Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily Times-Gazette, 2 Apr 1948, p. 8

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THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE FRIDAY, APRIL 2, 1948 \ : --Sports 6:30--Cause For Contentment 6:30--Billl urdy So Piant. House Party :00--~Lorne Greene (Nows) PEPPER » ano i ews Sweet Music Make Believe Ballroom F.I. Wine . St. George's Carillon Frosia Gregory Sings of the Worid rts Today Hep Septette Murray Show TH Hn :30----News :30--Ethel and Albers 7:30--"he Lone Eanger J3ge Toronto Trio 743 Siva ard R. Murrow News v 45H. V. Kaltenborn rT Terre rd 7 :50-- S:0---Quaces Park Report 8:00--On Stage 8:00--Baby HES ke Sho 8:00--Toronto "Pop" Concert 3 :00--Queen's Park Report 00--Highways in Meioqay. 8: :00--The Fat Man 8:00--In Search of Ourselves 8:10--~Memory Lan 8:15--Let's Waltz 8:15---Corinne Jordan . 8:15--Learning to Live 8:30--Can You Top This? 8:30--Can You Top This? 8:30--Can. Gen. El 8:30--Danny Thomas 8:30--Treasure Trall CJ. 8:30--This [s Your PBI 8:55--Blll Henry News 9:00--Beat the Champs 9:00--0ld Gold Show 9 :00--Mark Warnow i eople are Funny Music Bo x k the Ei :00--CBC :00--Lucky Listening '00--Music of Ma :00--Tune gd BY re 0:00--=C] oR nts Fight 10: CBO ews Roundup 0:15--The Lion's Show 10:30--Bi11 Stern, Sports 10:40--Joe Crysdale 10 A Goverament Talk oe 1 {00--Dominton News 11:00--News 11:00--News Re] 11:05--Mickey ter 11:10--News Apaivels 11:1 11:1 11:1 iz 18 1:15--Late Sports 1": :15--Christies' Wax Works 11:25--Late Sports Colum rter >--Robert WB 11:25--Martin Tobin's Tune Time won "11:30--Charlie Fisk 1 12:00--News--House Party 12:00--CBC News Bulletin :00--News :05--Gene Krupa Orch. :05--Virginia Beach Orch. :05--Musical Reflectios :10--Martin Tobin's Tune T :30--~The Somat Trio :30--New: 45] Pelham Heath Inn News .00--Ne 100] News--House Party :25--News 30--J\ike-Box Jambores :00--News--Say I pt fk ft fk fd pt Bt SATURDAY MORNING Ervin Musle o' the Morning Buehiman Farm Visitor Reporter Shop Clock Time WEKBW ack Smith Show = WGR--CFRB CKDO CJBC 5---Bob Crosb WGR- FRB ub 2 7 CHUM ak CIBO.OYRY )--Light up and Listen C. = t CJBC WEBW-WBEN-CKEY-CFRB WGR CKEY Sit hi D--Million Sar _Salltvon wesw 5--Joe nse Tone Reporter WEEN or 5 35 Martin Tobin's Ywae T.me WGR CEEY :00--News WEKBW-CFRB- WBEN- WIR CFRB WBEN KBW R SwBEN WK. t With Music' CKEY " "ONTARIO QUEEN'S PARK CKDO 1240 DISCUSS THE FUTURE" "REPORT No. 11 TONIGHT 'LAFE-A-DAY PLANS FOR 8.00-8.15 p.m. In Radio Serial Partner-in-fun in the radio dra- CFRB | ma serial, "Alan and Me," is 16- CJBC-WBEN CKEY year-old Bobby Jackson, who plays the role of "Toady Brown," the "boy next door." Every week Bob- by and the rest of the cast enter- tain listeners young and old with this amusing drama about two av- erage families who live side by side in a small Canadian town. Broad- sast time is 6.00 pm. EST, Sun- EY | days on the CBC Trans-Canada Oshawa's Bright Spot After Dark SWALLOW 11 (1 Mile West of Oshawa on New Double Lane Lane Highway) Now Open For Service Banquets, Private Parties, etc. his clarinet and his tral "The Band With a Beat!" "Look for the NEON CLOCK" 75¢ PER PERSON | Phones: 3631-1 or 2813) network. Bobby is frequently heard in numerous other radio programs, too, including "Stage 48," "Cuckoo Clock House," and the National School Broadcast, , ,. iy 7:00--News 7:00--News; Coffee Shop * 7:00---Two Hours With Holly, 7:00--~Raiph Snyder ow 7:05--Top o' the Mo 7:15--Clint Buehiman 7:15--Chapel in the Pines 7:30--Headlines 73 OB News ews, Musical Clock 3:30--Ervin Victor 1:35--Brrakfdst Melodies 7:35~Top »' the Mornig R 7:35--Larry"s Coffee Sho, 