LJAX AND DISTRICT NEWS John Mills, Representative -- Phone Pickering 355-J-3 Two Outstanding Speakers I Adress Hosnital Auxiliary AJAX (Times - Gazette Staff Re- swer enquiries if the need arises. porierl, -- 'The members and | 'Public relations," she said, "to friends of the Ajax and Pickering my mind is one of the most im- Township Hospital Auxili~vv were | portant avenues of hospital ap- igaorivileged to hear two oui:tanding |proach. It is the medium through pcakers on Monday evening, at| which better understanding is con- their Mav meeting in Pickering |yeyed to the citizenship; prob- United Church. lems are clarified and factual "They were Mrs. Oliver Rhynas. gaia B Eiven, fe proper abt. id il | To meet the challenge of our times President of the National Council A ee le Ee Oiour Limes of Auxiliaries 'and Mrs. . : tic information, co-operating al- Douglas, who is widely known as Pave TE a opera: ¥ her of St. Sonn "or Jer that unauthorized or personal ideas the St. John's Ambulance Brigade. ay not retard the necessary pro- Both of these ladies are pioneers re aug adequate Soa in Auxiliary work. and brought ces. "Survey the various activi- messages of advice and counsel, , ties of the Voluntary Women's Hos- that should prove invaluable to this Dial Aisey oD tae new group. Mrs. Rhynas, since helping to or- Where 2nd When You 'can Dest ganize the first Hospital Auxiliary Mrs. W, C. Douglas reviewed the up in Toronto, 34 years ago. work of the St. John's Ambulance as never been out of office, and r . | Brigade from the time of its incep- . is now Public Relations Adminis. hon i ols ae in 1099 AD. The trator for the Dominion. She is QUEEN'S GRADUATE Robert Scott Campbell of Ajax who has passed in Arts at Queens' University. Mr. Camp- bell is a son of Rev. R. D. and Mrs. Campbell and is now teach- ing at Earl Beaty School, To- ronto. He formerly taught Busi- ing College, Newmarket. origina) title of the organization is also a member of the first Inter- "The Venerable Oni of Soir, national Hospital Auxiliary and has also received a citation from the | convenience sake been shortened American Hospital Association. John of Jerusalem", which has for The meeting being on the eve of Le he better known, St. John's Netional Hospital Day (May 12), | Ambulance. Mr:. Rhynas touched on the life| Florence Nightingale, in recog- mothers Group committee he ition of her courageous and fear-| meeting at the home of Mrs. C. of Florence Nightingale and how | McGinnis, Cedar Street. | she became interested in the care [less service to the wounded in the of the sick. and the dedication of her life to this cause. Mrs. Rhynas said, "Each on May 12, we pause to pay tribute mankind. On this day, the an- niversary of the birth of Florence Nightingale, we. not only remem- ber with gratitude the gift of noble deeds given to the world by this gemlewomman, we pay tribute also have come after -- serving the sick and injured through the years." "We live in an age of miracles; advances in , medicines, and sciences are beyond our ken. Hospitalization has attained to fest efficiency -- all this through he sacrifice of those who have ven of their days and knowledge | was located outside London, and so | Crimean War, was made a "Dame BUSY TIME AHEAD | FOR GIRLS' GROUPS| AJAX -- The Guide and Brownie 1d its | The months of May and June jof Grace' of the Order of Saint | will be a busy period for Com- | { hig | vice. In the early days of its being the Order of St. John cared for both friend and foe during the war of the Crusades, and was continu- ally moving Jus ahead of the enemy. Finally landing on the Island 'of Malta, where today some of their early relics are to be found. The Maltese Cross is now the centre motif in the insignia of the Order. In the year 1635 the Order went to England, where it | established headquarters at Clerk- enwell and Sadlers Well, which cause they have a care for the named because it was the only hest order to be bestowed on a |ers and Guide and Brownie moth-| to a life