Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily Times-Gazette, 18 Feb 1948, p. 12

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igREs ean TER CPR RATSRIRA RY PAGE TWELVE THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 18, 1948 WANT AD SECTIO 7 BUSINESS - PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY 1--Auditors GRAHAM BICKLE, ACCOUNTANT AU- ditor. Government reports and income tax' forms prepared, secretarial work Phone 1004J. 295 A 8t. (Marl) ST BOP ETN i on fal accountant, 2 NN Phone at a and auditor. 2--Barristers BTC. 25 Sjmcoe ce 3051. (Marl) I TA d. North. Phone 67. CONANT & Ans. B lin F. Annis, K.C., 7}; Sim: South. Phone 4, Residence 760, A. W. 8. GREER, K.C. BARRISTER, Attvion: etc., 6 King Streat East. Phone 3160. id 3514. jaime W._ C. Pollard, K.C. Uzbridee: t. CRIERION. CREIGHTON & FRASER, etc. Bank of + (Marl) coe Street (Marl) mires R. D. HUMPHREYS, K.C.. BARRISTER, Solicitor, etc, 6 King 8St. West. Phones: Office 814; residence 3207. Money to loan. (Marl) JAMES R. MacBRIEN, and Solicitor. Suite 201, 70 King East, Genosha Hotel. Phone 349. (Marl) OSEPH P. MANGAN, K.C., BARRIS. Money to loan. Office 14'; King 8 445. East, wa. Phone Res. vB ng 837. (Marl) ERNEST MARKS, B BOLI- citor, 11 King E. Room 2. Phones a 55. Residenge 3687R. (Marl) Trades ,,. 11 Business Oppor- tunities ...c.ecc0 20 INDEX TO WANT AD CLASSIFICATIONS CLASSIFIED AD RATES TION; THREE CONSECUTIVE INSERTIONS EACH DITIONAL CONSECUTIVE IN Above rates apply only to original orders for consecutive insertions. mew original order. Physicians and Surgeons ........ 3a Persona? Services .. 12 Pets and Livestock 34 Radio Repairs ..,. 17 Real Estate Agents 19 Wanted .....e..0 26 Real Estate Exchange Rooms For Rent ., 29. Room and Board .. 30 Room and Board Wanted ........ 308 Veterinarians ..... 7 Women's Column . 23 Wanted to Rent .. 31 Wearing Apparel .. 35 20 Words Each Adn Less at a later date constitute a i 00 for An $5.00 per 20 words or Ja 20¢ additional for all words over 20. Each initial letter, abbreviation, $ and < sign, figure count as a full word. Box charged 10c additional. Classified Advertisements MUST be in by 6 p.m. the day before publication. Office hours: Daily 8-6. Saturday 8-5. 22--Lost and Found | 25--Real | Estate For Sale A, PARKHILL AND J. A. YANCH, I Mortgage Joaia, National Housing Act loans. 26 Simcoe North. Phone 1614. Res. 1975J. (Marl) MANNING F. SWARTZ, - BARRISTER: Solicitor, Notary. Money to loan. Bas- sett Block, suite No. 4. Phone 282. Res. 287TTW. (Marl) 3a--Physicians and Surgeons DR. BAPTY, SURGEON, 153 KING ST. E., Oshawa. Phone 3832. Hours: eleven to twelve and (except Wed and Sat & 2 to 4 and 7 to 8. (Marl) 4--Chiropractors FOUND. MAN'S BROWN LEATHER | love on Simcoe St. near Sterki®Y linic. Phone 2336. LOST. PAIR OF TR navy blue stripe, vicinit; Colborne and Simcoe. Reward. Phone 3931J. (41a) LOST--SPRINGER SPANIEL, BROWN | and white, lost in Westmount on Tues- day, 9 months old, Eest WENRY. 