Ea han a PAGE EIGHT 7 ( ; THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE J 'SATURDAY, OCTOBER 9, 16%: | & ns | Ghoups "LUDA C.G.LT. AUXILIARY The first meeting of the season of the C.G.LT. Aux. of Simcoe Street United Church was held at the home of Mrs, L W. Currell, Simcoe Street North, on Wednes. day, September 29, Mrs. Morris Love was in charge of the meeting ang suggestions were made as to the ways and means of raising money for camp projects. A bazaar will be held, plans for which will pe discussed at the next business meeting on Tuesday, October 26. The next work meeting will be in the C.G.I.T. room at the church on Tuesday, October 12. All members are urged to be present and new members will be welcomed. . * b * P. M. A. CLUB With Mrs. Charles Langfield pre- si the meeting opened with 2a nymn and . the Lord's Prayer in . Mrs. William Collins Toad 1st Psalm. Readings were given She Tio John Rushford, Mrs. Wil- liam Collins, Mrs. Roger Armitage and Mrs. Joseph Rampling. V «Safe in the Arms of Jesus" was sung in memory of the late little Joanne Glover. The meeting closed with all present repeating the benediction. Special refreshments of ice cream, cake, cookies and tea were served by the executive SOIUnice, Thre will be no on Oc- tober 11, The next meeting will be on Oct, 18. * bb KNOX PRESBYTERIAN W.A. Mrs. Lorne Hewson presided 2 8 f the Woman's ASS - -- ing Knox Presbyterian Church on Tuesday evening, which was held at the home of Mrs. H. F. Dayidson, Brock Street East, ~~ Mrs. william Young read the Scripture and Mrs. Charles McLellan led in prayer. Plans for a fall bazaar and tea to be held Dec. 3 were made, also ar- rangements for the annual anniver- sary party for members of the con- gregation which will take place Oct. ne November meeting will be held at the home of Mrs, H. R. Dey- men, Simcoe Street North. At the end of the meeting afternoon tea was served. * + + . HAPPY DOUBLES CLUB The October meeting of the Happy Doubles Club. was held on Thursday evening with Lloyd Metcalf presid- ing. There were forty couples pres- ent. The devotional period was in charge of Harry and Eva Souch, the theme being "Thanksgiving", Harold Winter presented the pro- gramme for the evening, introduc- ing Eric Booth, who played two pi- ano solos, Mrs. Vernon Osborne, a vocal solo, and Mr, William McDon. ald who played the guitar and sang some novelty songs. Guest, speaker for the evening was Mr. Ivan Richards, who spoke on "Community Recreation Then and Now", Lunch was served by the social committee, and an hour of games s enjoyed. Nn are reminded that the social night for October will be a Hallowe'en masquerade on October 21. * +b ALBERT STREET SR. WA, The regular meeting of Albert Street Sr. W. A, was held on Thursday afternoon with Mrs. Clay- ton Lee presiding, The meeting was opened with the theme song, follow- ed by hymn 481 which was sung in memory of Mrs. Smith Reynolds. Mrs, Arthur Walker led in prayer, Mrs. Howard Stacey read the Scrip- ture. Thoughts for the day were read by Mrs, Ed. Holland, Mrs. Fred Coleman, Mrs. Arthur Walker, Mrs, Howard Stacey and Mrs. Clayton Lee. A play by the Harmony young people is to be presented in the Sunday School Auditorium on TRY, October 21, All arrange- ments are completed for the turkey supper to be held on November 4. The Presbyterial W. A. is being held in Columbus Church on October 19. Buses will leave at 9 o'clock and 12.30. The fall bazaar will be held on November 25. The meeting clos- ed with: the Mizpah benediction, BIGWIN INN SOLD 'Toronto, Oct. 9--(CP)--Purchase of Bigwin 'Inn, summer resort at Lake of Bays, Ont. for an undis- closed amount by Frank S. Leslie, of Toronto, was announced here Thursday. The sellers, Cardy Hotels, Ltd., had purchased the resort only a year ago from C. O. Shaw, who built it early inthe century. all of Oshawa, Married Saturday Last MR. and MRS. WALTER RALPH COLLERAN who were united in marriage by the Rev. D. M. Rose. The