i I, a Want Ads Are Easy to Use--Dial 3-2233 Business -- Professional DIRECTORY 1a--Accountants, Chartered MONTEITB AND INTEITH, CHAR- RT a 3 St. E. Dial tered Gordon W. C.A. Rest: pier Aug) 2--Barristers | PRIVET HEDGE, 11a--Tailoring LADIES' AND MEN'S TAILORING MADE to measure by expert; also alterations; Suaraniesd workmanship. Apply 162 Rit- son 8. Dial 3-4834. (Aug20) 12--Gardening & Supplies LAWNS SODDED OR SEEDED, SHRUB- sprayed and pruned. Order Dutch s and evergreens now for fall plant- ine: "Hiliside Nursery & Landscaping Serv- ce. Phone 5-2744. Allen & Clare Shank, ioe. hone (Augd) READ THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE SUMMER RESO AD /ERTISEMENTS 18", $20 PER HUN- dred. Orde: now for early fall Solvery. P.O. Box King Braet East, Di A Jones, B.A., John A Cameron. B.A. to loan. LOUIS 8. HYMAN QC. stc., Alger Bldg, gy Office Mortgage Loans Arranged. 8: (Augd) ' 'MeGIBBON ASTEDO, BARRISTERS p+ funds available for 'mortgages. meoe St. N. Phone 5-3866, Charles F. Bastedo. ouedibbon, a.C. Wer awa. (Augl0) 13--Household Repairs FURNI1TURB REPAIRED AND REUB holstered. See for croc RD: tots" 78 Charles, "Dial nn (Augd) RIVERSIDE PARK CABINS, HASTING, Ontario on Trent River--$3 per cabin for fvo. Kitchen privileges. Appl R. Ey 0X. LAKE BASHAWARAMOK HOUSE- keeping cottages, $25 free boat, kerel, pike, bass. Write Jean Dalyen: arlowe, Ont. (TuesJly29. LAFALOT LODGE, MILFORD BAY, Muskoka -- Homey atmosphere, god CHESTERFIELDS BEBUILT. RECOVER- ed, Like new. pay ? Our rates are reasonable. Salsfaction avranteed. Mattresses rebuilt. Oshaw Co., 8 Church St. Dial 0311. (Augd) beds. ed taxi service from C.N.R. trains, Brace ridge. (TuesJly29) CARIBOU-ENJOY A QUIET RESTFUL holiday in Haliburton Highlands at rea- ble rates. Write or phone ANT & CONANT, tors, Gordon. G. Conant, B.A 14 Simcoe St. s.. Phone 25. ZABRISTERS, RS AND i, on Offices; Oshawa, 2227 Ont. Dial. 3 (Augl3) Q.C.. BARRISTER, St. West. Phones: al S400. BoYehyn, RD. © HUMPHREYS. Q ete. Oiice | Dial Eats 108 iene Money to loan George S Associate. RISTER A.W. 8 GREER, BC RRISTER, Solicitor, 6 85-4717, Residence Pigs 7h John M. ureer, B.A., Sc., residence (Augl0) z. ALMERS, B.A. BARRISTER. I Haga 13% Simcoe. Street north office 5-374 5-5542. 41, residence Aug) JOSEPH _P. MANGAN, QC. BARRIS- Solici an, Office 14% Bo Steet Ei East, Oshawa EDial 3422, Re sidence. Dial 5-3405 (Augl) ARKS, BARRISTER, SOLICI- ¥ East, Roon 2, Dial Office FREE PICK-UP & DELIVERY--RENT A Singer Portable Electric by the week or month, Guaranteed repairs to all makes of sewing machines. Lig Sewing Cen- ter, 14-16 Ontario St. Dial 5-5443, (Augd) 14--Instruction G. Me- Manus, Minden. (Tues.Augl9) BIRCH-CLIFF COTTAGES-FAMILY COT- tages, large and small, electricity, clean and comfprtable, good fishing. Bill Ham- fiton, McCrackin's Landing, Stoney Lake. (Tues.Aug26) HEATHER LODGE-£00D SWIMMING, meals, LEARNING TO DANCE IS EASY AND or picture folder Mortimer's Point, (Tu sport modern conveniences. write Heather Lodge, fun at the Oshawa Studio of Lansing, 47 Prince St. Dial 50841 or 5-1860. (Auglo) 15--Insurance INSURANCE AGENCY so car fi- Dial (Augl?) McMURTRY Complete insurance sérvice, al Dancing: King West, upstairs. 18--Lost & Found LOST -- LADY'S SUIT COAT. GRAY tweed. Phone Midway 0805, Toronto. Col- lect. 18 Poucher St. (177¢) 19--Money T» Loan saa; ence 34325. (Augl) A RKHILL AND J. A. YANCH, po] TAR rtgage loans, be A Dati loans, al br Res. 3-2417. MANNING. F. SWARTZ, BARRISTER, Solicitor, Notary. Money to loan, assets Block. Suite No. , Dial 3-4697, Residence 3-4029. (Augl) CLIENTS' MONIES AVAILABLE FOR first and second mortgages. Mortgages and agreements for sale purchased. N.H.A. and Builders' Loans arranged. A --M. F. Swartz, Barrister &c., 3 Simcoe St. S., Oshawa. Dial 3-4697. (Augh) AND DRYNAN, CREIGHTON, FRASER Batik Bldg., 5 Simcoe St. N 'Daa . Creighton, Q.C., N. C. Fraser, C Somineree © 33446. 