35; Phone 4181W, 23--Women's Column CHARIS--FOR SPRING FASHION IN expert fitting, in girdles, corselettes and eres. Phone Mrs. Blatter, 2504W. (Mar.11) STECELEY CLINIC, 146 Simcoe North. Phone 224. Drugless practice including Chiropractic Electro therapy, mineral vapor bath treatment. Practicing = years. Consultation 9 am. to 9 p.m. dally, except Monday and Friday, (Marl) 5--Optometrists C. H. TUCK, OPPOSITE POST OFFICE, Oshawa. Hours 9 to 12, 2 to 5. Phone 1516. Evenings Appointments. (Marl) CHARIS, NOW IS THE TIME TO BREAK in that new garment before the warm weather arrives. Call Mrs. Mais, = a ar. FREE FREE FREE Your week's laundry washed and damp dried free. Bring in your bundle and let us show you how easily and well your laundry can be done the Bendix way. This offer is made only to ac- you with Bendix's many out- JURY AND LOVELL--OFFICE HOURS: 9 am. to 6 pm. Wednesday 9 to 1. A, E. Johnson, Optometrist. Phone 28 6--Insurance PEACOCK'S INSURANCE SERVICE Consuls us for any of your insurance Standing features, absolutely no obli- gation, CHRISTIAN ELECTRIC & HARDWARE PHONE 1000 (Feb.18,25) Satis of insurance includ , King Street East, phone Rd ph 8R. (Marl) 7--Veterinarians DR. Ei. H WEBSTER, LARGE AND small animal surgery. 101 Richmond 8t. W. Phone 2010M. (Marl) - 9=--Money To Loan MONIES AVAILABLE FOR | Ham 'first mortgages. Apply M. F. CLIENTS' Swartz, y Barrister. 3osseth Block, suite No. 4. EY 5 24--Personal HAVE THAT WATCH OR CLOCK EX- ertly re od a the Midtown Watch ER hop, South. Entrance through vern's Barber Shop. One week's service. (Feb26) BROADLOOM "RUGS, NEW MODERN decorators colours, cus seam- less up: to thirteen feet, any, length. Write Acme Rug Co., 18: Ki ilton, 18) 25--Real Estate For Sale (Marl) 10--Instruction DANCING CLASS! TOE and Tap taught by Irene EY. Re- Sister iday, Christ Churn Pariah , Hillcroft ang Mary Sts. 11--Building' Trades / CRAGGS AND, DYKSTRA, PAINTERS, Decorators. Also industrial spraying. Work guaranteed, Phone 3639 - -- Mar.18) -"BofLDING CONTRACTOR, A and designing, all types of remodel- ing, kitchens, built-in furniture, etc. Thomas Gill. Phone 1503J. (Mar?) 6-ROOM BRICK HOUSE. POSSESSION about March 1st, Apply 186 yerdym oa A c $7,500. 5-room modern bungalow. Love- ly condition. Fireplace, private drive, fully insulated, North t Section, Sst arranged. 6-room house, frame, very well kept with modern kitchen, Central lo- ion. Early possession, ,800, 5-room bungalow with garage, $5 fruit 'trees, 5 acres of good level land, close to Oshawa, Ideal for market BUILDING, REPAIRS AND, ADDITIONS to all t of bu lings, kitchen cu boards. Phone 135: (Feb.23) 12--Personal ATE : SURGE MILKERS, AUTHORIZED Surge Sales and Service. Merrill Ross, Ie Station. Phone 33R14, Brooehn, Mar.5) ?. A. VON GUNTEN, SEE aker, Sepa sho t 46 King Street West. i solicited JON'T SUFFER WITH r arthritis, get Ru-mex-ol, Phone 'awleigh Dealer 384 Ritson 8 _--m 4--Household Repairs 'LASTERING. NEW WORK AND RE- airs, All work guaranteed. Roy H. Pey- on. Phone 1812! oR (401 SHESTERFIELDS, , REBUILT, RECO- ered. Like new. Why Day more? Our ates are reasonable. isfaction fars) wteed. Phone 3583W. REPRESENTATIVE HEHE NOW. TWO veeks only. Spring mattresses com- setely rebuilt, like new. Specialize larshall, Beautyrest repairs. Finish sorkmanship, Quick service. Ontario ledding Co. 4505R. (Feb24) AND RE- materials for R. Dalton, 75 ORNITURE REPAIRED our 8. Bruce 'harles. Phone 401. |8--Automobile Repairs fOREY'SB GARAGE, CORNER VERDUN nd Gliddon. repairs jo G.M. Dry oducts. SPs one on '1--Business Opportunities e action. (Marl3) R SALE, , BUILDING, usiness, stock d equipment, house. old furnishings. 