PAGE FOUN THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 24, 1947 LATEST NEWS OF THE COUNTY TOWN OF WHITBY: 5 Phone 703, All Departments ; Strive to Lessen Overcrowding At Ont. County Home = The congestion, in 'the Ontario County Heme is gradually being lessened by the simple expedient of farming several of the tes out $0 homes in the di which have been offered for/the purpose. This information cami today from a spckesman for the unty who said that the aim of the move is to 'clear the third floor of the Home which has ccome In for - criticism lately by County Councillors and Fire Department officials. The same Spokesman also sald that 'a watchman' and night nurse have been employed at the Home gince January and have improved the safety standards considerably by their presence. : © DUrfmz the Jime "session" of * the Council the County Home came in for a fair amount of criticism be- cause of the : tions existirtz there and the. verit- able "fire trap" that existed because of the antiquated third floor -ac- ecmmodation. rin! ! County officials stated that the. Fore was vastly overorowded. and at something shoyld be: done "before a tragedy occurred." 4 County officials are -at; present onsidering building an «extension o the present County Heme or a prand new building, © It is under- stood that negotiations are. being | @arried on with the City of 'Oshawa which owns an interest iti. the pres- ent County Home with a view to mcving out City of Oshawa inmates. t has bzen stated that if the City of Oshawa took away their charges then there would be plenty of room for County inmates in fhe present building. . Fire Chief William Heard, in a recent inspection of the Home, in- "dicated that he was far from satis- fied with the conditions that exist 'at the Home although he refused to brand the building as "entireiy unsafe." Subsequent meetings of the Coun- cil have dealt with the situation dnd unanimously favored the hiring of a night nurse and watchman as a further safety precaution and also as a means of relieving Mrs. James Read, superintendent, of much of fier responsibility. ¢ The County spokesman said that advertisements have appeared in various newspapers throughout the County requesting people willing to overcrowded'. condi-/ di take in an inmate to come forward and, although some answers have been received, they are not suffi- icent to abolish the problem entire. ly although they have helped con- siderably. If any other County residents would be interested and in favor Qf accepting an inmate as a board- en they would be gratefully received at the office of Wiliam G. Man- ning, County Clerk. 'Town League Will Be in Action On Friday, Saturday Art Ashton, president of the Town Hockey League, said today action as usual on Friday eve- ning of this week despite rumors to the contrary that it would not. 'Bantams, midgets and juveniles will : play throughout the evening commencing at 5 p.m. and on Saturday the pee wee division will swing into action. " Officials of the league 'have been busy this past week arrang- ing a playing schedule for the season, assigning players to teams and generally making arrange- ments for the successful comple- ition' of another Town League year. A request has Jen made by of- ficials ia charge asking that Whitby citizens turn out at Tay- lor's Arena to watch the young- sters play. This will not only pro- vide enjoyment for themselve$ but will add incentive to the play- ers to try even harder than is cus. tomary. TREE PLANTING CAR Regina--(CP)--The "tree - plant- ing car," a railway car fitted out as a theatre seating about 100 peo- ple, has arrived here. Owned by the Canadian Forestry Association, it shows films on tree planting and soil conservation. The Association hopes the car will interest prairie farmers in the use of trees, Cheese was made in some form or other before the Christian era by Jews, Greeks and Romans, % EE Lad 2 t 7358 ik [ik 7 The Management Extends to All Heartiest Wishes for a Very Merry Christmas "NOW PLAYING LAST COMPLET. DIAMONDS DAMES... E SHOW AT 8.20 WoC magia PICTURES" FT weseats"-- {| =--Why not try ome || FOR SALE--10 OR 12 GOOD t| FOR RENT | | housekeept that the town league would be in| Business Office, Miss G. Macpherson; Wm. T. Williamg, Editor. Rotarians Hear Yule Message The guest speaker at yester- day's luncheon meeting of the Whitby Rotary Club was Rev. George Telford, minister of St. Andrew's United Church in Osh- awa. Mr.