bride, formerly Margaret Joyce Wallbank, is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Alfred Wall- bank, and the bridegroom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Colleran, --Photo by Hornsby Studio Appointed cob, MISS EUGENIE M. STUART former superintendent of the Osh- awa General Hospital who has been appointed Assistant Professor in Hospital Administration in the School of Hygiene at the University of Toronto. \ Club Calender Next Week MONDAY Thanksgiving. TUESDAY Simcoe St. Jr. W. A. Ritscn H. and S. Ass'n. King St. H. and 8 Ass'n. C.G.I.T. Aux. S. A. Home League Christ Church W. A. King St. Jr. W. A. Ladies' Aux. Can. Legion Albert St. Jr. W. A. Golden Links Class Holy Trinity W. A. Holy Trinity Eve. Guild. Simcoe St. W. A. IOF. Court Oshawa. Ukrainian Pres. Sr. W. A, WEDNESDAY S A. Prayer. University Women's Club. Victory Lodge L.O.B.A. Cedar Dale Sr. W. A. Oshawa Rebekah"s. Cedar Dale Jr. W. A. University Dr. H. and S. Ass'n, THURSDAY St. Andrew's W.M.S. St. George's W. A. King St. W. A. 5th Mothers' Aux. Calvary Baptist W.M.S. Christ Church Eve. -Guild. 6th Mothers" Aux. Pythian Sisters. L.T.B. No. '55. St. George's Eve. Guild. St. George's W. A. Mary Elliott Smith Miss. Circle. Arvillila McGregor Eve, Aux, FRIDAY Ladies' Aux. No. 11. Centre St. W.A. East Group. League of Health and Beauty. Better Brushes Save! Try us for every Brush need. Here you not only find Brushes of best service and wearing qualities. But also, Brushes better designed for each and every special purpose. Brushes so fashioned that they seem almost to perform their task with no helping effort on your part. Brushes that will last and last; their quality repaying their cost! | POWELL'S DRUG STORE PHONE 1360 | The Experts Say | By KAY REX Canadian Press Staff Writer Ottawa--(CP)--Vitamin "D" may be the "sunshine" vitamin, but that doesn't mean the youngsters can get all the "D" they need just by sitting in the sun. In a pamphlet entitled "Points about Vitamin D," the nutnition division, health and welfare de- partment, says it isn't possible to get an adequate supply from the sun. The ultra-violet rays which make Vitamin "D" cannot penetrate smoke, fog and dust and the rays cannot get through a tanned skin. Every child needs 400 Interna- tional Units a day. This can be bought in drops, liquid, tablets or capsule form, for "less than two cents a day." While some mothers may think their children should get enough of the vitamin in their food, the de= partment gays "No." Useful amounts of Vitamin "D" are present in such foods as ir- radiated evaporated milk, sardines, salmon, but not in adequate supply for growing children. The vitamin is so important mainly because it provides protec- tion against rickets. "Probably one Canadian child out of eight has or has had rickets in mild or serious form. Every year some 30 Canadian children die of rickets , . .." says the department. "Those who live will be disfigured and weakened -when they are ex- posed to disease in later life." In additidh, the body must have Vitamin "D" for tall, well-developed bodies, straight bones, and good health, On the subject of teeth the de- partment warns that while mother may not always realize it, "her child's "baby" teeth are his most precious possessions. If they are not properly cared for, the youngster's mouth may not develop properly. This often can result in poor adult eating habits, speech difficulties, and a great deal of pain and discomfort in later life, LE Health Hints Most persons are checking their furnaces in preparation for the winter months. They should also make sure that ventilating equip- ment and humidity control mech- anisms are operating properly. Health department officials warn that in winter adequate fresh air and proper humidity are necessary to guard against respiratory dis- eases. Lukewarm foods please the palate of the young child whose mouth and throat are sensitive, As his sense of smell and taste are acute, he