given to the good of woman in those days for such ser- | ers. quets, a Brownie picnic, bake sale during that time, and also. preparation for the Guides who are attending camp. the Guides Room in Building on Friday, May 15, at 5 p.m, Guide moth meeting will be announced later. All Guide and Brownie mothers are Committee meeti year, John of Jerusalem. This was the | missioner, Mrs. Mary Sloan, Guid- | | There are to be three ban-| and a The bake sale will be held at Hart House .m is sponsored by the ers Group committee. The time and place of the next invited to attend the Group ngs. NORTH LUFFENHAM. England (CP)--FO, L. P. (Lou) Savereux, service a reception was held 12 Confirmed By Bishop At Ajax Service | Many friends and visitors attend- jed the service of Inroduction last | Friday for the new Rector, Rev. {J E. Harvey. | The service was conducted by ithe Ven. Archdeacon F. J. Saw- |ers, Archdeacon of York, and the guest preacher was Rev. Canon W. G. Sunter. Assisting at the serv- ice also were Professor Macdor 'd cf Wycliffe College and the Rev. Gordon Channen, Rector of ! | Saints' Church, Whitby. After the a the church hall when the ladies served refreshments. In his re- marks the Archbishop extended his best wishes to the Rector and con- gregation of Holy Trinity. The morning service on Sunday was conducted by Mr. Patterson, student-assistant from Port Whitby who will be assisting the Rector during the summer. The Rector conducted the evening service. Twelve candidates were confirm- ed by Right Rev. F. H. Wilkin- son, MM, Coadjutor Bishop of the Diocese of Toronto, in an impres- sive service Monday evening. At- {tending also was the rural dean, Rev. G. Channen, who presented one candidate from All Saints'. the Bishop was warmly welcomed to Holy Trinity at the reception which followed the service, and he 'was a : | thanked by the wardens for mak- Leslie Bell's outstanding arrange- ing it possible to have Mr. Harvev BOWMANVILLE AND DISTRICT | Representative--Donald Hendry, 113 King St. E., Phone 881! Pupils Present Literary Night BOWMANVILLE -- Bowmanville On Nursery Rhymes. High School students presented| The third form Junior Commerce (their "Literary Night" varieties | Group brought Julius Caesar, Brut- | last night to a packed school audi- | us. and the boys from Rome back torium. The varied program includ- |to life minus their latin, but com- ed dramatic and humorous scenes, | plete with togas, to perform a brief as well as many entertaining musi- | skit concerning some missing choc- cal members. olates from the emporor's person, SHIELD PRESENED | which revolved around the famous A shield was presented to Miss |line always so well-known to High 'Rate Wilson, representing 1 ire{3chool English students, "Et tu, th form, declaring their form |Brute. Fig hy the Program series | _ First Form also presented an out- held throughout the year. standing play in pantomine, 'The Miss Wilson was also commend- [Shooting Of Dan McGrew", which | ed for her brilliant part for a scene | Was lustily produced with all the from Henry V, in which she had | colour and romance service would acted the demure French Princess, fave intended for such a produc- | w ng tri woo in - . : lish, and ; Ee tamooyls Fue; Two original humorous playlets, | French. a mystery, and a satire on army life were authored and produced | by Jimmy Turner, and James Clark, and were greatly enjoyed by the large audience. MUSICAL PROGRAM The musical part of the enter- tainment included a charming vo- | cal duet, a dance number, and sev- eral selections by the Bowmanville | four girl group, The Choralettes, (Glee Club, whose choral activities | which coped easily and delightfully are certainly to be commended. | with the melodic Far Away Places, | One of the the most popular en-| {rollicking Dry Bones, and Doctor |tertainers was Al Jolson, and last | night his voice was combined with A comical skit opened the regular varieties, entitled A Typical TV ommercial. In this amusing skit, which plugged a shampoo, students