Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily Times-Gazette, 18 Jun 1953, p. 29

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U.S. Paper's Eulogy Of Sir Winston The armor of Britain's newest Knight of the Garter is shining as few knights in armor have ever shone before --- metaphorically speaking, Peter Lane writes from London to the Christian Science Monitor. The knight in question, of course, is Sir Winston Churchill who has thrust aside his mantle of war hero and now is in_ full tilt to become equally if not even more famed as the peacemaker. BACK ON TOP The fact is, Sir Winston is at his very best on the very big oc- casions. Today he is right back in the forefront as a world figure, following his peace overture speech in the House of Commons May 11 and the subsequent invitation of President Eisenhower to him and to the French premier for talks to be held in Bermuda next month. The result of all this has been a terrific experience for the House of Commons. Sir Winston, shoul dering his years like a feather, has been in his finest form. I had the good fortune to enter- tain several guests in the House during this past 10 days. They said they had seldom seen a more dramatic and at the same time a more entertaining and delightful scene than Sir Winston operating at his best in his favorite setting, the Commons. The prime minister's contribu- tion to foreign relations, his pour- ing oil on the troubled waters of Anglo-American relations, and fin- ally his triumphant announcement of his forthcoming meeting with President Eisenhower have .been written about elsewhere. I will try to give here very briefly an idea of the piquant sidelights of the Commons scene. When feeling on top of the world, Sir Winston's physical and intel- lectual presence seem to assume even greater grandeur. Just now, too, he is making most entertain- ing play with a new toy. HEARING AID It is a neat and almost ornament- al hearing aid which he uses as expressively as a Victorian marti- net used her lorgnettes -- wagging it at somebody there, sweeping it with a broad gesture here. It bids to become historically comparable with Joseph Chamberlain's orchid and Sir Austen Chamberlain's monocle, and theatrically compar- able with Lady Windermere's fan. Sir Winston's peace overture speech made him more generally popular in the Commons than any er action he has taken since the days of his great wartime speeches. Sir Winston is very far from be- ing universally popular in Parlia- ment. He is almost universally ad- mired, but to many Labor mem- bers, he is like a red rag to a bull. He knows it. In fact, he intends it. Sir Winston thrives on 'a political fight. If his opponents are not showing fight themselves, he is apt to trail his coat-tails in front of them. When he makes a politically provocative remark, he often beck- ons to the Labor benches to start shouting back at him. On many occasions I have seen Clement R. Attlee and his oppo- sition front bench colleague