also prefers mild flavors and odors. Sticky, dry, tough or stringy foods generally do not appeal to him. Simcoe Street Group Holds Sale of Work . October sunshine and a profusion of autumn flowers formed the set- ting for a successful tea and sale of work in Simcoe Street United Church parlors on Tuesday after- noon, The teatable was laid with a cut work and lace cloth, and cen- tred with pink and white chrysan. tue mums in a silver bowl flanked by matching candles in silver hold- ers, Mrs. Frank Gay, president of the Woman's Association group sponsor ...3 the tea, received the guests as- sied by Mrs, J. K. Moffat. Pouring a were Mrs. C. A Belfry, Mrs. A. _. Cornett, Mrs, T, H. Everson, Mrs . 8. I. Wilson, Mrs, H M. Smith, 1 A. F, Annis. The tea assistants were: Mrs, Glenn Henry, Mrs. J, R. Herancourt, Mrs, A. L. Sheffield, Mrs, W. J. Hunter, Mrs. M, Knox, Is. W. A, Halman, Mrs. A. A. Crowle, Mrs. A, B, Deeming, Mrs. A. E. Mounce and the Misses Una Rit- son, Mae Mitchell and Evelyn Ever- son, | Piano, solos played by Miss Joan Tunnicliffe, Miss Marilyn Davies, Mrs, Cecil Worden and Mrs. Jack Popham added much to the after- noon"s enjoyment. Miss Birdie Har- | ris and Mrs, T. H. Everson in charge of the sale of work, reported every article sold and Mrs. R. N, Jouns, the group treasurer, reported a suc- cessful afternoon, RAIN HALTS FIRE THREAT Montreal, Oct. 9 -- (CP)--Rain Friday swept. over a goodly portion of the province of Quebec to wash away the Quebec Government's ban ori travel in 10 of 15 counties that Sow Mie Jase wg days have been close unters as a precaution against forest fires, Prgean Wed in Whitby United Church * MR. and MRS. RONALD J. R. KILLENS whose marriage took place last Saturday. The bride, who is the former Lorna Erwin Tripp, is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Everett Tripp, R.R. No. 3, Oshawa. The bridegroom is the third son of Mr. and Mrs, Ernest B, Killens of Whitby. --Photo by Hornsby Studio Local Pair Exchange Vows MR. and MR. PERCY JAMES MASSEY who were wed in Holy Trinity Church. Daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Waite, the bride is the former Miss Sarah Waite, and the bridegroom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. James Massey, all of Oshawa. --Photo by Hornsby Studio The Rev. J. K. Moffat Praises Work of WMS The Rev, J. K. Moffatt spoke at the Tuankoffering service of the V/omen's Missionary Society of Sim- coe Street United Church on Thurs. day afternoon, Mrs. A. D. Cornett who presided during the meeting introduced the speaker who said that he was greatly interested in missionary work and he felt the Women's Missionary Society was a tower of strength. Mr. Moffatt went on to say that God's future belonged to those who had a world vision and he outlined three basic ways of turning Thanks- giving into Twanksliving, The first way was the sheer loving kindness of God which came as a revolution- ary fact to all mankind, He said that the second way was ultimate justice in the heart of the universe. Finally the speaker said that God had placed in us a divine discontent and so one must give oneself un- stintingly to His service and He wiil return physical strength and spirit- ual stamina. Mr, Moffatt closed by reading a poem "God's Dreams" by Thomas Curtis Clark. Hymns of praise and thankfulness were heartily sung and prayer offer- ed with special mention of the church missionary and family in Angola and Miss Gwen Schell in Bella Bella Hospital, British*Colum- bia, Encouraging reports were submit- ted the secretary and treasurer. The roll call showed forty-seven members present and three new members were received. The corrs- poading scretary reported sending nine letters of sympathy. The com- |. munity friendship secretary report- ed 219 calls made. Subscriptions for the Missionary Monthly and World Frienids were solicited. The litera- ture secretary announced the "Book Shelf" was on Hand and the books were to be distributed.to