Clown 3.00 2.00 No Entry Forms Needed Just have your float or what have you at the park by 7 p.m. 5.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 2.50 1.50 1.50 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 CHARMING WHITBY GIRL Looking very charming is four , daughter of Mrs. Jean Sheridan and a half year old Janice Witzke | of Oshawa and Mr. and Mrs. of Pickering, daughter of Mr. | James Witzke of Dunbarton. and Mrs. S. Witzke and grand- | --Photo by Scott's Studio, Whitby. New Canadians Convicted Of Entering Warehouse For entering a warehouse in Aj- Foreman Zeppa; of the Dell Con- | ax, two new Canadians have been |struction, testified that the doors! placed on suspended sentence and |of the warehouse had all been lock- | ordered to report to the nearest ed on the previous Friday after- | police office monthly. The two, Tit- | noon. { us Weber and Ekkehard Lang were | Sgt. Hockley, of Ajax, reported | convicted of entering the Dell Con- that he had questioned the two | struction Company warehouse in men and had been told that neither | Ajax on the morning of June 7th was employed by Dell Construc- | but pleaded that they had entered | tion. They had stated, he said, that the building after the hasp locking they wanted the dangling guy wire | the door had pulled off in Weber's [to use to tow Lang's éar. h . The case was heard in the | DEFENSE | Whitby Police Court before Magis- | The two accused took the stand | trate F. S.. Ebbs. {in their own defense and claimed | PC Channing, of the Ajax Police | that they had wanted the cable for: Department, told the Court that on |a tow line. Weber claimed that he | the forenoon of June 7th he had had pulled the hasp from the door come' upon a car parked in front | with his hands. | of building 2265, a warehouse for | "There are too many .of .you $1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 "eee W. C. Town & Sons FRIGIDAIRE AUTHORIZED DEALER WHITBY PHONE 410 ship was faced with an almost | identical case, William Culetta, charged in Pickering on June 13. | TOWN OF WHITBY TENDERS FOR PAVING Tenders will be received until noon on MONDAY, JUNE 29TH, 1953, for paving King Street from Dundas Street to Gilbert Street "Mo", There is such a vacant space, Dell Construction. He said that he | people running around doing things | approached the building, found the | that other people cannot do," ob-| hasp pulled from th> door and served Magistrate Epbs, 'and you | found the two accused trying to get | are becoming another expense to | out the rear door. He continued by | the taxpayers of this country," He saying that the two had explained | veleased the two on suspended sen- | that they had entered the ware-| tence but ordered them to report house looking for some sort of tool to the nearest police chief every For we never hear your footsteps, or see your smiling face; God knows how much we miss you, He counts the tears we shed, And whispers. '""He only sleeps, Your loved one is not dead", So we'll be brave, dear son, And 'pray t6 God each day, And when He calls us home to you Your smile will guide the way | Constable Chas. Daniels, of the | Pickering Police Department, re- | | ported that he had come upon the | | Culetta car in the ditch on the {evening mentioned and Culetta, {who was not in the vehicle at the wide, with H.L.4 Asphalt. and Gilbert Street from King Street to Centre Street in the Town of Whitby, a