Gara Sl BS BO tt 12 THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE, Monday, September 15, 1958 | CLASSIFIED ADS (Continued from Page 11) 43--Male Heip Wanted WE HAVE IN OSHAWA ONE EXCLU- sive territory open. Be your own manager. Earn from $2 to $4 an hour. Car essential, ambitious, clean lving. Fuller Brush Co.. Box 29, Times-Gazette. (214¢) WANTED AT ONCE--MEN TO LOAD transports, starting at 6 p.m. for 2 or 3 hours on alternate nights. This is steady work. Apply Smith Transport, Bloor ho SOUTH DARLINGTON TOWNSHIP AREA School Board requires at once caretaker for the new school at Courtice. Salary paid and duties required may be had by writing M. J. Hobbs, Enniskillen, Ont., "or in person at the new school after Septem- ber 15. ; (214¢) FLL TIME DELIVERY BOY YITH BI é&ycle. Francis Grocery. Dial 3-9331. ae AT, COURTEOUS DRIVERS WANTED. pH United Taxi, 143 King E. (213th) EXPERIENCED? " SERVICE MEN required by radio and tele-|/ » vision manufacturers. . Apply Pye Canada Ltd. Ajax (214c) 44--Male or Female Help Wanted : WANTED Energetic, reliable boy or girl for Times-Gazette Carrier at The Lakeshore Apply CIRCULATION DEPT. TIMES-GAZETTE ° (215th 45--Agents Wantec SELL OSHAWA GREETING CARDS, save time, save money, get your card locally for fast delivery. Large selection Christmas, everyday and novelty cards. Gift Wraps, seals. Dial 52003. (Oct8) AGENTS, CLUBS, CHURCH GROUPS, etc. Make friends and profits easily show- ing Canada's finest line of Christmas cards, 65 items from which to choose, in- cluding Feature, Religious, Humorous, Scenes, French, Everyday, personal cards. Many novelty items, books, wraps, seals and zivhes, _Frorupt service and Ww. V. Je Card Company, 86 Kensington cin BB Hamilton, Ontario. (Sept.13) ONE ADDITIONAL AGENT FOR LEAD- ing a t and health insurance com- pany. Must be clean-cut, honest and with a desire to make good. Between ages 28 and 50 preferred. Car essential. Salary paid during training period: Apply Box 35, Oshawa Times-Gazette. SENSATIONAL! DIFFERENT! CANADA'S newest novelty and gift line. "Show Them anG Fosavely Scil Them", Write for. frae catalogue. Atlas Distributors, Room 8, 1430 Bleury, Montreal. (2162) A NEARBY RURAL FAMILEX DEALER- you are an ambitious man. A fine ty to step into a pro- fitable business of your own with our 250 sundry culinary spices, farm 'or tion write to: Familex, 1600 F. Delorimier, Montreal, (2162) EXTRA CASH FOR YOU! Sell Name-On Christmas and Every- day assortments. Earn highest com- missions. Over sixty outstanding items, terrific sales appeal. Tremen- dous values including 25 card Deluxe Christmas assortment. Christmas card boxes include Velvetone, Holly Box, Star-Brite metallics, Christmas Capers, Beloved Authors, Canadian Winter and Mountain scenes, English or French Pageant assortments. Every- day, religious, personal humorous cards. Personalized cards, ribbon, nap- kins, stationery. Gift wraps, Kiddies Christmas stockings, books, cut-outs, Write for catalogue and samplas NOW. ; Name-On Stationery Company Limited, Dept. 14, Room F, Yonge Street Arcade, Toronto (Aug27,29-Sep2,4,6,8,10,12,15,17,19) 46--Emyiloyment Wanted = MIDDLE-AGED DUTCH LADY, WANTS any kind of day work. Write Box 26, Times-Gazette. (2140) CELLARS CLEANED AND WHITE washed. Write Box 32 Times Gazette, QUIET RELIABLE WOMAN DESIRES work in small household. Write Box 39 Times-Gazette. WOMAN WANTS WORK BY DAY, MON- day, Thursday, Friday. Dial 3-4770. (215b) A47--Legal Notices On fter this date, September 13, 1952, I will not be responsible for any degts contracted in my name by my wife, Mrs. May Robinson, os any other person without my written signature. C. M: Robinson. and On or after this date, September 12, 1952, I will not be responsible for any debts contracted in my name without my written consent. George Arbourne. NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS ESTATE OF WILLIAM H. McKINSTRY, Machinist, Deceased. All persons having claims against the estate of William H. McKinstry late of the City of Oshawa in the County of On-: tario. Machinist, deceased, who died on or about the 15th day of August A.D. 1952, are hereby notified to send in to. the undersigned