Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily Times-Gazette, 24 Oct 1952, p. 8

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JO ALDWINCKLE Womon WOMEN'S EDITOR - - PHONE 3-2233 8 THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE, Friday, October 24, 1952 G OF LOCAL INTEREST Pictured at a happy moment | are Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ed- | win Dewland whose marriage was solemnized recently in King Street United Church. Formerly | Miss Betty Elaine Baxter, the | pride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Clinton Bax- ter and the bridegroom is the son of Mr, and Mrs, William Al- bert Dewland, all of Oshawa. Photo by J. T. Simnett. GROUPS, CLUBS AND AUXILIARIES CHRIST CHURCH W.A. The Woman's Auxiliary of Christ Memorial Church held its month- ly business meeting in the Parish | Hall, The president, Mrs. H. W.| Ward, presided. The W.A. Litany | and prayers were led by Mrs. Al-| Jan S. Evans. Plans were made for the bazaar to be held on November 26. The members were reminded of the Bryan Green Mission to the Dio- cese of Toronto services to be held in the Coliseum Exhibition Park, on "ctober 26 to November 4 at 8.15 SV The EY CHINE db a presentation of a Bible to Miss Julla Drummond who is training at the Missionary College, Toronto and is to be post- to India. ® Tuesday afternoon, the Little Helpers had their annual party. Preceding this a short service was conducted by Mrs. Harold Beam- ish in the Church at which time the children made their mite box contribution. All retired fo the Parish Hall where games Were played and refreshments served. FRIENDSHIP GROUP At the regular meeting of the Priendship Group of King Street | United Church, held in the church parlor, plans were made for the annual bazaar to take place on Wednesday, November 19. Conven- ing the tea room will be Mrs. Nor-| man Wirsching. Other conveners | will be. as follows: fancy work, | Mrs, Wilbert Rusnell; knitting, Mrs. Roy Terwillegar; aprons, Mr | Leo Glover; dolls, Mrs. Walter Clarke; home cooking, Mrs, W. J. Burns; parcel sale, Mrs. J. E. Sey- mour Mrs. D. H. MacMillan, the group leader, presided for the business meeting. The scripture lesson was read by Mrs. D. L. Myers. Mrs. William Bradbury read the minutes and called the roll. Mrs. H. J. Wil- ton gave the treasurer's report, giving a very gratifying financial + which the group catered during the summer, HOLY TRINITY EVE. AUX. The regular meeting of the Eve- ning Auxiliary of Holy Trinity Anglican Church was held on Tues- day evening, In the absence of the oHresident, Mrs. A. Gordon Armstrong, the treasurer, Miss Gertrude Jones, presided. The meeting opened with prayer followed by a full discus- sion regarding the Hallowe'en tea to be held on Wednesday, October 29. All duties for the tea were dis- cussed and assigned and it was hoped that the decorations would be of special interest to children. The question was discussed as to whether the group would cater for a dinner in December and also as to whether the afghan and cushion should be displayed It was announced that arrange- ments were being made for the Christmas dance. CENTRE STREET WMS The October meeting of e Centre Street Uniteed Church MIs- sionary Axuiliary was held on Thursday afternoon at the home of Mrs, William Calder. Worship service was led by Mrs. | Bert Trewilligar who opened the | meeting with a short reading and | read the Scripture. Mrs. John | Johnston read the minutes of the last meeting. { Mrs, Calder presided at the meet- ed by Miss Sylvia Graham and Mrs. Gordon Reid. GETTING MARRIED ? Large Selection of © WEDDING INVITATIONS © Beautifully Pristed ARJAY PRESS "QOshawa's Newest Printer" 182 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH DIAL 5-2066 We are not listed in the 'Phone $0 save this ad for reference. ing. A family party was discussed for a later date. Plans were made to have the film, '""The King's Men," shown at the evening serv- ice on Sunday. October 26. It was announced that Missionary Sunday would be held on November 9 with the Rev. Floyd Honey, returned missionary from China, as guest speaker. Mrs. F. W. Rundle discussed por- tions of the first four chapters of the Missionary Monthly, "Along African Trails', assisted