PAGE 'EIGHT 2 THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE SATURDAY, DECEMBER 4, 1948 | RC ------ Here From Germany Pastor Says Cold War Is a Bitter Reality The people of North America will have to wake up and strengthen their grasp on the jewel of demo- cracy lest it be filched from their listless fingers; is the warning of the Rev. Basil Kusiw, who is here for the Evangelical Alliance con- ference being held in the Ukrain- jan Presbyterian Church this week- end. A superintendent of Displaced Persons' Camps in Germany, he paints a grim picture of the con- ditions in Europe where he says the Cold War is not a menace-- it is a reality. Friend is spying on friend and neighbor on neighbor he says, and those who show any opposition to the secret police or do not co-operate are 'removed' in a little "black wagon and never seen or heard of again". The Displaced Persons are such because they have refused to con- form to the teachings of the So- viet doctrine, he said, and they Jook to the Democracies for their salvation. The International Reliel Organization which replaced UNN- RA has guaranteed to remove all these people from Europe within the mext two years, but how, he asked it is to be done? The United States will accept 205,000 from Germany and 3,600 from Czechoslovakia, -- men women and families. Can- ada will not accept families except in special cases. This means that many who desire more than any- thing to come here are restrained. Survivors of broken families, they will not face further separation. All they have is each other. Then there are the invalids, and the incurables that no country will accept; the very old and the very young, what is to happen to them? Also the young and healthy are oiten the sole support of aged par- ents, that they can't leave, The big question, Mr, Kusiw sald was, "What is going to happen to these people if they cannot emigrate a- across the sea?" "They have lost the grace of fellowship," he said. "That has been drained out of them, but they are imbued with the spirit of self- sacrifice,. which is lacking here. However little these poor souls have, they have learned to share." No physical force alone can com- bat the disease of the world today, Mr. Kusiw declared. A war against Nazism is no proof against a war on Communism which in turn would 'be replaced with some other 'ism'. Exercise of the Christian doc- trine is the only strength that can eradicate this disease that eats in- to the minds of men. Jesus has identified Himself with these' ex- iles of Europe when He said "I was hungry and I was naked and I was a stranger among men." Mr. Kusiw will give a special ad- dress in the Ukrainian Presbyter- ian Church, - Simcoe Street South tomorrow night, and will preach in the church tomorrow morning. Newly Arrived Bride Is Guest of Honor Mrs. Norman Pringle, formerly Miss Nona Stoddart, a recent bride from Windsor, Ontario, was the guest of honor at a shower arrang- ed by the Senior Group of the Woman's Association of Albert Street United Church at the home of Mrs. Howard Wollicott, Barrie Street, on Thursday evening. The archway was prettily decor- ated with pink streamers and the bride was seated in a specially dec- orated chair and a hamper of gifts was presented to her. Mrs. Clifford Pringle assisted with the unwrap- ping of the gifts. Refreshments were served by the hostess, assisted by Mrs. Jack Shearer, Miss Lottie Newton, Mrs. Joseph Wiltshire and Mrs. Alex Graham. Film Council Plans An Open Discussion The Rev. G. Telford will lead the discussion on the film entitled "Who is My Neighbour" at the reg- ular meeting of the Oshawa Film Council to be held in' the lower Library on Tuesday on Tuesday ev- ening at 7:30. Mr. Robert Ward, Government representative, will be present. ~The Oshawa Public Li- |! brary took over the handling of the films for the Film Council last year. Films are loaned to any so- ciety or special group for educa- tional purposes. Last: month 86 films were loaned to an audience of 4 248. The Public Library is gradually building up a collection of films, one particularly beautiful one is the "West Wind" showing the life and works of Tom Thompson. The Film Council too is publish- iing films and pictures, suitable for children, are shown Saturday mornings at the library. = "Cham- pions in the Making" is a great favorite showing Barbara Ann Scott practising skating. The government lends the Film Council a new group of films every month. The Film Council will also be glad to order special films at any time. It Will Interest All Ladies Of Oshawa To Know That MRS. SAINSBURY SOUTER BEAUTY SALON 24'% Simcoe N. Has recently had the good