CROP WEATHER GOOD THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE, Thursday, August 21, 19588 18 OTTAWA (CP)--The prairies' 5 chances of reaping an estimated U S L . - en and Hartford Railroad will ¢om- -. - peak 632,000,000-bushel wheat crop| Us egionnaires pldte he Joumey Begun by Bs ! appeared strong today with Yhe . : special, bof 5 os 'Baltimore OWS 1CIQAIOrS 1P S Tr ong Bureau of Statistios reporting On Canada Tour and Ohio Railroad, will {ake the i "very favorable" weather through- » |Legionnaires back home to Chicago By WILLIAM L. RYAN . Soviet history -- than any other struggle of imperialism to divide |Out the western provinces. How-| MONTREAL --About 150 United from New York. Moscow's announcement today |man. It is Malenkov who is most |the world into spheres of influence. |€VeT, the bureau, in the seventh |States Legionnaires from Chicago's of the convocation Oct. 5 of the widely regarded as the successor |That is what the Communists are | Of €ight telegraphic reports cover- | Commonwealth Edison Post arriv- first all-union Communist party (to Stalin, « saying again. ing crop conditions across Canada, ed here early this week on a five- congress in 13 years indicates a LONG AWAITED The Congress also had the aim |53id warmer weather is needed in h strengthening of the Soviet dictat-| = Westerners have long awaited |of healing the wounds of the blood | OFthern areas to speed maturity, |day junket through Niagara Falls, So P inful Pil orglip all along jue Hine i this announcement, purge of the 1930s, When it was : Toronto, Brockville, Montreal and re, rainiu lles s announcement has been The last All-Union Congress of |finally convoked, Stalin had finishe Quebec City. about getting rid the making sice 1947, but isthe Communist party was in|ed the job of making himself the| WELFARE CHEQUES EARLY | Four special Canadian National of ti itching soreness. and. burniag pain timing gives It implications which | March, 1939. Competent diplomatic | unquestioned dictator of the Soviet| TORONTO (CP)--September wel- | Railways trains transported the | 3 Your Piles & grand surprise swans yo can mean the difference between observers have been saying that |union, after eliminating thousands |fare cheques from the Ontario gov- visitors who passed through Can- | ment. war and peace. when the Kremlin decided to call of potential enemies before firing | ernment will be mailed a few days ada on their way to the annual| Get a package of HemRold at any Moscow's announcement that it.|the 19th congress, it would indi-|squads. early because banks close Satur-|American Legion convention in Sug hare RD p yi d is doing away with the Politburo cate that the Russians felt them-| The new congress is called follow-|day, Aug. 30, and Monday for |New York, August 20-28. Ia relieved. Only $1.59 for the oie 80 tablet does not mean abolition of an all- selves in danger of a third world [ing a widespread cleanup through- | Labor Day. Welfare Minister W. A.| Two more special trains operat. | Package. If you are not 100% pease after powerful governing body. On the |war. . out the Soviet Union's constituent | Goodfellow said yesterday recip-|ed by the Boston and Maine Rail- ER ne Refund 8 : contrary, the announced new Pre-| The last All-Union Congress was |republics. It is likely that this |ients should get them by Aug. 29. 