Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily Times-Gazette, 16 Oct 1948, p. 10

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PAGE TEN THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE i wii SATURDAY, OCTOBER 16, 1948 11 5 AKMUUKLD REGIMENT y by Lt.-Col. E. F. BASTEDO Commanding 11 Armd Regt (Ont R) Last Order No. 29 RF d/27 Sep 48 This order no. 30 RF d/15 Oct 48 Oshawa, Ontario. 1. DUTIES Field Officer -- Capt. Richardson (a) Orderly Officer for week com- mencing 0001 hrs 18 Oct 48 Lieut E. V. Davies Next for Duty--2/Lt E. A, Cay 2. PARADES: Regular weekly parade of Unit will be held Monday 18 Oct 48 1945 hrs--Roll Call 1950 hrs to 2010 hrs--Parade 2010 hrs to 2055 hrs--Instruction 2105 hrs to 2200 hrs--Instruction 2200 hrs--Dismiss 3. DRESS: Dress for above parade, Berets, Web Belts and Anklets. N.B.--All personnel in Gunnery Wing will bring coveralls. M. B. REED (M. B. REED) Capt. and Adjt. for (E. F. BASTEDO) Lt-Col Officer Commanding 11 Armd Regt (Ont R) BD, Home, School Association Plans Program MRS, CHAS WHITE Correspondent Thornton's Corners, Oct. 14-- The monthly meeting of the Home and School Association was held Wed- nesday evening with about 35 pres- ent. The president, Mrs. Hircock, gave a few words of welcome and then conducted the business. It was decided to get prizes for the next dance, also purchase some new re- cords, A room prize is to be given for attendance of parents at Home and School meetings, the prize this month going to Mrs. Hall's room. Mr. Rodney reported on attending the Film Council meeting. It was decided to have a community film night in the near future, There are to be house parties for the members who do not attend the dances. Del. egates were appointed to attend next Home and School Conference to be held in Ajax November 1. Mrs, Brinker and Mrs. White were se- lected, Mrs. Pascoe and Mrs. Hircock gave their reports from the Bow=- manville conference, Mrs. Pasg(oe gave a report on visual aid, Mrs. Mollon on membership and Mrs. White on home education. Mrs. Lofthouse gave an outline on "How to conduct the Meetings" from the Home and School constitution. Mrs. George Lofthouse took charge of the program. Betty Harmer sang two solos "Anniversary Song" and "An Evening Prayer" accompanied at the piano by Miss Hazel Rundle. Mr. Rodney then showed two reels of pictures "Teeth" a health pic- ture, and one on sports featuring "Barbara Ann Scott". After adjournment the committee in charge served refreshments. A meeting of the Sunday School teachers and officers was held Tuesday evening, when Sunday school problems were discussed, and future activities planned. Mr. and Mrs. W. Perryman and Mr. and Mrs. Eric Dean spent last week-end with Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Wylie, Coldwater. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Burthwick, Windsor, were recent guests of Mr. and Mrs, Mel Brown. Mr. and Mrs, Harold Foster and Nancy xisited friends in King last Sunday. Mr, and Mrs. Cyril Campbell and children were in Toronto last week- end. Many from this community at- tended the plowing match at Lind- | say, Among those attending were: | Mr. and Mrs. Hoag, Mr. and Mrs. H. | Schuerman and Johnnie, with Mr, | and Mrs, August Kaiser, Picton; Mr. and Mrs. L. Goldsmith, Albert Robinson, Mr, and Mrs. Stone- house, Art Branston, Gordon Ree. son, Mr, Sidler, Mr, H. Drew, Mr. McClure, Tom Sully and Joe Drew. THEATRES TODAY Marks--"The Enchanted Valley" 111, 440, 7.32, 10.18. "Rocky". Last complete show 9 p.m. Regent -- "The Big Clock" 1.30, 3.35, 5.20, 7.30, 9.30. Last com- plete show 9.05. Biltmore--"Relentless," 1.00 4.35, 7.25, 10.15. "Africa Speaks," 3.25, 6.15, 9.05. Last complete show at 9.05. Drive-In Theatre -- "Three is a Family" Tonight at 7.30. TECHN ICOLOR DRIVE-IN Theatre Technicolor production opening a Biltmore Theatre Monday. You will tional Film Board's excitingly true sto Green-eyed, brown-haired Jean Peters, who is Tyrone Power's leading lady in the Darryl F. Zanuck presentation of from the Royal Canadian Mounted Police File 1365. oy "Captain from Castile", outstanding three-day engagement at the Odeon- also see on the same program the Na- ry, "The Connor's Case," taken directly Main Defence For Canada Ottawa, Oct. 16--(CP)--Canada's peacetime air defence plans are mainly concentrated on interceptor units, it was stated here today. Officials offered no direct Can- adian comparison with a Wash- ington dispatch. which said the United States air defence in Alaska this winter would consist only of five bombers and one group of about 75 fighters. However, it was recalled that De- fence Minister Claxton, in discuss- ing air defence estimates earlier this year, said that although Can- ada was not neglecting bombing, it was felt the Dominion's' greatest contribution in the event of a war on this continent would be in the interceptor field. anada has purchased 85 Vam- pire jet fighters from the United Kingdom and these are believed to form the basis for his interceptor units. Bombers avaflable to the R. C.AF. would consist mainly of Canadian-build Lancasters. During the last session of par- liament, Mr. Claxton announced formation of two fighter squadrons and the re-activation of three air fields in eastern Canada, at Bagot- ville and Mont Joli, Que. and Chatham, N.B* -- Fighter Units) BILTMORE STUPENDOUS TECHNICOLOR EPIC