' THURSDAY, JULY 8, 1948 THE DAILY TIMES:GAZETTE PAGE SEVEN GLAMORIZING What Type Perfume for You? By HELEN FOLLETT A bottle of dry perfume is a handy way to take perfume on a trip. At home, sprinkle it in * PERFUMES are distinctly + indi- | "mood" perfumes but are making bureau drawers, closets. * vidualized; certain ones are adapted | offerings that are the nuances of to certain personalities. The 'shy, | many moods, can be used at any retiring girl cannot or should mot |time, day or night, or with any use the same scent as the exotic beauty. Violet, mimosa, lily of the lley are for the timid lassies; ewhat stronger bouquets suit the dashing lady who is always sev- eral laps ahead of the fashion par- e. Floretted odors are more in- triguing, more haunting than most of the sisters realize. Some of them act powerfully upon the im- agination, imparting a sense of ro- mance and elegance, They boost morale. A new frock and hat, a new perfume does wonders for a girl. Outdoor Girl The outdoor girl who goes in for athletics in a big way will seek a tantalizing fragrance with a spicy note embodying all the mystery of the Orient. It suits her character. The subdeb should choose a scent that matches her fresh young charm, a blend of old fashioned flowers, jonquil or gardenia. No heavy, heady perfumes for her; they are out of order. costume, Perfumes are more ex- pensive than ever before, and chemists who compound them know that the average girl has to keep a weather eye on the beauty bud- get. She can't afford a flock of them. In Summer During the summer season it is particularly necessary to pin one's | faith to a "cool" aroma, just as it is necessary to use cool colors for make up. For the sake of economy, keep your favorite perfume in an ato- mizer, place the atomizer in a dark cabinet. Heat and light contri- bute to evaporation. No girl wants to lose one precious drop. After the bath, spray the neck and arms lightly. If possible, find sachets of the same odor. Place them in hat, handkerchief and glove boxes. Your entire wordrobe will soon be impregnated with floretted sweetness. Dry perfume is practical if | you're going on a trip. At home, Perfumers are no longer stressing | sprinkle it in closets, drawers, BEAUTY FOR YOU Good Looks from Tranquility By EELEN JAMESON Is your mind like a seething vol- cano some of the time, filled with racing, disturbing thoughts? With the world as it is, it is no wonder. If there was ever a time when human beings should strive for tranquillity of mind it is now. Wo- men chase after beauty in ail direc- tions. They buy pretty clothes, have beauty treatments, do their exer- cises. Well and good. But let them remember this: what goes on in the mind comes out in the face. Every step toward loveliness be- gins in 'the mind. No life is without = disappoint- ments, disillusions, small irritations. You've got -to take them in your siride, keep your banners flying. If you let yourself get morbid, lose interest in your daily activities, your health will be affected. The gestive motors wil] go on strike; may even have internal pains Et because you are low in your mind. Circulation slows up, hands are cold and moist, the facial coat- ing is pale. , A brooding nature brings pre- mature wrinkles, as will loss of sleep. If you deprive yourself of long hours of sleep, nature hasn't a chance to make repairs, build new cells; restore muscle tone. Physical and mental health are the foundations upon which the temple of pulchritude is built. A steady nervous system is worth more than gnld and precious stones. If you find yourself getting jittery, you can pul] out of it by lying down, closing your eyes, telling yourself to be at peace with yourself and your surroundings. Be the captain of your soul. Tell yourself to be strong and brave. Many women find wonderful comfort in religion, Prayer gives them the strength to £0 on. we all have anxieties at times, but worry is something else. In wor- rying we create new anxieties, Wor- ry is fear, fear of what may happen but seldom does. It makes cowards of makes the face look haggard, weak- ens the tissues so that lines and seams appear. . 