| FRIDAY, APRIL 2, 194% CROSSWORD - - - By Eugene Sheffer _-- Zz. I? Ed 5 {6 7 ; ear A 7, 7 HORIZONTAL 45. Syrian garment 48, writhe 5. + gmp tea 50. cicatrix 8. fleshy fruit 12.8cent . 18, organ of the mouth 14. river in Italy 15. web-like membrane 16. buried famil $85. footed va 56. inquires 2 VERTICAL 9. wanders 1. sheepfold 10. the dill 2. British Arab- IV. insignia of ian colony office Solina Friends Present Gifts: GLADYS YELLOWLEES Correspondent Solina, March 31 -- Mr. and Mrs, James Smales, Sr., were pleasantly surprised by about 90 friends and neighbours on -Tuesday evening. They gathered to' spend a' social time with the Smales before they give up farming. When everyone had assembled, Mr. J. Baker, jovial | $3 master of ceremonies, called the company to order and asked Mrs. E. R. Taylor to read the following address: Mr, and Mrs. Jpmes Smiales and Family: It is with feeling of deep regret that we, your friends, have learned of your intention to leave our community. Therefore, we have assembled here tonight to enjoy with you a social evening in your home and to express in a limited way the high esteem with which we regard you. For more than 20 years we have watched your two sons and daugh- ters grow up and one by one leave the old home, well fitted to take their places in their chosen fields of service. We know that the close- ly-knit unit of home life, which you have provided, has in great measure contributed to their suc- cess. You, Mr. Smales, have been most appreciated - by your neighbours 3. becalmed 17, ited state persons 4. epoch 19, violently 5. muse of agitated history 22. cuckoo 6. obstruct 24. uncooke 7. likely 25, prefix: 8. capital of before France 26. thing, in law : 28. charms 18. finale 19. sward on 21 Bot Bo forgi 33. hibernate 35. S-shaped worm 36. secreted 38. surgical thread 39. excavation for digging ore 40. high hill 41. solar disk * 43. donkey Answer to yesterday's puzzle. Average time of solution: 35 minutes. Dist. .by King Features Syndicate, Inc. 50. ocean 29. the lion 30. sea-eagle Ss 32. wrongdoing 34. new: comb. form 37. trader 20. river in nce 41, motintain aborigines 42. waste allowance 44. observed 46, financial institution S| 47. macaws 48. personal pronoun 49. South African antelope | Progressive Conservatives Ottawa Meet April 19-21 By D'ARCY O'DONNELL Canadian Press Staff Writer Ottawa, April 2 -- (CP) --Efforts 2 te strengthen party organization in preparation for the next gener- al federal election--whenever it comes--are expected to be made at the forthcoming annual meeting of the Progressive Conservative As- sociation of Canada. The . meeting will be held here April 10-21, inclusive. | In previous years the meeting lasted only two days, but it was decdied to extend the sessions a day this year to meet the requests of Association members. The association's policy and re- solutions committee will meet Ap- ril 16 and 17 to screen the resolu- tions now arriving from various branches of the organization. F. G. Gardiner, K.C.,, of Toronto is chairman of the commtitee. While the life of the present par- liament does not expire until Aug- ust, 1950, some Progressive Con- sérvative members are known to feel that the government may call an election toward the end of this yen or early next year convention will be' held in August to choose a succes- sor to Prime Minister Mackenzie King. Whoever is -selected may want to seek an early mandate from the people. Just what will be done to strengththen the tory organizatoin is not yet known. However, Mr. Bracken may follow Mr, King's lead and stress the need for an effici- ent party machine during an elec- tion campaign. Mr. King bluntly told his supporters Jan. 20 that if an election was held now the Lib- eral party would lose because of lack of organization. One of the final tasks of the as- sociation will be the election of of- ficers, J. M. Macdonnell, Progres- sive Conservative member of the Commons for Muskoka-Ontario, now is completing a two-year term as president. There -has been little speculation as. to Mr. Macdonnell's successor, Some party sources believe that Gordon Graydon, Progressive Con- servative Member of the Commons for the Ontario constituency of Peel, or Dick Bell, National Direc- tor of the Party, may be given the nod. Apsley Pioneer . Recalls Bloss Of Anstruther *". Peterborough, April 2 -- (CP) -- Duncan Brown, a pioneer resident of the nearby village of Apsley, re- called today that he had been told colorful stories about Captain Lynch Bloss, whose descendents-- it any--may inherit the title of baronet. 'Family records show the Cap- tain, second son of the 10th Bar- onet, died at a place known as An- struther, Canada West. , Canada West was the name by which the present Township of Burleigh and Anstruther, on the northern boun- dary of Peterborough County, was once known. ! Mr. Brown, who was a very young TABLE TURMOIL Bedlam and bread make a bitter brew. National Health officers point olit that such distractions at mealtimes as horseplay, bickering and nagging produce poor - appe- tite and are particularly unfortun- ate when children are at table. They develop poor eating habits and repugnance for a period which should be the most satisfying and profitable of the day. Tranquility must prevail at meals if we want our food to make, and keep, us fit, the doctors point out. who can relate your many kind- nesses and true neighbourly deeds. They soon learn that you were the kind of frien Edgar Guest meant when he said: "But the kind of friend I'm mean- ing Sure is with you when you're glad. But he's with you just 'bout. twice as much If you are blue and sad. He needn't do or say a thing And, yet, somehow you feel That you can ask him anything, Because, you see, he's