20--Personal | ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS HAVE YOU |a If so. write Box 245, R.C.. G. 3 Drynan, G. gl) Times-Gazotte. (Augl7tf) FAITH HEALING IS A SCIENCE. FEAR is your enemy. Private problems discuss- ial. Dial 5-2898. (175¢) esJly29) Camp Rawley Lodge Enjoy a family holiday in the invig- River. Fishing, swimming, dancing or relax on spacious lawns, then enjoy good food. Write Port Severn, telephone or wire Waubau- shene. (TuesAugi3) BAY OF QUINTE- Sunset Cabins, billiards, canteen, deep- freeze, modern conveniences, cool - cot- tages, spring mattresses, central dining hall, Excellent fishing and swimming, large safe boats. Write W. M.. Belnap, Northport, Ont. Phone Picton 1137J5. (TuesJly29) WESLEMKOON good fishing, _ cabins; home- write 'ROCK HAVEN Lake, east of housekeeping, LODGE, Bancroft, sleeping orating air of Georgian Bay, Severn! boating, | --Photo Courtesy of Ontario Department of Travel and Publicity FOR SALE -- LAKESHORE BUILDING lots in Muskoka, cabins for rent. Apply M. Briese, 75 Thursfield Cres., Toron- to 17. (TuesSep16) -- FULLY ng wa- "HIGH 4 Hs CABINS" ter, spring mattresses A beach, from Mr Bracebridge. Write cooked meals. For C. H. Caverley, reat Uhiessepta) BIRCHWOOD LODGE ~~ FRIENDLY, well-conducted resort. ood WASAGA BEACH, NANCY VILLA -- lodge and cabins, excellent meals, cen- trally located, free use of boats. L. Dyer, Wasaga Beach, Ont. (TuesAugl2) miles D. FI » Bracebridge, Ont. (TuesAugs) COLEMAN LAKE, -- MEALS, CABINS, housekeeping soliages, sandy beach, boats, shuffleboard, dancing, city conveni- ences. Grove Park P.O., Lake-of-Bays, " Chiropodists UR- JAMES A. BRITTAIN, ine 1a oo and disases Foo ropa. Dial wo nosis. Suite . | Swartz, ANNE DONOGHUE NEE ANNIE or anyone knowing address of same person, please phone T. Donoghue, LAkeside 9012, Toronto, afternoons from 1 to 5. Reverse chargep. (176b) TRUCK LETTERING DONE AT YOUR . | 386 Wilson Rd. come anytime, reasonable. . 8. (1772) 22--Radio Repairs Sa--Engimneers LIVE, CONSULTING PROFES Ear: mechanical, electrical, in- ET HR in ihitoy. Phone Pickers .6--Nursing Services ING MIDDLE VILLA - NURS Home. Bg of Bowmanville on Highw * No. 7, aged and bed patients, ness given, tray service, ap- by doctors, day and Bight visit: . Phone Bowmanville 2974. (Aug2l) 7--Optometrists C. H. TUCK, SFIoMeTRISE DISNEY Butidng, opposite Post Office. Daily 9-8; evenings, '7-9. Con: Mon. ed. ng: poy a Ty el _ tact lenses "and plastic ey: (Aug) SPECIALIZED TELEVISION AERIAL IN- stallations, from $60. service, all makes, television and radio. Phone 5-1685, Souler Radio and Television, 25 est. 23--Women's Column CHARIS -- SPECIAL REDUCTION IN foundation garments for July and August. Phone distributor, B. Blatter, SUM wD PEGGY'S (NEW) BEAUTY SHOP, SNAP: py Curls, $2.50 and up. 72 Church St. Oshawa" Dial 3-4521. (Augls) PERMANENT SPECIALS: COLD WAVE, up; machine or machineless, ny (Augd) (TuesJly29) COTTAGE WITH HYDRO, ALSO HOUSE- keeping cabins on Pine Lake. Apply h in View Lodge, J. E. Pickens, Gooderham, Ont. (TuesJly29) HAPPY HEALTHFUL BEST HOLIDAY YET! On shores of lovely Loke Rosseau -- attractive bedrooms, splendid dining room, all on edge of lake, $20 up including all. Select clientele. Write Muskoka Bible Conference for folder, Bond | 6 Humewood Drive, Toronto, Oliver +3455. (TuesAugs) LAKE OF BAYS GROVE PARK LODGE Excellent accommodation in main lodge, cabins, cottages, modern con- veniences, golf, fishing, tennis, swim- ming, dancing in large recreation hall. For folder, write * GROVE PARK LODGE Grove Park P.O., Ontario (TuesAugl?) School girls, $3. Page H one 5-5363. * (Augls) CLARKE'S BEAUTY SHOPPE, PERMAN- ent waves, oil, machineless, $3.50 up. Cold waves, $5 up. Dial 3-2651. 