'Worriers are not pleasant com- panions. They are difficult to live with, Their state of mind lowers and depresses the spirits of every-. one with whom they come in con- BABY'S | RASHES are often a sign of upset digestion. Ses how quickly this type of rash often disap- rs after the use of Baby's Own Tablets. leasant to take, easily crushed to a pow- der if desired, these little tablets sweeten up baby's stomach and clear out irritating material that also may be causing gas, fe- yerishness and fretfulness. Get Baby's Own Tablets today. They have been the standby of mothers for over 50 years. Ouly 264 Dicbued by King Fenue Syodc, lc Many patients have nothing the matter with them, * +» tact. That is not playing fair. isn't cricket, These unhappy women should re- cal] past worries that got them no- thing but misery and unhapiness. The medical . profession claitns that thirty per cent of the patients who consult them have nothing the matter with them; they just think they have. That is what worry does to one. Every woman should think ou! a working philosophy and apply it to her daily life. It will bring beautifying rewards. It HOUSEHOLD HINT Housekeeping is a real job, just like office or shop work only you and plan it. You'll find that bud- have to organize the work yourself geting your jobs and time helps. First write down the jobs that must be done daily, then the tasks that must be done on particular days. You can make a chart and write down each job at the day and hour when if is most convenient to do it. Time budgets vary with the number of rooms in a house or apartment, the number of persons in the family, and the various outside activities to be fitted in, Of course any time budget may be shot with unexpected interruptions, but try to take them in stride. : Young carrots cooked whole in consomme taste very fine indeed. For the consomme use tinned con- densed consomme. | A Physician | Advises You By HERMAN A, BUNDESEN, M.D. TROPICAL DISEASE THERE are many diseases that are likely to be overlooked because we don't expect them to turn up in our part of the world. One 'of these is amebiasis or amebic dys- entry, For many years this dis- ease, which is caused by infection with a parasite known as endam- oeba histolytica, was thought to be 'confined to the tropics. Today we know that is far from true and yet few people would cre- dit current estimates that almost 10 per cent of the people in the United States harbor this parasite in the intestinal tract. Real Threat There are two reasons for this unawareness of what constitutes a very real threat to our national health; first, that in many indi- viduals the parasite may be pre- sent without causing symptoms; second, even then when symptoms are present, they may be mistaken- ly ascribed to other disorders. The disease may be transmitted from one person to another by water or food cont#minated with the cysts of the parasite. These cysts develop in the intestine, each forming four small endamoeba. These nest themselves in the little depressions of the lining mem- brane of the large intestine, some- times forming small abscesses, which may enlarge to form ulcers. The symptoms due to the infec- tion vary. .In some cases, as I have mentioned, there may be no symp- toms at all. In other instances there may be mild irritation of the intestine, with a feeling of tired- ness and sickness. In other cases, the symptoms are worse, resembling those of appen- dicitis or ulcer of the stomach. In still other instances, there may be severe diarrhea, with griping pains and blood in the bowel movements. Since the endamoeba may get in- to the liver and form abscesses, symptoms may occur suggesting the possibility of abscess with fever, pain, and tenderness in the liver area. Now and then the parasites may be carried to the lungs, brain, kidneys, or skin. To make a definite diagnosis of amebiasis, the parasites or their cysts may be found in the bowel movements. In making the ex- amination, it is important to have a fresh warm stool specimen. Tube With Light Sometimes the proctoscope, which is a tube with a light, may be pass- ed into the lower bowel and some material from the edge of the ulc- ers of the bowel removed and ex- amined for the presence of the amebiasis. Once the diagnosis is made, the patient should be put to bed and treatment started. Fortunately, various iodine and arsenic-contain- ing preparations are employed in the treatment with remarkable re- sults. In cases in which liver abscesses are present, emetine is employed. Emetine should not be used in patients with heart disease and, when the emetine is used, the pati- ent must be confined to bed. Persons who have symptoms like these of amebec dysentry. should have a careful study made to de- termine whether or not this dis- order is present. This is of great importance, not only to their own health but to that of others to whom they may unwittingly pass the disease. QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS M. N. H.: My feet, hands and nose are always cold. What does this indicate? Answer: Such symptoms may be due to a disturbance of the circula- Five-Piece Outfit . "ALGER. Anne. Adama Mother! Each item ONE main pattern part, easy sewing! Pattern 4760, yummy strawberry appliqued frock, ruffed petticoat "n" panties beneath. Bonnet and sunsuit too! This pattern, easy to use, simple to sew, is tested