7:45--Unity Viewn Int 7:45--Homer Rodeheaver 7:50--~News 7:55--Sports Roundup 7:55--Melody Highlight 8:00--Percolato: Parade 5100 Maitin Agronsky WB BW ews M-- NOK Sm Homers News 3 CFR] FRE :00--Ralp nyder ow 8:00~CBC News 8: OJ amy: s Coffee Shop 8:10--Hal Kelly (Sports) 8:10--A Date With Music 8:15--Clint Buehiman 8:15--Housewives Serenade 25 Musical Clock orning Devotinng 3: 125] we I a Minite :26--Breakfast me 8:30--Teleflash News Tune 8:30--~Musicai March Past 8:30--Press News 8:35--Larry's Coffee Shop 8:45--Sacred Heart Program 8:45--Gospel Singer Fhe organ Manner 3; More Music 9:00--News CFR. 9:00--News; Music of the Amoricas 9:90--C B.C News 9:00--Children's Bible 9:00--~Music by Maupin 9:00--Music for Saturday 3: F_Momine Melodies ime Hit Parade 3 I Novatime jongs For You CFRE-- 9:15--Today's CHUM Features 9:15--Adventure Abroad 9:25--News for omen 9:30--Calling All Girl 9:30--Young Cahada Bible 9:30--Kids Carnival 9:30--Plano Playhouse 9:30--Calling Al Girls 9'30--Mt, 8t. Joseph Players 9:30--Morning Melodies ; 4 usic for Madame Goose WKBW 9:30] C 9:45--Mother CBI. WGR L | 12:30--Land of Supposing 9:45--Uncle Ben's Club 9:45--Junior Studio Group 9:45--Barnyard Follles 10:00--~News CKEY 10:00--Frank Merriwell WBEN-CJBC 10:00--News; CHUM Slogan Comissh mw HU. 10:00--Your Home Beautiful WEKBW 10:00--Waltz Time CFRB 0:00--Music For Madame 0:00--Garden Gate WGR :05--Make Believe Ballroom CKEY :15--Washin jon Wives CFRE WOR 01 Recess :30--Advent. of { Archie Andrews WEEN 10 :30--Hollywood Headlines BW 10:30--Press News 10:30--Teleflash News 10:30--Highways Report 10:30--Curtain Calls 10:30--Mary Lee Taylor Time Junior Jamboree | :00--Abbott and Costello 11:00--M the Meeks 11 o0_Catiing All Children 11:00--Warren Sweeney. News 11:00--News; Morning Varieties 111 News 11:00--Abbott and Costello 11:00--Random Rhythms 11:05--Let's Pretend 11:05--Make Believe Ballroom 11:30--Smilin' Ed. McConnel 11:30--A Doofway in Fairyland | 11:30--Crossroads Jamboree | 11:30--Land of tlie Lost 11:30--Juke Box Jorenade 11:30--Teleflash New: 11:35--Stork Club Te the Alr 11:45--Jr. d . Cross 11:30--Escape SATURBAY AFTERNOON 12:00--Newe CEEY~--WBEN 12:00--Theatre of Today WGR 12:00--Symphony of Melody CFRB 12:00--News; South American Serenade: 12:00 pu0 News 12:00--Junior Junction 12:00--North Shore Farm Digest CKDO 12:00--Junior Junction 12:05--Pick The Hits 12:15--~The Local Scene 12: I. Girl, A Boy, A Song 12:1 dies to 12: iy College 12:15~Luncheon Music 12:20--Music Box 12:25--News 12:30--Coffee With Co; 12:30--The American Farme 12: 30--Stars Over Hollywood 12: ons Greene (News) 12:30--New: 12: 30_Christian Business Men 12:30--Press New. 12:30--Musical ye ETE 12:40--It Takes a Woman 12 :40--Rhythm Rendezvous C , Gardening CFR! les C. 12:55--Hit of the 1:00--National Farm and Home 1:00--Voice of Labor FRB 1:00--Luncheon, Maggie & Herb WKBW 1:00--Grand Central Station WGR 1:00--News; Mann About Music CHUM 1:00--News CBL--CEKEY 1:00--Luncheon at Sardl's CJBC 1:05--Shoe Talk CFRB 1:05--Tops in Pops 1:15--Better Business Bureau 1:15--World Church News Jam 1:30--Ed mlinson 1:30--Mlllion Dollar Ballroom wen 1:30--Women in the News 1:30--~Women in the News 1:30--Calypso Songs 1:30--JazZz Panorama 1:35--Hit Parade 1:45--News from oN sugn 1:45--Concert Favorites 2:00--Play-Off, Pay-Off 2:00--Give and Take 2:00--Music of the Moment 2:00--Curtain Calls 2:00--News 2:00--Music Makes Pictures 2:00--News; Varsity Varieties 2:00--Andre Kostelanetz :05--Jerry Burke Show :30-Orchestras on Parade 2:30--David Rose Show 2:30 ce Tunes from London CJBC 2; he Music Goes 'Round WEKBW 0--Hawailan Harmonies 2:30--Hollywoed News 