Personal Representative of the said deceased on or before the 8th day of agreement by all drug. stores. October A.D. 1952, full particulars of their claims. Immediately after the said date the said Personal Representative will dis- '|However, commercial demand was (215b) | .land papers also slipped. People's ©) issues. Silanco gained four cents (2189) | Gordon and Quebec copper lost @isey | ---- MARKET FARMERS PRODUCE: -- TORONTO (CR 8 churning cream and butter print prices were unchanged here today. The egg market opened steady with demand for grade A medium poor. Quotations 'for graded eggs in fibre cases were: A large 63; A medium 45-47; A small 31; grade B 36-38; grade C 27. Wholesale to retail: A large 66; A medium 50-51; A small 36; grade B 40-42; grade C 33-34. Butter solids: first brade, tend- 'erable 58; non-tenderable 573; no second grade price eestablished; western 58%. : WINNIPEG (CP) -- Prices, ex- cept on flax, geperally were steady tin early 'trade today on the Winni- peg grain exchange. Fair buying attributed to Amer- ican interests came out in oats, while shippers picked up barley. limited. Rye moved up on local buying. Heavier hedging and light support contributed to sharp losses in flax. 11 a.m. prices: Oats: Oct. Yi higher 847%; Dec. unch 82B; May % higher 83%. Barley: Oct. 1% higher 1.37%; Dec. 4 higher 1.25; May 7% high- er 18215, Flax: Oct. 6% lower 3.68A; Dec. | 5-6 lower 3.60% May 4% lower | 3.66%A. | GRAIN: -- | od | CHICAG O(AP) -- Grains started ! out with small price changes and | no definite trend today. Dealings were rather slow. The September corn contract was weak. Cash corn receipts today totalled 213 cars. Soybeans showed some inclin- ation to stabilize after last week's drop but were not able to rally. Wheat started 4 cent lower to 14 higher, Sepember $2.31%; corn was 5 lower to 5 higher, Septem- ber $1.75%-% and oats were %-Y higher, September 863. Soybeans were 3; cent lower to % higher, September $3.05-3.06. FRUITS: -- TORONTO (CP) -- Wholesale fruit and vegetable prices quoted here today were: onions, green, 65-75; tomatoes, 40-50; cucumbers 40-50; beans 75-$1.00; lettuce $1.00- $1.15; cauliflower $1.50-$2.50; cab- bage, case $1.00-$1.25; radishes 35- 40; peaches six qt., no. 1 3540; plums, blue and red 35-40; prune, six 15. leno 50-60; celery $1.75-82.00; grapes, leno basket, blue 40; .green 30-35. Potato prices: Ont., new local off truck $2.40-$2.50; to trade $2.65- LIVESTOCK: --- { TORONTO (CP)--Early cattle and hog sales today at the Ontario stockyards were too few to estab- lish prices. Receipis: catiie 5,400; |calves 500; hogs 310; sheep and | lambs 610. The hold over from last | week was 700 cattle. i | Calve sales were strong at '$26- |$28 for choice yealers. | Lambs were steady at $25 for | good ewes and wethers with bucks |at $24. Sheep prices were not | established. TORONTO STOCKS: -- | TORONTO (CP) --Prices weak- | ended today in brisk forenoon stock | market trading. | { ing issues traded heavily. Bellek- | eno, a base metal issue that was | active last week, traded heavily again today, moving about 200,000 shares in the first hour for a gain {of pennies. | Steels, banks, textiles and foods | were weak in the industrial list | Credit Securities dropped $6 in a | small turnover. Utilities and manu- | facturing companies were mixed. Senior golds were weak but speculative support buoyed a few | prospects and God's Lake, Homer and Hoyle added pennies. Profit- taking, however, skimmed a num- | ber of recent advances in pros- | pects and junior producers, Cons. | Discovery, Macassa and Nipissing | slipped. Mentor, a holding com- | pany, advanced. {| Most leading base metal issues | slipped while active trading added | pennies to a small number of lesser lin a first-hour turnover of about 140,000 shares. Mindamar, Sherritt jetound, Western oils showed a majority {of losses althbugh higher-priced is- | sues - generally gained. Del Rio, | New Superior, General A and Stan- | well weakened while Albermont, | Gas . Exploration. High Crest and | ! Trend resisted for small gains, REAL HELP FOR ' Your Itching Piles | OR NO COST If Hem-Roid, an Internal pile treatment, does not quickly