distance of approximately 1500 lineal Tender forms ond specifications may be obtained from Mr. John M. Rae, Works Supervisor, Town Hall, Whitby. The lowest or any tender will not feet, 18 feet d P ily be Bg Mg A pair of slippers suited to his to cut down a cable dangling from month. r y. | an unused hydro pole beside the The two accused were represent- Sadly fisted by Mow, Daa, Bryan | BIRTHS warehouse. They were, said Con- ed by R. D. Ruddy, of Whitby. : a stable Channing, wanting the cable Crown Attorney Alex Hall, QC, | JEPPESEN--In loving memory of a PURDY To Mr and Mrs. George Purdy, (nee Barbara MeCoy), a to use to tow another car. prosecuted. | dear brother, Morris Jeppesen, who Tm --- m= mt tte -------- passed away one year ago today. i daughter, at Oshawa General Hospital, June 14, 1953. Mother and daughter CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING ha No one knows the bitter pain | We have suffered. Since we lost you | Life has never been the same mm ---------------------- 1947 PLYMOUTH SEDAN, GOOD CON. | bered by brothers, Martini George; sis- | dition. Apply Tom Morton, after 5. 225 | ter-in-law, Iris; sisters, Ruth and Ann, | Green Street, Whitby. (142b) | and brothers-in-law, Bob and Clarence. | John M. Rae, Works Supervisor, individual taste. A pair for him to relax in at the cottage or at Robt. McNee, Chairman, Streets Committee . . home. REG BRYANT ELECTRIC Wiring & Repairs 213 BYRON ST. SOUTH TELEPHONE 628 Sweetly tender, fond and frue; | There is not a day, dear Morris, | That we do not think of you. | --Sadly missed and always remem- We also have a large selection of lug- PRICES HAVE BEEN & SLASHED TO THE BONE! ~-- During -- CREDIT HORWICH JEWELLERS BIG STOREWIDE REMODELLING SALE Sensational Reductions on DIAMONDS © WATCHES @ SILVERWARE DINNERWARE ® GLASSWARE ® LUGGAGE, ETC. REMEMBER, IT'S AT 20 Simcoe St. South DIAL 3-7133 NOTICE: Classified advertisements for this column must be in the Whitby office by 5 p.m. the day preced- ing publication. In our hearts your memory lingers TED gage if he is going travelling! Or buy him a gift certificate for Hartt Slater or Dack Shoes. , EMPLOYMENT WANTED -- SCHOOL deat ' boy a for holiday, is ca- China's *'coast guard" had or- i pable of driving tractor. Apply 243 ganized lifeboat stations' operating | Wellington Stree. (141b) lon the Min river in 1737. ! | MALE HELP. WANTED -- ONE MAN for temporary guard for months, at County Jail, $7 per day. Ap- | ply Sheriff's Office, Court House, Whit- | by. (142a) | is WHITBY WOODWORKING -- 2 SASH, | doors, frame, wholesale lumber. 310 Chestnut East. (June3n) TOWN OF WHITBY " TENDERS FOR SIDEWALKS Tenders will be received until noon on MONDAY, JUNE 29TH, 1953, for constructing approximately 2,165 feet of new sidewalk in various locations and for a minimum of 3,335 lineal feet and a moximum of 8,335 lineal feet of sidewalk repairs. Further particulars end tender forms moy be obtained from Mr. John M. Rae, Works Supervisor, at the Town Hall. Tend Id be led and plainly marked "Tender for Sidewalks" and should be addressed to Robt. McNee, Chairman, Streets Committee, Town Hall, Whitby. The lowest or any tender will not necessarily be accepted. John M. Rae, Robt. McNee, Chairman, Works Supervisor, Streets Committee. OPEN FRIDAY EVENING TILL 9 Saturday, July 4, auction sale of house- | hold furniture, the property of the es- tate of the late Mrs. Edward Bradley, | 