Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily Times-Gazette, 6 Jul 1948, p. 7

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rs TUESDAY, JULY 6, '1948 THE DAILY T IMES-GAZETTE PAGE SEVEN BEAUTY FOR YOU -- Grooming the Fingernails By ESLEN JAMESON Many women, busy with home duties and outside activities, find it next to impossiblz to spare the time for professional beauty atten- jons, 'Those grand old days when e could spend a whole afternoon .going through the' good-looks hop- . per are sweet memories, Also, these indulgences did not snake quite so much money out of the purse. That is important_if one must keep a weather eye on the budget. With a little practice a woman can learn to give herself a fairly good manicure, a better one in fact " than one given by an inexperienced or careless operator. One -7ill need a long flexible file of high grade steel -- cheap ones aren't worth bringing home --bev- .eling files of emery board, orange- wood sticks, curved, needle-point scissors, nail white or white pencil, cuticle cream, nail polish, polish re- mover. 'This outfit will last for a long time. Good steel instruments need never be replaced, so don't economi~2 when buying them. Nail filing must be done before "the hands are washed; if the nails are moist, they will bend. File from sides to center, forming a pleasing oval line, Be careful not to cut in- to the flesh, Remove the nail polish. Pass the orangewood stick under the nail eaves, have a second filing with an emery board. That is when you give your hands a thorough scrubbing, using hot soap suds and a brush. While the hands are wet, use the white pencil under the eaves, forming a clear-cut line. Rinse away the suds; dry well. On the nails of one hand use cu- ticle cream, frictioning it in well. You may use an ofl, if you prefer; mineral oil will do. Manipulating the orangewood stick very gently, moving it in small circles, work from one side of the nail down to the base and on the - other. side, detaching the flesh. Don't press down at the nail base. The matrix is producing new cells that, overlapping, will gradually A woman can learn to give herself a fairly good manicure push their way out. Pressure may cause ridges, even a deformed nail. If you flush up hangnails, use the scissors, points downward. You must not cause a wound; the cuticle around the nails is particul- arly subject to infections. All the oil or cream must be re- moved with soap and water; if any remains, the polish will not endure. The nails should be as dry as a bone. When applying polish, sweep from the ail base upward. Put on two light films. letting the first one dry. It is considered smart now to let the nail eave and the half moon be revealed. Teachers Nurses Best Policewoman Vancouver -- (CP) -- Best po- licewomeén are those who have had nursing and teaching experience, Mrs. Jean Johnson and Mrs. Eliza- beth Moorad of the Portland, Ore. police force believe, The two motherly, efficient wom- en were sole female delegates to the | convention of Pacific Coast Inter- national Association of Law En- | forcement Officials here. | Mrs. Johnson, a sergeant, and | Mrs. Moorad, her captain, are both | mothers of grown-up families. They | have been in police work 21 and 30 years, respectively. Both said they feel liquor was the chief problem today. They be- lieve. crime and family break-ups could be curbed if the liquor situ- ation were better controlled. | A Physician Advises You By HERMAN A. BUNDESEN, M.D. CONFUSING SYMPTOMS I HAVE often said that in order to discover the true nature of dis- ease, a physician needs the shrewd- ned of a detective and many of his methods. . Nowhere is this more necessary than in dealing with a certain type of severe chest pain due to frrita- tion of the nerves at the point where they leave the spinal cord. This condition, known as radicul- itis, causes pain so nearly identical with that of coronary thrombosis that it can fool even experienced heart specialists. Blood Clot Forms Coronary thrombosis is a disorder in which a blood clot forms in one of the arteries which supply the heart with blood and demands an entirely different treatment from radiculitis, Thus, it is of the great- est importance that the two disor- ders be distinguished, The pain in radiculitis, like that of coronary thrombosis, is often limited to the area under the breast bone or under the heart, but it may pass into the left arm or into the neck. The