172 Gibbons 8. open evenings. (Augl) OPTOMETRIST--JURY "Hours: 9 to 6: Wednes 3.2721. "A E. JOHNSON, hog (Augl) & Lovell day; 9 to 1. Dial 3- FURS? NOW IS THE TIME TO ORDER fur jackets and coats strictly at manu- facturer's price. Phone 5-3434. (Aug2) Ja--Surveyors 25----Real Estate For Sale . RTON, ONTARIO LAND SUR. oR is avi , 27 Woodhouse Cres- cent, Ajax. Phone 247R, Ajax. (Jly2D) LOTS FOR SALE, CONVENIENCES, HY- dro and water, Westmount district. ns 5-5649. (July28) INEV. AND RICHARDS, ONTARIO i) AN i professional engin eers, 215 King St. E. Phone 35-5632. (Augs) 8--Building Trades MPLETE TERATIONS, REPAIRS, Sooms put in basements and attics; teh wi Tas remodelled and tiled. Glen Sk, AND PAPER HANGING, repairs, clean Horn al (Augi2) PAINTING sponge ceilings, stripping, work guaranteed. F. Van CHIMNEYS BUILT AND REPAIRED: stucco and masonry, repairs, repairs. Gordon May. Dial oo BE NEW PLASTERING AND: REPAIRS, arch 5 ling, water proofing vide Dg ng . Phone 3-8912. A. Woods. (Augl0) R WORK, CUPBOARDS, RE CAR ETE hg 4 pairs, of 8. s ar- ranged. James Clarke, 35-1754. CAugl) CONCRETE CONTRACTORS, BLOCKS laid, plastering, stucco, s, floors. service. Ren tal mixer. Lilley om Phil 54092. (J1y26) NCRETE WORK. WE LAY SIDE- pl' and curbs that will last. For satis- factory plastering and repairs dial 5-1474 after 6. Estimates free. . (Augé) BULLDOZING, EXCAVATING, ETC. or Taylor Bros. Oshawa 3.3831, or Whitby 2687. (Aug9) EUROPEAN \ DECORATOR AND PAINT- er, no job too large or small. F. Schmitt, _ dial 5-1593, 11 Bloor St. W (Augd) FRAMES, DOORS, WINDOWS AND woodworking Tiling kitchen, service. bathroom. All work guaranteed. Free estimates. Alex Y3jda. Modern Woodworking Shop. Cons PERT STONE WORK DONE FOR Een walls, flagstone sidewalks, etc. Dial 5-2861, Peter Christakos. (Augld) CHIMNEYS BURT AND REPAIRED, . For free estimates. Dial 56080, (Aug?) BRICKWORK--~FOR DEPENDABLE SERV ice, dial 5-1474 between 6 and 8 If your chimney needs repairs it costs you noth- ing to have us look at it (Augé) FLAGSTONES, FOR 3 3 walks, patios, sidewalks, delivered. Free estimates. Dial 3.8840 or 5-3325. (Augl?) UNABLE TO PAINT FREE OF CHARGE owing to family 'obligations. But tor quality work at a reasonable price phone Dawn and Powell, dial 3-3545. (Augl?) . CHOICE GREEN SOD DELIVERED. Oshawa Sod Supply) Dial 3-3693. (Jly24) SEPTIC TANKS, CLEANED. INSTALLED and serviced. Phone 5-3986. (Aug?) CINDERS, SAND, . GRAVEL, FILL, LOAM. Trucks for hire, hourly or contract. W. F. Essery. Dial 5-1433 (Aug23) CHIMNEYS AND BRICKWORK, years' experience. Phone WEEPING TILE, $9.50 A HUNDRED Phone 35-5987. (Aug19) EY WORK AND CEMENT WORK, Call Lou Rasicott between 6 and 8. Free | estimates, Dial Dial 5-1474. 1Aug28) 8a--Sharpening Services SAWS FILED AND SET. RETOOTHING, I Highland Ave. Cebawa. Dit 34083 DRY WALLS, | ATTRACTIVE INVESTMENT $850 -- 108-foot frontage on Park Road South. The recond main street of Oshawa. Depth of property 92 ft. DIAL 5-4839 Westbrook Company 367 PARK RD. S. (177¢) $2,800 DOWN---August possession, bedrooms, new 5-room rug brick bungalow, new residential section, large living room, 4 pc. bathroom, oak and tile floors, oil heating, laun- dry tubs, electric hot water tank. $9,200 full price. BERNEICE H. PATRICK 58 NASSAU ST. DIAL 5-3692 Office Hours: 9 a.m. till 11 a.m. 5 p.m. till 9 p.m. except Saturdays (1772) 5 minutes from new GM plant $500 «-- 2 building lots for the price of one, on Hibbert Street. 89 ft. by 107 ft. $550 -- Level building lots 44 ft by 108 ft. and 46 ft by 108 ft. on south side of reenwood Ave, School, local bus service nearby. DIAL 5-4839 Westbrook Company 367 PARK RD. SOUTH . ane) For Sale | Cottage-Type -- Frame House In Good Location All Newly Decorated Electric Hot Water Oil Heat Va Cellar Livingroom, 2: Bedrooms Kitchen, 3-piece Bathroom Heavy Power Installed Lot Approx, 40' x 100' Price $5500 Cash Write Box 641, Times-Gazette ane stores and downtown | ROCK SIDE LODGE, SEVERN BRIDGE, Muskoka, good meals, spring mattresses, i ponveniences, $20 per week. i -3639. ( FAIRMOUNT HOUSE, LAKE MUSKOKA --~Sandy beach, modern conveniences, home cooking, $25 