Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily Times-Gazette, 24 Dec 1948, p. 13

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a i, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 24, 1948 THE DAILY TI MES-GAZETTE ! v PAGE THIRTEEN" ACTIVITIES OF E YOUNG FOLK OF OSHA ~ GIRL GUIDE ACTIVITIES HERE'S TO A MERRY CHRIST- MAS, A HAPPY NEW YEAR AND A FIRM RESOLVE TO MORE AND BETTER GUIDING IN 1949. I should like to thank all those Guiders who have made the suc- cess of this column possible, but I still feel ,that with the help and co-operation of the others it could be bigger and better, so why not make it one of your New Year's Resolutions to see that your news is sent or brought to The | Times-Gazette Office by Thursday or Friday mornings, at the lat- est. The next edition of this col- umn will be on January 8th. Just a reminder to the Guid- ers, don't forget the important Guiders' meeting on the 7th. 2ND & 5TH GUIDES Bix Guides were hostesses to their mothers, guests and sister Guides at and & 5th Company's Christmas Party on Monday evening. Opening with ca- rol singing from the staircase, the girls then marched into the main room to deposit their gifts beneath the beau- ly decorated Christmas' tree. mong the special guests present were: a mmissioner Miss Moyse, Mrs, Mat- uh 3 . Farrow, Brown Owl Mrs. 'Wiskin, our company representatives, Mrs. Thompson and Mrs. Joan Matthews, a Guide from 3rd Com- y. The girls were sorry that Mrs. . 8. Hobbs, Divisional Commissioner, was unable to be present but hope to have her another time, ' The Captain, Miss Doris Coldrick, called the meeting to order in the reg- ular manner with Guide Hymn, Pray- er and Promise. The Horseshoe forma- tion followed for the purpose of pre- senting the following badges which were iecenuly earned by the girls. Child Nurse by Anne Houlding, Donna Jackson and Lillian Jarvis. Toymakers, . by Anne Houlding, Donna Jackson, Lillian Crowells, Donna Leavitt, Gloria Wilson, and Doris Jarvis. The Captain then welcomed the 3 mothers and guests on behalf of the i Guides and herself and explained briefly that the purpose of the even- ing was to give the Patrol Leaders an opportunity to earn the Hostess Badge. The six girls were then introduced-- Doris Jarvis of the Canary Patrol; Lil- lian Crowells of the Bluebird; Jacque- line Wright of the Scarlet Tanagers; Anne Houlding of the Oriole; Jackson of the Robin, and Gloria Wil- son. of the Swallow. The program which followed was plann entirely by these girls, and opened with Shirley Hennings and Nor- » House singing a duet; then follow- by a skit by the Canaries, the girls be- robed as choristers, carrying can- dles were directed by Doris Jarvis in singing the carol, "O Come All Ye Faithful". Several skits came next in. p Shuang "The Old Lady's Surprise" by the Bluebirds, "Buying An Old Car" by the Swallows and "Selecting a Hat" by the Scarlet Tanagers all added much to the merriment of the evening. 'The Orioles came last and are lucky in havi two soloists in their Patrol, Arlene rystal and Anne Houlding, each singing a Christmas song. This patrol also produced another skit. § With Joan Matthews at the plano Guides and guests all joined in a & hearty round of carol singing which was 'only interrupted when the host- esses a] bearing refreshments for everyone. Tea was served to the adults, while the Guides enjoyed red and yellow pop. Cookies, tarts, cakes and ise tenit were thoroughly enjoy- Then suddenly out of the north and ompanied by the tune of Jingle Bells, Santa Claus and his assistants arrived and, to the delight of all pres- ent, an distributing gifts to the 'Guides before proceeding on his jour- y again, Doris Jarvis acted the part Santa. Thanks a lot, Doris. A beautiful basket of fruit was the use of much comment, and the Cap- finally explained that it had been urchased with money collected by the irls for a Christmas Good Turn. It being sent to a family less fortun> te than we are. Beverly King accept- this basket and promised to deliver it for us. Three other similar baskets re being sent out this week. Good going, girls. - Last but not least was Campfire, one >f the highlights of & Guide's day. 