cavorted gaily, and poked a strangely divining finger at a well- known institution of salesmanship. One of the musical highlights of the evening was the outstanding Board Closes Gates To Park '""Hoodlums'" who have been us- ing the track at Alexandra Park as a speedway have forced the lo- cal parks board to have the main gates at the park locked, In a statement at a meeting of the board held yesterday evening John Brady, chairman, reported that young drivers had been rac- ing around the track at speeds up to 50 miles per hour. Owing to the rainy weather the parks board employees had not been able to oil the perimeter and dozens of complaints about the raising of dust had 'been received. Allowing a local sports organiza- of management had been forced to keep the main gates locked. People icry and synchronization, that | brought the famous Al back to life | nerisms and adept cane swinging | were totally . reminiscent of the or- iginal jazz singer. The final portion of the evening's program was a dramatic entry, which depicted a western farmer and his pretty wife, and the farm- ers deranged sister alone in a bliz- zard bound house. The strange sister's attempts to | keep the farm house to herself, al-, though her brother had decided to! sell made for fine dramatic far. Don Cramp acted as MC for the! |using the park had to leave their i vehicles on Simcoe Street, "The police sheuld pay some at- tention to this misuse of the track" commented Mr. Brady. "We open- ed it in good faith. If people drve around the track at a normal speed we would have nothing to worry about. Now we have to close the gates as some people do not appreciate that people living in that area have some rights." The track was to have been oil ed today. CADET CORPS (Continued from Page 3) is composed of Capt. Kaine, chief instructor; Lt. H. Davies, drill; Lt. F. Emery, wireless; Lt. E. Mec- Anerin, range Lt. T. Doucette, gunnery: Sgt. Charles Fry, assist- ant gunnery; Sgt. L. Scott, quar- termaster and Sgt. Chester Follest, {tion the use of the park, the board | bandmaster. The senior rifle team, which will be going up to the Long Branch ranges for .pecial training in a week or so, is made up of the fol- lowing cadets: Maj. Fry, Lieuts, {for three great encores. The man- Elliott, Field and Newell, Sgts. D, Graham and L. Victor. LONDON (CP)--Boleyn Castle in East London, reputed to have been built by Henri VIII for Anne Boleyn may be demolished. Large cracks are appearing in the walls and its fate is in the hands of the works ministry, although it was scheduled for preservation as a monument of historical interest. Canada and the US. led all na- tions in telephone usage in 1952 as full-time Rector at Holy Trinity. | During the service the choir sang | the anthem "What are these that | are arrayed in white robes?" by | Jon Stainer. | On Friday of this week, May 15, | the monthly meeting of the Yong | Couples' Club takes place in the church hall. A variety night has been arranged by this month's committee, which will include square dancing with live accom- paniment, cards, and something special -- through the courtesy of Mr. Ernie Rowland a 21" television set is being installed for those who wish to see this week's champion- | ship boxing match. All couples of the parish are invited to attend, starting at 8:30 p.m ment and composition, A Fantasy some outstanding black face mim- show. with 376 calls per capita. HOLIDAY AHEAD SHOP AND SAVE AT YOUR A&P STORE Next Sunday's services are Holy | {Communion at 11 a.m., and Even- {ing Prayer at seven p.m. ADDITIONAL AJAX NEWS ON PAGE 19 welfare of others. |place where water was available | 28, from Windsor, Ont., supply offi- '""We as Voluntary Hospital Aux- in wells. jcer at this RCAF fighter base for piary workers share in all this| Suffering hardships under vari-|more than a year, has been posted 'caring for the welfare of others' ous kings and tyrants, the Order to the United States Air Force in and it is to the credit of the On- was finally given