by Mrs. Bert Trewilligar and Mrs. W. P. Fletcher. Resfreshments were serv- ed by the hostess. RITSON H. AND 8S. ASSN. The monthly meeting of Ritson Home and School Association was held in the school auditorium last Monday evening with a fair at- tendance. Miss Ann Marie Allen played two piano selections. Mrs. Walter Rit- zie introduced Mr. Fred Poppin who made a strong plea for sup- port of the community chest Red Feather campaign. Mrs. F. C, Piper, who succeeded Mrs. W. Ritzie as president, pre- sided. Mr. J. C. Fetterley gave a short interes#ing talk on discipline of the child while at school. Mrs. J. A. Marshall who with Mrs. Piper, attended the Regional Con- ference and Training Scheol at Beaverton, gave a report. Mr. Gerald Harper showed a film, "Family Circle". Refresh- ments were served by the mothers of the Grade 8 pupils. Mrs. Harold St. John's class won the attendance prize. WOODVIEW PARK AUX. The regular meeting of the La- dies' Auxiliary of Woodview Park Association was held at the home of Mrs. G. A, Leaming, Central Park Boulevard, on Tuesday eve- ning. Mrs. Earle Judge presided, and committees were set up as follows: Social, Mrs. J. T. Brown, Mrs. John McClellan, Mrs. Roy Cornish and Mrs. William Simms, and the phoning committee, Mrs. Martin Hooisma, Mrs. William El- liott, Mrs, Cyril Norris and Mrs. Ted Reid. Card convener is Mrs. Reg. Lowe, Plans were completed for Ladies' Night at the CRA on Thursday evening, October 30, when Wood- view Park Auxiliary will act as hostess to the other Ladies' Aux- SAVE! October Sale Specials! CREPE SLIPS Regular $1.98 SALE CHILDREN'S COTTON SOCKS Reg. 59¢ pair. SALE Pair 39¢ GIRLS' WOOL PLAID SKIRTS 2.98 .., 3.98 BUTTONS 1,000 CARDS Reg. 25¢ card. LACIES' BLOUSES THREE ONLY! Regular 2.98. SA CHENILLE HOUSECOATS 3.98 .. 7.98 "LORNA" DRY GOODS 27 BOND ST, EAST Trousseau Tea and Showers Honor Miss Madaline L. White Ariss REA ns Miss Madalins whose marriage to Mr. Willlam A, Lovelock will be solemnized in King Street United Church this eve- ning has been guest of honor at several pre-nuptial parties. Last Saturday afternoon and eve- ning Mrs. Charles R. White enter- tained at a trousseau tea for her daughter. Autumn flowers decorat- ed the living room and dining room where Mrs. White received the guests wearing an afternoon dress of beige crepe and a corsage of yellow and mauve chrysanthemum, Mrs, William Lovelock, mother of the prospective bridegroom, who assisted wore black crepe and a corsage of red carnations, The fu- ture bride chose an aqua-knitted suit with a feathered corsage of yellow roses. Mrs. Donald Beaton presided over the guest book. Mrs. J. D. Stevens, grandmother of the bride- to-be, poured tea. Serving the guests were Mrs. Lance Pugh, Mrs, Frank McClure, Mrs. Douglas Lander, and Mrs. Albert Hircock. Others assisting were Mrs. Ken- neth Summersford, Mrs. Leonard Goldsmith and Mrs, William Harmer, Miss Shirley McColm was in the room where the trousseau was on display and Miss Shirley Harme was in the room containing the collection of linens, china and sil- ver. The room containing the wed- ding and shower gifts was in charge of Mrs. Edward Hill, sister of the bride-elect. Others entertaining were Mrs. Harry Duffy at her home. The fu- ture bride was seated in a gaily de- corated chair and fall flowers de- corated the room. Refreshments were served by the hostess, assist- ®d by Mrs, Willlam Duffy, Miss Lois Lockwood, Mrs. Herbert White and Miss Jo Ann Floyd. Before the bride opened her presents, sev- eral games of bingo were enjoyed by all. A miscellaneous shower was held at the home of Miss Shirley Mec- Colm. The future bride was seated in a decorated choir and presented with a corsage of pink chrysan- themums, Assisting the hostess in serving "refreshments were Miss Barbara Luke, Miss June Fudger, and Miss Joyce Robinson. Mrs. Allan Baker was hostess at a miscellaneous shower held at the home of Mrs. George Baker. The future bride was.seated in a decor- ated chair with overhanging bal- loons filled with confetti and pre- sented with a corsage of pink chry- santhemums. A community shower was held at the home of Mrs. Frank McClure, Titian Whita iliaries. Date was also announced for the social evening for all park members at the