6-room apt. ime ediate possession, terms. Apply 10 wner at Beaverton Lunch or io] BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES ,uliders' Supplies and Fuel business in ist growing community. Doing ap- _roximately ,000 gross business early. Property, ke building, in- Juding modern office, $40,000 plus in- sentory. This is one of the finest of its kind and is growing steadily. $2,300 takes everything, except bullding --only restaurant of its kind in village. is a four-room apartment not modern, but can be lived in. The is growing and if you are - and willing to work it should you with a good living. The owner, a veteran, wants to take in engineering. An offer this > ins | $2,20 ah 193,50 W. E. HOLMES 19 Ontario St. Phone 328 LISTINGS WANTED : (41a) --5-room cottage, light and water. --4-room cottage, land. $ 4, 50 jes Sot, all conveniences. $ 5 000-5 Seutm furnished bunga- $5, 20 --4-room brick bungalow, $0,000" os, = veer, $6, 100, om bengdlow, North East, $6,50 yp Pd 8t. E. $7,200 00 Hew, storey and $7,500 m., ov Mtgdow, $7,900; Vacant. Brick, 8-room, ra and store, oll ea | Garage and Service ce Sikiton on highway 44 acres on Rishway No. 2 Bae, No uildings. Logs, 2,700, i logs Mai! ready o sav, Tosa, 100,000 ft. W. McAULEY REALTOR 150 DIVISION ST. PHONE 3510M ANYTIME LISTINGS WANTED /3 acre new bungalow. (40b) --Cash $500. 4-room insul brick house, all conven- $4.5 iences. $2,000 Ten: Bioex. $2 20 --=$1,000 down, four-room ' frame house. Farling Ave. 1$4,20 5-room ce- --=$2,700 down, 5-room frame Buena Vista, 196,500 om, "mo Samora 1$6,20 --Half cash, 5-room new insul brick house, hot be very temptin, if ant includes new électric range, , four booths, ice-cream , Soft drink cooler, dishes, etc. only $20 your business with me. several clients looking for small gro- ceries, hardwares, etc. Quick action. GORDON OSBORNE Business Broker 100 DUNDAS ST, Na __(39¢c) Times. Gazette classified ads pay : «Why not. try ime today, I 'have | water heati $6,50030% cash, 7-room brick $6,00 $3.5 QQ "ae room. M: HENNICK REAL ESTATE BROKER 442 SIMCOE ST. 8. --$4,000 cash, 7-room insul brick house. Simcoe St. | LOT {Bak Blvd. $400. Phone 316W. 41b) | ATTRACTIVE, WELL-BUILT 7-ROOM- FOR SALE 42 X 90 CENTRAL (41a) | ied brick house, hardwood floors, separ- iate toilet and bath, centrally located, {in eastern Section of city. Box 742, | Times-Gazet! te. (40c) $1,800. WITH HALF CASH, BUYS 3- room frame house, with hydro and good well, hen house, In good state of re= air. Immediate possession, North end. ¥ J. Sulley, Real Estate Broker and Auctioneer, South. Phone 716. (40b) 7-ROOM BRICK HOUSE, , STORM WIN- dows all around, all venetian blinds, hardwood floors, all modern conveni- ences, insulated. Immediate Possession, 294 Burk St. (40b) FIVE-ROOM, BRICK HOUSE, HARD- wood throughout, new hot water heat- ing, new roof, garage. Good condtions, low taxes. 