Temporal and {Korea for a six-month course in tario Auxiliaries Association that Physical protection by Queen Vic- supply systems. since 1921 (when National Hospital |toria, who saw and recognized the | Day was officially set apart as a need for such an organization. It | day to pay tribute to a world was King Sleorge V that granted benevolent service), that it has|the Order the Charter. under which | greatly advanced the development [it works today. The first Brigade of the observance of this day." established in Canada, was at Lon- Turning again to the work of don,. Ontario, headed by 'a Mr, Hospital Auxiliaries, Mrs. Rhynas|Lovejoy, who is still an honored said, "Never in the history of hos- member. pital work, have Hospital Auxil- | Members of the Brigade are ries been so necessary. T hi s|taught all phases of first aid work, great need has truly stimulated the |how to diagnose and treat patients members to more intensive study but never infringing on the doc- of all branches of hospitalization, |tors' or nurses' work. Instruction with the result that never before (is given in home nursing, child have members been so intensely (welfare, and caré in all accideni: faithful and co-operative towards and emergencies. Divisions are al- hospital needs. Ever since hospi-|ways available, if asked, to attend tal doors opened to serve the sick |public gatherings such 'as CNE. Ana Page (8 varieties) PORK & BEANS Gs: 23 Ann Page A&P Special Blend BLACK TEA "nto phos 2 7c Henley PIE PEACHES 2 500 ms 23 For Your Family Wash perks 36 go pis Te TIDE PEANUT BUTTER xo 2% Bakery Special "ANGEL CAKE - 30. REG. PRICE 48¢ A Page CANADA APPROVED VITAMIN "B" ENRICHED BREAD SLICED or UNSLICED 14 Sultana WHITE, WHOLE WHEAT ,.. .... r..., | B-0z bit 21 and injured, the voluntary work of women has played no small part | in assisting hospital boards, and superintendents to build up and] maintain a service - in the com- munity to carry on this noble and necessary work; organized hospi- tal auxiliaries have been active in! sportsman's show, in fact, an; place where crowds gather. Beach- es, in the summer, ski trails in winter. Ambulance workers, both male and female, are noted for their efficient handling and court- esy. At intervals on much travelled CRACKED WHEAT TOMATO JUICE 22.+2k ---- TLL A Mid and Mellow Blond SAVE 10¢ [SusssssssEEsEEEERARREl Canada for over 85 years, thus giv- | highways, first aid posts are set | ing evidence of steadfastness in up at Service Stations, especially | service and sympathetic co-opera- where it is some distance to a | tion, All hospitals need this volun- hospital. These posts used to be | tary service." {run in conjunction with the Red Perhaps the smaller the hospi- | Cross, as was the Blood Bank the greater the need of the {now the St. John's Ambulance invaluable assistance that can be [have withdrawn from Blood Bank rendered by a voluntary hospital | service, and the Red Cross from group; indeed some of them could highway first aid posts. not exist if it were not for the| In large industries such as Iron strong arm of the Women's Aux- and. Steel works, a percentage of | fliary. The services rendered our |the employees take a course of | communities by our hospitals have training with the St. John's Am- | developed to such an extent that |pulance, so that they are ready hospital boards find it increasing- if the need arises. ly difficult to keep abreast of the | The work of the Order is carried mands made upon them. And |on like that of the Hospital Aux- this we think is a distinct chal-|iliaries, without fanfare, and very lenge to the Women's Auxiliaries [little publicity, but are always a to render assistance and co-opera- |tower of strength in an emergency. tion to the limit of their ability." Mrs. George Todd tendered a | Touching on the many phases of vote of thanks on behalf of those | Auxiliary work Mrs. Rhynas em-|present to the zuest speakers, and phasized the need of keeping one's | refreshments were served during a self fully aquainted with