w i i 3 f i ¥ ; : PAGE EIGHTEEN \ THE DAILY TI MES-CAZETTE "WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 15, 1948 | ; This Week's Bridge e weekly duplicate game' held Monday evening had new win- pairs in both secticns again week. Winners have been tak- turns on different nights lately, . and Mrs, F. W. Frobel play- 8 very strong game against tion gained victory over regular high EREESs E52E 421% points. 2. Mr, J. Fox and Mr. M. Swartz ints, - Frank Wells of Whitby won by a good margin in their North-South direction over Mr. and Mrs. E, Hig- gins, having totals of 38 points and 82% respectively. Mr. and Mrs. Les- lie Reed once again were first in the East-West direction with a total of 34%: points but as in the past several 'weeks had to be satis- tied with second place on the total point count. The first five pairs in'"B" Sec- tion were as follows: 1. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wells (Whitby) N. & S.--38 points. 2. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Reed (Whitby) E. & W.--34% points. 3. Mr. and Mrs. E. Higgins, N.' & 832% points. 4. Mrs, Gordon Lawley and Mrs. Herbert Kearney, E. & W.--31% points. 5. Mr. and Mrs, O. 8S. Hobbs, E. & W.--31 points. ' "pn One hand in the Section _ caused considerable comment, 2 pairs playing six spades, 2 pairs six hearts and 1 pair 4 spades. The hand was as follows: 8. AKQ9854 H 5 D.AQ C.642 Seven spades can be made by a back-ward finesse of the king of hearts. Six hearts is' q safe against <n. lead of the of clubs. North, strange as it seems, was the declarer of the six heart contract even though he had the singleton five only. By taking the first trick with the ace in dummy then playing the ace and king of spades to throw off the seven of elubs all he could lose then was the king of hearts. One declarer played four spades and made exact- ly that, although it appears hardly possible to lose: more than two club tricks against any lead or defense. Prizes te previous weekly winners were presented by Mr. George Jar- vis to Mr. and Mrs. G. Finnett (Whitby) in the "B" Section and to Mrs. E. Wadsworth and Mrs. H. Murray in the "A" .Section. A vote taken by all players attending Mon- day night decided that no Dupli- cate game would be held Monday after Christmas, Dec. 27. The first Monday of the New Year, Jan. 2nd will be the first session of the next series of five for the major prize. Lessons will be held next week from 7 pm. to 8 pm. and duplicate games for both sections from 8 pm. to 11 pm. in the Blue Room of the Genosha Hotel. Christmas Fair In Berlin To Chase Gloom Disregarding the dispute between East and West sector governments, Berlina will have its traditional Christmas fairs with ferris wheels, carousels and colored flags. The most famous of these fairs is that of the Lustgarten, now in the Soviet sector. The bombed-out Berlin Dom furnishes a background for the gala event with which Berlin is chasing grim winter reality. \ --Central Press Canadian. P Feeling that the information in last week's column did not cover enough possible card holdings, I would like to enlarge on the differ- ent card situations that may occur and thus show how simple signals are available for practically every type of hand. ; In the previous column we con- centrated on- the low discard of a spade asking for a heart lead, a low heart asking for a spade, and similarly a low club requesting a diamond and a low diamond a club return, There are situations where one cannot use the high discard or the By GORDON ADAMS 'above plan of signal discards. The following illustration should show why further knowledge of signals is necessary. You will at times have hands where two discards are need- ed to give vital information to: the defensive pair. A43 2 108 654 KO JT N |s w Ej Ss c 2 AQUJ 4 32 1086543 West is the declarer in a four- spade contract. North leads the King of clubs which 4s taken by West with the ace. West then pro- ceeds to knock out the trump ace hoping it is in South's hand there- by protecting the King of hearts in the dummy. When North proves to hold the trump ace, West can only hope that South cannot signal for a heart lead and thus North will be forced to guess whether to lead a diamond or a heart through the kings in dummy. If a diamond is led West will make an overtrick, but when the ten of hearts is led the contract is defeated by one trick. . Again definite signals come into play 'antl on the defense of this hand, North should not have any doubt as to his correct lead. The play fol- lows this pattern: North holds up his trump ace until the third round to watch the signal disiards of his partner. South discards first his lowest diamond, then. his lowest club. Clearly saying "partner, don't lead a diamond or a club; I can't signal with a heart because of my adverse eard holding in that suit." If South had wanted a diamond led, he would have played a small club, then a small heart. . South's holding might be such, Children's Shoppe" 42!