weekly. Mrs. L. But- ler, Port Carling, Muskoka. (TuesJly29) PAUDASH LAKE, EASTERN HALIBUR- ton. Restful holiday, secluded lakefront cabins, lodge meals or housekeeping, $25 up. Folders, The Anchorage. R. R. 3, Ban croft. Tuessly2s) HILLSVIEW COTTAGE, FIRST TWO weeks July, last two weeks in August. Sandy beach, boats, ice, hydro. Write Box 215, Haliburton, (Aug.2§) THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE, Tuesday, July 29, 1952 13 39--Articles For Sale 41--Articles. Wanted PINK BUGGY, NEARLY NEW, $20. Phone 5-2894. (176b) PIANOS -- WALNVT, AND bench, ad fine burl walnut, $100. Charles 7 peacock, 80 Simcoe N. SALE SNES LOCOMOTIVE WASHERS, only $13.95 down. While they last. Barons' Radio & Electric, 58 "Simcoe South. (Aug10) ERA. ELECTRIC RI Leading coolness a new one Chairs and table awa. A COMPLETE STOCK OF Tolls 'and balis for alt makes of Jack. Biddulph, Simcoe. St N._ $19.95 UP -- HOOVER, JLECTROLUX, General Electric te "wah [on Dial 5-5121, Rexalr SPECIAL SALE---THOR CONVERTIBLE Barons: Radio & Electric, Sim (Aug18) SALE----PORTABLE RADIOS, BATTERY and electric, $19.50 up. General Electric, Admiral, Sparton, Emerson, ete. Barons' Radio & Electric, 426 Simcoe Souths OD RUGS REWOVEN FROM YOUR OLD rugs, carpets and old Reversible thly for contract supplied. Agents for New-Idea, all-steel fu arwood United, plumbing supplies. Mosier Sheet Metal. Dial 5-2734. (Aug2s) FOR SALE--ELECTRIC HAWAIIAN GUI- tar with amplifier, also 22-calibre single shot rifle. Phone Whitby 2807. (175¢) 17" TELEVISION, $349. SMALL MAN- tel radios, $23.50 up, Car radios, $24.50 up. Portables, $39.95 up. Electric fans, $8.95 up, Fowler Radio and Television-- "The Television Specialists", 25 Bond St. W. Dial 5.1685. CASH - TRADE - TERMS, Aug LARGE CHICKEN HOUSE FOR SALE. Phone 3-2764. (176¢) ut, bass. C Write, E. Sills, West Guilford, P.Q. (TuesAug12) BUNGALOW CABINS AT THE BEACH, 1 saf ish. folder, HOUSEKEEPING CABINS FOR RENT, good fishing. Reasonable rates. Write for particulars to Archie Lefler, Ompah, Ont. (Tues, Sept2) PAIR END-TABLPS LAMPS; AXMIN- ster rug and undermat, 7° x 9', oriental design; electric fan; 2 end tables. Phone 3-7190. (176b) JENORA BUNGALOWS, HOUSEREEP ing cottages for Fag 4 on Mary Lake, Muskoka. Write F. W. Jennings, Box 541, Huntsville. (TuesAug5) HOUSEKEEPING COTTAGES, RICE Lake, vacancies after Aug. 9. Write Spring Bank Camp, Roseneath, Ont. 177¢) dally deliveries, families welcome, week. Parkside, Caesarea, Ont. (TuesAugs) WOLVERINE BEACH, HONEY HAR- bour, furnished cottages, electric, boats, ice, 330. 9 Neck, up. Write for folder. R. W. Carpenter, (tues aug26) ing, $20 GRANITE VALLEY LODGE On beautiful Lake Rosseau Cabins with or without cooking facilities $20 up. Excellent fishing, safe sandy beach. White -- R.R. 1, Utterson (TuesAugl9) = BIG ISLAND LODGE BAY OF QUINTE Lodge and cottage accommodation, toilets, showers, electricity, boats, motors, guides. Excellent fishing, safe swimming. Ideal for the whole family. Write C. Cederborg, R.R. 1, Demorestville, Ont. or phone Oshawa 3-3117. of (TuesJly29) THREE-MILE LAKE : MUSKOKA Furnished cottages -- Heated; elec- tricity, $30.00 per week including boat, fuel and ice. HAMMELL ' COTTAGES R.R. 1, Utterson, Ontario (TuesJly29) ROCKHAVEN INN On Beautiful Kashe Lake Opening June 27. Maintaining the same high standards of former years with no increase in rates. For reser- yatiods write or wire Kluey Bay, P.Q. Phone Severn Bridge, 21 ring 3. (TuesAugl2) FURNISHED 9-ROOM SUMMER "COT- REMINGTON TYPEWRITER, GOOD ; for quick ie, Sa tage, lined, hydro and water. shore Park, Whitby, A 5-2171. Se) (175¢) HEAT- electric re- muskies, bass, For information Phone 5-6068. LONE MAPLE, PIGEON LAKE, ed cottages, running water, frigeration, flush toilets, Box 182, B YB (tues aug) GET YOUR FISHING SUPPLIES AT Paul's, 589 Albert St. Open e evenings, Used guns bought and sold. Wiy2?) COMIC BOOKS, POCKET BOOKS, MAGA- zines, sold or