fortune to study hair shaping and styling ander the profes- sional guidance of Madam Marguerite, of New York City, President of Furture Hair Styling Association, New York and Paris. HELPS THOSE IN NEED Communicate with MISS K. BROWN Secretary, Oshawa Branch Phone 2771 (Chamber of Commerce Office) Mrs. E.S. Dafoe Heads Northminster W.A. Mrs. E. S. Dafoe was re-elected president of the Woman's Associa- tion of Northminster United Church at its meeting held on Wednesday, The Rev. B. 8. Morwood installed the officers as follows: Wirst vice- president, Mrs. H. O. Perry; Second vice-president, Mrs. W. J. Perkin; Secretary, Mrs. Edwin King; Cor- responding Secretary, Mrs, R. W. Yeo; Treasurer, Mrs. Ross Jones; Press Reporter, Mrs. Clarence Mann; Assistant Press Reporter, Mrs. R. W. Yeo; Flower Convener; 4 MRS. E..S. DAFOE FA Mrs. W. E. Bottrell; Sick Convener, Mrs. J. S. Hawkshaw; Visiting, Mrs. W. E. Bottrell; Official Board Re- presentatives, Mrs E. D. Cornish and Mrs. E. S. Dafoe; Pianists, Mrs. J. A. Penfound and Mrs, Fred Har- ris. The meeting opened with the As- sociation theme song, followed by silent prayer. Mrs. W. F. Wendt read the Scripture lesson from St. Luke and read a story of the Na- tivity of Christ. Mrs. E. D. Cornish lead in prayer. After the minutes were read and approved 'And the treasurer's report given, Mrs. Kenneth Farrow sang a solo, accompanied by Mrs. W. F. Wendt. The Rev. Morwood addressed the members briefly and offered prayer. Mrs. E. 8. Dafoe then took over the meeting and presented a gift to Mrs. C. T. Woods who is leaving the city. ? The Junior group announced a bazaar to be held on December 8 at 2.30 p.m. It was decided to have a shower and give a donation to the Victor Mission of Toronto to help it in its worthwhile work. Christmas hymns were enjoyed and Mrs. Dafoe thanked the. mem- bers for their support and offered prayer. | minded that the annual reports Groups, Clubs dusciliani YWCA SENIOR CLUBS On Thursday evening representa- tives of thé various Senior YWCA senior clubs And groups, and mem- | hers 'of the igious Em is Comniittee met at Adelaide House to make final plans for "Hanging of the Greens" which is to be held al the YWCA on Tuesday, Decem- | ber 14 at 8.00 p. m. The "Hanging of the Greens" program is held in most YWCA's at Christmas time. |, The program at the Oshawa Y this year will include a short Christmas service, carol singing, a Christmas pageant produced by the Senior Drama Group, decorating of | the rooms at the Y, and refresh- ments. It is hoped that all senior club and activity members will be able to attend this yearly Christ- mas event. y LE CENTRE STREET JUNIOR W.A. Mrs. A. W. Hayes was re-elected president 'of the Junior Group of the Woman's Association of Centre | Street United Church at its regular | meeting held in the Sunday School room on Thursday. Rev. F. J. Whiteley presided for the election of officers as follows: Vice-Presi- dent, Mrs. Earl Hann; Secretary, Mrs. H, E. Sager; Treasurer, Mrs. | Norman Petrie; Social Conveners, | Miss Vera Watson and Mrs. P. G. | Cherry; Membership, Mrs. Howard Canning, and Miss Mattie Petrie; | Observor Representative, Mrs. Wil- | liam Reid; . Press Representative, | Mrs. Edwin Allin, | Mrs. Hayes, president, presided | at the meeting which was opened | with the worship service led by Mrs. Norman Petrie and Miss Mattie | Petrie. | Plans were, made for the January | meeting to take the form of a ban- | quet, ! * + * SIMCOE STREET W.M.S. { The Women's Missionary Society of Simcoe Street United Church held its monthly meeting on Thurs- day afternoon. Mrs. A. D. Cornett presided and opened the service with a Christmas message followed by the hearty singing of "Joy to the World", and prayer. The various reports were received and approved. The treasurer's re- port showed that the society's allo- cation had been reached. All department leaders were re- would be received at the January meeting. The "love gift" offering was re- ceived and dedicated by the presi- dent. The devotional program was con- ducted by Mrs. F. W. Gay. The theme was "The Nativity" and as the story was unfolded voices from off stage sang appropriate Christ- mas hymns. The Magnificat was read by the audience followed by two solos by Mr. Albert Wedgery--"I Wonder As I Wander" and "A Star of God". Mrs. G.R. Booth was the accom- panist. A Christmas story "The Well of the Star" was very effectively read by Mrs. Edward Rose and made a most interesting and fitting climax to a happy and inspiring service. The meeting closed by singing "Hark the Herald Angels Sing" fol- lowed by the Mizpah Benediction. + + % . SRD SCOUT AND CUB MOTHERS