for fit. Includes complete illustrated instructions. Pattern 4760 in Toddlers' sizes 1, 2, 3, 4. Size 2, dress, 1 1-4 yds, 35- in.; playsuit, 1 1-8 yds.; bonnet 3-8 yd. Send TWENTY-FIVE CENTS (25c) in coins (stamps cannot be accepted) for this pattern. Print plainly SIZE, NAME, ADDRESS PATTERN NUMBER. Send your order to DAILY TIMES GAZETTE Pattern Department, Oshawa, WHAT SHOULD 1 DO ABOUT Buying the Wedding Cake By MRS, CORNELIUS BEECKMAN There is to be a wedding in our house soon, and there is quite an argument as to who buys the wed- ding cake. Some say the bride's family pays for it, and others say ample . . a few of the guests for their opin- ion.) (3) This probably would: be . or perhaps just more-or- this is the responsibility of the best man. Will you please settle this disagreement? B.C. Here comes the again, . . poor chiseling brides and cial responsibility!" It is the bride's family whose re- sponsibility it is to pay for all the items of the wedding and the re- ception . . . this means all the food, including the wedding cake. Some Pointers for Giving Her First Briday Shower Dear Mrs. Beeckman: best man and if he isn't "poor" when he misguidedly consents to be best man for some of today's bridegrooms (and their families) he will be poor before they are through persuading him that this-a and that-a of they wedding expenses are HIS "finan- I am to be a bridesmaid at my girl friend's wedding, and I would like to.give a shower for her. I have never given a shower before . . so will you please help me? 1) Would it be correct for me to give a "personal shower" for her? (2) We are all working girls, and we less-ample. If agreeable to to your budget I suggest you also serve some small sandwiches with simple fillings and also I suggest adding hot coffee or a caffeine-less coffee or cocoa for those who prefer a hot drink to the cold lemonade. (4) Yes... or you might plan to have the gifts in an ian low container, decorate this wed- ding-y-like, and have it as' the fcenterpiece. (5) The time will fly by, I think you'll find, with the receiving of the guests, the presentation and open- ing of the gifts (this should be in a slow tempo), the serving of re- freshments and then time to chat about this-and-that, plans for the wedding, the new home, and so forth. Tip The Maid , . After A Week-End Visit Dear Mrs. Beeckman: I have never visited in a home where there is a maid, but now I have been invited to spend a wek- end at the home of a friend who has a maid, a general maid who is also the cook. Should I give her a tip when I leave? Dorothy. Yes, it is customary to give a tip to the maid when leaving after a visit, a week-end visit or longer. Give the tip to the maid at some time when the hostess and host are not present ... and it is very im- portant, as you give the tip, to ex- press your appreciation, Give her at least a dollar . . . two dollars if you wish to and can afford it, par- ticularly if she has done some ex- tra service for you, such as press- ing. (Mrs. Beeckman will be glad to answer questions submitted by readers.) Hollywood Highlights By BOB THOMAS 1} Hollywood--(AP) -- Joltin' Gene Autry, a bit red-faced by reports of his wealth, reckons as how that jingle-jangle you hear is his spurs, not his coin. "It's not as big as it sounds" Gene drawled, referring to accounts of his far-flung empire of holdings. He explained that his earnings go right back into his many enterpri- ses, leaving him not too well off in the cash department. Autry is the exception among Hollywood's star-capitalists; he has TO MIX A SPICE CAKE Just add one cup of milk or water to Campbells Cake Mix--stir and bake. Enjoy fresh homemade cake--always light, tender and delicious. Try it. (AMPBELLS CAKE MIX no business manager. Piloting his own plane all over the United States (he has clocked over 5,000 bours in the air), he keeps a wea- ther eye on his busineses. And it's getting him down. "I think I'll start getting rid of some of them," he sighed. "No sense in working yourself to death. Besides, after taxes are taken out, there's not enough left to merit all that work." ; "Our main problem jn westerns is finding new plots, "Gene told me. "So many regular westerns are made every year that it is hard to find new stories. Not only that, but the big-name stars are making more westerns, too. Everybody's getting into the act." Rita Hayworth is expected to sail home Sept. 2 on the Queen Eliza- beth. . . Robert Paige takes off Ju= ly 12 on a flying tour of 20 cities to find a 4-H farm club girl for "The Green Promise." That's the picture backed by Glenn McCarthy, the Texas moneybags. . . Progress note: Walter Pidgeon, the star from Saint John, N. B,, is having a tele- plione installed in his car for his Pacific coast motor