CRA, to be on Thursday, November 20. Mrs. William Pipher presented Mrs. Cyril Norris, retiring presi- dent, with a gift, on behalf of all the members, as & small token of appreciation for her leadership. Refreshments were served by the hostess, assisted by the convener for the evening, Mrs. J. T. Brown, and the members. The next meet- ing was set for Thursday, Novem- ber 13, at the home of Mrs. Nor- ris, Beverly 'Street. ST. GEORGE'S RITSON GROUP The Ritson Group of St. George's Guild held its regular meeting last Friday evening at the home of Mrs. Joseph Coldrick, Gliddon Avenue. Mrs. William Collins led in pray- er, Mrs. Cokdrick presided and re- ports were given by Mrs. John Matthews and Mrs. Joseph 'Men- zies. During the evening a presentation was made to Mrs. Menzies of a corded hand.ag. Mrs. Menzies is leaving Oshawa to take up resi- dence in Toronto. Several members will journey to Toronto on October 30th, by char- tered bus to attend the Bryan Green Mission at the Coliseur... _ Plans were made for future meet- ings and it was decided to cancel the December meeting, The annual turkey supper will be held January 9th, at Adelaide House. Contests were played and prizes won by Mrs. John Matthews and Mrs. George Topham Refreshments were served by Mrs, Ciiver Martin and Miss Jacquelyn Coldrick. Next meeting will be he'd at the home of Mrs. Matthews, Yonge Stree', on November 11. ing. A full attendance is pated. The hishlicht af the evening was a mock wedding. Assisting the host. ess in serving refreshments were Mrs, Thomas Shephard, Mrs. Leo- nard Pipher, Mrs. Ross Law and Mrs. Bert Hircock. Miss Shirley Harmer was host- ess at a crystal shower. The future bride was seated in a gaily decorat- ed chair with overhanging stream- ers and presented with a corsage of yellow and bronze chrysanthe- mums. A buffet lunch was served. Her fellow workers of the Parts and Service Department of General Motors presented the bride-to-be with a blonde coffee table, two end tables to match and two pairs of sheets at her desk yesterday after- noon. PERSONALS Mr. and Mrs. Watson Morgan, Roxborough Avenue, were recently in Buffalo where they were the guests of Mrs. A. T. Graham. Mr. Donald Pierson has returned to Pettawawa after spending his leave with his parents, Mr. and Mrs, William Pierson, Colborne Street East. Mrs. Lawrence Beal and Miss Betty Beal, Oshawa Boulevard, visited friends in Buffalo during the weekend. . A, 8. Lowe, Roxborough Aveflue, has returned from visit- ing her daughter, Mrs. Ian Couper in Chatham, N.B. Mr. and Mrs, William Lovelock, Frederick Street, entertained the bridal party of the Lovelock-White wedding after the rehearsal last night, Mrs. R. 8. McLaughlin has graci. ously consented to open the bazaar for the Jessie Panton Missionary Auxiliary, being held in the recrea- tion rooms of St. Andrews United Church at 3 o'clock on November 4. Mr. 8S. T. Lamble, King Street East, and Mr, George Thompson, OSA, of Owen Sound, have return- ed from a sketching trip at Mil- ford Haven, Lake Muskika, and Lake Rousseau. The Oshawa Liberal Women's As- sociation held a bridge and euchre social evening on Tuesday at Holy Cross parish hall. The event was opened by. Mr. Walter C. Thomson and a pleasant evening of cards was enjoyed by 2 '21 © num- ber of players. At the couclusion refreshments were served and dur- ing the interval Mr. James Heffer- ing of Whitby drew the names of the prize winners. Conveners of the card party were Mrs. A. Mounce, Mrs, J. H. Lyons and Mrs. Earl Hoy. The Reverend John Kitchener of Orono will be the guest speaker at the Thankoffering meeting of the Jessie Panton Missionary =Auxili- ary, St. Andrews United Church, in the Chapel at 8 o'clock on Tuesday evening nest. Mr. Kitchen will show a sound film, "Christianity goes to press", depicting his work in China which promises to be very merest, antici- Lily Janicki is Wed To Stanley A. Weeks A wedding was solemnized in Holy Trinity Anglican Church recently when Lily Janicki, daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. Philip Jan- icki became the bride of Stan- ley Alfred Weeks, son of Mr, and Mrs. Horace Weeks, all of Oshawa. The Rev, E. H. McLellan perform- ed the ceremony. The bride wore a white lace over satin