WITH TYRONE POWER PLUS MOUNTIE STORY HERE Darryl F, Zanuck's presentation in color by Technicolor of 'Captain From Castile", which set a record for being the largest film company ever to go on location in a foreign country, also rolled up another new mark--the num- ber of-sets used in the picture. When the cameras finally stopped rolling on the Twentieth Century-Fox film which stars Tyrone Power and opens a three-day engagement at the Odeon-Biltmore Theatre Monday a | total of 93 sets had been employed to bring Samuel Shellabarger's story of the conquest of Mexico to the screen. During the fifteen weeks Power, Jean Peters, Cesar Romero, John Sutton, Lee J. Cobb and other members of the cast performed before the cameras in Mexico City, they appeared on 71 sets. In Morelia, where the company loca- tioned for six weeks, 28 were erected. Twenty-two more were used in the vicinity of Uruapan, where the cam- eras toiled. for five weeks, while 21 were bullt near Acapulco for a month's work. On the Twentieth Century-Fox lot, where a number of interior scenes were filmed, 22 sets were built on a dozen different sound stages. The most lavish set was Cortez's camp built within sight of the volcano Paricutin by 400 workers who took two moriths to build a mammoth Aztec temple and other constructions. Added Feature In addition to the outstanding Tech- nicolor feature, "Captain From Cas- tile", the Odeon-Blitmore manage- ment is bringing to its screen as a second feature the National Film Board's thrilling and true story of one of Canada"h famous criminal investigay tions, "The Connor's Case", taken di- rectly from the Royal Canadian Mounted Police File 1365, It is said to be one of the most thrilling and baf- fing real-life stories ever put onto m. ...and Fit y Master of the Sword | tom C STI [ P ". Mery A) - Hea?! 4 PRg TAIN STA TRIO FOR FUN Cary Grant, Loretta Young and David Niven join stellar forces to make Samuel Goldwyn's co- medy, "The Bishop's Wife" one of the merriest of the season. 'It concerns a harried cleric, his neglected wife and a blithe house guest with an ambition to set everything right, and opens at the Regent Theatre next Wednesday. REGENT A whimsical and touching tale of psychological miracles accomplished in a bishop's household by a-casual effi- clent kindly visitor, Samuel Goldwyn's production of "The Bishop's Wife" opens next Wednesday at the Regent and appears to be destined to take high rank among the season's most appeal- ing films. Cary Grant, Loretta Young, and David Niven, the stars of the RKO Radio release, deliver brilliant perfor- mances under the direction of Henry Koster. Niven portrays the Bishop, whose preoccupation with his duties and with the problem of raising funds for a new cathedral have estranged him from the Wife, Miss Young. In despair, he prays for help, where- upon Grant appears, smilingly an- nounces he is Dudley, a new assistant, a scene from i x the film premiere at the Drive-In Theatre on Monday for a two-day engagement only. This film reveals the horrors that were wrought by the Japanese i Ravaged Earth," which starts its a scene from that great film, "The Jolson Story", Bose which will be seen at the Drive-In Theatre starting next Thursday. It depicts the life story of one of America's outstanding entertainers. to aid the Bishop, Dudley proceeds to reorganize things, much to the skepti- cal eccleslastic's astonishment. How the strange newcomer charms every one except the Bishop himself, re- awakens the wife's love for her hus- band and smooths out the obstacles in the latter's path, make up the burden of the fascinating tale, which has been handled with warmth and finesse. A sterling supporting cast is headed by Monty Woolley, and includes James Gleason, Gladys Cooper, Elsa Lanches- ter and the Mitchell Boychoir. The Robert Nathan novel, as scripted by Robert E. Sherwood and Leonardo Ber- covicl, has been brought to the screen in thoroughly delightful fashion. Every- one, young and old, will enjoy "The Bishop's Wife" to the utmost. DANGEROUS QUACKS Durban, South Africa--(CP)--The urgent need for an optometry act to protect the public against "quacks" was stressed by a member of the South African Optical As- sociation, He said shocking mal- practices were being conducted by persons with high-sounding titles who had no qualifications. nth 8 o3. bottle COSTS ONLY 2% PER USABLE GA SKITCH'S SERVICE STATION 83 RITSON RD. S. at BRUCE Open This Week-End Saturday Until 9 p.m. Sunday 10 a.m. Until 9 p.m. If You Can't Stand Horrors Please Don't Attend! 3 DAYS STARTING FILE 1365 ne oz MONDAY BILTMORE p SATE Et Vy C 2) COMING NEXT THURSDAY! "THE JOLSON STORY' SEE How The Japanese Fight! «wo It Will Make You 'Fighting Mad! "THREE IS A FAMILY" -- 2180 -- "THE BIG SNOOZE" "CUE TRICKS" THE Ge LATEST WORLD NEWS "ART FOR EVERYBODY" CANADA CARRIES ON have acclaimed LITER LE greatest picture ever! 2 N-E a= FATHERS | ALL-STAR CAST ADMISSION 50c ENDS TODAY "ENCHANTED VALLEY" and "ROCKY" X HYGIENE COMMENTATOR Ea Es i 7 will be Presented Tonight 4 O.CV.I Auditorium at 8.20 p.m. "TONS of MONEY" A Farce Comedy Funnier than "Charley's Aunt"! . . . The PEOPLE'S REPERTORY THEATRE This is Professional Theatre at Amateur Prices! ~~ and - - Presented by.O.C.V.l. Drama Club ADMISSION . . . . 50c A Laugh-Fest From Start to Finish! DONT MISS IT!

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