ease the itching soreness and burning pain of your piles--it costs you nothing. Get a package of Hem-Roid at any drug store and use as directed. You will be pleased at how quickly your pile, trouble is relieved. Only $1.59 for the big 60 tablet package. If you are not 1002; pleased after using 'Hem-Roid 2 or 3 days, as a test, ask for your money back. Refund tribute the assets of the said having regard only to claims of which he shall then have notice, DATED at Oshawa this Sth day of Sep- tember A.D. 1952, WILBERT McKINSTRY Executor by M¢GIBRON & BASTEDO 'Barristers, etc., 20 Simcoe Street North, Oshawa, Ontario. His Solicitors herein. (Sep8,15,22) 48--Auction Sadle BEING FAVORED WITH INSTRUCTIONS from rt Peyton, I will sell by public auc- tion at Stirtevant's Auction Room, 33 Hall St., Tuesday, evening, Sept. 16, at' 7 p.m. Doors open at 6:45, his household contents consisting of McLary EI c Range; Norge Electric Refrigerator; electric wash- er; 3-piece chesterfield suite; floor model radio; dressers; chest drawers; 1 rug and pad; trilight lamp; end tables; coffce table; bedroom chairs: 8-piece dining room suite; rocker; wicker chair; Royal typewriter; electric fan; dishes; cooking utensils and many other articles too num erous to mention. Terms - cash. Frank | Stirtevant, auctioneer. Dial 55751. Th (316b) ' FREE TRIAL OFFER FOR {| ONE WEEK OR MORE! |] with a new D-FROST-O-MATIC; the deluxe automatic defroster for ony refrigerator. All we do 'is plug il it in and it defrosts nightly, th ically. Besides the two years guarantee by the monufac- turer the D-FROST O-MATIC's quality, efficiency and perform- ance are backed by the Good H keeping Magazine. It is also fully approved by Underwriters Loboratories and carries the UL seal as a safe electrical home appliance. For a free trial which does not obligate you in any way, Write Box 34 Times-Gazette For an Appointment | Trading picked up as a few min- r ROOM AND BOARD WELL, I FINALLY GOT RID. OF COUSIN BOSWELL} HE LEFT LAST NIGHT AFTER. EATING A HEARTY DINNER. AND THEN €LIPPING ME FOR $75 TO PAY HIS RAILROAD FARE BACK -) HOME /---- BUT, BLAST, 1 FIGURE IT WORTH THE PRICE TO REMOVE THAT BARNACLE FROM YOU SUPPOSE COUSIN BOSWELL COULDVE USED IT TO FILL AN EMPTY SPACE IN HIS SATCHEL 7 Try a V Ac Japanese Communists Switch to New Policies | By SYDNEY BROOKS change of policy in July and this | TOKYO (Reuters) -- After brief | Was confirmed in August when | campaighs of mass violé&nce, Communist gatherings on the anni- | Japan's Communists have appar- | | ently switched to a new policy in| " accordance with directives from | op Violen. Moscow. The usually well-informed Japa- | = ' . : NATO Land, Sea and Airs mais 8 ructions to introduce & more } . : lh a y eda an ; 1T lve pole and extend the use « GOUROCK, Scotland. (AP) -- A papa powertul fieel of Alanilic Trealy warships slipped out of the River Clyde Saturday for action stations in the North Sea as the curtain went up on "Exercise Mainbrace" --13-day naval war gages with 160 ships of eight countries participat- ing. . , British and United States air- craft swept out over Scottish coastal waters in the path of the North Atlantic Treaty organization warships, searching for planes and submarines of the "enemy"' Orange force. The Orange forces are supposed to have invaded North Norway. The Blue commander's task is to pro- vide sea, air and land reinforce- ments for meeting the invasion and to stage an amphibious landing in Denmark, . COVER WIDE AR The manoeuvres, which began officially at midnight, will be waged over a sea area of 500,000 Forces Start Manoeuvres square miles. They will involve the U.8., Canada, Belgium, France, The Netherlands, Norway and Den- mark. force racing into the North Sea was ordered on the alert shortly after clearing port when an intel- ligence report warned that an Or- ange surface raider might be ath- wart its course. i : Nine tankers and 14 other ships representing the supply train for the warships, left here yesterday. IncHidedsin the squadronm\were Brit- ain'p light aircraft carrier Triumph six" British and American destroy- ers, four American 'destroyer-es- corts and three British frigates. Canada