AUXILIARY The regular meeting of the 3rd Oshawa Scout and Cub Mothers' Auxiliary took place in the Scout Hall on Wednesday afternoon, with the president, Mrs. J. A. Steffan, presiding. Trenton Man and Oshawa Bride MR. and MRS. DO! Mrs. Taras Kryworuchka, of Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Fairman, of Trenton, {ALD FAIRMAN whose marriage took place last Saturiay in King 'Street United Church. Formerly Frances Kryworuclka, the bride is the daughter of Mr. and and the bridegroom is the son of --Photo by Campbell's Studio Will Reside in Hamilton who were wed in St. George's Greek John Senko, of kowmanville, ond the bridegroom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. John Krawchuk, of Wishart, Sask. | | | MR. AND MRS. WALTER KRAWCHUK i Catholic' Ukrainian Church. The | bride, who is the former Olga Senko, is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. | | ~--Photo by Hornsby Studio ! cordial invitation for them to at-| one mothers answered the roll call. | After business was dispensed wits a social half hour was enjoyed with | ment these days a superman is a the members exchanging gifts in | superintendent. | ; ers at the meeting and extended a | keeping with the Christmas season. Mrs. John Bingham and her com- tend all future meetings. Twenty- | mittee served refreshments. To folk who live in an apart- The various reports were given and plans made for a Christmas party to be held later this month. Mrs. Steffan expressed her pleas- ure at seeing so many new Moth- Social Notices Engagement Annouscements $1.00 Marriage Announcements $1.00 ENGAGEMENTS Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Smith, Oak Bank, Manitoba, announce the en- gagement of their youngest daugh- ter, Dorothy Evelyn, to Tudor, youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. Ar- nott Davies, of Oshawa. The wed- ding 'will take place December 18 at 430 p. m. in Oak Bank United Church, Manitoba. : OSHAWA WEATHERSEAL COMBINATIONS TORMS and SCREENS Made of kiln-dried White Pine. Completely interchangeable from inside your' home in 30 seconds, Ladder climbing elim- inated. Draft proof, dust proof. Fuel saving up to 35%. No sac- rifice of glass area. Exclusive No Draft Ventilation. DEMONSTRATION WITHOUT OBLIGATION Order Now At+ Special Low Prices Your First Ex- pense Your Your First Expense your Last "PHONE 4101 ~«-Seryice--Phone Us Now! ® More Dirt and Ingrained Soils are Removed ® Stubborn Spots Vanish Like Magic ® Dulled Colors Sparkle Like New Again To Get This Amazing, "Spot-Free" Dry Cleaning APPROVED NO PREMIUMS NEEDED WHERE QUALITY SPEAKS FOR ITSELF! SERVICE PHONE 5360 - Personals Accounts of social events and of visitors to and from the city are a iated by the Social Department. TELEPHONE 35 Mrs. Arthur Williams, King Street West and Mrs. T. D. Thomas, Gibbons Street, attended a meeting of the members of the Port Perry Women's Institute held at the home of Mrs. James Owens on Thursday afternoon. ; * bb Mrs. Ernest Stephenson assisted in pouring tea, and Mrs. Sam Stephenson was in charge of the dining room for the At Home held for Mr. and Mrs. T, E, Stephenson at the home of their daughter, Mrs. Charles P. Dolley on Wednesday afternoon. + + + Mrs. R. L, Gray and Mrs. Robert Gray, of Oshawa, and Mrs. R. N. Bassett, of Whitby, were among the members of the Alumnae Council of the Ontario Ladies' College who were entertained by the principal, Dr. Stanley Osborne and Mrs. Os- borne at the college. L IL BR Miss Betty Carkeek, of the Osh- awa Public Library, will speak on Children's Books at the meeting on Monday evening of the North Sim- coe H, and 8. Association at 8 p.m. Songs will be given by the chil- dren's choir, under the direction of Mr, Wallace Young, and carols will be sung. * + + Mrs. William Bradbury, secretary of the Executive Board of the Scout Mother's Auxiliaries wishes to an- nounce that there will be no reg- ular meeting of the executive board this month but a Christmas party will be held on Wednesday, Decem- ber 15 at the Athol Street Scout Hall at 8 p. m. LE BE Mr. Morris Slichter, well-known florist of Toronto and Whitby, gill speak on "The Care of ouse Plants" at a meeting of the Osh- awa Horticultural Society to be held on Tuesday evening at 8 o'clock in Centre Street School. This meeting, which usually takes place on Monday is being held on Tues- day on account of the civic elec- ticns. LE BE Miss Gwenyth Schell, Reg. N., who has been spending the past year doing mission work in the R. W. Large Memorial Hospital (Unit- ed Church) at Bella Bella, British Columbia, is expected home Sun- day morning to spend a month's holiday with her parents, Mr. and | Mrs. George Schell, Edward Street, | Ajax. Miss Schell is a graduate of Oshawa General Hospital. La BE Mrs. C. F. Cannon, Mrs. Wesley Taylor and Mrs. C. E. McTabish, Toronto; Mrs. Donald Gibson, Mrs. H. H. Goode and Mrs. Norman Ir- win, Whitby; Mrs. George Fran- Happy Doubles Hold Annual Election Mr. Ross Rowlands, of radio sta- tion CKDO was the guest. speaker at the regular meeting of the Happy Doubles Club of King Street United Church held on Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Metcalf pre- sided at the meeting and the nom- inating committee for 1949 brought in its slate of officers which was adopted. The officers for next year are as follows: Past presidents, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Metcalf; presidents, Mr, and Mrs. Leland Love; vice- presidents, Mr. and Mrs. Merwin Cryderman; secretary -treasurers, Mr. and Mrs. William Edwards; rec- reation conveners, Mr. and Mrs. Ron Ogden and Mr, and Mrs. George Lean; social conveners, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Harding and Mr. and Mrs, Jack Milne; pianist, Mrs. Harry Keys; welcoming committee, Mr. and Mrs, Leslie Crumback and Mr. and Mrs. Glynn Pearse. During the. devotional period on the theme of the Christmas story, Mrs. Harry Souch and Mrs. Percy Fletcher sang a duet. The committee in charge of the program was Mr. and Mrs. James Tilling, Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Zellor, Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Stevenson. A trio composed of Mr. Victor Porteous, Mr. Gordon Sloan and Mr. Roy Cook entertained with a number of vocal and novelty num- bers. Their songs were composed, both words and music, by Mr. Vic- tor Porteous, a talented young man, well known as "Oshawa's own com- poser." He has also recorded a num- ber of his songs. Mr. Robert Dunbar, smartly dressed in his kilts, played two groups of solos on the bagpipes. Refreshments were served. Members are reminded of the Christmas party to be held at the airport on December 15. , Miss Beatrice McIntosh and Miss Ethel Lockhart, Newcastle, and Mrs. H. R. Deyman, Cobourg, were among the guests at a farewell téa at Adelaide House yesterday after- noon given by Mrs. Hugh Hall, Sim- coe Street North, for Mrs. R. 8. Mc- Laughlin who with Col. McLaughlin is leaving shortly for Bermuda. Douglas Keeler And | Earline Goyne Wed! The wedding of Earline Winnifred Goyne and Douglas Ralph Keeler was solemnized in the parsonage of King Street United Church by the Rev. J. V. McNeely on Wednesday evening. The bride is the daughter of Mrs. Earl Goyne and the late Mr. Goyne and the bridegroom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. L, W. Keeler, all of Oshawa. Given in marriage by her brother, Mr, E. W. Goyne, the bride wore a dusty rose coloured street-length dress with chantilly lace peplum and a matching hat trimmed with feathers and veiling. Her jewellery was a rhinestone necklace with matching bracelet and she wore a corsage of yellow roses. She was attended by Mrs. Allan Davey who was dressed in a pink street-length dress with black ac- cessories. Her flowers were pink roses, and she wore a double strand of pearls. The best man was Mr. Wesley Keeler, brother of the bridegroom. At the reception which was held at the bride's l.ome the guests were received by the bride's mother who wore a raspberry coloured gabar- dine suit with black accessories and yellow chrysanthemums. She was assisted by the bridegroom's mothed who wore a black crepe dress with black accessories and pnik carna- tions. Pink and white streamers with white bells decorated the home. For the wedding trip to Niagara Fells the bride donned a blue-gray coat with black accessories. Mr. and Mrs. Keeler will reside in Oshawa. Adding Machines Portable Typewriters NOW IN STOCK Economical, easy to use, Smith Corona Models, 10% down, balance after Christmas. 182 SIMCOE SOUTH VIOLIN LESSONS Professional Tuition Given Those Interested Beginners Encouraged. Mr. J. G. SEARLES 332 St. Julien St. -- Phone 1158) in Violin Playing. No doubt of it, Elizabeth Arden's Blue Grass grows under the tree; lending a clean Kentucky air to Christmas. Blue Grass is a favoured fragrance, light, sweet-scented as fresh-cut hay. From Flower Mist to Bath Oil, from perfume to powder, Blue Grass as a gift shoots tree-top-high SLUE ORASS to vie with the Christmas star! Flower Mist . . . Christmas wrapped 1.75, 3.25, 5.50 with atomizer 2.75 Bath Oil . ,.. Christmas wrapped 4.50: 10.00 Perfume . . . 2,00 to 70.00 Flower Mist Snowman . . . 2.50 Powder Mit (with 3 powder refills) . . . 7.50 JURY & LOVELL COSMETIC DEPARTMENT King E. -- Phone 28 Simcoe 8. -- Phone 68