real." Mrs. Smales, we are indebted to you in various ways. You have most graciously and willingly assisted in our Sunday School and Church ac- tivities and also in the Solina Women's Institute and Bradley's Home and School Club. Although a farmer's wife with little leisure time, you were always ready to ac- cept whatever responsibility we placed upon you, and carried out most efficiently all the tasks you were asked to perform. We have given Bob, Jim and Betty our "good wishes," as each in turn left our community, but to- night we should like to pay tribute to Fanny. It is several years since she was a helpful member of our C.GIT. We have not forgotten her splendid contribution to our Sunday School and church services, as well as her faithfulness to our Young People's Union and' choir. In testimony of our esteem we should like you to accept these gifts--as a sincere expression of our appreciation and affection. May they serve to remind you of your many friends and neighbours in the Eldad community. Signed on behalf of the com- mittee: Mrs. J. Baker, Mrs. G. Leask, Mrs. J. Yellowlees, Montgomery. ' The gifts nicluded a silver cream and sugar set with matching tray and silver 'butter dish for Mrs. Smales; a smoker for Mr. Smales, and a gold bracelet for Fanny, and were presented by Mrs. Clarence Vice, Mrs, Gordon Leask, Bruce Montgomery and Gladys Yellow- lees. Although deeply moved, each recipient expressed their heartfelt thanks and made everyone feel at home for the remainder of the eve- ning by opening the entire home for games. A suitable card contain- ing names of all present, was also presented along with the gifts. Short speeches were made by' sev- eral neighbors. A most enjoyable evening was brought to a close with a delicious lunch. Their friends extend best wishes for many years of happiness in their new home with the hope that their visits to the seventh line may be frequent. Mr. Smales' -sale of stock, im- plements and feed and household effects is being held on Friday, April 2. Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Taylor and Mr. Everett Cryderman attended the funeral of their cousin, Mrs. Neil Rainey, at Orono, on Tuesday. Miss Betty Smales, nurse-in- training, Oshawa Hospital; Mrs, Thos. Annan an Don, Pickering, were at Mr. Jas. Smales on Tues- day. Mr. and Mrs. Wes. Yellowlees and Harold were dinner guests at Mr. Chas. Allin's, Bowmgnville, on Monday. Bruce THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE PAGE FIVE or Spring! en Above is a photograph of Bramley Motor Sales modern garage. Bramley Motor Sales is equipped with the most up-to-date equipment available, in order to give Oshawa motorists a prompt and efficient service second to none. PLAY SAFE! HAVE YOUR CAR CHECKED NOW Why take chances on ruining your car and endangering the lives of your passengers . .". by driving a faulty car. A good Spring Check-Up at the right time will prevent serious trouble and guarantee best performance. We can offer one of the city's most efficient towing services. : A GOOD PAINT AND BODY JOB is a "must" for the wet spring weather driving ahead. By keep- ing your car free of DENTS or FRACTURED METAL and at all times having a GOOD PAINT JOB on your car you ensure your car against rust and at the same time prolong its life. NO JOB IS TOO TOUGH FOR US When the trouble lies deep in the motor of your automobile . . . just drive into Bramley Motor Sales ... for our expert car doctors can soon get to the source of the trouble... and in no time flat your car will be on.the road again. rs ------ ETE BNET iS COC OOO DOS ov vor Here's a way to relief ! Do you know that one of the common causes of backache lies in the kidneys? When they are healthy they help to filter impurities out of the --their gatural function., When they grow sluggish, these impurities accumulate and the resulting congestion may be one of the causes of backa ot Witt's Pls are Specially hoe wake uf sigan ey act dir to Tovtal organs, helping to restore them to their natural askvy. Relief from backache follows asa tural consequence. Itis far better to tackle the oause of backache than to go on suffering in Ave Hick in bound 2p affect yout hSBpisiess. For over half a century De Wits Pills have been bringing relief to sufferers from backache and we have received countless letters of gratitude. Go to your drug store and obtain a supply to-day. lad when Bloss died, recalls the young Irishman was "one of the young bloods" of the district. He is very definite in saying that there was never any mention of Bloss having been married. Old records show that Captain Prancis Lynch Bloss settled in the Township in 1862 and was given a crown grant of land. He started farming with a yoke of oxen and was apparently doing very well. In July, 1864 thoroughly De Witt's Pills are made specially for BACKACHE JOINT PAINS RHEUMATIC PAINS. LUMBAGO SCIATICA ECONOMY PACK The $1.00 pack is an economy you must 3]: WITT S PILLS for Kidney and Bladder Troubles BRAMLEY MOTOR SALES -- AUTHORIZED -- * MERCURY - LINCOLN... SALES AND SERVICE GENUINE FORD PARTS AND SERVICE ... MERCURY TRUCKS The Baronetcy was claimed by Robert Cyril Lynch-Blosse, Worth- ington, Sussex, England on the . death of a distant cousin, Sir Rob- ert, 12th Baronet. It was not ac- oepted, however, because there was doubt about the Hnkage: DVA-KELP 'one-up your nervous system --improve Juue_appetivethars 4 way to feel erly NOVA-KELP helps youl It puts much-needed iodine in the bloodstream: NovA-KELP is mot a drug but simply deep sea kelp from the mineral.rich Atlantic Ocean, and concen- trated in tiny tablets for your convenience. Take Nova kere now! Watch the results, On sale as all drug stores, _ ul 1271 SIMCOE STREET OSHAWA : PHONE 4695W