distress may be severe or prolonged. Pallor and excessive sweating emay occur during an at- tack. Some breathing may develop in some ca- ses, with rapid, shallow breathing and the inability to take a deep breath. Radiculitis may be caused by ar- thritis or inflammation of the joints of the upper part of the spine. Neck May Be Stiff If the upper part of the spine is affected, the neck may be stiff and painful. The muscles also. are stiff and tender, and there may be dif- ficulty in turning the head. Pain in the back part of the head and dizzi- ness are also occasionally present. The pain due to radiculitis usual. ly can be quickly relieved. Manipu- lations or movements of the spine are helpful. The physician may pre- scribe exercise to correct posture and the use of a board in bed to stiffen the mattress. In radiculitis, the pain may oc- cur at night when the patient turns in bed, or it may develop during the day when a person stands up after having been seated for a prolonged period, It may also develop with sudden bending or other movement of the back. Symptcns may develop during a walk and stop upon rest- ing. "This occurrence of sudden pain during exercise and its cessation when the exercise is stopped may cause the pain to be confused with that due to angina pectoris,. in which there is pain over the heart. due to spasm of the coronary blood 1 Republicans First Leddy Here is the latest picture of Mrs. Thomas E. Dewey, wife lican nominee for the presidency of the United States. This photo was taken at the Dewey headquarters in Philadelphia, of the Repub- 'CHOICEST FURNITURE VALUES "Irom Warehouse to Customer" 259, AND MARE IN SAVINGS « . . ORDERS TAKEN AT OUR TEMPORARY OFFICE. 24 CELINA ST. ROYAL HOUSE FURNISHING CO. N PHONE 260 OSHAWA ( | P [| also has v . Pain Ceases Questioning, however, will bring out the fact that the pain ceases when the patient attempts to find a more comfortable position by straightening the spine and throw- ing the shoulders back. The pain of angina would not be influenced by such movements. All of these symptoms are so ike New As It Is Smart It's young and carefree! It's ver- satile and casual! It's Pattern 4728, your cool, trim, go-everywhere dress. Wide revers, tiny middle, fake pock- ets are so smart! This pattern, easy to use, simple to sew, is tested for fit. Includes complete illustrated instructions. Pattern 4728 comes in sizes 12, 14, 16, 18, 20. Size 16 takes 4 5-8 yards 35-inch; 1-2 yard contrast. Send TWENTY-FIVE CENTS (26¢c) in colhs (stamps cannot be stcepted) for this pattern, Print plainly SIZE, NAME, ADDRESS PATTERN NUMBER. Send your order to DAILY TIMES GAZETTE Pattern Department. Oshawa. [] y / ou going through the functional le age' period liar to women id to 52 yre.)} Doss His make you suffer rom hot flashes, feel so nervous, high- strung, tired? Then DO try Jus hiah- n 's table Comp d to relieve such symptoms. Pinkham's Compound what a stomachic tonic effect! or ca 'LYDIA E. PINKHAM'S (5000s difficulty with the: | GLAMORIZING Cosmetic Care for Your Neck By HELEN FOLLETT Use a special neck cream ever y night as part of your regular beauty routine, * BE on the watch for neck liabili- ties. Give your neck the same cos- metic care you give your face and, in future years, you sill thank your lucky stars that you had fore- thought. Women ward off wrinkles by using cream lavishly; they can preserve the firm, youthfy] contour of the throat by the same means, Facial operators can do wonders | with the neck when the first signs of softened tissues appear. They use cream lavishly, kneading more and more into the flesh. Before begin- ning the treatment they may apply hot applications while ice cold com- presses follow the manipulations. Home treatment is simple and is beneficial if it is continued long enough. The trouble with all home %* J with soan and water dry thoroughly, apply a heavy massage cream mus- cle oil or a cream designed especial- ly for this area. Stroke it into the flesh with flattened fingers work- ing upward from the collar bones, sweeping along the jaw line. Fold fingers and thumbs inside the palms of the hands, and use your knuckles, doing short, brisk lit- tle thumps, always on the up and up. Include 'the sides of the neck and the back. A little creaming along the nape line won't be wast- ed; tan and freckles often take up | squatter's rights in that locality. | While massaging keep tie muscles | relaxed. Tense muscles do not