ballerina length gown. Her shoulder-length veil was held by a matching lace Juliet cap and she carried red roses set in white tulle florets. Miss Joy Buchanan, her only at- tendant, was in ballerina length blue net over satin and carried yel- low chrysanthemums. The best man was Mr, Cyril Weeks brother of the bridegroom. Following the reception held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Weeks brother and sister in law of the bridegroom Mr. and Mrs. Weeks left for a wedding trip to New Orleans, PALMOLIVE SHAMPOO " SHINY-CLEAN ee ZU rg, ® New Palmolive Shampoo floods of fragrant lather... washes away H like magic . . . removes every trace pe § di dulling film. ' ¢ with "foamy action" gives .O. (Hair Odor) rt, dandruff and ® A quick rinse--your hair is soft, fragrant, easy to manage ...aglow with new sparkling highlights. ® "Foamy Action" Palmoliye makes permanents take better «+ last longer. INTRODUCTORY OFFER "FOAMY ACTION" LARGE SIZE Reg. 55¢ Special PALMOLIVE SHAMPOO 28° SUPPLY LIMITED -- GET IT AT YOUR DEALERS TO-DAY! LODGES AND * SOCIETIES SUNBEAM CHAPTER, OES Mrs. Alberta -Wood presided at the regular meeting of Sunbeam Chapter, No. 73, The Order of The Eastern Star. Welcomed by the Worthy Matron were Mrs. Teena Roberts and Mrs, Meta Moore, past District Deputy Grand- trons. A cordial welcome was ex- tended to all visitors and members present by the Worthy Matron and also by the Worthy Patron, Mr. Lloyd Wood. The degrees of the Order were conferred on two candidates. The Association Matron, Miss Sybil Langmaid, reported re the hope chest to be drawn at the bazaar on October 24, reporting that the chest and contents will be on dis- play during the present week. Tickets on the hope chest are available to all members from Mrs. Thamison Medland. Mrs. Agnes Kemlo reminded members of the concert on the evening of October 24 in the Ma- sonic Temple under the auspices of the Chapter. The Toronto Chris- tian Business Girls' Choir are pre- senting a program with assisting artists. The Sick and Sunshine Commit- tee report contained a little of both, reports on various members recovering from {illness was en- couraging. The sympathy of the Chapter was extended to those be- reaved by the Worthy Matron and continued improvement to those ill. The Chapter was given a re- port by Mrs. Nance McLeese on the recent outing given to the chil- dren living at the Children's Shel- - | were aécepted. Members wishing ter in Oshawa. This took the form of a trip by car through the au- tumn country-side and refresh- ments, The donation by the Wor- thy Matron and Worthy Patron of apples and watermelon was much appreciated. A report on the sale of Christmas cards was given and the convener asked members to bring any unsold cards to the Christmas table at the bazaar. In- vitations to Coronation Chapter, Lindsay, on November 5, to Blue Ray, Port Perry, on November 13, to go to Lindsay were asked to contact the Worthy Matron re transportation, Year-end reports were given by Mrs. es Kemlo for the enter- tainment committee, by Mrs. Nance McLeese for the refresh- ment committee, by Miss Sybil Langmaid for the Benevolent com- mittee and for the Sick and Sun- shine committee, Mrs. Harriet Belly reported for the Regalia commit tee. Two beautiful batons, the work of Mr. Lorne, Alexander were pre- sented to the Chapter by Mrs. Alexander as a gift on behalf of her husband and herself. Mrs. Wood gave her report on the Grand Chapter sessions attended by Miss Langmaid, Mr. Clifton Moore, and Mr. and Mrs. Wood (delegates from Sunbeam Chap- Chapter convention hall on this occasion, the business accomplish- ed, these were all memtioned in this report. The presentation of honorary memberships in the Sun- beam Chapter to Mrs, Mabel Ma- careth, Worthy. Grand Matron, 1951-52, and to Mr. Arthur Ash- ford, Worthy Patron, took place during these sessions. Miss Langmaid gave her impres- sions of her visit to the Hogpital for Sick Children and to the school of instructions, both part of the as- sociation Matron's tour during the Grand sessions. She continued her report with some of the ideals laid down and the projects planned by Mrs. Belle Linehan, the in" coming Worthy Grand Matron. The farewell was given by Mrs Rah. erts and the