exchanged. Kingsway Book 595 King St. W. CHANTECLEER INN ON CLEAR LAKE Only 144 miles north of Oshawa Lodge and private cabin accommo- dation, $25 per week. Safe sandy beach, ideal for swimming and boat- ing. Free taxi service on arrival and de- parture for those using train or bus. Folders may be obtained at Times- Gazette lobby, or write MORLEY CHESHER BOX 100, NOVAR (Tues,J1y29) evening. SALE--NEW FOUR- BURNER» GURNEY electric ranges, only $19 down while they last. Barons' Radio > Electric, 426 Simcoe South. (Augl0) VACUUM CLEANER, HALF price, private. Dial 3-4954. Qa726) DAL-MAR 'TYPEWRITER CO. DIAL 38-3833. 136 Simcoe S. --typewriters, adding machines, sales, service, NEW, Mi ota; Union Hospital. lem | month, obo. RAGS, MATTRESSES, on lg hg dite "pov. Jack ial gis S90), aug) HIGHEST PRICE PAID FOR PAPER rags, fron and metals. Local and out-of-town calls picked free. Dial 5-3432, Cedardale Iron 100 Annis St, east of CN.R, (Augld) 42--Female Help Wanted AND COMPANION IN and da and fair than average. Write Box 835, (1760) FOR WAWOTA Salary $215 per less $30 s No'16 Buhway 13 maitee from. hanosee Lake, $25 transportation. Phone or write Chas. L. Wilson, Sec.-Treas. Wawota, Sask. (176c) FEMALE SUPERVISOR «= OPERATOR required for Saleh ments and occarionas public opinion Yous, Intere: good pay. 'Write t-Haynes Broadvisy Ave., Toronto 770) GIRL FOR PAYROLL AND SECRETAR. work, must be accurate and oS, experience, 5-day a Dial si a GIRL FOR HOUSEWORK AND HELP with children, by the week. Dial 3-937. (1770) CLERK - TYPIST Must be neat, accurate worker, good at figures. Apply MRS. LILLIAN JACKSON GENERAL PRINTERS LTD. 57 SIMCOE ST. §. SECRETARY A firm in Lindsdy requires a neat, bright, ambitious girl, for a private secretary. This is an attractive, well paying op- portunity, if your are capable. WRITE BOX 733 TIMES-GAZETTE (175¢) Qstn 43--Male Help Wanted NEAT, COURTEOUS DRIVERS WANTED, 2 years old or over. Apply United Taxi, 43 King E. Qt) LABORERS WANTED, GOOD WAGES. Apply Te: Pee Motel, Bay Rd., Pickering; Qa FIRST-CLASS BRUSH PAINTER. APPLY 6-8 tonight at 1121 Dundas St. E., Whitby: ™h PULLETS LAYING 25 PER CENT. D. Grills, Courtice. Phone 2715, Bowmanyille, 526 evenings. (1772) BOY'S BICYCLE, GOOD CONDITION, sell cheap. Apply 283 French St. 177) GLADIOLI, 75¢ PER DOZ. APPLY 7TH house north on Garrard Rd., omawa,, ) c 25--Real Estate For Sale 25--Real Estate For Sale 28--For Rent 32--Automobiles For Sale $21,500-WHITE CLAPBOARD HOUSE, 8 rooms, 3 bedrooms, study, 4-plece tile bathroom upstairs, living room 14° x 21°, natural fire place, Thor automatic sink units in kitchen, downstairs washroom, oil heating with forced air, double garage and breezeway, corner lot 90 x 133°, avail able Sept. 1, tor appointment dial Sosa. (177b) $10,500. $3,000 DOWN -- 8-room rug brick bungalow, oil heating with air conditioning, oak floors, extra 4 large modern kitchen. $7,000. $2,000 DOWN -- 4-room white frame bungalew, oil heated, all conveniences, also 3-room cottage now rented, on lot 53° x 136'. $6,000. $2,000 DOWN--7-room in- sul brick home, hot air heating, 3-pc. bath. WALTER R. SMITH BROKER 18 BOND ST. W. DIAL 3-2911 1772) PARTIALLY WOODED HOME SITE $550 -- A lovely setting for your home of tomorrow. Lot 43 feet by 120 feet, overlooking proposed new city park. Building site on clear, level ground. Many beautiful trees towards the rear of the property, DIAL 5-4839 Westbrook Company 367 PARK RD. §. 77¢) MOVE IN, HOME FURNISHED $7,500 DOWN--Full price $10,500. $35 per month includes interest, principal and taxes. 4 rooms, hard- wood and tile, modern kitchen, lots of cupboards, 4 piece bathroom. Full basement, heating by oil, nice land- scaped lot, side drive, new Norge re- frigerator, new electric stove, almost new furniture. Many extras. See by appointment, . MILLER AVE. Here's your new home. August Ist. $2,800 DOWN--Full price $9,200. $45.50 per month includes interest and principal. House 24'6"" x 37'6". Includes 5 large rooms, hardwood and tile, 4 piece bath, heating by oil, laundry tubs, heavy electric cable and fixtures, Be sure to see this. McKIM STREET NICE BRICK HOME $2,000 DOWN--Full price $6,500. 