the group leaders to be passed on to each member. The sectional Presbytery rally will be held at Port Perry on Thutsday, October 28 Mrs. Uriah Jones was appointed delegate. The nominat- ing committee was appointed con- sisting of Mrs. L. E. Wales, Mrs, U. Jones and Mrs. T. A. Adair, Miss Dorothy Young who has re- cently returned from the Amsterdam World Conference, will speak in, St. Andrew's Church on Thursday, Oc. tober 14 at 3 pam; i, The worship service was conduct- ed by Mrs, C. P, Dolley and Mrs. A. |" R, Wilson, Mrs, Wilson spoke on Christian stewardship. She said, "At this time of the year we take stock of all our blessings and stew- ardship means the accounting of our talents time and possessions. She continued that the standard was set by Christ, a trust for which an accour.ag enust be given, and as W.M.S, members are stewards under God. ° Mrs. Wilson said that there is a challenge to pour out what one has --our best, The feeblest service and Ghumblest love is accepted. Mrs. J. B. Cooke, sang "Spirit Divine" by Hamblyn, Mrs. George Booth was the accompanist. The Thankoffering was received and dedicated by Mrs. Connett. The meeting closed with the Doxology and the benediction by Mr. Mof- fat. To Reside in Hamilton MR. and MRS. MURRAY L. SHORT who were married Saturday last. Formerly June Beverley Jarvis, the bride is the daughter of Mr, and Mrs. George W. Jarvis, and the bride- groom is the son of Mrs. Gordon Short and the late Mr. Short. --Photo by Hornsby Studio YWCA Schedule For Next Week MONDAY No activities ce TUESDAY .v0s +... Teen-age Dramatic Club Ceramic Class Osha-Y Club Y-Ette Club Executive Oshawa Chess Club * "Slim & rim" Class Rendez-Vous Club Executive WEDNESDAY Felt handbag Class Jr. Dramatic Club "Christian Leadership" Course "Miss Winifred Wygal" (Open to teachers, leaders, Sun- day school teachers, and business girls) Leather glove Class Oshawa Camera Club Christian Leadership Course "Miss Winifred Wygal" --as pertaining to the YWCA THURSDAY Soft leather handbags Christian Leadership Course "Miss Winifred Wygal" --Tue clergy of Oshawa invited Lambskin mitts and slippers YWCA Program Committee Senior Dramatic Club Christian Leadership Course "Miss Winifred Wygal" --Open to public. FRIDAY Jr. Puppet Club Oshawa Stamp Club Y-teen Canteen Cancelled for to- night only. SATURDAY Juniors--Games : Jr. Y-Teen Dramatics Over-20 Club. Recent Activities Of N. Oshawa H. & S. Miss Mary Murdoch, Public School Nurse, addressed the mem- bers of North Oshawa Home and School Association on Immuniza- tion being given in the schools, at the regular meeting of the Associ- ation. Mrs. Glenford Taylor, the president, presided. The meeting was also addresses by Mr. Lyman Gifford on the Com- munity Chest drive. Final plans were made for the bazaar to be held on Wednesday afternoon, October 27 at 2.30 pm. At the close of meeting a social half hour was enjoyed, lunch being served by Mrs. Douglas Knapp and committee. Last week a party for mothers of Grade I pupils was held. The guests were welcomed by Mrs. Glenford Taylor, assisted by the principal, Mr. Frank Ross and Mrs. Mintern, teacher of Grade 1. Greetings were brought from the Home and School Council by Mrs. J. H. Valleau, the president. Mr. Ross spoke briefly to the mothers on the needs of pupils of Grade I. Mrs. Oscar Burgoyne, past presi- dent poured tea. HAVE YOUR THANKSGIVING TURKEY DINNER at the BROOKLIN HOTEL SERVED SUNDAY AND MONDAY [With All The Trimmings] To Speak Here MISS DOROTHY YOUNG of the Board of Christian Educa. tion, who is the only cfficial woman delegate of the United Church to the World Council of Churches at Amsterdam, She will be the guest speaker at St. Andrew's Church on Thursday, October 14 at 3 p. m. Bride of Today Widely Entertained Mrs. James J. Kervin-entertained at afternoon tea for her daughter, Eileen, whose marriage to John W. Stothers, Toronto, took place this morning at St. Gregory's Church. Others who have entertained