584 Front St. Immediate pos- session. (40c) $2,00 000 50 DOWN 1 PAYMENT, "5-ROOM BUN- galow, oak floors, tile kitchen and bath, uilt-in cupboards. North end. Excel- lent condition, extras. Phone 1800, 40d) 2y--Rooms for Rent ONE FURNISHED ROOM, SUITABLE for two, Abstainers. Phone 476. (41a) FURNISHED BEDROOM, ALL CON- veniences, central. Apply 65 Charles St. Phone 3206W. Feb.18,20) FURNISHED BED- Ey ROOM, | light housekeeping privileges. after 6. 165 Ritson 8, cao (a]e) A FURNISHED BEDROOM, ONE BLOCK from bus line, in quiet home, 559 Mas- son St. Phone 2764W, _(4le) NICE, COMFORTABLE ROOM, HOT | water, every convenience, gentleman preferred. Phone 2352W. (40c) 2 HEATED ( CABINS, "SUITABLE FOR | housekeeping. Penguin Club, Phone 820, Whitby. (291) | 29a--For Rent OFFICE SPACE Simcoe St. Professional offices for rental. Building under construction. APPLY BOX 621 TIMES-GAZETTE (Fep.12,13,14,17,18) 29b--Summer Resorts STONY LAKE. OWN YOUR OWN COT- tage. Choice shore lots for sale. Cot- tages cortracted for if desired. Com- | bined living-room and kitchen with sink and pump installed, large bed- room, screened verandah, with lot in- cluded, $1,300. Same with 2 bedrooms, $1,475, Terms arranged. Write Trails End Lumber Co., Lakefield, R.R. No. 2, Ontario. ( 38d) 30--Room and Board FOR TWO SINGLE GIRLS. PHONE 1104. (40c) 30a--Rbom & Board Wanted MOTHER WIT DESIRES WITH BABY, home, in exchange for domestic duties and part wages. Phone 991J. (40c) WANTED Girl desires room and board -in private home. CALL 1669] AFTER 5 (40b) FURNISHED ROOM, CENTRAL, WITH or without board, contact Mr, Gaudet, Zellers Ltd. (41b LIVING "ACCOMMODATION, FURNISH- ed or unfurnished, Oshawa or vicinity, for couple and 2 children. Phone 4083W. (41c) 3 UNFURNISHED ROOMS OR APART- ment, wanted by young couple, no chil dren. Urgent. Phone 3030M. (Febl16,18 120) 5 OR 4-ROOMED UNFURNISHED APT. with bath, March lst or sooner, by assistant manager Zellers Lwd., kindly contact Mr. Gaudet _ (40c) YOUNG VETERAN, WIFE "AND BABY would like to rent 3 or 4 unfurnished rooms, flat, or apartment. Phone HWW; (40b) URGENTLY NEEDED A SMALL HOUSE in or close to Oshawa, can supply re- ferences. Phone 163J12. (40c) YOUNG COUPLE WITH TWO CHILD- ren desire 4 or'5-room house or flat by March 1st. This is urgent. Phone 167M. : (391) 2 OR 3 FURNISHED ROOMS, GRILL, returned man and wife, no children, abstainers, urgent. Box 643 Times~ Gazette. am (2881) 32--Automobiles for Sale '37 FORD COACH, EXCELLENT CON- dition, will accept older car in trade, Naiman's Garage, 181 Albert St. (40c) '38 SEDAN, EXCELLENT CONDITION throughout, new tires, reasonable. Phone 4685W. (41a) 1939 AMERICAN OLDSMOBILE. APPLY Imperial Station, corner King and Centre, 3 (41c) '35. PLYMOUTH COACH, NEW TIRES, mechanically A-1. Apply 315 Oshawa Blvd., after 5 p.m (41b) '36 FORD DELUXE COUPE, RUMBLE seat, excellent condiuion, Apply 300 King 8t. 'E. 5 to 7 (40c) '35 MASTER DELUXE CHEV. RADIO, 31--Wanted to Rent "t Private. Phone heater and defroster, A-1 condition. 