216 Green Street, Whitby. The whole | contents of the house will be sold. No See full list in this paper Thursday, July 2nd. Sale at one .0'clock. | Mrs. E., Oke, clerk. Wm. Maw, auc: | tioneer. (Junel8,25) | - -- AS FTIR : -1 Auction Sale, Saturday, June 20, Auc- | tion Sale, 74-acre farm, implements and furniture. The property of the estate of the late Margaret Anpie Swan, Lot 28, | Con. 2, Pickering.' Massey-Harrls trac- | tor, drill, spreader, tractor plow, mower, binder, rake, wagon, cultivator, har- rows, baled hay, household furniture. Many other articles. If you have any- thing to sell bring it along. Sale at 12:30. Harold Mitchell, elerk, Wm. Maw, auctioneer: (Junell,18) | WELLS DUG AND DEEPENED. ALSO septic tanks. D. Ferris, 639 Brock N. Phone 2961 after 6. (June24) ROCKWOOL INSULATION, FIRE proof. Cool in summer; warm in winte; Free. estimates. Walter Ward, Insulation Contractor, 204 Chestnut West, phone 2563. (June2l) reserve. COLLIN'S SHOE STORE X-RAY FITTINGS DON'T SIMMER THIS SUMMER. IN- sulate now with PAL-O-PAK. Do it yourself or have us do it. Phone 2374. PAL-O-PAK MFG. CO., Ltd. (Jy2) LAWNMOWERS, SHARPENED, RE- paired. Saws sharpened. Pick-up and | delivered. R. Bailey, 917 Centre South. Phone 708. (June) WHITBY PHONE 476 MORNING, near bus terminal pair of ladies' glasses, dark rims, clear underneath. | Finder leave at Times-Gazette, Whitby. (142¢) hn Auction Sale, Saturday, June 27--Aue- | tion sale of household furniture, property | { of J. H. Roper, 214 Colborne Street West, | Whitby, 9-piece dining room suite, ches- | | terfield suite, kitchen cabinet bedroom | suite, wardrobes, venetian blinds, floor | coverings, chairs, tables, stoves. A lot of | odd things. If you have anything to sell phone the auctioneer. Sale at 1 o'clock. Mrs. E. Oke, clerk. Wm. Maw, ti eer. FOR RENT--ROOMS FOR WORKING girls. 120 Walnut Street, Whitby. (140¢) SALE-- ELECTR IC" R ANG ETT E, drawer, good condition. Phone | Whitby. (140¢) SALE--WHIZZER AND FB MO torcycles. P. M. Irwin, "Inverlvnn", Whitby. Phone 939. (June22) FOR with 2195, IN KIN ARENA ON SATURDAY, JUNE 20 (June6,18,25) | WHITBY B R 0 ¢ KK PHONE 618 NOW PLAYING EVENING SHOWS 7-9 P.M. SATURDAY MATINEE 1:30 All the glowing magic of oun love! On Father's Day A Few Suggestions ® FATHER'S DAY CARDS ® SMOKER'S SUPPLIES .® SHAVING SETS Well-known Seaforth And the New Faberge Lines ® Rolls Razors ® Choco ates HELP THE KINSMEN TO HELP THE KIDDIES CIGARS, CIGARETTES, TOBACCO, PIPES, LIGHTERS, ELECTRIC AND OTHER RAZORS, BILLFOLDS, SHAV- ING SETS, AND FATHER'S DAY CARDS Sh " 7 {2A STARTS 7:15 AT KIN PARK YRIZES: Best Floats, Decorated Bicycles, Costumes, Etc, FUN BINGO HOME (Draw For FISH BAKING | Refrigera- ALL GAMES | BOWL | YourL for GALORE | LIKE i Features IT OTHER PRIZES "One of Hollywood's Nest" soyetOOK Perhaps Dad would like a box of Laura Secord Chocolates. ALLIN'S DRUG STORE PHONE 726 ® Electric Razors SAMUEL GOLDWYN'S ® Sun Glasses IWANT YOU starring DANA ANDREWS + DOROTHY McGUIRE - FARLEY GRANGER - PEGGY DOW with ROBERT KEITH + MILDRED DUNNOCK - RAY COLLINS Directed by MARK ROBSON + screenplay by IRWIN SHAW - Distributed by RKO Radio Pictures Inc. Also "WANNA BET" "FOOD FOR FEUDING" "CHEYENNE DAYS" FOR MA AND PA FATHER'S DAY SPECIAL--Box of Cigars for Da with Largest Family Present ; Courtice Pharmacy PHONE 2394 117 Brock St. North ON WHITBY'S MAIN CORNER

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