the sta-|social half-hour. tistics of our own local hospital, | -------------- | such as how many beds, how large | Traffic accidents claimed 343] | | a nursery, what equipment is|lives in Finland last year, a de- available, etc., so that one can an- crease of 30 from 1951. WHITBY CORONATION CELEBRATION PARADE TUESDAY, JUNE 2nd Applications are now being received by the Coronation Committee for entries in the parade, which starts at 2 p.m. for which the following prizes will be giyen: Decorated Float, non-commercial, $10. Decorated Boy's Bicycle, 1st prize, $3.00; 2nd, $2.00. Decorated Girl's Bicycle, 1st prize, $3.00; 2nd, $2.00. Clowns, 1st prize, $3.00; 2nd, $2.00. Period Costumes, 1st prize, $3.00; 2nd, $2.00. Pet-drawn vehicle, 1st prize, $3.00; 2nd, $2.00. Oldest vehicle in parade, operating under own power, $5.00. Let's make this parade worthy of Whitby and the event being celebrated, Fill out this Form and Mail to Coronation Committee, Whitby APPHCOMIS NOME . o.oo vvvisvinranivusevissisesess Type of Entry .. WHITBY CORONATION CELEBRATION PROGRAMME Monday, June 1st 7:30 P.M.--COMMUNITY CORONATION SERVICE conducted by the Whitby Ministerial Association, Whitby High School Grounds. Speaker's name will be announced later. : Tuesday, June 2nd 10:30 A.M.--Parade of Whitby Branch 112 of the Canadian Legion to Cenotaph for depositing of wreath at 11 a.m. 1:30 P.M.--Mammoth Patriotic Parade, forming u at High School grounds, with Markham Ladies' Band, Whitby Legion Band, decorated floats, clowns, etc. 2 P.M.--Parade moves off to Coronation Park. Route, east on Colborne Street, north of Brock Street, west on Mary Street, north on Euclid Street, west on Walnut Street and from this point to the park. 3 P.M.--Formal opening of Coronation Park and dedi- cation of Gates by His Worship Mayor Harry W. Jermyn, 3:15 P.M.--Donation of flag to Coronation Park Com- mittee by Viscount Greenwood Chapter Imperial Order Daughters of the Empire. 3:30 P.M.--Address by His Honour Judge Farquhar J. MacRae, at Coronation Park. 4 P.M.--Baseball game at Coronation Park. 7 P.M.--Exhibition of marching and playing by Mark- ham Ladies' Band at the Town Park. 7:30 P.M.--Softball game at Town Park. 9:30 P.M. to MIDNIGHT--Street Dance to be held on Brock Street South opposite Town Park. 9:45 P.M.--Giant Fireworks Display at Town Park. GOD SAVE THE QUEEN! KEEP THIS SCHEDULE OF PROGRAM FOR REFERENCE PRODUCE SPECI ; their best for ish, No. 1, sims 12, mow at Guben Red Spanish, PINEAP size 48 @Galifornia lceberg, new orop Mo. Mexican, Firm, Ripe, Mo. 4, selected auelity TOMATOES Florida, No. 1, size 176, exceMent ORANG Fresh New Crop, No. 1 Spanish, ONS Famey and Extra Fanoy B6. DATES 3 large 262 siwe to pko- : excolont eating 3b cello No. 1, Pitted Hh cello McCormick's Pineapple Cream BISCUITS Clark's SOUPS lona DESSERT PEA Johnson's PASTE WAX Navy TOWET TISSUE Kellogg's CORN FLAKES Post's SUGAR CRISP lona TOMATOES 26-0 in $8 A&P Fancy Red SOCKEYE SALMON ww: 33 Ana Page SALAD DRESSING ocr 3 5c Primrose Sweet Morir 33 MIXED PICKLES Morir 3 Se Hb cello 2 De 3 10-0z ms 29 RS 2150ewm25c 8 bin 59¢ 2 robs 21%¢ Smoked Shankiess, R-oz pka 23¢ 2 phos 3 3c Smoked Shankless, Red or Blue Bi Boneless VEAL Smoked, Rind Strawberry (Pectin added) lona Orange & Grapefruit MARMALADE Morir 27 e CLOSED MONDAY, MAY 18th OPEN ALL DAY WEDNESDAY MAY 20th Fresh Caught Effective Until Saturday, May 16th, ALS! 1-99 hoods 2DC whose 19¢ for juwies, wow st their best do & rks EEEEEEEAE » 91 Bulk 25¢c bey 23C we 17¢ z Borden's Hereford CORNED Picnic Style Picnic Style rand Beef ROUND STEAK ROAST RUMP ROAST ove vo On Grade "A" Eviscerated, Oven Ready Swift's Premium Lean THE GREAT ATLANTIC A ESTABLISHED 77 iy 1856. ------ Lip. Rid Pp Monarch MARGARINE Skim Mitk, Low Calory "SLIM" CHEESE EIGHT O'CLOCK COFFEE 3-0 bay $2.67 617. 33 535 phe 29 R-0z tin Bc ATES MEAT SPECIALS! SMOKED HAMS wisines 35: Butt Portion Ib 69 v43c . 39: 63c Hocolopke BTC » 65¢ 1h coe phy 3 3C » 33¢ b ~ SUPERMARKETS and Operated b ND PACIFIC TEA COMPANY LTD.