'Jathered around the lighted campfire d with the glowing lights of the tree, e girls joined in the singing of thelr Jackson, and | 44 Donna di favorite ,Guide songs and rounds. These were greatly enjoyed by the spectators. Commissioner Miss Moyse spoke to the girls regarding the Jane for these companies in the New Year. Taps and Guide yer ght a very evening to a close. The company thanks the Patrol Leaders for a delightful evening. Also thanks to Joan Matthews who was our Planist for the evening. As Captain I should also like to thank all those who in any way helped us promote Guid- ing during the past year and am look- in, Torwaid to an even better year in ul Guldes, our next meeting is January 3rd and as there are very important plans to be made please try and he present, also be in full uniform. Wish- ing you all a Very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year, 2ND BROWNIES The Brownies gathered arébund the wonderful Christmas tree at Guide House on nday with shouts of glee. After all the Brownies with their guests, mothers, sisters and brothers and the Commissioner, Miss Moyse, had arrived the party got under way with the Brownies having a sleighing rty into Brownieland and Fairy ing. Tweenie Joan Williams collected the Fairy Gold in Santa's bag. Then a race between the mothers and the Brownies was played, the mo- thers are the best jugglers as they were able to slide the Life Savers on- toothpicks the quick Fourteen Brownies then greeted their guests with verses which spelled Merry Christmas. Oongratulations, girls, it was grand. Then mothers and daughters had a ¢hance to see who could fill up twelve containers the best. Mrs. Mansell and Hillary were the winners. Brownies played a singing game be- fore refreshments were served to all. The room all tidied up for another lit- tle act found the three smallest Brownies all decked out in nightgowns and stockings. The Brownies then proudly presented Mother with a small gift which they had each made themselves. This was followed by another "Test Your 8kill Contest" with Mrs. Montgomery and Marrian winners with a full mark. Brownies then chose partners for Good Night, after which Tawny and Packie gave each girl an orange and a bag of candy. The Brownies brought a nice lot of gifts to be sent out to our sick Brownie whose birthday was Wednes- ay. Many thanks to Mrs. Pine, Tawny and Packie for all they did to make the party a success. Also thanks go to the mothers for giving up their after- noon to be present. ' Merry Christmas to all the Brownies, and come back to the first meeting of | i 1949 on January 3rd prepared to pass lots of tests, P » 3RD GUIDES This week Third Company had its Christmas party. Roll call was follow- ed by corners during which each Pate rol planned a number or two for the program later on in the evening. The Guides then played Musical Chairs, and Fan the Fish. Did you ever try drawing: and decorating a Christmas tree in the dark? Well, we did, and the prize-winners were D. Nobbin, M. McGregor, and J. Walker. Margie Haines and Jean McLellan were chosen to present the care- taker with his gift from the Guides. Carol singing was enjoyed by the light of a big red candle, and during the program Jean Lightbown's tap dance received a hearty clap. The Guides are grateful to J. Mc- Lellan and D, Nobbin who took turns at the plano for the various numbers. We are lucky to have 'two capable pianists in the company. To all Brownies, Guides and Guiders "A Very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year from Third", Have a good holiday, Guides, and see you after New Year's. 3RD BROWNIES The mothers of the 3rd Brownie Pack were greatly pleased with the party their Brownie daughters put on for them. Sixer Brenda Flegg fourld Tweenle Eleanor Wotton, and Sixer Georgina Anderson found Tweenie Diane Gunn asleep outside the fairy ring. These Tweenies were brought up the path- way of stepping-stones to the toad- stool where Brown Owl turned them into Brownies. Service stars were then presented, High Jide By GORDON HAWKSHAW Well--it's over for another year-- | the frolic that is. We hope every- one has fully recuperated by now. After all, there are only nine more days of holidays, you know. As Mr. O'Neill pointed out on Tuesday night, this was the largest crowd to ever attend an O.C.V.I. frolic. We don't think there is anyone who will question that statement. On one occasion we danced around the auditorium twice without touching the floor or as Fibber McGee would say, "Just keep your elbows stiff and let the mob carry you about." The school pay have been crowded but at least it proved a very old and wise saying, "the more--the mer- rier." This saying worked to its fullest extent on Tuesday and all seem to have a very, very enjoyable evening. This year's frolic marked the first time that yours truly has ever seen a skit called back for an en- core. Scammell and Aldwinckle did the trick with their interpretation of Spike Jones' "New Year's Resolu- tion." Unfortunately, however, these two had not prepared anoth- er skit and thus their encore was limited to a few words of thanks and a sincere "happy New Year to all," No sooner had the afore mentioned gentlemen departed, then Mr. "I'd love to get you on a slow boat to China" O'Neill was encor- ed In this skit Mr. ONeill was ac- companied by Mr. Ray and his as- sociates