meeting closed, Lunch and a social half-hour followed. SOCIAL NOTICES ENGAGEMENT Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Dodds an- nounce the engagement of their daughter, Constance Cecily, to Robert James Storms, son of Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Storms, all of Oshawa. The marriage will take place in Oshawa on Saturday,, No- vember 1, The Rev. and Mrs. Ewart Cul- ley of Claremont, Jamaica, BWI, announce the engagement of their daughter, Monica Ellen, of Osh- awa, to Morley Stephen Pritchard, son of Mr, and Mrs, Charles Ed- gar Pritchard of Stirling, Ontario. The marriage will take place in St. Andrew's United Church on Sat- urday, November 15, at 2 p.m. HONOR RAY LAWSON TORONTO (CP)--Hon. Ray Law- son, Lieutenant-Governor of On- tario from 1946-52, was honored yesterday at an informal gather- ing of the cabinet, the Liberal house, leader and the Speaker of the legislature. He was presented with a silver box, bearing the pro- vincial coat of arms, for his ser- vices to the province. Want to buy, sell or trade? A Classified Ad and the deal is made. # Examiner Addresse. Music Teachers Mr. John BD. Gordon, Convenor. of the Central Zone of the ORMTA_ | addressed the local branch at the § regular meeting which was held at || the home of Mrs. L. W. Parrott, Oshawa Boulevard oft Wednesday evening. Besides giving the teachers some interesting information, interspers- | ed with humorous anecdotes, from his experiences, Mr, Gordon led an animated discussion on the every- | day problems that might arise in' teaching. | Mr, Gordon is organist at the Presbyterian Church in Orillia, and | is also well known as a popular festival adjudicator. ? He urged the teachers to make a big effort to attend the joint convention ef the ORMTA and the CRMTA which was being held in Toronto in July of 1953. ; A short business meeting was presided over by Mrs. J. H, Lee at which plans were completed for the teacher's recital to take place on November 29 at Simcoe Street Unit- ed Church. Prizes will be awarded to the pupils having obtained the highest marks in the music examin- ations held .in Oshawa during the current year. The Association has decided to contfnue with the Sunday evening musicales at Adelaide House, the first of which will be given in January. Refreshments were served by the hostess assisted by Miss Ida Arnott and Mrs. J. Kerr. | 3 The 1952-53 season output of Canadian fox pelts is estimated at 23,700 compared with 40,800 the previous year. ¥ "THROW-AWAY" BAG makes emptying easy. You don't even see the dirt, it's ready wrapped for the garbage. . All these better-than-ever features PL PRESS-BUTTON DEVICE interlocks: attachments in a jiffy--and holds them firmly OFF with the tip of your foe in place during use. Trade-in your ol4 vacuum for G-E's new ~without even bending. CANADIAN GENERAL "STEP-ON" CONTROL lets you turn cleaner ON or Without once moving the cleaner you can clean your entire because of the *amazing swivel-top GENERALEDELECTRIC "Reach-Eagy' Cleaner Here is a wonderful new kind of vacuum cleaner that does the complete housecleaning job with effortless ease, time-saving thoroughness. You do so little--your cleaner does so much! Simply place the cleaner in the centre of the room. Then--because the unique swivel-top rotates in a complete circle =you clean every nook and cranny of the average living room without once moving the cleaner. Today--visit your G-E Dealer--try the "Reach-Easy" Cleaner. Test its power- + ful suction--yet note how quiet it is. See how the amazing swivel-top works its magic--note that you've no dust bag or can to empty. Today... trade in your old-fashioned cleaner on this modern-as-tomorrow "Reach-Easy" Cleaner. US the unique swivel-top EIGHT ATTACHMENTS, specially-designed--plus the hose and two extension tubes-- conveniently stored in portable caddy. ELECTRIC COMPANY LIMITED Head Office: Toronto living room -- OSHAWA APPLIANCES 504 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH ~~ "WARNER WILLIAMS. RADIO and ELECTRIC 78 SIMCOE N. - DIAL 3-7752 ROY L. WHITTINGTON -y : RADIO SERVICE 5 BOND W. DIAL 5-5633 STROWGER'S . Furniture Co. Lid 123 BROCK ST. NORTH © WHITBY 611 DIAL 5-4331

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