TUESDAY, MAY 4, 1948 THE DAILY TI MES-GAZETTE PAGE THIRTEEN Times-Gazette Circulation Shows Net Of Ower 8,100 Steady Circulation Increase Based On Paper's Merits Circulation figures are the yard- stick of the popularity of any news- 'paper. By this it can be seen that The Times-Gazette's popularity is steadily increasing since its circula- tion has shown a consistent rise since it resumed as a daily paper some two years ago. 'The Audut Bureau of Circulations figures for The Times-Gazette in March show a net paid circulation of 8,144 newspapers daily, an in- crease of about 100 from the month before, The Audit Bureau of Circu- lations is an organization which checks closely all circulation figures of thousands of publications. As had been said before, the cir- culation of The Times-Gazette has shown a steady increase. This up- swinging curve is the kind of thing a circulation manager likes to see. There are many newspapers which boast of sudden trerthendous jumps in circulation but on analysis it can usually be shown that these jumps are brought about by high-pressure promotional contests and other such schemes, And it will also be noticed that once the contests are dropped, the circulation drops. , No High-Pressure The Times-Gazette is not in favor of high-pressure stunts. It is the firm conviction of the management that a paper's circulation is built on its merits. Interesting news, fea- tures and advertisements, attrac- tively presented so as to be easily read, is a much sounder basis on which to build circulation, they be- lieve. "Reader interest is the thing to aim for," says James Hare, cir- culation manager. "With reader in- terest built up, circulation has a firm keystone." The circulation of The Times- Gazette is not confined solely to the Oshawa and Whitby area. An ex- amination of the subscription list shows papers going to all parts of Ontario, the Maritimes and Prairie Provinces, In addition many are sent to various parts of the United States and Great Britain where former Oshawans have moved but want to keep in touch with their home city news. Good Carrier System An integral part of any circula- tion department are the carrier boys and girls who daily see .that your paper is delivered to your home on time and in good condition. The Times-Gazette is fortunate in hav- ing 85 energetic boys and girls who give excellent home delivery service. These home deliveries are made not only in Oshawa and Whitby but in other areas such as Westmount, North Oshawa, Pickering, Brooklin, Ajax, Port Perry, Courtice and Prince Albert. Well trained, the boys and girls, are especially care- ful in making their deliveries on wet and windy days to make sure that the customers receive their In the mailing roem, shown above; fast workers with nimble fingers count | ond bundle the newspapers for delivery as they come off the yresg. | In right background is shown the Wire carrier which brings the papers from the press which is situated in the basement. esi -» The Times-Gazette maintains a fleet of trucks to assure speedy delivery to customers. Above are shown some of the trucks in the loading area of the new building. paper in good condition. Besides providing a fruitful source of pocket money for the carriers, home deliveries build up in them a business training which will be useful in later life. Some of the carriers net a tidy sum weekly--and the work is not too hard. Most car- riers can make their deliveries and be back at their other activities within half an hour. One Times- Gazette carrier has a route with approximately 150 customers which he can cover in less than an hour. In outlying districts, houses are not close to each other and much time is consumed by cycling from one customer to another, This dif- ficulty is taken into consideration by the management and the boys and girls covering them are paid an extra sum weekly. Each afternoon, gs the papers come rolling off the huge press, Oshawa carrier boys and girls come | riers, to see who could get the most to. The Times-Gazette building to pick up their papers. With cash commissions offered, they are en- couraged to sell the papers to new subscribers. Offered 'Encouragement Reglizing that they are an es- sential' part of -the circulation de- partment, The Times-Gazette man- agement has offered special induce- ments to the carriers to do a good job. Each year they are entertained at a special banquet and recently a Carrier Savings Plan, through which they can deposit some of their pro- | fits at a high rate of interest, was introduced. The object of this plan is to teach' the boys and girls the value of thrift and saving, besides providing a bank account which can be used later for educational or other useful purposes. Recently a two-week contest among the car- new customers was staged and the results were most gratifying. Prizes with appeal to boys and girls were offered in return for new customers and Marvin Colvin won by adding ten to his route. Where distances are too far to be delivered by carrier, The Times- Gazette is dispatched to subscribers by mail. The circulation department is in the capable hands of James Hare,- circulation manager, Don Houlden and Patricia Bryant, and is under the general supervision of V. A. Henkleman, business manager. NEW CULINARY TECHNIQUE London -- (CP) -- A catering firm here cooks an entire meal and then freezes it so that it can be kept indefinitely and be heated and served on short notice. It is call- Leprosy Survey Shows New Plan Making Survey . London--(CP? -- Ip -- In Basutoland, lepers go home for the week-ends with their doctors' blessing. That's part of a plan to help control the disease. An Empire-wide survey of lep- rosy conditions issued by the Bri- tish government points the terror-- and the hope--that surrounds 700,- 000 victims of the Colonies, "The essence of the modern plan is to help the leper to lead as nor- mal a life as possible, compatible with protecting the health of the community," said a report prepared Leprosy Relief Association and mis- sionary societies assisted by govern- ment grants. "Restrictions on patients are kept to a minimum to persuade le- pers to enter settlements willingly and to remain there, instead of at- tempting to conceal the disease, "In Basutoland, at the Maseru settlement, patients who are not actually infectious are given peri~ odic leave to go to their homes, with instructions to take certain precautions. This privilege has helped to keep them content and since it was introduced there has been a fewer number of desertions. The first government leprosy ser< vice has been started in Nigeria, another African territory, where most of the Empire's leprosy cases are found. Total British govern- ment expenditures of £610,000 ($2,~ Three piel Times-Gazette carrier boys who see that your paper is de. livered to your home on time and in good cnodition are shown above. Car- riers are chosen for their efficiency and courtesy. The boys are Glenn Drew, 21 Drew Street; David Andrews, 216 Burk Street and Jim Cornish, 644 Carnegie Avenue. 440,000) for fighting leprosy in the colonies have been authorized. Latest Treatment Treatment now is based on care, good feeding and hygiene work with injections of hydnocarpus oil which gives best results in the be- fign or nerve type of leprosy. Re- cent studies have shown that sul- phone drugs have a definite effect in suppressing the more infective types of leprosy, but this treatment, like hydnocarpus, has to be contin- ued over periods of from one to six years. But there is evidence the sul« phones may control the disease in cases so far advanced as to be con sidered hopeless with other types of medication. Wm. F. WILLSON BROKERAGE LTD. LICENSED and BONDED CUSTOM BROKERS 53 WALNUT STREET- INSURANCE & REAL ESTATE AUTOMOBILE BONDS A SPECIALTY FORT ERIE, ONTARIO Shipments Cleared Any Place In Canada Telephone 76-176-776 OVER 29 YEARS IN BUSINESS Best Wishes to THE TIMES-GAZETTE "May Success Continue to Crown The Efforts of Our Own Local Newspaper" We Are Happy to Have Been Permitted to Play A Part In the Erection of their New Addition McLaughlin Coal and Supplies Limited 110 KING ST. W. PHONE 1246 HANKS & IRWIN 35 Old Mill Road oronto od 1 DLAR Sy 17 PEt in this 'modern building. THE PEDLAR PEOPLE LIMITED We take this opportunity to extend our sincere congratulations to THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE on the completion of their new home. We also appreciate the privilege of supplying the contractor with Pedlar's "Metal-Built" Products for OSHAWA, ONT. I ETERLERALANI VINE