2:3 Elthlichis and Shadows 2 'A5=--Highli, ghts and Shadows :45--Treasury Guest Stars 2:45--FEean Back and Listen :0( usic by Cugat ' :00--To Be Announced . :00--Nation's Orchestras )--Report from Overseas 3:00--Nation"s Orchestras 3:00--CBS Is There 3:00--News 3:00--News; CHUM Slogan Contest Mii Be OF A NATION (ROSEROADS! STARTING TOD REGENT FAMO PL AYERS THEATRES Gateway to the last frontier. . . where badmen ruled till the coming of wild "Bat" . son, U.S. © Marshal § or Tr DoNaLy Mtl Chip A» Anes Da PARAMO YN, Cope. 1948, King Features Syndicate, Inc., World rights resei "Oh, daughter! Your young man is here." 3:05--Jerrv Burke Show 3:15--Boyd Valleau Show 3:15--Pagament Hill Report 3:30--Music of Manhattan 3:30--Meetin' with Keaton 3:30--Teleflash News 3:35--CHUM Slogan Contest 4:00--Doctors Today 4:00--Safety Quiz 4: > Be Announced 4:00--N 4 So Experimental Handicap 4:05--Club 580 4: High Tide, Wally Shubat 4:30--Saturday 'at the Chase 4: 0 Maks Way for Youth 4:30--New:! 4: 30_First Piano Quartet 4:30--First Plano Quartet 4:30--Saturday at the Chase 4 :30--1010 Swing Club 3 6 5:00--To Be Announced 5:00--News 5:00--1010 Swing Club 5:00--Treasury .Band Show 5:00--Dr. 1.Q. Jr. 5:00--News; CHUM Teen Time 5:00--Philadelphia Orch. 5:00--Doorway to Life 4:05---Studio Party 5:15~Rhythm and Reason 5:30--Easy Rhythm 5:30--~Make Believe Ballroom 5:30--Teleflash News 5:30--Swanee River Boys 5:30--Lennie Herman Quintet 5:30--Melodies To R Des 5:30--Musical Program 5:30--Les Brown 5:35--Dance Time CHUM s 23 Dorcas Fuldhelm News WKBW 5--King Cole Trio WBEN-CJBC 3 om By Program CBL 5:55--IDA-Midget Quiz CEDO WEBW CJBC CKDO Prospect Couple (Continued frcm Page 4) having spent the week end with friends and relatives in Toronto. Misses Yvonne and Ruth Somer- ville were at their home for the Easter holiday. : Mrs. Kinsman, Cobourg is visit- ing her daughter Mrs. Horace Webster for a few days. Mr. and Mrs. J. Ward, Whit- by, were Easter Sunday guests with Mrs. Ward's father Mr. W. F. Thompson. Mr. and Mrs. Leo Beacock and family were Sunday March 21 guests with Mr. =nd Mrs. T. Cole, Oshawa. Miss Marian Coslin, Toronto spent the Easter holiday with her parents Mr. and Mrs. E. Coslin. On Friday night April 2, there will be a progressive euchre at the school at 8 p.m. Committee in charge of this group is Mrs. G. Cochrane and Mr. Frank Vernon, having held highest score at the progressive euchre held on Fri- day March 19. Ladies will provide refreshments. Mr. and Mrs. Groves and Philip, Listowel were Sunday guests with Mrs. Groves' sister Mrs. Harold Holtby, Mr. Holtby and Patricia. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Moffatt and Douglcp. Welland, visiting rela- tives and friends in the communi- ty during the Easter holiday. Mrs. Durham spent the Easter holiday in Hamilton with her daughter Mrs. Gordon Maas, Mr. Maas and Beatrice Marie. Mr. and Mrs. Millon Holliday, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Holliday and family, Toronto, were Easter Sun- day guests with their mother and grandmother, Mrs. J. A. Holiday. Mrs. Luther Mitchell and grand- daughters, Mrs. R. Hitchins and Gale, Oshawa, were guests at Mr. and Mrs. Charles Armstrong, Whit- by during the week. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard MacDiar- mid and family, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mackin and family, Ushawa were with their parents Mr. and Mrs. W. Wiles during the week. Mr. Fred Brooks, Toronto was at home for the weekend with his parents, Mr, and Mrs. W. . Brooks. . Mr. M. Munro was a guest in Toronto on Wednesday with her cousin Mrs. F. Anderson. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Wadge of Carmen, Manitoba, who have spent the winter in Toronto is now spend- ing a few days with Mrs. Wadge's mother Mrs. A. Niddery)prior to their return to the West. Mr. and Murs. Charles Webster and family, Toronto, Saturday guests with his mother "Mrs. G. Webster, Mr. and Mrs. B. Webster and Douglas. Mr. A. Marshall, Brampton, was with Mrs. A. Niddery and family for the Easter holiday. Mrs. Douglas Carmichael, Osh- awa, is convalescing at the home of her parents Mr. and Mrs. Norman Yeo. All roads. lead to the sale at W./ W. Holtby's on Saturday April 3. Refreshments, pie, sandwiches, cof- fee, will be served by Prospect . INTRODUSED BY CHOPIN Frederic Chopin, Polish musical genius, introduced the free use of the thumb on the black keys-which revolutionized all piano playing. GREATEST AND HAPPIEST PRODUCTION GRAND WEEK-END SHOW! "Coy. colorful enter- ie songs of the ye liberty EXTRA!...On The Same Program iwmant Sora of fo BETTY COMPSON TEALA LORING LEO GORCEY i BOWERY BOYS | easier for "Would apply to no more than 10,- All RCMP Ranks Get Wage Boost Ottawa, April 2.--(CP)--The R. C.M.P.--2,700 strong -- are getting a raise in pay, Justice Minister Ils- ley announced Thursday. day increase retroactive to Oct. 1, 1947, Non-commissioned officers and constables also will get a 15- cents-a-day increase in allowances. The boost establishes a basic rate of $3.50 a day for.recruits with an- nual raises to a"maximum of $4.25 for constables. Under the new married constable with six experience will get $6.65 a Other rates for married men $8.15 for stalf sergeants. Mr, Ilsley's announcement was coupled with an appeal for more recruits, Housing Program (Continued from Page 3) ~ Program is expected to cost some $3,000,000, Provisions of Bill 1. In order to reduce down pay- ments and encourage average wage earners to build homes the govern- ment offers to guarantee to lending agencies $1,000 a home. The requir- ed down payment could thus be re- duced by this amount, making it the purchaser. This 000 houses. 2. Where a construction firm can show that it has a new or more efficient building method which would result in substantial cut in cost, the government may provide for financing the development. 3. In a case where the govern- ment is satisfied of the soundness of rebuilding and renovating an old housing district in the centre of municipality--such as a slum area --the government may participate with the municipality in financing it. Mr. Porter said Ontario is pre- pared to provide up to $10,000,000 for guarantees on down payments, The clause is designed to reduce the amount a person must pay down to a mortgage or loan com- pany - without increasing the risk being taken by the company. Mr. Porter said the redevelop- ment plan for old housing would aid in eliminating slums and thus contribute generally towards better health in cities. It would also increase the value of property adjacent or close to the slum districts. Under this provision the govern- ment will help the municipality to finance a redevelopment program if 'satisfied the idea is sound. "We are ready to do- this to the total limit of $15,000,000," Mr. Porter said. The government has allotted $2,060,000 for financial guarantee to back up any company with an ef- fective plan for reducing costs of building. For Ajax, Malton The Ontario bill which provided the controversy with Ottawa would have given the province power to cut off public services to crown-held area where the munic- All ranks will get a 75-cents-a- | any | Ja ipality failed to reach a suitable agreement with the dominion for grants in lieu of