4918W. (40b) | 1 Apply | | | | "40 OLDS. SEDAN, 6 CYLINDER, 32--Automobiles for Sale '32 HUP, SEDAN, GooD ) CONDITION, Apply 200 Bloor St. B. (41b) 34--Pets and Livestock REGISTERED BLACK AND WHITE springer iel, $10. Phone 3273R. (41b) '40 CHEV. TRUCK ; (2-ton) To sell or exchange on "34 of later car, 439 ALBERT i teow) 7 YOUNG PIGS, 6 WEEKS OLD. AP- ply Percy Mountjoy, RR. 2, a) bird cages. oe oy 373 Fi coe South. (Feb.24) FOR SALE, 3 GERMAN SHEPHERD puppies, one grown German Shepherd, Phone 4663M. (40b) '37 FORD COACH, MECHANICAL] A-1, Heater, defroster. Car is 1a 35--Wearing Apparel pafent Sohiaition, (34t1) 5 SPECIALS at RAY BENNETT: MOTORS LTD. Oshawa's Leading Car Lot '42 Plymouth Sedan «..eees.. $9756 40 Willys Sedan '39 La Salle Opera Coupe . '37 Plymouth Opera Coupe . '36 Dodge Sedan .. Over 50 more cars to choose from 428 KING WEST Phone 4554] (41a) new motor, Ld tires, heater and slip covers. This c rfect condition. Belmont Motors. 137 King West (34tf) Bill Nicholls The Quality Car Lot 'TO-DAY'S SPECIAL '38 FORD $595 { WE ARE ALSO FEATURING '40 CADILLAC SEDAN, 60 Special. Radio and aid-conditioned. '40 LA SALLE SEDAN (2) '39 LA SALLE SEDANS, radio and heater, These are outstanding values, The cream of al] used cars, 50 OTHERS TO CHOOSE FROM Oshawa's Largest Car Lot For quality cars and courteous service, drive in at 71 KING W. Anytime or Phone 3008J (41a) 33--Automobiles Wanted CASH FOR YO BRAMLEY Motor Bales. oy Sine 8t. North Phone 4695W, (Marl) BELMONT MOTORS We will pay highest prices for good cleari cars. Must be mechanically perfect. 137 KING ST. W. PHONE 3344R .| with tap, $10. Phone 815M. BRAND BLUE WOOL : COAT, WOOL DRESSES, and skirts, size 12-. 14, man's navy suit, 39, 39. Phone '3734R. (41a) BLACK SHORTY COAT, PERFECT condition, $10; also 4 plain and plaid skirts, $2. each, size 12-14. Phone aves 0c) WE BUY AND SELL USED CLOTHING, sterilized, cleaned. and pressed -like new. Carrying a big stock of Ninker coats, suits and pants. 21 Bond 8St. W. Sam Swartz. (Mar7) RUMMAGE SALE, OVER BETTY Shoppe, Thursday, 1:30 - ROUND AND day, February (#1c) SALE OF WORK, HOME ternoon tea, country store, o'clock, by Home and Assoc. (Feb 1418.18) Scout Hall, Athol St. Wort Satur- 21st. Good orchestra. , AF- School, Friday, ht CROSSWORD 36--Articles for Sale pid Phone 4507TW. ge GS. ONLY | for rent. Cleve Fox, 412 Simcoe N., 36--Articles For Sale 2 HAIR DRYERS FOR SALE. PHONE 4480W, (41c) POTATOES FOR SALE, PHONE EA (41b) WTABLE LAMP, END TABLE, 3-PIECE velour studio couch, wine, one green chair, cost $180., never been ui will sell for $125. Cash or terms. Phope 2900W evenings. . (41d) ONE ATWATER KENT "RADIO, $25; one 45-gallon drum with taps, $7.; one Hobart coffee grinder, $150. Phone 2946. (41c) 65-GALLON OIL TANK, COMPLETE (41c) BEAUTIFULLY TONED MAJESTIC cabinet radio, long and short wave, push-buttons, reasonable. Apply 665 Mary St., after 6. (41b) COAL AND WOOD STOVE, PORTABLE electric sewing machine; vacuum clean- er; also set of single sleighs, 350Wi2. (418) 73 F.P, ELECTRIC MOTOR, MOVED TO 25 cycle, used year and half, Phone 3BSTW. or . (41a) QUEBEC HEATER. APPLY 555 OX- ford St. Phone 1820W, evenings, (4lc) ICE-BOX, GOOD CONDITION