dis- comforted be cause their back- benchers allow themselves to fall into Sir Winston's trap from which they often emerge the worse for their encounter. SCORNS POPULARITY This past 10 days, Sir Winston has been so popular with all sides of the Commons that one might have expected him to bask in the sunshine of almost universal pop - larity for a change. But not he Once or twice he has shown how little concerned he is for popular- ity for its own sake. A case in point was when a Labor frontbencher, Arthur Hen- derson, questioned the prime min- ister about an atom bomb speech of the American Air Force Chief of Staff, Gen. Nathan F. Twining. General Twining was reported as saying that use of the bomb in Korea was being discussed. Mr. Henderson wanted to know if this was so. Sir Winston turned on him sharply and suggested he was trying to stir up trouble. There are some Laborites who deserve such a rejoinder. But not Arthur Henderson. He is one of the most respected and responsible opposition members. In a flash Sir Winston, the peacemaker in shining armor, was forgotten. Prime Minister Church- ill, the politician, was there stand- ing at the dispatch box with Labor backbenchers shouting at him and Labor frontbenchers growling. Even some of Sir Winston's fol- lowers think it's a pity he so loves a fight. But there it is -- it's just Winnie. C.R.A. THURSDAY Recreation Sitice open all day. 9.00 - 5.30 p Lions Club om for the Blind. 9.00 - 530 p.m. East Area vs. West Area Ex- Bibition game at Radio Park. 4.10 Pri Park NA Meeting, Stor- ie Park Clubhouse. 8.00 p.m. ' FRIDAY Recreation oifice open all day. 9.00 - 5.30 p Lions Club "Room for the Blind. 9.00 - 5.30 p Fernhill Park Shei (evening) SATURDA THORNTON'S CORNERS Mrs. A. Pierson Is Hostess For Coronation Tea MRS. CHAS. WHITE Correspondent THORNTON'S CORNERS -- Mrs. Arthur Pierson opened her home on Tuesday afternoon for the Women's Association Corona- tion tea. The rooms were graced with beautiful bouquets of flowers, iris, orange blessoms and pansies. The centre of interest was a Jan e picture on the wall depict the crowning of the Queen in all the regal colors. This was noe by Miss Bernice King. This tea was put on by the grandmothers of the Association and was convened by Mrs. Dave Pugh. Miss Marlene Mollon and Miss Marlene Scott left last Thursday for summer work at the farmer- ette camp in the Niagara district. Ted Robinson is in Oshawa Hos- pital. We wish him a speedy re- covery. +\Ed Wright taught the lesson to the Bible class last Sunday after- noon, in the Sunday School service. Mrs. Bob Ashmore held a mis- cellaneous shower in her home last Friday evening for Miss Shirley Watters, North Oshawa. There were about 20 relatives and friends present with gifts and good wishes for the bride-to-be. The room was decorated with pink and white streamers, white wedding bells and confetti - filled balloons. Shirley was presented with a corsage of pink roses. Shir- ley's grandmother and great - grandmother were