res- | pond to cosmetic attention. Thrifty Pattern A Delicious Cool Drink Directions: Make tea exactly as usual . ; . While still hot pour into glasses filled with cracked ice . . . Add sugar and lemon to taste : : : SALAD ICED TEA Dear Mrs: Beeckman: I am "the mother of the bride" . and I'd like to ask you a very special question about my wearing flowers at my daughter's wedding. MUST I wear the usual corsage worn by the bride's mother? To me they are tiresome and entirely lack- | ing in origindlity . . . and, besides, { I never wear flowers, don't like to | wear them, and I think that a cor- Dress your child "adorably and | sage usually gives a woman that economically too! This sunsuit takes | punchy, *'dressed-up" look. that is LESS than a yard of fabric, plus a | so very, very different from a well- beautifying treatments is that wom- While the cream remains on, en expect results too soon. They wring a heavy wash cloth out of fancy that cosmetics should work | cold water, place upon the throat, magic in almost no time at all, The | then cover with a dry towel. The gay scrap for bunny 'or kear! Sew-easy sunsuit Pattern 7139; transfer; pattern pieces for sizes 1, 2, 3, 4 included; directions. Our improved pattern-- visual with easy-to-see charts and photos, and complete directions -- makés needlework easy. Send TWENTY-FIVE CENTS (25c) in coins (stamps cannot accepted) for this pattern. Print plainly SIZE, NAME, ADDRESS PATTERN NUMBER. Send your order to DAILY TIMES GAZETTE Pattern Department, Oshawa. TROUBLESOME TIMES There are times when any child is particularly troublesome and dis- obedient. Health experts say that before taking action parents should look for the cause of the trouble. Perhaps something unusual has happened to upset the child; per- fiaps he is tired; perhaps he has| eaten unusual food or has a cold | coming on. Or again, he may possibly be | dressed look. So, dear Mrs. Beeck- | man, is there any suggestion you | can give me? | H.B. | Yes, ma'am . . . if you feel as | you do about wearing a corsage, | please don't even consider wearing | a flower, for if you do you won't be | happy or look happy, and that will | be unfortunate! If you are willing to make a simple corsage a part of | your costume, though not wearing i it on your dress or suit, my sugges- | tion is that you pin it on your | purse. Or you might follow the beauti- ful and dramatic idea of the bride's mother at a wedding I went to the | other day in New York. This hand- some, stately, distinguished woman | carried a Prayer Book (covered with | the same rich, dark-red material of her dress), and on the Prayer Book a short branch of small yellow or- | chids. It was lovely and most effec- tive! Summer Attire for Men In The Wedding Party Dear Mrs. Beeckman: My daughter is being married in smart ones, of course, begin early to forestall defects. After washing the face at night [ flesh will soon be warm and glow- | ing, showing that the blood streams | are dancing. those brought on by a heart attack that only the most careful and clever work on the part of the doc- | tor 'will reveal their true signifi. | cance. QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS L. 8. K.: What causes barber's itch? Is there a cure? Answer: Barber's itch is really '| ringworm of the beard. The infec- tion may occur from direct contact with contaminated articles, such as combs and brushes. Sometimes it results from association with infect- ed cats, dogs, horses, cattle and even birds, In the treatment, the beard should be kept short and the diseased hairs removed by means of X-ray treat- aients. Ointments containing am- moniated mercury and lotions con- taining sulphur may be applied. These measures usually clear up the trouble. COMING IN again is beaded trimming for dresses. Several frocks shown in a recent important col- lection have plastron fronts of sol- id bugle beading. | Singing Throat To Be Photographed Sydney, Australia -- (CP) -- An | Australian girl is to have her vocal | cords photographed by a micro- scopic camera which doctors will place in her throat. Twenty-three-year-old Frances Hayes, of Lidcombe, a suburb of Sydney, is a coloratura soprano of Irish - Swedish extraction, who claims to be a descendant of Jenny Lind, the Swedish Nightingale. Miss Hayes has just returned to | Australia after two years' study in England and Ireland. Her top note is B flat above high C. . Before leaving for Australia, she sang for two