Y8 THE DANY TIMES-GAZETTE, Wednesday, May 9, 1058 -- Although ground action in Kor- ea has slowed down considerably since opening of latest peace talks at Panmunjom, these U.N. soldiers find there are still many targets available in their area. Here they turn their 75-mm re- U.N. EMPLOYS HIT-RUN TACTICS coiless rifle directly against en- emy bunkers. After firing five rounds, they move to another lo- cation, since smoke from rifle tips off the enemy to the positions they are holding. ; Central Press Canadian. Bandit Did Quick Change PORTLAND, Ont. (CP)--Police, combing this eastern Ontario area! ties and three ordered reinstated without penalies. Steers, a plant committee man, failed to appear before the umpire earlier although an appeal was entered on his behalf by local 200, United Automoble Workers, CIO). The charge against him and sev- eral others who were dismissed was Taxes Could Go Down Is Drew's Belief LONDON, Ont. (CP) -- George ment the same : |apply to industry. Hees, Progressive Cons e rvative member of Parliament for Toronto Broadview, said Tuesday night his party can reduce taxation without impairing essential defence or so- cial security. It could be done, Mr. Hees said in an address prepared for delivery to a nomination convention of the Lon- don Progressive Conservative As- sociation, 'by applying to govern- : prnciples that Industry remained efficient by continumlly bringing in new blood to positions of responsibility ensur- ing that methods used in each de- partment are continually under re- view. . Robert W. Mitchell, local lawyer, was named candidate for the Siding in the federal election. Mr. Mitche defeated James Currie, railroad conductor for the tion. More Industry Makes Canada AR Good Buyer TORONTO (CP)--Canade, has been the largest importer of cap- ital goods in 'the world in recent years, the monthly review of the Bank of Nova Scotia said tbday. During 1951, Canada imported more than- $1,000,000,000 worth of machinery and transport equip- ment and $815,000,000 worth of con- sumer goods.' The review says: "Canadian ex- perience bears out the oft-demon- strated principle that an increasing degree of industrialization makes a country not a poorer but a better customer of other nations." The large imports of machinery reflected the demand for many highly-specialized types of capital goods arising from Canada's post- Cattle Herd Brings $29,700 OAKVILLE (CP)--The 52-year Graymar Holstein herd of Mrs. Anne Meagher, Oakville, brought a total of $29,700 or an average of $571, at a cattle sale here Tues- da. y. Abegweit Milord, a seven-year- old herdsire, son of the world's champion 305-day producer, Abeg- weit Milady, brought the highest price of the day, $2,400. It was paid by the Quinte District Cattle Breed- ing Association. He will be used in jhe assomaniors artificial breeding unit. . J. BE. Houck and sons, Bramp- ton, and Hugh Findlay, Edgely, jointly paid $2,100, top price for a female, for the prize-winning brood cow Graymar Anna Champion. automobiles, quality clothing, wat- Walk The Secord Way ST. CATHARINES (CP) -- A yearly commemoration of Laura Secord's historic walk was sug- gested Tuesday night by B. C. Wal- ters, inaugurator of the Niagara grape festival. Addressing the Lincoln County Historical Society, he said the youthful Mrs. Secord "probably changed the course of history" bd walking 20 miles over rough trails from Queenston to Beaver Dams to warn British troops of an im- pending attack by the invading Americans June 24, 1813. Mr. Walters said the route fol- lowed by the Canadian heroine of the war of 1812 could be retraced by an automobile pilgrimage each year and that a commemorative ceremony could be held at the house where she met the British forces. NEWLY-WEDS NEED SEX INSTRUCTION about to be married need adequate sex instruction, Dr. J. J. Geoghegan of the Homewood Sanatarium at Guelph said Tuesday night. Addressng the Catholic Women's League, he criticized what he cal- led "psychiatric materialism" as applied to marriage problems. "Marital disharmony is insidious and corroding," he said. "It re- lentlessly and ruthlessly under- mines and destroys the relation- ships of the home and distorts the TORONTO (CP)--Young couples | He said that besause Labor Day, the first Monday in September, is regarded generally as the end of summer, Canada loses a heavy volume of tourist business. Educa- tionists had objected to his idea, but he believed adjustments could Day for two weeks would add mil- (be made in the school curriculums lions of dollars in tourist revenue, |to compensate for the added time Travel Minister Cecile of Ontario |off. told a Chamber of Commerce meet- | = ing Monday night in surburban| Want to buy, sell or {rade -- Al Eastview. Classified ad and the deal is made. Labor Day Date Cuts Business OTTAWA (CP)--Postponing La- FLOOD THREAT BENDS p LAKE CHARLES, La. AAP)= | Flood threats ended Tuesday for | the tiny gulf coast town of Cameron | as flood-soaked Lake Charles | cleaned up the debris left by re- ! ceding waters, U. 8. weather offf~ | cials said that Cameron, a town of 2,000 some 50 miles scuth of here at the mouth of the Calcasieu river was "perfectly safe now." "Gay Paris® of America You have 4 full days in New Orleans cn this delightful 11-day tour--time fo visit all the famous spots in one of America's most mysterious and fascinating cities. Pirates' Alley, Napoleon House, the Old Slave Market, Versailles Oak and the quaint shops and resorts of the Old French Quarter are just a few of the sights you've always wanted to see. Going there and back by bus adds further enjoyment fo your trip. Ask your Agent for more details of this end NEW ORLEANS | $964 ROUND TRIP FARE FROM TORONTO (Subject to change) INCLUDES HOTEL ROOM FOR 9 NIGHTS (2 in @ foom) OSHAWA BUS TERMINAL for a "paper bag gunman" Who nat they entered the compan i robbed the local branch of the [horverace and cut off Rpany DIAL 3-2241 : Royal Bank of $4876 * Monday, |supply. % found a bundle of clothing Tues-| ony Par ATTN £ day believed worn by the fugitive. |. Lhe town aris near Brantfor , The clothing was found at the | if Ontario was pawed for fhe Srude # side of the highway running through pasier o- patie dou in the local-| the village, between the bank and | IY: a nearby church. b The bandit satored Yhe bask Just | efore closing time, order wo | customers to lie on the floor, ---- -- shoved a paper shopping bag The Comadian Army Active Force needs men willing fo serve anywhere in the world. Here's --if you are through the teller's window and told the acting manager, John your opportunity between 17 and 40 (trades- men, 45) and can meet army Coulter of Montreal, to fill it with | money. He then fled. | requirements. See RECRUITING OFFICER of LAST FORD STRIKE CASE IS SETTLED Oshawa Armoury WINDSOR, Ont. (CP)--An uwm- pire Tuesday ruled against the re- 20 May 53 1000 to 1400 Hrs. 14 PRINCE STREET war capital investment program. ches, wines, china and fancy bis- Consumer imports included small cuits. ; Z EASY (ARE D Hope J "M-m-m-m good," says birdie, when you feed him a diet of BROCK'S specially blended seeds. Birds are wonderful pets -- but your canary or budgie is a happier little friend when he's healthy. BROCK'S Budgerigar Food and BROCK'S Bird Seed are used by Canada's leading prizewinners for their champions. BROCK'8 Budgerigar Food and BROCK'S Bird Seed are balanced irtures of the choicest seeds. Y our Bet alse needs BROCK'S Bird vel -- & "must" for any bird's digestion, personality of those caught in its meshes." AR a ¥ TAL instatement of Cornelius Steers, one of 32 Ford of Canada employ- ees fired following the wildcat Juris in 1951. Steers' case was the st to come before the umpire. The decision was handed down y Judge Harold E. Fuller of elland, who was called in to settle this final case. Of the 32 cases, 20 discharges were substantiated, nine employees were ordered reinstated with penal- a a 5 | 7 ' 4 + t 3 L i ¢ EXTRA Fowe® IN THE SKY €Powered by two Avro Canada enda' turbo-jet engines, the Avro Canada CF-100, all-weather, 650 m.p.h. fighter is Canada's 'proud contribution to the defence of the Western world." (Aircraft Magasine) RCA VICTOR "Townsman" REGULARLY $32950 SPECIAL $28950 Matching consolette base available at moderate additional cost. A nd RET Here's traditional RCA Victor quality and performance at an swprecedented low price. The "Townsman" has every thing . . . big 17-inch screen . . . the "Magic Monitor" that acts like an engineer inside your set , . . built-in antenna . , . smart modern cabinet styl ing. What an opportunity . . , sad just in time for the Coronation! ON THE ROAD Now, for the first time, motorists can enjoy the greater advantages of "'powerformance" . . . over ordinary performance . . . by using new Supertest Gasoline, with Fe Already, thousands of Canadian motorists are experiencing, this remarkable achievement in automotive performance--obtainable from new Supertest gasoline with Power- hrust. WHAT IS POWER-THRUST? It's the dynamic power in new Supertest Gasoline that delivers effortless starting, a powerful getaway, super-fast acceleration, and mile after mile of gasoline economy. Get "powerformance" right away! Drive into any Supertest dealer's, fill up with new Supertest Gasoline, with Power-Thrust, then drive away and begin to experience this new power , , , this new performance. LHBERTES n Per Huse J COME IN TODAY ... see the "Townsman" and eompare .... then let's talk terms! % WE CAN GUARANTEE delivery of the "Townsman" in plenty of time for you to get television's clearest view of the Coronationd IT'S THE BIG BUY OF '53 FOR THE BIG EVENT OF '53! Costs No More Than The Ordinary Kind SUPERTEST HIGH COMPRESSION SUPERTEST WONDER FREE FOR BOYS AND GIRLS -- An educatioden series of 15 ill; jot raft cards, lly prepared for boys and girls, is being issued free A C M a 1 § ig 5) iJ L i H (one each week) by your neighbourhood Suertes j . pir "Look For The Store With The Yellow Front' 68 SIMCOE ST. N. OSHAWA EAA ALPINA RAPA 22 PAP PIA RPPAG Gp 5h as BISA CS CARIAAR DES ARAN Sf Fl pd St PHONE 5-1179 OC -- a]