both at' the shower. After the gifts were all opened, the guests enjoyed the tele- vision programs. Mrs. Ashmore served lunch. Miss Lays Parker is ill in Osh- awa Hospital. Get well soon, Lois. Fernhill Park ay. SCOTTISH GAMES SATURDAY, = 9:30 a.m. to 6:30 rm. Sponsored by the OSHAWA POLICE ASSOCIATION - ADVANCE TICKETS CAN BE OBTAINED AT POLICE STN. OR FROM ANY OFFICER JUNE 27 THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE, Thursday, June 18, 1953 20 planning vo v to SEE more... and SAVE money go by BUS! FREQUENT SUMMER SERVICES TO ALL HOLIDAY AREAS «+. You're in tune with the times, you're travelling "Big Time" when you go by bus. Maximum deep-cushioned comfort; ample = a luggage space; the intimate close ups of the CO LONIAL \/ or Taws \5/ ~y Oshawa Prescott Pees nesnesew "tHypical Force | to: Montreal wa ... Pembroke .. Peterborough Kingston .... lovely countryside that only bus travel can give you. Economy fares to all destinations mean more money to spend when you get there. The trip is so enjoyable and different when you go by bus. For full information see your local agent. One Way Retum 8.25 14.85 11.70 13.05 3.45 7.15 8.95 Fat ENNYWORTH' Have a Huge Selection OF GIFTS for.. ers Day, June 21 " oid 50 7 » FRIDAY OPENING HOUR SPECIALS 9.30 Ti 10.30 AM OBTAINABLE AT BOTH STORES BOYS' STURDY DRESS PANTS Semi-drape style -- drop belt loops -- pleats -- zipper. Royal, Brown or Grey. Sizes 26 to 34. Reg. 3.98. to 6x. Reg. 1.39. OBTAINABLE AT BOTH STORES KIDDIES' SANFORIZED DENIM JEANS Sturdy standbys for boys' or girls' summer activities. Rivet reinforced at points of wear. Sizes 4 ~ 89¢ OBTAINABLE AT BOTH STORES MEN'S NYLON SOCKS Guaranteed for 3 mos. wear or a pair replaced free of charge. 4 shades, Sizes 55¢ 2 f 1 00 P) or lu 102 to 112. Reg. 89c. OBTAINABLE AT BOTH STORES MEN'S SANFORIZED LONG-SLEEVE SPORT SHIRTS (The ideal Father's Day Gift). Sizes S. M. L. Reg. 4.95. 4 shades. SPECIALS FOR MEN MEN'S BOXER SWIM TRUNKS-- Made of nylon, 6 shades, oll sizes. Reg. 4.95. 2.95 MEN'S CUSHION FOOT SOX. The health Sock for all feet. 6 shades. Sizes 10%2 to 114. Reg. 95¢ MEN'S PLAYFLEX RUNNING SHOES BY BATA--Sizes 6 to 11. Reg. 5.95 3.99 MEN'S SWIM TRUNKS--Made of elasticized satin, 5 shades. Sizes small, medium, large. 2 69 Reg. 3.95 MEN'S ACETATE SPORT SHIRTS -- Various patterns and colors. ig ----.. 0.98 MEN'S pic 'N' PIC" PANTS-- Self belt. Sizes 30-40, 8.95 Reg. 12.95 MEN'S NYLON REINFORCED "T" SHIRTS--White only. Sizes small, medium and large, 6 c Reg. 1.29 MEN'S CORDUROY STROLLER | JACKETS -- With belt, wine and blue. All sixes. Reg. 18.95 MEN'S GAB. LEISURE JACKETS --Belted. Grey only. Reg. 18.95. To clear 10.95 MEN'S GAB, WINDBREAKERS -- Fo A 3 | py) Sizes 36 to 44. Reg. 12.95 - SPECIALS FOR MEN BELTS -- Genuine leather, pack- aged. Sizes 32 - 44, Reg. 2.00 MEN'S NYLO - GABARDINE DRESS TROUSERS -- One of the most satisfactory suitings to wear. 4 shades. Reg. 7.95. bB. 00 For Father MEN'S TWO - = STROLLER JACKETS -- It leoks as good as it feels. 