and it seemed to be the best-liked skit of the entire eve- ning. Incidentally, the "gate-crashing" scene which Dave Mounce and yours truly attempted to portray was not intended in any way to ridicule the Prefectorial Council or to cast any reflections towards the Phratry Investiture Dance. Appar- ently we created the wrong im- making 14 Brownies proud of another year. of service. Big Tawny called on a number of Brownies who entertained their mo- thers in song, plano selections, recita- tions and dancing. As a climax to the party, Helen Mac- Donald sang "Here Comes Santa Claus" and in he ran! If we peeked under the cap we would find it was our own Jacqueline Joyce helping San- ta Claus with his work. Gifts were then given out to mothers and Brown- es. A beautiful pair of bath towels was presented to each of the leaders who in turn thanked the Brownies. in a short speech. The Sixers. and Seconds enjoyed serving lunch to the mothers and other Brownies. The party closed with the mothers forming a ring in the centre of the room. The Brownies bowed and sang "Good © Night, Visitors", and then danced merrily out the away home. door 13TH BROWNIES Before the Christmas party started 13th Brownles decorated their meeting room with red and green streamers and a cardboard Christmas tree, A quite ordinary table suddenly bloomed forth, decked with red and green, and laden with presents. Immediately everyone eaught' the Christmas spirit and became very gay. Brown Ow] started the program by tell- ing a story entitled, "The Mixed-Up Christmas". Then came some 'active games and two imitative games. The imitative games were the two new ones taught last week and proved just as popular this meeting. After Brown Owl, substituting for Santa, handed out the gifts, the Sixers served very nice refreshments of red pop, cookies and candies. Then some Christmas songs were sung and it was time to tidy up. THe Fairy Six as Tidy-Up Brownles had quite a job this week. Thank you very much, Sixers, for serving and washing the dishes. One more thank you, this time from Brown Owl to the Brownies for the lovely cup and saucer they gave her as a Christmas gift. A happy Christmas and a, good holi- day, Brownies. Next meeting--Janu- ary 8th. HELLO, EFFIE, DEAR I GOT TO WORK LATE AGAIN YEAH GO TO BED, DEAR ~ WELL, YOU 4 ILU BE HOME ABOUT 12. « pt 1918, King Features Syme Two New Brownies Are Enrolled Two Brownies, members of the Third Brownie Pack, were enrolled at a program at the Guide House on Wed- nesday afternoon. Following the enrollment, the Brownies had a Christmas party. Above are shown the two Brownies who were enrolled, (seated) receiving their presents from Santa Claus' helper, Jacqueline Joyce, while Brown Owl, Mrs, W. Rusnell, is assisting. The Brownies are Eleanor Walton (left) and Dianne Gunn. --Times-Gazette Staff Photo. pression in the minds of some. We can assure you, and Mr. Mounce will agree, that the Phratry Dance didn't influence our skit whatso- ever. If we caused any ill f€elings we are indeed sorry and we hope you will accept our sincere apolo- gies. The skits ran a little overtime this year and did not finish until after nine-thirty. Once . the skits were over, however, the chairs were cleared in almost record time, the Janitor assisted in cleaning up the auditorium, the dance wax was ap- plied, and the "shuffle" began. On Tuesday afternoon Mr. Kirk- land and Mr. Murphy relieved Mr. O'Neill of some of his duties at the commencement. Although Mr. O'Neill didn't have quite as much work as usual in the afternoon he certainly made up for it at the frolic. Not overlooking his famous "not bad, not good, but not bad" lines of last year, we believe that he displayed one of the best and most entertaining performances that a school principal has ever produc- ed. We think that the O.C.V.I. should be proud to have a princi- pal who is willing to donate him- self entirely to the students such as Mr, O'Neill did .on Tuesday night. ' Without him the frolic would definitely not have been the great success that it. was. And 'go, this week, it's a tip -of the High Tide Hat to Mr. O'Neill. To anyone who 'was honored at the commencement, whether by spegial awards, diplomas, or certis ficates, and especially to Miss Lam- bert and Mr. Crawford, we wish to express our hearty congratulations. One of the highlights of the commencement exercises was the performance of the Glee Club which was led by Miss Mihalko. The piece which we enjoyed most was the se- lection "Oh! What a Beautiful Morning." The" corridors were "a-ringin'" on Monday evening as Mr. Ray put the orchestra through its pre-com- mencement rehearsal. Whether or not the rehearsal was hard on the members -of the orchestra, it'cer- tainly wasn't hard to listen to. The rehearsal took: more