% Simcoe N. Phone 1571 laying Your Hand! Avent Pb» is unatle to use a high heart signal or the above system. a en AY oy D, 4, 3.5400 cise he would make use of the two card "high-low" encouraging signal, discarding first the five, then the four, or the four and three. By making full use of all three systems a player is able to give the desired information to his partner so valuable to the defensive play of the hand. Despite adverse card combinations one is able to cope with practically every type of card holding. The use of these signals is not complicated as they just follow common sense deduction. However, some players feel they do not need to know or understand any further signals than the high® encouraging But when they have a defensive hand, that prevents the use of the simple high or low card signals, what can they do? Hope the right lead is made or have a mind-reader as a partner. Bridge is a partnership game throughout all its phases. Rules and signals have been devised to assist players in co-operating, one with the other. By taking full advantage of all the assistance given the skill- ful play-of two players creates mu- tual satisfaction, co-operation, con- fidence and admiration, Knowing that most bridge players like to puzzle over card combina- tions we are using this following hand for study: 5 H K D K92 C 1074 Diamonds trump. South is lead- ing. North and South must take all the tricks left against any defense by East and West. The solution to this problem will be printed in next Wednesday's Times-Gazette. PROBE NAIL SHORTAGE Nanaimo, B.C.--(CP)--The Board tion of the mail shortage which is delaying building of homes here. Contractors complained that Na- naimo is not getting the per apita supply to which it is entitled. card or the low discouraging signal. of Trade has 'requested investiga- | Brougham Bible Class Elects 1949 Officers MRS. T. C. BROWN Correspondent Brougham, Dec. 15--Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Brown were callers at the old home with Mrs. Brown on Saturday afternoon. Mr. Alan Miller and Mr. Pearson Baker, of Toronto, and Pickering, were helping Mr. Robert Miller do- ing some work at his apartment on Saturday. Mr. Harold Stevenson who has been a Minneapolis visitor is back again with his sister, Mrs. Miller and Miss Stevenson, but is leaving for home in the Sunday. The recreation t the John White new building®was the scene of a largely attended dance on Fri- day evening. The Community Club sponsored a dance in Township Hall on Satur- day evening. These Saturday even- ing dances have become very popu- lar. Mr, and- Mrs. Rains of Washago were visitors at the home. of Mrs. Miller on Sunday. On Sunday last 'Rev. J. E. Ken- nedy gave a review of the mission- ary and maintenance work of the United Church both at home and abroad, and the need for increased givings. A special collection is to be asked for next Sunday. A large number of books have been added to the library, a fine collection of reading for all tastes. Thé annual Sunday School Christ- mas entertainment will be held in Township Hall on Monday evening December 20 at the usual time. Mrs. Holtby's sister, Mrs. C. G. Davis of Crystal Beach, visited her last week, as well as a number of other relatives and friends who have been visitors and callers. Friends and neighbors were so glad to know the little son of Mr. and Mrs. F. Hicks came home from the hospital this week-end. The trouble is not so serious as thought _| at first. A business meeting of the W.M.S. of the church will be held at the home of Mrs, Philip, Thursday, De- cember 16th.. ~ On Monday evening, December 6, The Friendly Bible Class held their annual business meeting in the form of a pot luck supper, with their fam- JMrs. George«Willson; pianist, Mrs. -| and social fellowship. "MEN! 68 SIMCOE ST. N. Here's a "Real" | Christmas Suggestion Yes, if you really want to give her a Merry Christmas and a holiday from drudgery the year 'round, there is no finer gift than a Beatty Washer, Ironer or Vacuum Cleaner. Products are 100% Canadian Made by Union workmen, and are built by a firm with 74 years of experience and "Know-How" in the Appliance Business. Yes! ... a Beatty Appliance