Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily Times-Gazette, 16 Oct 1948, p. 4

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b a i » Lo v * + 4 a 1 * CREST EEE SEARLS ABRA RRC RELY sass Rax TipetmrmraIne ~ G. MacPHERSON PAGE FOUR THE DAILY TI MES.GAZETTE SATURDAY, OCTOBER 16, 1940 BUSINESS QFFICE PHONE 703 WHITB Y AND DISTRICT NEWS cDITOR ROBERT CORBETT PHONE 703 Aurora Lawyer Speaks At Legion Zone Rally Ajax, Oct. 16--Two hundred Legionnaires gathered at the Legion Hall in Ajax last night at a zone rally. They heard W. Hulston. a vice-president of the OntaridCommand and Aurora lawyer, urge that keen interest be maintained in Legion activities. Mr. Hulston . id that present® Legion members should encourage other exservicemen to join in order that the present services and in- fluence of the Legion be maintained. | "In peace, as in war, we still must be prepared to serve," the speaker said. "Get behind your local branch in its Poppy Day effort -- our own widows and war casualties must be served." He described how certain branches are "really putting on the pressure for their Poppy Day." Speaking about the housing -sit- uation, he said that although the government had sent inguiries to every branch in Ontario asking about housing needs, only 58 had taken the trouble to supply the in- formation. "Surely there are more veterans than this, in need, qf proper hous- ing," said Mr. Hulston. "Every 'year a quarter of a mil- lion dollars is paid in dues to our organization," said the speaker, pointing out the extent and accom- plishments of the Legion. in Ontario. No matter how few Legion mem- bers may gather in a district there | is always something for them to| ,do or some service which they can / Here Tomorrow REV. C. G. PARK, M.A. Of Chatham, a former minister at Whitby United Church returns to conduct the 122nd anniversary render. District Cmdr. Frank Threadgold, | of Whitby, addressed the membess | . i on the timely subject of the Poppy | sefvices tomdrraw, He i will a Fund. He complimented the Ajax | Preach at Almonds anniversary a branch on the fine work it had done | three o'clock and at 8 pm. Even- last year in this matter and on the | ing service in Whitby is withdrawn. rapid growth of the branch from | a very small number of members | to about 130 a present. | Reports were heard from presidents of the various Comrade Shmidt, of Port Perry, the | gave a brief report as did the Bow- zone | manville representative, J. Carter, branches. John Mills, of Ajax, said | si | ii : f Ajax, said | of Oshawa, and Sunderland. Presi-| Though apples are somewhat reduced in size owing to the dry weather, a record crop is being harvested at Red Wir ~~ Orchards, Whitby. Here, Laura Mcllvenna, Highland. Creek, fills crates with her pick of Mcintosh. he was proud to see such a large | gent W. H. James, of Whitby, head- number of guests present and that | eq a delegation of 40 Whitby mem- he would make every effort to top | bers last year's receipts on Poppy Day.| Zone Commander James L. Lov- Uxbridge was represented by MI. | el, of Oshawa, also addressed the Skinner, who said that although | meeting. At the beginning of the this branch had only started on the | meeting he called for a two-minute project of building a hall a few | silence which was observed in mem- months ago, part of the structure | ory of fallen comrades. was airery'y up. Soon, he said; Ux- EE iE bridge will invite other groups to a zone rally in the new hall. INTERNATIONAL LANGUAGE The international code. of flag signals is a universal dictionary which makes communication intel- ligible everywhere, regardless of the tongue spoken by those using it. WHITBY ELECTRIC Earl "Jake" Bryant INSTALLATIONS, FIXTURES WATER HEATERS, FARMS Phone 650 Whitby Additional Whitby News On Page [ BRYANT MOTOR SALES STUDEBAKER SALES and SERVICE FERGUSON TRACTORS IMPLEMENTS »« EQUIPMENT ® USED CARS eo 1947 Chevrolet Coach Stylemaster 1939 Ford Coach 1934 Chevrolet Coach 1934 Chevrolet Convertible Repairs To All Makes . DON J. BRYANT 200 Dundas St. W. -- Whitby, Ontario | | Brooklin-Peterboro Hwy. Whitby Orchard Has Record Crop 'Has Many Points In Favor Brooklin, Oct. 16.