of the appear- ance of-a preview to the following day's commencement exercises rather than that of a practice. Sev- eral familiar melodies flowed from the institute and perhaps the most vigorous and lively of such was the "0.C.V.1. we pledge to thee" ballad. One of the noticeable changes in scenery was the addition of the "Get Together" grand piano. Raymond Mozewsky honored the institute when he was the first . to officially christen the instrument. Maybe there aren't any more pow= er. cutoffs but Mr, Kirkland is still having his lighting problems. The light switch in the vice-principal's room has heen on, the-blink during the' past week. Perhaps this is a good' excuse for those who are in the dark about their History course. 'This week's little bit of verse was' submitted by Jim Bertrand of form 12E. So, with pardons to the teach- ers in the Latin department and our. sincere. thanks and apprecia- tion to Mr. Bertrand, here it:ls: Boyibus kissibus little girloriim, Girlibus likibus wantem sumorum, Popibus hearibus loudés smacko- rum, Kickibus boyibus out of hall- doorum. - - . We wish to take this opportunity to. wish you-all a very, very merry Christmas and the compliments of the season. Despite the fact that the school will be dormant next week, we will publish the High Tide column. We have a few odds-and-ends that we .| have been saving for such an op- portunity and so if you care to look us up next Friday evening, we'll be here a-waitin', See you then. There are bargains galore -- on The Times-Gazette classified page. Christmas In Toyland I heard a story today, both beautiful and gay, of the toys in Toyland. oh When the. clock strikes 'The Hour' they all have. the power to move -- They think it grand! With the hands at Midilight, when children sleep: tight, , then the shop seems to jump for joy; 'Cause down from the shelves, like so many elves, comes" each little happy toy. The dollies, they dance; the horses all prance and.the Bugle Boy blows on his horn. The toy birds sing, the fire bells ring, and they carry on so until morn. One special night, with a moon shining bright, had a festive note in the air. There was snow on the ground, and garlands around, and a secret they all seemed to share. . Now what it could be I know you'll agree, for it could be seen at a glance, Was a tree in a corner, like little Jack Horner, and it wasn't there just by chance! Decked with bells and bars, and with silver stars, and baubles of glittering gold; It shimmered and shone as its lights all came on.when the magic hour was tolled. The toys gathered round. With awe they were bound . by something under the tree -- For in all its Glory was the 'Christmas Story' for, every- ~ one to see. The Lowly Manger with the Dear Little Stranger; with Mary, and Joseph, and all. Yes, even the Shepherds had left their herds and the Kings had come to call. Shining above, filled with Heavenly Love, hovered Angels in the Holy Star's light. And this scene showed the Toys, as it does girls and boys, the Real Meaning of Christmas Night! --"LEE" GALES. in the "-aters of the Fraser River late Thursday when their 16-foot speedboat struck drifting debris and sank. The husband and father, Claridge (Bill) Morehouse, 50, of nearby Eburne, B.C. was rescued and taken to hospital suffering from shock and exposure. 27 KILLED Tarragona, Spain, Dec. 24.--(AP) --Twenty-seven persons were killed Thursday when & two-engined trans- port of the Iberian Airlines crash- ed into a mountain 40 miles west of this Mediterranean coastal city. There were no survivors. Three women and four children were ---------------------- among the dead. BABY SUFFOCATES Hamilton, Dec. 2¢ -- (OP) -- Jue dith Tancock, two months, was suf- focated Thursday shortly after she was put out for a sleep .in a crib on a porch. She was the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. O. J, Tancock. DROWN IN RIVER Vancouver Dec. 24.--(CP)--A 40- year-old 'mother and her infant daughter, en route here to do Christmas shopping, were drowned "OSHAWA'S LEADING SPORTSWEAR SHOPPE" 33 Simcoe St. N. Phone 3518 May the Christmas glow: of shed its warm radiance on you and yours throughout the coming year! "OSHAWA'S SMARTEST CHILDREN'S SHOPPE" 42% Simcoe St. N. Phone 1571 SAN F iid ITONE DRY CLEANER 5 i 50 MILL STREET, = Have With this, the greatest of holidays, before us, we join in the good wishes of the world to promote the spirit of good fellowship and peace on earth, AGNEW SURPASS FINE QUALITY SHOES 25 SIMCOE ST. S. PHONE 3057 : ; Christmas / «.. Happy New Year to Everyone! _ - When Merry Christmas Rules the heart Every foy is a gift apart Every gift is a precious thing he Lovingly tied with enchanted stringl FURNITURE MANUFACTURING COMPANY

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