WOOD- en construction, $12. Mecagher's, 92 Simcoe North. (41c) 6-PC. BREAKFAST SUITE, GOOD CON- dition, Apply 251 Arthur St. (41a) SMALL CREAM ENAMEL COAL RANGE, good condition. Phone 4654W. 75 Ave- nue St. 5 __(40c) DERN KITCHEN CUPBOARD, MO white with red. Apply 102 Nassau St. Phone 2335W. _(40¢c) ADMIRAL REFRIGERATORS 7 Cu. Ft. -- $334.95 IMMEDIATE DELIVERY Drew's Radio and Sport 136 Simcoe St. S. Phone 815M TT RU RR RANGETTE, NEW, AUTOMATIC OVEN Phone 12655. __(40b) APPLES, BY BASKET, BUSHEL ¢ OR (Mar 4) A COMPLETE STOCK rolls and belts for all makes of wash- ers. Jack Biddulph. 68 Simeoe St. N. Phone 3800W. (Feb25) FISHERMEN! A good selection of fine fishing tackle in stock at the present time, GOOD TACKLE BE SCARCE THIS YEAR. YOURS NOW. SMITH SPORTS 353 KING WEST (381) 37--Articles 'Wanted ONE GIRL'S BROWNIE SUIT, SIZE 8; one pair tap Show sive 1; draft screen for bedroom. ® 4496. (#41c) LIMOGES PLA ALL SIZES; ALSO cups and cers Ei rose patterm, Phone 5440 i 6 p.m. (41a) GOOD USED WANTED ice boxes, cook stowes and Fd King West. 3326W. (Mars) HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR PAPER, rags, mattresses, iron and metals. Local and out of town calls picked up free. Phone 635, Cedardale Station. ( SPOT CASH PAI) FOR GOOD furniture, ice box, Qusbee heater, stoves. 24 Bond Pu . arl3) 38--Female Help Wanted EXPERIENCED DICTAPHONE OPERA- tor for part. work. Apply Chris- tlan's Electric and Hardware. _ (ap) YOUNG 'GIRL, WITH SCHOOL PERMIT and Try hel . Fhono 3572J, evenimgs. Sk ) FT Cl BT me, nc a, Food Shop, 42 Simcoe North. PRY b) SECRETARY FOR DOCTOR'S ( OFFICE, experience in meeting the public and in book Apply Box 734, Times- barrel, delivered, Apply 288 F b Phone 3530W. (40g) Gazette, (39¢) VENETIAN BLI NDS Made to measure ahd guaranteed | Free estimates and installations anywhere. J. W. MELLEY Phone 4101W--Anytime Box: 421, Oshawa (Mon.-Wed.-Fri.tf) 2 ONLY, ELECTRIC RANGES, HEAVY duty, Hot Point and Norge. Also 're- frigerator for immediate delivery. Whit- by Home Appliances. Phone 383. 124 Dundas St. (40c) 8-PIECE dE WALNUT DINING- room suite, good condition, Apply, 142 Hillcroft St. 40b) ELECTRIC "RANGE, "CABINET _ "SIZE, side oven. $25 for quick sale, 394 Mary St. (39¢) PIANOS, MAHOGANY, KRYDNER, A#D stool, reconditioned. Price $110. Charles H. Peacock, 80 Simcoe St. North, Phone 251. (3811) ONE, ! ALMOST 1? NEW FINDLAY CON- cord wood and coal stove, a good buy. Phone between 6 and 7 4607M. (30c) STEEL VENETIAN BLINDS S5c PER LE ft. Measured and installed. George Reld. Phone 2104. 66 Bond West i (Feb23) OIL BURNERS -- SALES PLUS A complete reliable service. Out-of-town customers solicited. 'W.. Borrowdale, Phone 584J. __(Feb18) VENETIAN BLINDS for homes, offices" or factories. Custom made. Moderately priced. Estimates and installations free, R. G. TREWIN 59 Division, Oshawa (Mon.,Wed.,Frl.) 3531-R 39--Male Help Wanted JANITOR TO CLEAN SMALL OFFICE one night : a week, Phone 55, (41b) MAN INTERESTED IN ~ GARDENING and green house work, able to drive car. Apply Arlington Ave, Salesman TOP FLIGHT AGE 30-45 To cover Port Hope to Whitby. If earning less than $200 per month at