'road and the New York, New Hav- [by all drug stores. sidlum, to act between sessions of |called on a wave of "peace" slo-|time any vestige of opposition was the party central committee, will | gans, ominously similar to those in | done away with quietly but com- 7. have even more power. It will current use by Soviet propagand-|petently. take over the duties of the Organ- ists today. It came at a time| Apparently, the rulers of the izations Bureau (Orgburo), which | when Europe nervously awaited Kremlin consider themselves controls the appointment of key | war. strong enough once again to call officials throughout the party and| At that Congress, Stalin made a|an All-Union Congress convening gOVSPIment NOLIN i oute 'Again speech forecasting economic crises | many Communists from all corners e unis! TI hr D1 non-Comm t world and a [of the Soviet Union in one place. '50, owl-faced protege of Stalin, sharply to the fore. Malenkov pro- bd bably has had more of a hand in 7 this revision -- one of a series in Cope. 1932, King Features Syndicate, Toc., World right F_ 1 "It's a super-duper mystery, Mister. It's such a chiller we really Yi don't need our cooling system!" 'urs sau Ability to Call Congress HOW TO HELP YOUR MILLI ONS MORTGAGES On first class residential property and commercial- construction loans -- Submit your plans now. Murdoch ==: Real Estate 12V2 Simcoe St. S. We can serve you foo -- DIAL 3-3843 $9353 99539595935995939953995999539988s¢s SORE MUSCLES ? TWO DIE IN WELL ANN ARBOR, Mich. (AP)--A farmer-father and his stepson died while cleaning out a well at their home near here Saturday. The step BANDITS GET $3,000 ada Exhibition. She took along |son, Samuel F. Pitcher, 15, died MONTREAL (CP)--Three men, | Frances Perkins, member of the|of suffocation, mired head-first up two of them armed with revolvers United States Civil Service Com-|to his knees in muck at the bottom ' mission and the Exhibition's guest | of the shaft. The stepfather, Wil- held up the assistant manager and of honor for the day. Apparently |liard E. Reynolds, 36, died of gas a bookkeeper of a branch of the the two found little to shock the poisoning, his legs locked around National Canadian Bank yesterday | city's morals. a cross-pipe six feet down from and Sacaped with between $2,000 which he hung in a futile effort 3,000, POLIO TAKES TOLL to reach the boy. EDMONTON (CP)--The Western Canada poliomyelitis toll climb GIRLIE SHOWS OKAYED (i; 43 deaths and 803 cases yester-| LONDON (CP)--Britain's motor- QTTAWA (CP)--Mayor Charlotte |day with reports of one death in| car exports to Canada rose from Whitton yesterday made a flying |each of Alberta and Saskatchewan |a monthly average of 2,300 last inspection tour of midway "girlie |and 12 new cases in Manitoba and | year to slightly more than 2600 shows" at Ottawa's Central Can- seven in Alberta in 24 hours. in the second quarter of 1952. AANA NAABRAAPIPRNANAAN Waat to relieve them QUICK ? Get quick-dryin Minard's iid rub it in well. You'll get relief, and quick, too! INARDS "KING OF PAIN" LINIMENT AS YOU IS SPEN PENNYWORTH'S ~~ OPENING HOUR SPECIALS FRIDAY 9.30 io 10.30 A.M. MEN'S OVERALLS Top quality. Ruggedly made of heavy- weight blue denim, PARR RANANLVNAVNLLAL ~~' BOYS' SHARKSKIN JACKETS Made of sturdy, long-wearing celanese er 299 WOMEN'S COTTON STREET DRESSES 1.38 material, Sizes 26-34 Opening Hour Special Washable, assorted Sizes 1200 18 .... WABASSO SE MAIL ORDERS FILLED PROMPTLY | Please odd 25¢ for postage, no COD + ond BOYS any NZERS TH 's BLISTER CLO WOMENS Oe sLousES "$1.49 =| ON THESE LINEN ITEMS Wabasso Sheets 72x100 7.95 SUNSHINE Sheets 72x96 5.00 PILLOW 4 Bargains for Infants, Boys t and Girls Infants Safety Pillows It's new! It's practical! It's safe! Regular 1,95. Clearout price Plastic Bottle Holders Regular 49¢ Flannel Diapers 21 x 36. Soft nop, neatly hem- med, same as used by hospitals! Reg, 4.50! PER DOZEN BABIES' "Kingcosy" Blankets Colourful patterns, pink or blue. 36 x 40. Reg. 1.49. SPECIAL KIDDIES' 3-Pc. Towel Sets 1 bath towel, 1 face towel, /1 face cloth. All with Walt Dis- nop. 230. 7. 1.29 Kiddies' 2-Pc. Suits Of fine English interlock cotton, Sizes 1. 2 ond 3. ¢ Reg. 1.98, ..../..... 95 Kiddies' 2-Pc. Pyjamas Coot ond trouser style! Of fine printed broadcloth, Siz- es 2 to 6. Reg. 2.00. 1.00 KIDDIES' jab, "Bee-Bop" Vests Knitted back! V-neck, sleeve- less. Sizes 4 ond 6. ¢ Reg, 1.98," ......... 