tour. For individual meat loaves mix one pound 6f ground beef with one 10 oz. tin condensed vegetable soup. Pack into muffin tins; bake in moderaate oven, 350 degrees, for 45 minutes. Enough for six! finish work at five o'clock. What would be the best hours to hold the shower? Do you think 8 to 10 or 11 o'clock would be best? (3) I had thought "of serving cake, ice cream and lemonade, buffet style. Do you think that would be suffi- cient? . (4) On the table would a centrepiece of flowers and candle- sticks be proper? (5) What should I plan to do with the time? C. R. (1) I'm sure your friend would be delighted to have you plan a "personal shower" for her . . this is a favorite kind of shower with all brides, particularly nowadays when so many lovely new "person- al" items are to be found in the stores. . (2) It is difficult for a strang- er to say what hours are best, since there will be individual travel problems and so forth . . . you'll know the hours of greatest con- venience to the majority. Eight- to-ten-or-eleven would, if conveni- ent, be nice leisurely hours. (Ask tion.. They may also result from a tryroid deficiency. A thorough study to determine the cause would be necessary be- fore treatment could be prescribed. Easy Cutwork Luxury at a budget price! Here's the rich, imported-looking cutwork you've always wanted, in a simple design YOU can embroider! Lazy-daisy flowers lend color to easy-to-do cutwork. Pattern 7034; transfer 10 motifs 3 1-4 to 4x10 in. Our improved pattern -- visual with easy-to-see charts and photos, and complete directions -- makes needlework easy. PICK UP PRICE Send TWENTY-FIVE CENTS (25¢) in coins (stamps cannot be accepted) for this pattern. Print plainly SIZE, NAME, ADDRESS PATTERN NUMBER. Send your order to DAILY TIMES GAZETTE Pattern Department, Oshawa. Guard Against Vacation lls That glorious vacation you have planned won't end with unpleasant remories if you take a few precautions, Like guard- ing against over-exposure to the sun, for a.bad case of sunburn can be extremely painful; watch- ing where you walk so that you can avoid deep scratches and cuts . . , and you' can miss small holes and Tuts that might cause a sprained ankle or a torn liga- ment. Take care too, that water you drink is pure, and that the milk has been properly kept. Pack a first ald kit in a handy place in case of minor injuries. A quality pharmacist can supply you with one con- taining fresh, sterile bandages and potent antiseptics. KARN'S DRUG STORE (Next to Post Office) 28 King St. E. -- Phone 78 and 79 Oshawa PROMPT DELIVERY shi. ESTABLISHED JE OUR OWN SPECIAL BLEND BLACK TEA JORDAN'S ' GRAPE JUICE AYLMER FANCY BARTLETT PEA A&P DOG MEAL CONCENTRATED CASHMERE TOILET TISSUE FINE CANADIAN--Over 2 Years BONELESS ROUND stax oc roast 1 65clf A & P CUSTOM GROUND BOKAR COFFEE ANN PAGE -- WHITE OR BROWN MILK BREAD - A & P FRESM CANDY CREAM SQUARES - 1b 73c AYLMER 32-02 btl 16-0z btl 2c 3% SOUPS ushroom 20 21¢ 3¢ 19: - Ib. 47¢ 2-1b. Bag Pkg. 2 Rolls CORDON BLEU MEAT SPREADS IONA (Pectin Added) PLUM JAM MOTHER JACKSON'S Red or Blue Brand Beef WELL TRIMMED -- LESS WASTE SHORT CUT EXTRA LEAN eg 25¢ BABY Veg. Beef, Asparagus, Tomato, Vegetable, = 24-0z loaf 1 0- = |b 29. 3 10-o0z tins 25. = 24-0z jar 25¢ 24-0z jar 27¢c 20-0z tin 1 Oc IONA ORANGE & GRAPEFRUIT MARMALADE SCOTIAN GOLD OR MITCHELL'S APPLE SAUCE JIFFY PIE CRUST - :25c VALUES 25 HEINZ ASSORTED FOODS * 3 ™ 25¢ YUKON CLUB (Contents Only) x 8 Ib 39. PORK SHOULDERS svoxep sHANKLESS 1b 4. BREAKFAST BACON BACK BACON COTTAGE ROLLS BOILING FOWL BROILERS ix Fed Grade A, Fresh Killed, 21 to 3 Ibslb § Jc PEAMEALED SLICED PEAMEALED CHOICE GRADE A CLEANER BAB-0 be: 1b 69: 87 1b 43 SOCIETY GINGER ALE McLAREN'S JELLY POWDERS 3" FOR A QUICK SNACK SHD'D WHEAT ° 2" A & P FRESH CANDY TOFFEE ASSORTED DOG FOOD JELL-O or ROYAL PUDDINGS - 30-oz. Btls, 25¢ 25¢ 25¢ 8-oz. Pkg. » » . . g for 4 Cakes 25¢ 20-0z, 25¢ Tins 3 Pkgp. 25¢ PERSONAL SIZE IVORY SOAP * « ba9: FRENCH'S PREPARED 6-0z. MUSTARD Jars Hy > DUTCH Or MACARONI and CHEESE LOAF, SLICED 1b 3c MAPLE LEAF OR SHAMROCK NO. 1 GENUINE 1b 37 ANN PAGE MAYONNAISE 8-0z. -- A&P Fruit And Vegetable Values -- ONE PRICE -- NONE HIGHER EVERY CUT PRICED TO SAVE FRESH CAUGHT RESTIGOUCHE FRESH CAUGHT RED COHOE FRESH FILLETS FOR PRESERVING CERTO0 - CROWN SEALERS RUBBER JAR RINGS ANN PAGE Qts. Doz. PEANUT BUTTER FANCY . . . + KETA SALMON CATELLI COOKED SPAGHETTI YORK BRAND 1.23 . - bP «139 Btl. 21¢ . Small NEW CROP NO. 1 ford Sweet No. 1 ONIONS new crop cooking 'No. 12 1x 25¢ CELERY STALKS = NEW TENDER NO. 1 2 2c 3 = 23¢ Doz. ®e Dox. 6¢ 16-0x. 35¢ NOW AVAILABLE, Attractively Priced: ONT. GROWN NEW POTATOES 1's Tin . . 3l¢ 12¢ - 20-ox. Tin 20-o0x. A & P's FIRST WITH NEW PACK GREEN PEA Fancy Ungraded 20-0z tin 1 5¢ 25¢ Tin