taxation. Premier Drew emphasized that this bill was passed to cover two areas of crown housing--Ajax and Malton--which either did not have an agreement with Ottawa or only a partial agreement. The bill, he said, did "not apply to any of the present housing proj- | ects of the dominion government." | "Nevertheless this bill has been : given as the reason for the domin- ion government's action in nolify- ing Central Mortgage Corporation to stop work on housing projects now under way." The Ontario Government, mier Drew sai Pre- interpretation. of a bill of nature to be used as a reason for stopping construction of urgently- needed houses. "The Ontario Government has therefore decided that this bill (given royal assent in the legisla- ini Thursday) will not become aw." legislation in general, sald the benefits to be derived from it in the form of improved housing accommodation would fully offset any losses that may result. Toronto, April 2 -- (CP) -- The Daily Star yesterday quoted Trade Minister Howe as saying the On- tario Government's $30,000,000 pro- gram to encourage housing is "very helpful if (Premier) Drew means what he says." From Port Arthur, in a telephone interview with the newspaper, Mr. Howe declined to comment fur- ther, The program was one of two housing announcements made yes- terday in the provincial legislature. The other was that a recently- passed crown lands bill will not be invoked. It was this legislation which Mr. Howe cited last week in announcing suspension of a federal program. for construction of low- rental dwellings in Ontario. The Star said Mr. Howe made this comment on the second an- nouncement: "How did I know that Mr. Drew won't pass the same bill next year? uly Just about the way he would react." PLAYING IT SMART Halifax -- (CP) -- A thief 'who | broke into a bicycle repair shop here wanted to make sure no one played the same trick on him. He included in his loot a bicycle com- binatiqn padlock. THIALLE HAWS Biltmore -- "Song of the South" 2:20, 4:55, 7:30, 10:05. "Hard Boiled Mahoney" 1:20, 3:55, 6:30, 9:05. Last complete show at: 9:05. Marks -- "The Man from Texas" at 1:50, 4:00, 6:05, 8:10, 10:25. "Laurel and Hardy" at 1:15, "3:20, 5:25, 7:30, 9:45. Last com- plete show at 9:25. Regent -- "Trail Street" 1.40, 3.30, 5.35, 7.35, 9.35. Last com- plete show 9 p.m. "will not permit an | unnecessary dispute regarding the! this | Discussing the Ontario housing | Mr. Porter | DISPUTE SETTLED Detroit, April 2--(CP)-- A pub. lishers' spokesman said yesterday that three Detroit newspapers set. tled their dispute. with the two A. F.L. printers unions last month on a condition there would be "no more monkey business" by union mem. bers. By 'monkey business" the wit. ness testified, he referred to slow. downs which he said the printers staged to enforce their demands. WINS SCHOLARSHIP New York, April 2--(CP) -- Es. ther Gahn of Toronto is winner of the $300 secorid prize in the "Car.. negie Hall" musiey! scholarship-- awards results of 'which were an. nounced last night. The dark-haired blue.eyedy 21.year.old Miss Gahn was the only Canadian pris: winner in the competition, open to music and voice students in the United States and Canada. LEC EN El KO (0) 213100 6 HITS! JAMES CRAIG The EI Paso Kid "LIVE GHOST" with LAUREL & HARDY Added Treats! Cartoons $ WEEKEND VALUES , COLLIS "Your re Clothing Store" SIMCOE N. at BOND ST. PHONE 44 Lies SHORTIE COATS $12.95 Extra Special Value! ues WOOL SKIRTS $2.98 BOYS' and GIRLS' COAT @ HAT SETS! Very Special! $8.50 and SPECIAL! BOYS' SUITS (2 Longs) "Friendly Credit TERMS"

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