4 nice rooms, 3 pc. bath, hardwood floors, kitchen 10' x 12' with cup- boards, fenced lot, side drive, with garage. Possession DIAL 5-3889 LLOYD AYERS BROKER ROSS WEST, Salesman 364 GLIDDON AVE. UILDING LOT, 75° vs Ave. Dial 5-0203. NORTH OSHAWA Close to the tennis court, good ce- ment block foundation, 28' x 26' complete with water and lots of building material. Down payment $600, full price $1,650, For sale or exchange for old house in city or little farm close to Oshawa as down payment, WRITE BOX 731 TIMES-GAZETTE (175Aug2) $3,000 DOWN--=6-room brick, oil heat, 4 piece bath, also has 3-room basement apartment. This property will pay for itself. x 103° ON FAR- 177¢) We have mortgage money available. DONALD SCOTT Real Estate Prince St., 1st door south of Bond DIAL 3-2612 SPECIAL $550 -- Lot 43 ft. by 108 ft. on Park Rd. South, 5 minutes from the new G.M. plant. DIAL 5-4839 Westbrook Company 367 PARK RD. S. (1772) a77¢) 27--Real Estate Wanted LIST YOUR PROPERTY WITH US, A satisfactory sale or no charge. E, Holmes, 31 Bond St. ®. Dial S263 any time. WJly29) HOUSES WANTED FOR CLIENTS, ALL cash or your equity. For quick results and satisfactory sale, see W. McAuley, realtor. 13 Prince St. Dial 3-2512. 5-2133. LARGE FURNISHED ROOM, LIGHT housekeeping for two, near bus stop. Dial 5-6359. (176) '48 CHEV. SEDAN, EXCELLENT CONDI- tion, fully equipped, must sell. Dial 5-2805. »(176¢) LARGE SUMMER COTTAGE, 4 BED- rooms. Last 2 weeks in August and Sept- ember. Crowe Lake, Marmora. Phone Whitby 852. (176¢) FOUR - ROOM APARTMENT, PRIVATE entrance. Phone 3-4521. (176b) 3 ROOM FURNISHED APT., SEPARATE entrance, on King St. E., suitable for young business couple or two girls. Dial 5-1423. (177b) FOR. BUSINESS COUPLE, 2 FURNISHED rooms, private Bath, private entrance. Centrial. Dial 5-3 (177b) 2 UNFURNISHED LIGHT HOUSEKEEP. ing rooms, east section. Dial 5-2493. 77¢) '3 UNFURNISHED ROOMS NEAR north plant and hospital. Write Box 736, Times-Gazette. (177b) CHOICE OFFICE SPACE, MAIN STREET corner. Apply Bradley Bros., 29%: Sim- coe South. al 5-1543 am FURNISHED BEDROOM, SUITABLE for one or two, central. Apply 38 Nassau St. Dial 85-1298. A (1772) FURNISHED BEDROOM FOR RENT, goood location, suit 2 gentlemen or 2 girls, Dial 5-1036. 177¢) VALUABLE SPACE FOR RENT Over large store central down- town Oshawa, suitable for of- fices, approximately 2,600 sq. ft. : WRITE BOX 630 TIMES-GAZETTE . 175¢) 29---Wanted To Rent (Aug?) HOUSES, BUILDINGS, FACTORIES AND plants for wrecking, Tully - Townson, Building 2152, Ajax. Eons 20. (Aug?) 6 TO 9 ROOM HOUSE BY RELIABLE business couple with $2,500 as down pay- ment, balance on monthly terms. Prefer north section. Agents' contacts welcomed. Write Box 638, Times-Gazette. 177¢) 2 OR ROOM, SELF CONTAINED apartment, unfurnished, by young couple. No children. Write Box 640, Times Gazels. [§ ) 30--Room and Board GET A CHEAP CAR FOR YOUR VACA- tion, only $200, 39 Dodge. Dial 5-4275. (175¢) "BILL" BENNETT FOR NEW uality used car, at Belmont Motors, ng West. Phone 5-0732. (Augl9) |'41 CHEV. MASTER DELUXE SEDAN, (undersea 4 eater, defroster, built-in radio, Dial 3.7: (177¢) 33--Automobiles Wanted '41-51 CARS BRING MORE CASH FOR ou at Dodd's Car Lot, 300 Park Road . Dial 3-9421. (Augl) LAKESHORE AUTO WRECKERS. WANT cars for wrecking, highest prices paid. Dial 3-0533. (Augétf) 36--Pets & Livestock COCKER SPANIELS FOR SALX, BOARD. bena Kennels,new Wighway gear Drive-In Theatre. (Aug12) DACHSHUND, REGISTERED, RED, black and tan, males and females. Phone Bowmanville 2679. Margwill Fur Farm, Tyrone. (1726) BOARDING AND TRIMMING --KNOWL- ton Kennels. Dial 3-8932, (Aug24) 2 CHOICE DURHAM COWS, BOTH UN- der 5 years, renewed within the Jast month and their