4.95 Reg. 19.95 MEN'S REVERSIBLE JACKETS -- The 2-woy_ jacket all men want. Made of corduroy and fine pin- check material. 1 2 . 95 Reg. 19.95 MEN'S IMPORTED ALL - WOOL SPORTS JACKETS -- 1 8. 05 Reg. 32.50 JUST ARRIVED! THOSE FAMOUS rr at white, grey. Subs MEN'S HANDKERCHIEFS En anched, 99- * 49¢ MEN'S BRIEFS AND TOPS Sizes S, M, L. Reg. 98¢ . BARGAINS FOR LADIES LADIES' STRIDES--Belted, triple lap seam. First judlity, 4. Bs 12 to 18, Reg. 8.95 . LADIES' KRISKAY SUN DRESSES --Beautifully styled with colored Trim. 5 shades. Sizes 12 1. a4 to 20. Reg. 5.95 LADIES' 1ST-QUALITY COTTON SLIPS -- 1 year guarantee for satisfactory wear. Sizes 32 to 42, == 1.59 LADIES' GABARDINE SKIRTS -- 6 pastel shades, First quality. Sizes 12 to 20. Reg. 6.95 hy . ALL - WOOL CARDIGANS -- 2 styles, cable stitch and batwing. 6 colors, Sizes 12 to 20. 2. 49 Reg. 3.98 LADIES' 2-PC, SHEEN GABAR- DINE SUITS -- Reversible bolero jacket. 3 stunning ") shades. Reg. 12.95 . L] FIRST QUALITY NYLONS 51 Gauge . 60 Gauge . Fully Guaranteed REVERSIBLE MULTI- 5.95 79¢ . 99¢- LADIES' COLORED DUSTER COATS--Reg. 10.95 . SUEDE LEATHER JACKETS, GAB. BACK. Fully lined Reg. 19.95 HEAVY - DUTY JEANS. 7'4-oz. denim rivet reinforced. 2 75 . LADIES' BLUE AND BLACK JEANS -- Sizes 12 to 20. Reg. 3.95 .. * 2.69 LADIES' NYLON BLOUSES -- Large assortment, various styles ond shades. 3.77 Sizes 30-44, Reg. 4.95 SANFORIZED BOXER SHORTS Small, med., A Reg. 89c¢ Reg. 5.95 LADIES' SILK BATHING SUITS-- Beautifully styled, elasticized back ~--all sizes. BARGAINS FOR GIRLS GIRLS' KRISKAY SUN DRESSES -- 5 stunning shades, beautifully trimmed. 4 to 6x. Reg. 2.98 8 to 12 Reg. 3.98 ... sees. GIRLS' BATHING SUITS -- Made of 5 beautiful shades of satin -- elasticized top, skirted. 1 1 99 4 to 6. Reg. 3.98 . 8to 14 Reg, 4.49 GIRLS' STUNNING CAMP SUITS --4 beautiful shades. Reg. 2.50 GIRLS' SLEEVELESS BOLD STRIPE T-SHIRTS -- 4 shades. Sizes 4 to 8. Reg. 1.50 BARGAINS FOR BOYS SANFORIZED JEANS -- 3 to ae Elastic or iss .e t ho tome 1 99 BOYS' ALL - LEATHER BELTS -- Regular 69¢| Regular 89¢ 1.00 | 1.50 BOYS' CORDUROY JACKETS -- wool inserts on shoulders, fully lined. 4 shades. Sizes to 4 88 Ll 6x. Reg. 7.95. BOYS' PENMAN BRIEFS AND TOPS -- Sizes 4 to 14 c Reg. 79¢ : 49 BOYS' KNEE PANTS -- Made of strong sanforized cotton. Sizes 6 to 12 Reg. 2.50 iis . BOYS' SaNroRIZED SPORT SHIRTS--Sizes 8 to 1 Reg. 2.95. 1 69 GIRLS' COTTON SEERSUCKER SLIPS -- 1 year guarantee for satisfactory wear. Sizes 2 to 12. Reg. 1.95 . 1. 29/| GIRLS' JEAN SETS -- Sanforized. Sizes 2 to 6x. Reg. 3.95 GIRLS' SEERSUCKER PYJAMAS -- 3 shades, Sizes 3 to 6x, Reg. 2.49 | 1 49 Sizes 8 to 14 Reg. 2.98 Boys' Playflex RUNNING SHOES --By Bata. Sizes 1t5 . BOYS' KNITTED PICTURE T- SHIRTS-- Sizes 4 to 6x. c Reg. 1.50 95 Sizes Sml. Reg. 1.95 BOYS' BROADCLOTH KNITTED BACK BRIEFS. Sizes 4 to 12. e Reg. 59¢ 39 GAB. SLACKS -- Self belt. Sizes 22 to 28. Four shades FRONT GIRLS' STRIDES -- 3 shad seams. Sizes 6 to 12. Reg, 4.95 3. 