® Telford appeared as the guest of Rotarian Graydon Goodfellow, and he delivered a brief but pointed Christmas mes- sage to the assembled Rotarians, Mr, Telford, who is the chair- man of the Oshawa Library Board, said that today a visitor finds a great deal of commercial- ism In the Holy Land centred mostly around the spot where the miracle of Christ's birth ocecur- red. As a result of this, he said that many people grew disillu- sioned after a visit there. Mr. Telford stated that today in the Holy Land one would see signs of strife and unrest such as barbed wire and barricades which fepmed in direct contravention to the angel's messages when Christ was born of "Peace on Earth, Goodwill to Men." Speaking about Christmas it- self, the speakc. said that there were many things connected with it that would not bear close in- ction. For instance he pointed out that no one knows when Christ was actually born but that His birth is celebrated on Dec. 25 because that date coincided with the date of a holiday observed by the ancients. He said that a cer- tain element among them chose to worship the new-born Babe on that day and it has grown until now it is universally accepted as the date of Christ's birth. "Although at the time of His birth," the speaker continued, "no one knew what a significant thing *it was, today we realize that everything we know to be good stemmed from it." Rotarian Alex Bell moved a vote of thanks on behalf of the club members and this was pass- ed on to Mr. Telford by Rotary President Vernon Rowe. Acknowledge Receipt Of Yule Boxes A letter just received from Rev. C. B. Snell, 'Whitby, England, by Mrs. Marsh, acknowledging a Christmas Box sent from the Parish Guild, of All Saint's Church, Whit- . This is the eighth béx sent by Guild and they know that they ore than appreciated by Mr. family, as they are hav- time over thére with rationing of many essentials necessary. only have one rasher of week per person and 2 oz. . They are having snow, they claim is early, severe bad roads and railways locked making it difficult to get g 8 i : hl some way, for one Christmas treat, to eat and all the immin, Rector conveyed his sincere || thanks and good wishes for a happy blessed Christmas, Times.Gasette classified ads pay today. Whitby Classified TURKEYS and New Year's. Apply for Christmas Twin Stream Farm, Whitby. THREE UNFURNISHED rooms for rent, also two Troe. Apply 510 Dundas street ll | west, Whitby. ons _. | eure | TOM CONWAY WARWICK .« hi om THURSDAY, FRI il Two Shows at 7.00 and 9.00. Saturday Matinee at 1.30 | DAY, SATURDAY | | ment. Phone FOR BSALE---CHINA fet, stove. Cull between 7 and 9 p.m. 3190 Centre St. N. ( ) FOR S8ALE---TWO UNDERWOOD TYPE- writers for sale, excellent condition. Immediate sale. Apply Box 33, Times- Gazette, Whitby, || FOUND -- SPANIEL DOG, Owner may have same by proving pro- y have y pro- perty and pa = BR advertise- FARM WORK WANTED -- YOUNG couple with two helpers would like on farm or run farm on shares. ope Dharney, 135 Byron street south, itby. East entrance. (Dec.27) FOR SALE--G! ELECTRIC AN- nex, white enamel, used six months, pply 715 Centre street north, Whitby, 7-9 p.m, (Dec.27) NTED TO BUY, PAIR boots, 12. Mrs. Phone GIFTS THAT left, lovely Cocker y 1740 Brock street one 873. Two Whitby Couples Celebrate Wedding Anniversaries Thurs. m------ Christmas Day will be doubly censbrated in two Whitby homes this year as in_past years when Mr. and Mrs, John Bateman, Gil- bert Street, and Mr. and Mrs. John T. Lees celebrate their 59th and 55th wedding anniversaries respectively. Although all four of these esteemed citizens are getting on in years, they are in surprisingly good health. Mr. and Mrs. Bateman were married quietly at the home of Mrs, Bateman's parents, Mr, and Mrs. William Tasker, on Dundas Street East, by Rev. John West- ney, rector of St. John's Anglican Church, Port Whitby, at the time. "It was wet and muddy that day," Mr. Bateman recalled, add- ing that there were no paved streets like there are now. The couple have spent their entire married life in Whitby and Mr, Bateman said that with the exception