--In these days | of lavish expenditures on road { building the subject of a Brooklin- Peterborough highway is one which | I might be well worth considering. | crossed but near theif sourées where they may be readily bridged with culverts. the two rail lines comes at point. where the railroads a g0 :chuk and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Weski, | Whitby News In Brief Accounts of social evens, any news item of local interest and names of visitors are appreciated PHONE 703 | late James Ilan, of Port Whitby |'and family, | are holidaying Out-of-town guests at the Stryn- atha-Shelwo wedding recently in- cluded Mr. and Mrs. John Melen- and Mrs. William Hasiuk, Courtice; Mr. and Mrs, William Keyman, St. Catharines; Mr. and Mrs. Fred Monosky, Agin- | | | Toronto; Mri. court. OI A 4 ANNOUNCEMENT * | On November 5th, in All Saints' | Parish Hall, the Parish Guild will | hold their annual bazaar, with af- | ternoon tea and home cooking sale; also aprons, towels, pillow cases, home-made candy, children's wear | and a table of miscellaneous ar- ticles. . ok If your Permanent Wave or Toni | Wave has grown out, try our $5.95 | Cold Wave, at The Beauty Spot, | 133 Brock Street South, Whitby, Phone 679. A I DIES IN MONTREAL The death occurred at Montreal, on October 14th, of Mary Jane Mc- Callan, youngest daughter of the | and Margaret McCal- The funeral took place this morning upon ar-| rival of the remains from Montreal. Interment was in. the family plot | at Union Cemetery HOLIDAYING HERE Provincial Constable C. of Stayner, Ontario, with Mr.. and Mrs. 1450 Brock Street South wo WILL NOMINATE Ladies' Auxiliary, A. Gill A. C. Gill, The of the | Canadian Legion, will hold a nomi- nation for officers for 1949, on | Friday evening, November 12th. | ~Cut Courtesy Canadian Grower | fic from No. 2 and No. 7 west of | Oshawa where there is boih a four | lane and a two lane road leading to Toronto and thus relieve the tral- fic on No. 2 east of Oshawa. The additional traffic can be ecas- {ily handled on No. 7 and would Justify the mon spent to get into its present shape. | If would postpone the immediate | | road from Oshawa to the Quebec border. highway | has much to recommend it and that | head crossings become a minimum. [more than the cost of a ten miles | if such a road were built the pro- | { vince would obtain much better traffic utilization of its large in- | vestment in Highways: A new | Brooklin-Peterborough artery would 'also enable the postponement of | extensive super-highway construc- | tion until men and materials are | available, | The milia maps of the country | between Brooklin and Peterborough | are quite detailed showing contours and buildings. From these maps | it appears that a route with easy grades and easy curves is feasible that does not depart more than a mile from a straight line as the crow flies. Eight small streams are | from The route lies largely through | sand country where land values are low, -and while considerable grading would be required to make the road bed it is of the cheapest kind read- ily done by the bulldozers and heavy earth-movers. Existing buildings may be readily by-passed. The distance is forty miles of straight going as compared with fifty-two miles of bad road on No. 7A and seventy miles by No. 7. Today's circumstances are: new four lane road is completed from Toronto to Oshawa; rew miles separates it from No. 7 Pickering to Broughham or from Whitby to Brooklin; No. 7 | from Peterborough to Ottawa is in excellent condition but it is not the | only a] of four. lane road along the lake | front. | The Douglas fir is the largest tree in Canada, uspally attaining a "height of from 150 to 200 féet. Announcements | THE ANNUAL BAZAAR AND CHURCH | fair, auspices of WMS. of the Unit- ed Church, will be held in the School Hall, on Thursday, October 21, com- mencing at 3 p.m. Join your friends in Afternoon Tea and shop for Christ- mas gifts at the fancy goods table. A fine array of home cooking and market produce will be offered for sale. Remember the date, Oct. 21. THE CASTLE CHAPTER ARE HOLD- ing their annual Bridge in the Con- the 'province has | The natural crossing of | necessity of extending the four lane | The cost of a Brooklin- | | Persons who know, say the plan through cuts; thus the cost of over- | Peterborough cannot be | gh ms warden the beast NOW PLAYING Shows at 7:00 and 9:00; Saturday Matinee at 1:30 Sat. Evening Show Starts at 5:30 PICTURES PRESENTS A story of song writers who lived strange, robust lives sa memorable as the songs they wrote! or) LOCKWOOD Wc ouvER Senge: * "OMI MR. PORTER", "MOWEYSUCKLE & THE BE" * "TLL BE YOUR SWEETHEART (EA ---- pat pert used to one quarter of its capacity; No. 2 east of Oshawa is near its limit. If the ratio of traffic from | Toronto to Ottawa and Montreal | by car is the same as by rail there is: one