is represented by the aircraft carrier Magnificent and the cryiser Quebec. "Mainbrace'" is the kingpin in about 40 Allied manoeuvres, mostly local ground operations, to be staged before the end of 1952. Rain and knee-deep mud slowed 85,000 men from Britain, the US, | The N. A. T. O. "Blue". task i The directives were followed bf a local disagreement in which one group advocated immediate action on the new instructions and another argued in favor of a more gradual change. ~ EE The treat of strict. military | action against any manifestation tof Communism kept the party in the main quiescent. But two days after Japan recov- ered her independence, on April 28, 1952, the big May Day riots in Tokyo showed that the Communist Party organization had continued its planning and organization with- out any real' interruption. Now, the absence of real mass violence in Japan during seems to show the line has changed again, although the fact that cases of sabotage were some 300 per cent above normal in mid-August sug- gest that individual violence has ni been ruled out. ! infantry and grounded planes in talian war games in north Italy: | yesterday. | LAND OPERATIONS OPEN {More than 250,000 troops--Can- | adian, British, Belgian, Dutch, Nor- wegian and Danish--were taking up positions for the biggest autumn manoeuvres to be held in the Brit- ish zone of Germany ince the Sec- ond World War. They will take part in two land-air exercises, dubbed "Holdfast'" and "Scandia Three," opening this week. "Scandia Three" and a part of "Mainbrace'" will be conducted in Schleswig-Holstein, on the Danish- German border. under the direct- ion of Maj.-Gen. Bjoern Christo- pherson, Norwegian commander in Germany, * apiece | Seoit will be di- : rec y Britain's Admiral Sir Patrick J, comsander-in-chief STAFFORD BROS. 0 ed forces orthern Eur- ope. The senior officer afloat will MONUMENTAL WORKS Yi 318 DUNDAS ST. E., WHITBY . PHUNE WHITBY 552 too late that its mob violenc® tac- |and widely reprinted in the Soviet tics of May and June were alien- ating public opinion. All' Japan was roused to anger and fear of Communist-directed mobs which involved innocent. citi- | ing, and police counter-attacks. Directives for a change of policy (and Japanese party press, by the party secretary general, Kyuichi Tokuda, now believed to be living in exile. Tokuda's {tions of the people." nese police intelligence service be- came here inthe form of articles, POST-WAR FLOURISH : phraseology coveredyracy, Communism flourished. The |versary of Japan's surrender were |zens in fire-bomb and acid-throw- [such principles as "aligning'" the party gained a registered member- |party in Japan with the 'aspira-' be Vice-Admiral Felix Stump of the Memorials © Markers Party was not strong here, i During the war, Japanese police | {methods effectively stifled Com- | munism., ; | In the post-war spirit of Democ- JAMIESON DRUGS PROMPT DELIVERY! DIAL 5-1169 211 KING ST. EAST {ship of about 100,000 and put 35] | representatives in Parliament, | By 1949, however, Japan's Com- | The Japanese police detected the | lieves that the party digcovered |written in the Cominform Journal Before the war, the Communist munists were subjected to their . : } | P= ..onany job! 86, KING ST. E, OSHAWA Regardless of what your hauling need may be, Chevrolet trucks are engineered to give you top performance in every way. oadmaster, 114 HP Torquemaster Let's look at power! Chevrolet gives you roy great Valve-in-Head engines to choose from -- the 92 HP Thriftmaster, 105 HP and the mighty 120 HP Workmaster. Each is "tops" in its class for rugged, economical power. Let's look at features! Chevrolet trucks offer you every feature you need to carry the load and haul the load safely, dep dably and iy. Fr , Springs, axles, recirculating ball steering and transmissions are engineered and built to unsurpassed standards of excellence. : Above all, let's look at value! Check the comparative values of Chevrolet trucks and you'll see for yourself why Chevrolet gives you more for your money. That's why more truck users buy these "top performers" than any other makel - TRUCKS . ONTARIO MOTOR SALES LT DONALD'S WHITBY, ONT. l A \