78 BEAUTIFUL TERRY TOWEL BATH ROBES -- Assorted shades ond patterns. Regular to $5.00 Reg. 6.50 vives... 1.99 + 3.49 BOYS' SATIN JACKETS (Bar ring sleeve). Fully lined. Sizes 2 98 - 3 to 6x. Reg. 4.98. INFANT SPECIALS KIDDIES' SUN SUITS -- Save 25 to 50% on preview of this Sum- mer's styles. YN 99- to Priced from KIDDIES' POLO PYJAMAS Reg. 1.29 CRIB SHEETS -- Made of AQ¢ soft rubber. Reg. 98¢ . * 49 KIDDIES' FANCY KNIT SOX -- 4 shades. Reg. 4% ............ : PLASTIC DIAPER BAGS -- Inside pockets, drawstring, Reg. 89¢ 39 KIDDIES' 2-PC. JERSEY SUITS-- Grey, white and red shirt, red pants. Sizes 2 to 5. Reg. 3.95 HOUSEHOLD ITEMS NYLONS & WOOL BLANKETS-- 1st quality, 20% nylon and 8% wool Reg. 5.95 ALL-WOOL BLANKETS -- Sizes BA es. 0.90 * Reg. 11.95 each .... COLORED BORDERED PILLOW CASES. 4 shades, c Reg. 95¢ .... 49 ARCTIC FLANNELETTE BLAN- KETS. 1st quality. Size 4.38 70 x 84, Reg. 6.95. Pr. SNOW WHITE COTTON SHEETS --Double-bed size. Each KIDDIES' CAMP SUITS -- Blue and yellow. Sizes 2 to 6. Reg. 1.95 ... . CHENILLE CRIB SPREADS -- 4 shades. Beautiful pattern, Reg. 3.95 . .. L] BOYS' ELASTICIZED SATIN BATHING SUITS -- Luminous multi-colored shades. Sizes a A 2 to 6x, Reg, 1.49 .. THOSE FAMOUS CURITY DIA- PERS -- 1st quality. Reg. 4.95 CELLO - WRAPPED PEPPERELL SHEETS -- 81 x 99. Reg. 9.95. Pair ALL - LINEN TABLECLOTHS -- Different shades 50" x 50". Reg. 2.49 CHENILLE BATH MAT SETS -- 7 beautiful shades. Reg. 3.95 LARGE - SIZE iE SANNON TOWELS HOSPITAL DIAPERS Ae sims 2-6 1 1 9 CORDUROY CRAWLERS -- Col- ors: pink, blue, yellow. Reg, 1.89 TRAINING PANTIES ---- Combed COWBOY NIGHT RIDER BELTS miniature gun, holster and bullet attached. All-leather. Reg. 1.95 double crotch 19¢ KINGCOSY BLANKETS--Colorful patterns, pink or blue. 30 x 36. Reg. 1.49 .... 99¢ WABASSO PILLOW CASES -- (family). Pr. 25 PILLOWS -- KAPOK PILLOWS -- FEATHER ... 1.59 THROW RUGS -- Beautiful pate terns, flower designs. Top qual- ity. Fringed ends. 3 99 =" Reg. 7.95 PLASTIC SHOWER CURTAINS-- 7" x 72°, Reg, 2.95 HOUSEHOLD ITEMS AMERICAN COTTON TABLE CLOTHS -- Beautiful pat- 79¢ terns and shades. Reg. 1.29 QUILTED PLASTIC TABLE-TOP COVERS -- 4 shades. COTTON TEA TOWELS--Various stripe patterns. Reg. 19¢ 12¢ 60% WOOL, 40% COMFORTERS-- Reg. 7.95 RED LABEL PEPPERELL PILLOW CASES, pair . 1.69 ZIPPERS -- 6" to 10". Also Lightning, Crown, Flash 25% off RAYON BEDSPREADS 80 x 100 SWEET SUE BAKING SETS -- Reg. 1.49... 97¢ MUSICAL TOPS Reg. ASSORTED FRICTION TOYS, CARS, PLANES, JEEPS, 29c etc. Reg. 59¢ TOY PIANOS Reg. 2.98 WALT DISNEY JIG SAW PUZZLES ALL - METAL TRUCKS Reg. 2.49 PLASTIC TRAINS COTTON 12¢ POCKET BOOK SIZE 25¢ DETECTIVE NOVELS 3 for law COMIC BOOKS -- Latest EE Be out. Reg. 10¢ Now... 2 STORES IN OSHAWA FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE BE ot Sos ian Weil - -- ® SATISFACTION GUARANTEED OR MONEY REFUNDED PENNYWORTH'S ® USE OUR LAYAWAY PLAN © oeer. 21 Bond St. W. -- Dial 5-4313 Wk STORES 454 Simcoe S. -- Dial 39-3905 ry an YOU'RE INVITED TO

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