heifer calves, select breeding, heavy milkers. One yearling Hereford heifer, fat, milk fed. Can be seen at 85 Wilson Rd. S. Dial 3-7565. (July39,31 Aug?) 37--Farmers Columr DEAD FARM STOCK, promptly. Phone collect Bowmanville 2679. Also live horses. ar, Fur Farm. Tyrone. (Aug?) HAY FOR SALE IN BALES, 9 TONS. Apply 498 Roger St." Dial 3-4557. are) 38a---Market Basket YOU'VE READ ENOUGH! DROP YOUR paper, shake the ashes out of your Pipe and drive your family shopping to coff"s Supermarket, Ritson South, open every night to ten o'clock. It'll amaze you what savings you will make. (Augs) IT WILL PAY YOU TO MAKE IT A daily habit to visit Glecoff's IGA Super- market, Ritsop Rd. uth. For .fresh and cured meats, choice fruits and vegetables, os PICKED UP Gle- ROOM AND BOARD FOR 2 GENTLE- men, comfortable home. 404 Ritson MN 28--For Rent UNFURNISHED D 3.ROOM | APARTMENT | with Kitchenette, shared bathroom, for 1 | person, $50 per month. Apply 107 Simcoe S., or dial 3-7643 from 83. arse MODERN BUNGALOW, "ALL CONVENI- | ences; rent free for suitable couple in ex: change for domestic services, 3 miles from Oshawa. Write Box 730, Times- Gazette. (175¢) FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING ROOM 2° adults, share kitenenette, central. Dial 5-3333. (1756) 2 NICELY DECORATED ROOMS, UN- furnished, suit young business couple, conveniences, 404 Ritson Rd. North 1750) ONE ROOM AND KITCHEN, "APPLY na LARGE FURNISHED BEDROOM, WITH n beds, coe N., Renal, light house- Faith if desiped. Dial 3-7122. « | FURNISHED OR UNFURNISHED, WO | large roomed apartment, 400 Pundas St. | E., Whitby, Phone 85 (176¢) me FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT. Phone 34038. (1760) 31--Room & Board Wanted NICE HOME FOR VERY GOOD BABY of eight months, while mother works. Phone Whitby 810, after 6. (177b) 32--Automobiles For Sale REBUILT KNEE ACTION, "34-38 CHEV. and Pontiac. Retail and wholesale. Im- ediate iaSialiagon or delivery. Moers Garage, Verdun al Aas PHONE TED CAMPIN FOR NEW OR used cars or trucks at Cliff Mills Motors. Dial 3-4634. (Augl3) GET YOUR FRONT END ALIGNMENT wheel balancing at Moring's Garage, 1084 Simcoe St. North. uglo) A SQUARE DEAL EER JOHNNIE Walker, Bramley Motors. used cars. Dial 34675 _ evening 35706. (Augl5) FOR SALE--'31 CHEV. COUPE, $50, OR best offer. Phone Whitby 2807 (175¢) 51 MERCURY CON 'VERTIBLE, L » overdrive, radio, air-conditioning, electric top and windows, white wall tires,. 13,000 actual miles." Cash, trade or terms. King 8¢t. W. AT) and provisions. OPEN DAILY TO 10 P.M. (Augs) NEW POTATOES, RASPBERRIES, beets, carrots. 3-4953. 11 a.m. to p.m., 4-7 p.m. ro aciivery. (Aug2l) FRESH 'POTATOES, 10 LBS. 60c. DIAL 3-4953. a7 39---Articles For Sale HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, Majestic combination, like ROGERS new, model + {number 627, serial no. 591602; Axminster. rug with undermat, Oriental design, 69" x 9'; chrome kitchen set, 5 chairs, red and gray; bed chesterfield and 2 chairs; 3 table lamps, 2 end tables, pressure cooker with dial; chrome stand ash tray; 2 pairs of drapes; 1 dresser. Must 'sell. Dial 3- 7190. (177b) CONVERTIBLE BABY CARRIAGE good condition, $8, A moving away. Dial 5-6408. (177¢) SCRAP WOOD FOR SALE $5 per truck load. Also cedar posts from 8 to 30 ft. long. Apply M. GREENBERG & SONS 308 Bloor St. Ecst Phone 3-7333 . CL46T,T. Fe) MASSEY-HARRIS PONY TRACTOR, HY- draulic implements. First clase condition, $750. Apply 575 Bloor East. 177¢) COMBINATION COAL AND ELECTRIC stove, Clare Jewell, good condition. Dial 5-6065. 