79 Kiddies' Sockees Lovely patterns! ¢ Regular 3%9c. ....... 19 Babies' Flannel Nighties Saonitary package! Rayon Silk Dresses Lace trimmed. 1, 2°ond 75¢ 37 Reg. 1.49. ....... Bargains for Infants, Boys and Girls Rayon Silk Dresses aes ver, 78° WHITE Training Pants Combination cotton, 19 Double crotch, Boys' Camp Suits 2 piece 1.69 Size 2106. ....... BOYS' Outdoor Boxer Shoris Sanforized. Sizes i to 12. 1.09 Girls' Cotton Blouses Attractive, short sleeves 97 Sizes 4 to 10. Reg. 1.98 Girls' Denim Jeans Sanforized. 1.99 Sizes 8 to 14, Kiddies' Overalls Mods, of sturdy sanforized cot- ton, sizes ¢ 206k. ........... 79 Boys' Jodhpurs Of sturdy sanforized cord ma- terials. Sizes Kiddies' All-wool buster suits. Made in England. Sizes 1 98 2aend 4 only. ...... Boys' 1.69 Flannelette pyjamas Sizes 5 and 6 only. fleece Lined Sleepers Bargains for Ladies Ladies' Cardigans Smart looking combed cotton cardigans! Short sleeves for warm weather, 1st qual- 95° ity! S$, M, L. Reg. 1.98 Ladies' Rayon Silk Briefs Ist quality! Ladies' Slacks Proportioned to fit like custom tailored! Smartly styled with pleats! Ist quality! Sizes 12 to Seed. Rep, 395. . 3-00 Nylon Stockings 45 Gauge! 51 Gouge! 60 Gauge 59° , 1.27 LADIES' "GOTHIC" Nylon or Satin Ist Ws ag 40! Reg, 1.75. , Worsted Skirts 3.00 Fly front! Fall shades! Reg. 5.95. Oversize Gabardine Slacks as 4.95 Smart "T" Shirts Large veriety of styles and colors 69° ., 1.4 Artist Smocks toe soi 1.89 LADIES' ALL WOOL BLACK ONLY Cardigans 2.39 Sizes 14 ond 16. WOMEN'S SANFORIZED Jeans Sizes 12 to 20, Black or navy. ..... 2.69 WOMEN'S OVERSIZE Slips LADIES' OVERSIZE Brassieres Choose from satin or cotton! In good supporting styles! Made by Canada's leading manufactur ers! Most of them reg. 2.95. Sizes 38 to 50, Clearout price Bargains for Men Men's Handkerchiefs Large size, Hemstitched. Reg. 2.00 value. PER DOZEN Men's Dress Shirts Woven stripes. Solid colors. San- forized broadcloth, 1.99 Reg. 3.98 volue .... MERCERIZED : Cotton "T" Shirts Broadcloth Pyjamas 2-piece broadcloth. Piped edg-- es. Reg. 3.95 velue. . Men's Khaki Pants Sanforized shrunk! Lustre sheen. 30 to 42. 3 69 . Men's Navy Blue Jeans 10-0z_ drill. Dome fasteners. 30 to 36. Reg. 2.49 3.95 value. Men's Underwear Swiss rib. Tops and brevets, elas- tic legs. Reg, 7%c. 7 A Tooke Ties Large variety. Reg. 1.49, ......... 49° Men's "T" Shirts Cable stitch, 1.48 Reg: 298, ........ Razor Blades Blue blades! Double edge. Guar- anteed. 1 00 Ld d 100 for Work Boots Top quality 3 iB o Men's Jackets Leisure Jacket 6.95 Cel. Satin Showerproof 4.95 Men's Cardigans front. 4 Corduroy front. 2.88 shodes. Reg. 5.95. Men's Nylon Sox By Monarch, Seven shades. 1st quality, 49 ¢ Reg. 1.00 value. ... Diamond Socks Nylon. G4 ¢ Reg. 2.00. Men's Sport Shirts End of line clearance. Nylons, Cahard seys. 99¢c to Men's Slippers Sizes 6 to 11 1. Home Bargains Fat, Plump Pillows i: 88' Plastic Tablecloths American imports! Beautiful pat- terns, 54x54", ¢ Reg. 1.29. ...... ses 89 Plastic Window Curtains For bathroom or kitchen! ¢ Reg, 1.98. ....:..5. 89 Ball Point Pens Fountain pen styles, 15" Reg. 49c. EACH ... Saws 1.59 Hand Drills 18" mitre saws. Le 3,47 Carpenter Braces Made by Skinner of England. i wo 2.88 PLASTIC Shower Curtains Colourful designs. . METAL Stocking Stretchers po re... Wg Indian Blankets Gay! Colourful! REVERSIBLE Satin Comforters Wool filled. Made from cel. satin. Reg. 11.95. 7.95 4 STAR Sparton Sheets Double bed size. Bleached Glass Tumblers Beautiful 6' design. ... "MAIL ORDERS FILLED PROMPTLY Please odd 25¢ for postage, no COD orders please, Gabardine pic 'n' Ple 'Sharkskin BOYS' penman's " mart bold stripes Sizes 49c = 2106 4 J -------- "MONEY in the BANK! i REMEMBER ! IT MUST BE GOOD OR YOUR MONEY REFUNDED SLRFL I REMEMBER THE ADDRESS: 21 BOND ST. WEST PENNYWORTH'S STORES Dial 5-4313 DEPARTMENT JUST AROUND THE CORNER FROM THE BUS. STATION!