will truly .be the answer tn her dreams. We will be pleased to place one under your tree on Christmas Eve, 'LOW MONTHLY PAYMENTS IF YOU TRADE-IN ALLOWANCES ON YOUR OLD APPLIANCES. Jock BIDDULPH AutHoRizeD Bally * "Look For The Store With The Yellow Front" Beatty WISH. LIBERAL DEALER PHONE 3800W ilies, in the Township Hall. After the supper the election of officers Sook Place. The following wgre elect- ed tb serve a two-year term: Presi- dent, Mr." Frank -Carter; vice-presi- dent, Mr. Harold Barclay; secretgry, John Mitchell; treasurer, Mr. James Phillips; press sécretary, Mrs. Ver- non Ellicot,*A very pleasant even- ing was enjoyed in playing games Subsidiaries Will Come Under Bill London, Dec. 15--(CP)--Canadian subsidiaries of United Kingdom iron and steel companies will come under public ownership like all other assets of these firms when the nationaliza- tion bill becomes law. The bill has been given second reading by the Commons but may be defeated in the Lords. Even with opposition from the Upper House it can be placed on the statute book early in 1950. Actual vesting of ownership in the government is not expected until after the general election that year. If Conservatives win the election, the bill probably will be repealed. In replies to questions in the Commons, Supply Minister Strauss said Canadian subsidiaries included Canadian Tinplate Company Limi- ted, owned by Richard Thomas and Baldwins, Limited, and three others in which United Kingdom compan- ies had a controlling interest or majority share-holding--Mills Scaf- fold of Canada, Limited, Whitecross Company (Canada) Limited, and Baldwins Montreal, Limited. Strauss said at a later press con- ference that the iron and steel corp- oration to be established by the government under the bill will own the overseas assets. of steel com- panies as well as those within the United Kingdom, "Anything the corporation does not want will be sold to the best buyer," he added. ONTARIO HARDWOOD © FLOOR SANDERS Reasonable! Old Floors ~ Refinished! Laid eo Sanded © AUTOMOBILK UNDERCOATING ® STEAM JENNY CLEANING POWELL 5 SALES North Oshawa Phone 4694) Brantford Roofing and Builders' Supplies McLAUGHLIN COAL & SUPPLIES LIMITED Phone 1246 TILE FLOORS Variety Colors > ~, E Phone 4128wi13 or 723w2 Inch Fir Ply ) ERNIE CAY LUMBER © FLOOR SANDERS © EDGERS @ POLISHERS FOR RENT - ALSO - HARDWOOD FLOORING Floors Laid, Sanded and Finished Phone 3744W1 STAFFORD BROS. Monumental Works Open Every Day - And Evenings Phone Whitby 552 318" DUNDAS ST. E. WHITBY MONUMENTS STOKER SALES & SERVICE Hard and Soft Wood. Top Quality Anthracite, Bituminous and Coke. The ROBERT DIXON Co. Ltd. HOL APPLIANCES ) (wuscnoce_ Beatty ; From PE SALES AND SERVICE GENUINE BEATTY PARTS AUTHORIZED DEALER (BELOW) \Z Qil Ghe ASHER TROUBLE inspection - if you have TROUBLE we come on the DOUBLE Phone 3800W BIDDULPH astomze BENS sraren 68 SIMCOE ST. N. "Look for the Store with the Yellow Front" Phone 262 Oshawa There are bargains galore -- on The Times-Gazette classified page. Estimates given for installae tion and servicing of THE . WASHER NOW AVAILABLE AT RADIO and ELECTRIC -- Expert repairs carried ous by experienced, factory traine ed men, . -- Just give us a call 736-J 78 Simcoe N, \ SUPERMAN DETECTING THE FIRST SPLIT-SECOND TREMBLINGS INCREDIBLE SPEED. RECORDER... MORE ABOUT THIS RIGHT NOW I HAVE ANOTH { THERE! WE HAVE YOUR FULL ACCOUNT OF ° THIS ATOMIC BULLET EPISODE ON THE WIRE "LATER = - JOB \ Race With Death Ly By Wayne Boring PHIL; AS YOU KNOW, ONE CLUE TO THE KILLER... NOW WE HAVE A STRONG LEAD -- OF OUR AGENTS WAS AMBUSHED AND SLAIN A YEAR AGO! AT THE TIME , THERE WAS NO MOB; SERNING TIME, HAS TALKED! THE MAN HE THINKS DID THE JOB HAS BEEN SHACKING UP IN THE ? HILLS NEAR HERE..I WANT YOU TO TRY TO GET A CONFESSION FROM THIS MAN! / By Norman Marsk Pos, % CHEF THUNDERCLOUDS WAR WHOOP SOUNDS THE ALARM--ILLI WARRIORS HASTILY ARM THEMSELVES AND COME TUMBLING OUT SPY i ood OF THEIR LODGES eet TEENEMY/ y 77 vg By Lee Falk DANNY GRABS HIS LONG RIFLE-TAKES GUICI AIM AT THE and Ray Moo BEn= THE WALLS BECAUSE OF THE FLAMES? ive an g WE CAN'T PUTA LADDER AGAINST EA! - L YOU CAN'T SAVE THOSE POOR #(P8.YOU'RE THROWING YOUR LIFE AWAY. THREE STORIES UP~HE LEAPS 70 THE FLAMING ROOF w= + RIP. KIRBY THERE HE IS AGAIN! THAT HORRIBLE MAN! HE MAKES ME SHIVER... HIS EYES ARE ALWAYS aa a A SMA lil BUT A WOMAN AS LOVELY AS YOURSELF /\ MUST BE USED TO THE STARES OF MEN. WHY ARE YOU 80» Ne ME! BY I DON'T KNOW...BUT HE IS CONSTANTLY. PROWLING NEAR MY CABIN...I ONLY FEEL SAFE WHEN YOU ARE NO, NO! PLEASE COMENITH @X AND | WAIT TO MEET |. /