car leaving Toronto or Ot- tawa for every two for Montreal. DONALD'S GENERAL MOTORS SALES and SERVICE for WHITBY cert Hall of the Ontario Ladies' Col- lege, on Monday, October 25th, at 2.30 p.m. Those wishing to make up ta- bles, please phone Miss Jane! McKay, 702, or Mrs. R. G. Grobb, 625. Bridge, 7pe~Tea guests will be welcome at 4:30, Price 25c. and DISTRICT | The distance by road from Toronto to Ottawa by various routes is as follows: via Whitby, TA and T-- 267 miles; via Kingston--280 miles; | via No. 7 through Lindsay--285 miles; via No. 2 through Brockville --287 miles. The distance by the suggested road would be only 255 miles. This would seem sufficient incentive to divert the Ottawa traf- NEW BEAN WHEEL BALANCING EQUIPMENT FULLY EQUIPPED SHOP FACTORY APPROVED MECHANICS PHONE304 Check Your RADIO and REFRIGERATOR Needs by Calling . . . WHITBY HOME APPLIANCE "There's Always a Leader" Phone 383 124 Dundas St. W. PO BETWEEN THE HOURS OF and sub-station, WHITBY PUBLIC UTILITY C W. M. PRINGLE, Chairman WER OFF IN WHITBY and Surrounding Rural Areas Sunday, October 17th -] A.M. fo 8.30 A.M. 1.30 P.M. to 4.30 P.M. (Information about limits of the rural district is contained in advertisement of Oshawa Public Utilities Commission.) Purpose of the interruption is to repair the main line into the Whitby OMMISSION HH. L. PRINGLE, Superintendent Club Calendar Monday IODE. Viscount Chapter. W.MS. Greenwood | United Church Evening | Group. Tuesday Rotary and. Kinsmen W-.C.T.U. Wednesday King Street Home and School Sunday Legion: unveiling plaque of memorial PATIENTS EAT ELK Weyburn, Sask.--(CP)---Harvest- ers in the Yellow Grass area near here noticed an' elk- in southern Saskatchewan and lassoed it. When destroyed 'by' the = weighing 450 pounds was dressed and parts sent to several district hospitals. RANCHERS USE VACCINE Edmonton--(CP) -- An estimated 1,800 ranchers in Alberta are mak- | ing use of vaccine made available by the provincial government to protect their mink and fox from disease. CANCER NOT INCREASING Medical records show that cancer is not on the increase. The larger number of cases reported are partly due to better diagnosis. RADIO SERVICE GUARANTEED -- IMMEDIATE . BUTT RADIO & APPLIANCE 130 Brock St. N., Whitby, Tel. 707 WASHER REPAIRS WORE GUARANTEED Complete check-up. Wringer grease and gear oil changed Wringer rolls in stock. Special price on complete overhauls. BUTT RADIO & APPLIANCE' 130 Brock St. N. Whithy, Tel 707 Come To The KINSMEN CLUB * Autumn Dance in the High School FRIDAY NOVEMBER 12 Rotary, Kinsmen will Hear Expert Discuss | Penal Reform Problems Ee A subject of high social impor- tance will be discussed at a joint meeting of the Rotary and Kinsmen | Club at a luncheon Tuesday. The speaker is J. Alex Edmison, K.C, probably knows more about meeting next of Toranto who | the | problems of prison reform and re- | | | clamation of former than | any man in Canada. Born: Nov. 12, 1903, at Chelten- ham, Ontario, he is a son of the | late Rev. John H. Edmison, D.D, innates, ROTARY, KINSMEN (Continued on Page 5) seldom seen | WHITBY SERVICES .. GO TO CHURCH All Church Services Will Be On Standard Time SUNDAY . OCTOBER 17th, 1948 WHITBY BAPTIST CHURCH "THE CHURCH WITH A WELCOME" MR. T. A. SHA 10 am. -- OUR BIBLE SCHOOL Il am. -- WE JOIN WITH THE UNITED CHURCH FOR ANNIVERSARY 7 pm. -- "A METHODIST SERMON BY A BAPTIST PREACHER" TRI-PHI ORCHESTRA STRING A Great Service of Fellowship F. DARNELL, Preaching TRIO RPE, VIOLINIST WHITBY UNITED CHURCH REVEREND CHARLES MALCOLM, MA. MRS. VERNON ROWE, A. T.C.M. B.I* 122nd. Anniversary 11:00 a.m. -- OCTOBER 17th REVEREND C. G. PARK, ma CHATHAM "The Fe rms of The ross" Anthems by the Choir: "SEND FORTH THY LIGHT." "THE HEAVENS RESOUND." Solo: "Count Your Blessings." Balakirew, Beethoven, O'Hara. Mrs. Ross Hall, soloist. WHITBY PENTECOSTAL CHURCH PASTOR GEORGE YEOMANS 3 PM A GROWING AFTERNOON SUNDAY SCHOOL eo COUNCIL CHAMBERS eo 7 P.M EVANGELISTIC SERVICE Whitby's Friendly Evangelical Church Exténds A Warm Welcome To You COTTAGE PRAYER MEETING THURS, 7.45 P.M.--817 CENTRE ST Annwersary Services ALMONDS UNITED CHURCH REV. C. PARK, M.A., Chatham 2.30 PM.--""THINGS WORTH LIVING FOR Miss Joan Wilson, Soloist. 8 PM.--"HOW CAN WE REPAY GOD." Miss Ruth Bowman, Seloist Dedication of new kitchen and recreation hall i) FOWL SUPPER -- MONDAY, 5-8 P.M. Excellent program by Mrs. Ralph Wilson and members of v Whitby Children's Theatre Adults, $1.00 -- Children, 50c A

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