British medical spe- cialists who suggested that her vo- cal cords be photographed. Miss Hayes has chosen an aria, "Queen | of the Night" from Mozart's "Magic | Flute" to sing for the photocell, | ei ------ eit ioed Do not leave your camera in the glove compartment of your car. The heat has ruined many feet of good film, arly in the 1930's Heinz scientists started xperimenting in the Heinz laboratories their object -- to produce convenient anned baby foods of unj 3 ualj i doctors Heinz B Whenad recomm aby F oods octor recom | wide range of tasty puréed soups, delicate puddings, colorful fruits a~"\egetables, and zesrv ~ ended mends a baby mmends the < co a 4. he natarally re 3 9 : cent Sy 0% according t0 2 pace ' ' . survey, do¢ Baby Foods. Heinz Baby F their doctor's the only ones ¥ hind the name © mothers S of the based on the f choice, of Heinz. « 57" labe f pur a guarantee of P formity, 20 © super then the ction, t ie precis 'flavour : tchens. Whisked d fruits a mmed an aid they ma They knew an 1... for 79 years de their own f the House 1 0 eputation yep the famous d trusted ity, uals 4 fine flavour: einz H Baby Foo and vitamin ; 1 ashed. To Pp mineral losses to a minimum, Lif water is added and all ingredients are feeling insecure in his parents' af-| mid-August, a church wedding at 3 fection because a baby brother or |o'clock in the afternoon, and she is sister is getting their attention. If | to wear a' white wedding dress. the cause is understood the parents | Would it be proper for the bride- will find it easier to be patient and | groom to wear a white jacket and will not be so inclined to act un-|klack trousers? And what should wisely on the spur of the moment. |the best man wear, and what should WHAT SHOULD I DO ABOUT Not Wearing Corsage on Dress? By MRS. CORNELIUS BEECKMAN her father wear? (He is to give her in marriage). M.W.M. If by "a white jacket and black trousers" you mean a white dinner jacket and black tuxedo trousers, the answer is NO . . . for this sum- mer tuxedo is not correctly worn before six o'clock in the evening at the earliest. At this mid-summer wedding in the afternoon, the men in the wedding party (bridegroom, best man, ushers, and the bride's father, who, since he is giving the bride in marriage, is regarded as a member of the wedding party) may wear white suits Tlinen or palm beach, for example); or blue grey flannel coats and white or very light-colored flannel trousers. Shall She Send Her Hostess A Guest-Gift? Dear Mrs. Beeckman: ? I am planning to spend my vaca- tion at a girl friend's home in a large city in the middle West. When I return home is a thank-you let- ter sufficient, or should I also send her a gift in appreciation of the time spent with her? If a gift is necessary, what would be an ape propriate item? Ann A gift in appreciation of hospita« lity is never necessary . . . if given, it is a charming gesture of thanks for the thoughtfulness of the host- ess in planning for the welcome and hospitality and happiness and comfort of a guest. Send your host- ess a gift if you wish to . . . some article - which you can afford to give and which you think will be welcome. On your visit, keep your eyes open to see what she might most enjoy. It may be a personal gift, or perhaps something for her home. (Mrs. Beeckman will be glad to answer questions submitted by rea- ders.) "Kid's Hangout": You can't keep youngsters out-of the kitchen : : 3 so why not give them a corner all their own! A private snack-bar, located just inside the back door, featuring jumbo jars of their favourite after-school treats. Of course, this is going to invite traffic. But ; your good Gold Seal Congoleum rug can take any amount of coming and going! With its wear layer of heat-toughened paint and baked enamel equal in thickness to 8 coats of the best floor paint applied by hand ... Gold Seal Congoleum is lastingly pretty, and it cleans up bright as new with the swish of a damp cloth. Just remember! For all-round economy that only real Gold Seal Congoleum Rugs can give : s ® look for this seal. It carries the famous money-back guarantee of satisfaction! You'll be . surprised how much quality you can buy for so little money. CONGOLEUM CANADA LIMITED, MONTREAL Your dealer may be temporarily out of Congoleum. because supplies are still very short. Please try him again, as he receives limited shipments from time to time. THIS ISA

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