for the bride are Mrs Peck Weber, a miscellaneous © shower; and Miss Joan Merris, a kitchen shower. Mrs, John Maroosis and Miss Bar- bara McLarty were co-hostesses at a bridge and linen shower. A presentation was made by the neighbours and also one by the Au- dit Department of General Motors. Miss Adeline Goheen entertained at a supper party in honor of the bride, An evening party was held at "The Sign of The Gate" by the bride's business friends at which a presentation , was made, and Mrs. Blain Elliot, Bowmanville, entertain- ed at a miscellaneous shower. Mr. and Mrs, Everett Lovell en- tertained the bridal party after the rehearsal, troit, Mich " Accounts of social events and of visitors to and from the city are appreciated by the Social Department. "TELEPHONE 35 Miss Isobel Terry, Wood Street, is spending Thanksgiving in' Ottawa. LIE AE J Mr. Douglas Redpath visited "Mr, and Mrs. K. Harper, Camborne, re- cently. * + IMiss Joan Hewson, Mary Street, will be spending the holiday with re- latives in Cleveland. * 4 Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Wakeford, Aberdeen Street, and Mr. and Mrs. A. A. New will be in Buffalo for the long week-end. * bb Mr. and Mrs. E. Wilson, Warren Avenue, are spending the Thanks giving holiday with friends in De- * +b Mr. and Mrs, Frank Taylor and daughters were Sunday visitors of Mr. and Mrs. A. Jamieson, Cam- borne. La AR Mrs. Frank Aldread, of Detroit, is visiting her cousins, the Misses Frances and Bessie Farewell, Simcoe Street North, * +b Mrs. L. M. Wooding, St. Cath- arines, and Mrs. W. C. Blacklock, Grafton, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Blacklock, recently. LAR OB Mrs. M. A. Terry, Wood Street, has left for New York City for a ten-day visit accompanied by her sisters from Cobourg. ob ob The Rev. J. K. Moffat will be the guest speaker at the quarterly meeting of the Woman's Associa= tion of Simcoe Street United Church on Tuesday afternoon. LE The October meeting of the Osh- awa Yacht Club Sailoretes will be postponed. The mext meeting will be on the second Monday in No- vember. * + Mr. and Mrs. Erle Stauffer, Gibe bons Street, who recently cele brated their silver wedding annie versary, had as their guests on Wednesday, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Stauffer of Tillsonburg who had been unable to attend the celebra- tion. LE Mr. and Mrs, Edward Holland, Mill Street, had as their guests Mrs Jack Beauchamp of Toronto, an her daughter, Miss Audrey Beau- champ who was the maid of honor at the Perryman-Marshall wedding in King Street United Church last Saturday. LIE BR J On behalf of the mechanical staff of Tue Daily Times-Gazette, Mrs. Robert Salmers, the former Miss Patricia Wilson, a proof-reader, wa presented with a cameo ring by Mr. Jack 'Taggart, yesterday afternoon. Mr. T. L. Wilson, vice-president, spoke briefly, thanking Mrs. Salmers, who is leaving the company, for her conscientious service. Social Notices | A $1.00 | Marriage Announcements $1.00 | ENGAGEMENT The engagement is annouced of Ruth Alice Burgess, daughter of Mrs. Herbert A. Burgess of Osh- awa and the late Mr. Burgess, to Frederick Charles Woodcock, son of Mr. and Mrs, David Woodcock of Trenton. The wedding will take place in Holy Trinity Church on Saturday, November 6, at 2 p.m. AT HOME Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ward, 300 Beverley Street, will be pleased to welcome their friends, relatives and neighbors on Saturday, October 16, from 3.5 p.m. and 7-10 pm. on the occasion of their 45th wedding anni~ versary. There are bargains galore! -- or The Times-Gazette classified page -- 7 Saturday, THE OCV.l. DRAMA CLUB PRESENTS THE PEOPLES' REPERTORY THEATRE Directed by Sterndale Bennett In The Charming, Witty Irish Comedy The Far-Gff Hills BY LENNOX ROBINSON Friday, Oct. 15th The Merry, Side-Splitting Farce Jona Of Money * ] Oct. 16th 8.20 COLLEGIATE AUDITORIUM p-m. go Admission 50 cents Tickets at' Henderson's Book Store I.