177¢) SUMMER COTTAGE SPECIALS Chesterfield trade-ins, 2 and 3-piece suites, many to choose from, $19.95 and up, Used rangette, chrome table and extension, new drop side couches, $19.95 complete. Felt mattresses, all sizes, $11.95. Spring-filled mattress- es, $23.95. DICK BRADLEY'S FURNITURE WAREHOUSE 286 KING ST. W. DIAL 5-1549 < ar) "PLUMBING & HEATING CATALOGUE FREE The 1952 catalogues is off the press. Write for your copy or visit the new warehouse and see for yourself the model bathroom displays in white and coloured fixtures, in standard size bathrooms with tiled or painted walls, just the way you want a bathroom in your own home. We have sinks and sink cabinet units, lavatory basins and toilets, pressure systems and electric water heaters, range boilers, pipe and fittings in copper, galvan- ized and cast iron, septic and oil tanks, refrigerators and electric ranges, a complete line of furnaces, air-conditioning units and hot water heating systems with gonvector rads. We deliver to your nearest railway station, you pay no freight. 'S. V. Johnson Plumbing Streetsville, Ontario. (T.T.St) COTTAGE SPECIALS! at CRIPPLED CIVILIANS' STORES Ice boxes, recondition- ed like new Table lamps with shades Dining room' tables .. Dining room chairs .. 1.95- 2.50 Lawn chairs, smart striped decking .... 2.25- 3.25 Paint, good quality 89¢c at. oo 23 gal. Quebec Heaters 11.95-14,95 Sports. Equipment BA prices Many items of new and used cloth- ing, furniture, electrical appliances, radios, etc., to choose from at econ- omy prices. Try Us For The Best Buy In Town! 91 Jarvis St. 2533 Danforth Ave. 755 Queen St. E. 611 Yonge St. OSHAWA -- 22 Bond St. W. (Tues, Thur,tf) 41--Articles Wanted GOOD USED FURNTIUR WANTED: dressers, stoves, heate: King West. Dial sole "Chyaty PIANOS, CASH FOR YOUR PIANO now. Wilson & Lee, 79 Simcoe N. Dial 5-2822. (Aug23) WANTED, LIVE POULTRY, FEATHERS, sorap iron, metal, rags and mattresses. pplies, $7.95-14,95 3.50- 4.50 7.95-11.95 V Plat L » Oshawa, col- BLOCK LAYERS WANTED. APPLY TE Pee Motel, Bay Rd., Pickering. (177¢) SALESMAN Leading manufacturer of Retail Sales ond Food Machines requires Salesman for protected territory with residence in Oshawa. Preference will be given to an ambitious man with retail or meat cutting experience. Earnings are on a commission basis and have been in excess of $5,000.00 for the ter- ritory. Car is essential. Give full par- ticulars in your first letter, District Manager will be available for inter views. WRITE BOX No. 634 TIMES-GAZETTE (176c) 45--Agents Wanted WANTED: MAN FOR STEADY TRAVEL among consumers in Oshawa and out. side. (Sosmanent connection i Wri rics Montreal. (July22,29) EARN EXTRA CASH MAKE MORE MONEY EASILY IN Spare time. Just show our beautiful hristmas and Everyday Cards to sour friends. They sell on sight. Many box as- sortments and line of P Cards, Just write for Free Personal al- bum, and samples on approval, It's Sasy) It's fun! It's table. ri today Douglas G Card C » Bleecker St., Toronto. (Tues. Thurs.Sat,Aug30) 46--Employment Wanted FOR EMPLOYING HOLLAND IMMI- grants on farms or in trades, contact R. Tjalsma, Fieldman Reformed Church, 218 Colborne St. W., Whitby. Plone. ka \ DUTCH WOMAN DESIRES EMPLOY. ment. Write Box 637, Timgs-Qarette, ) {) 47--Legal Notice. TREASURER'S 1 SALE OF LANDS For Arrears of Taxes CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF OSHAWA COUNTY OF ONTARIO TO Wit: By virtue of a Warrant issued by the Mayor of the City of Oshawa, under his hand and the seal of the Corpor- ation' of the City of Oshawa, bearing date of the 16th day of June, 1952, a sale of lands in arrears of taxes in the City of Oshawa, will be held at the Assembly Hall, Centre Street Public School, Oshawa, at the hour of ten o'clock in the forenoon on Wed- nesday, the eighth day of October, 1952, unless the taxes and costs are sooner paid." Notice is hereby given that the list of lands for sale for ar- rears of taxes, has been published in the Ontario Gazette on the Sth day of July, 1952. Copies of the said list may be had at the office of the City Treasurer, Dated "at Oshawa, this a day of July, 1952, E. TRIPP, oy Treasurer. (J1y8,15,22,29) Average wage of male farm help in Canada at May 15 was $4.90 a day with board. JAMIESON DRUGS "PROMPT DELIVERY! DIAL 5-1169 241 KING ST. EAST