present do not apply. State age, marital status : and experience to TIMES-GAZETTE BOX 740 8 CUBIC FEET REFRIGERATOR, LIKE ) odin Order now. Chairs pid OF WRINGER Metals, 100 Annis; St. Best of O.N. . William Stacey, fori, 32 oy direct v3 Famllex, 1600 Delorimier, Montreal. { HORIZONTAL 1. stylish 5. cushions 9. center of traffic 12. gentle breeze 13. diminutive for Ebenezer 14. grape is gull-like bird 6. mender 42. fortified 46. expiration 47. enfeebled 49. air: comb. form 52. beverage 53. feminine name 54. 55. S-shaped worm boat personnel . injure 10. inner coat of the iris 11. 17. 8 19. 21. 5. by 6. embolden 18 cyprinoia fish 20. Wagnerian operatic hero 21. Thespians 24. Hebrew high priest , 25. ancient { two-wheeled i wehicles 27. coarse-hulled Indian corn : 31. make lace | edging 32. gash 34. extinct bird 35. sweetsop 37. visionaries 39. slender finial 41. allotted tasks 4 Average time of solution: Pi. Dist. bv King Features Syndicate, Inc 51, be in debt ~:~ Answerkto yesterday's puzzle. 26 minutes. 32. thing, in law 39a--Male or Female Help $45.00 weekly for man or wom Supply more than 250 Familex nec es to the people in your De White today for complete details our time-tested plan for fast, to-cutomer sales, Catalogue (Mon, Wed Fri) 40--Agents Wanted WANTED: RELIABLE MAN AS DEALER A 310- (Feb2 10,18,26) | 41--Employment Wanted REPAIRING TRILIGHTS, RANGETTE ranges, all household electrical app. ances. Frank S8nudden, 107 Athol Phone 819W. (Marl BRICKLAYER, ' TO DO CHIMNEYS AND | repair or work for contract Phone 21863. (41b) | | OPERATE BY FLASHLIGHT | Hamilton, Feb, 18--(CP)--A deli- cate operation was completed by | flashlight at géneral hospital dur. | ing one of yesterday's hydro powec cutoffs, Dr. J. B. Neilson, hospital | superinténdent, said. Use of flash. lights was necessary, he aid, be. caue the hospital's auxiliary. power | unit was able to light only one op- erating room during the 25-minute | blackout. HERES HOT NEWS For the manwho needs a New Battery' COLD, STIFF motors can't resist the git ap and go command of a Firestone EXTRA POWER Battery! EXTRA POWER means trigger-fast starts in coldest weather--ample energy for your heater, defroster and' extra lights--good, strong radio reception--and smooth performance of everything else electrical in or on your car, This isn't the time for battery worries! Let a new, fresh Firestone "take over." Rugged and Dependable as Firestone, Canada's Number One Tire, Firestone Bat- teries are sold and serviced by your friendly Firestone Dealer. iresfon "EXTRA POWER "BATTERIES | SPLENDID OPPORTUNITY. AV. ERACE | of | | Sudden stabs-- or crippling stiffness en kidneys grow sl toning up--you fi ynals. Joint and muscle s are one of them, They PRA SNR repared to your i to a int pains, purities which may have given rise to | your suffering should be { cleared out of the systemand pains grow less as a natu! consequence. Get a supply from your UE SI 2 one Spark Plugs The only Spark Plugs with radioactive polonium electrodes. Accure faster, easier starting and smoother, morz gre cul engine performance, NI Ro

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