of two months when they took a trip to Eng- land, he has bcen here all his life. Son of the late Mr, and Mrs, Charles Bateman, he was born at Port Whitby and carried on his father's farm on Hopking Street for 65 years, until his retirement seven years ago. Mrs. Bateman was born in Lan- cashire, England, but came to Canada with her parents at the age of seven and has lived not morc than a mile from Whitby since that time, 'You must like Whitby," it was suggested to the couple. "Well, I can tell you I'm pretty fond of my husband," was Mrs. Bateman's quick reply, as she re- called their happy years together. Although Mr. Bateman is 84 and Mrs. Bateman is 82, both take an interest in their home and affairs generally. Anxious to "have some work to do," Mr. Bateman is an enthusiastic gar- dener although he admitted he just looks after the vegetables b 4 and leaves and flowers for Mrs. | Bateman. Mr, Bateman has taken an ac- tive part in the municipa] affairs of the town, serving in all for 11 years as councillor, three years as reeve and three years as mayor. He was Teeve from.1913-15 and mayor from 1927-29, retiring from the council in 1929, Still an active member of the Masonic Lodge, he is a past mas- ter of the lodge here and a past principal of Keystone Chapter. In addition, he has been a member of the Sons of England for 62 years. Both he and Mrs. Bate- man are members of the Baptist Church, of which he was clerk and a deacon for many years. Born and married in England, Mr. and Mrs. Lees came to Whit- by 23 years ago after having lived in other Canadian centres for some years. Their wedding took place in the English town of Wal- sall in Staffordshire on Dee. 25, 1892, at 8 o'clock' in the morning. The couple drove from the cere- mony by coach and pair, Although Mr. Lees has been in poor health for some years past, both he and Mrs. Lees are able to walk up town to get their mail and do their shopping regularly. 'Mrs. Lees looks after her own household which includes a can- ary,, guppies and other tropical fish. Mrs. Lees said she thought a willingness to work made for happiness in married life and her many friends in Whitby are aware that she knows whereof she speaks. Mr, and Mrs. Leés have a son, two grandchildren and two great- grandchildren all living in To- ronto. Their many friends in Whitby will wish them both a Merry Christmas and a happy an- niversary. County Home Inmate Is Fined $10 Arthur Woods, an inmate of the Ontario County Home was fined $10. and costs when he appeared before Magistrate Frank S. Ebbs in Whitby Police Court yesterday af- ternoon. t Evidence presented by Chief Wil- liam Elliott indicated that the ac- cused had been, arrested 'in a very intoxicated condition on Monday evening in Whitby. Speaking .in his own defence Woods claimed he had had a few drinks in Oshawa earlier in the evening and had returned on the bus. He said he was on his way to get a taxi when he slipped and fell on the ice and was promptly ar- rested by members of the Whitby police department. During the reading of the charge against him Woods asked that it be repeated as he was hard of hearing. This was done, however, in answer to a question asked in a subdued voice by the Magistrate of Chief Elliott regarding the age of the ac- cused, Woods promptly answered that he was .73. The Magistrate wagged a finger at Woods and said that he didn't think he was too hard of hearing if he heard the question, 'Woods pleaded for leniency be- cause "he wanted to go to Toronto to stay with his son for Christmas and he promised to get a job there and keep away from Whitby. Chief Elliott told the court that Mrs. Read at the County Home could not control Woods and that he had been a source of trouble to County Home officials and the local : department, In passing sentence the Magis- trate told Woods that he had better pay the fine and go to Toronto and remain there. Following sentence Woods stood to attention and whipped up a "flashy" salute and departed to the echo of the Magistrate's words "Old Soldiers Never Die." THEATRE CLOSES Kirkland Lake, Ont.--(OP)--One of Kirkland Lake's three movie houses: is closing. 'There's not enough business to keep three theatres in operation here, said the manager explaining his decision. Christmas guest at the' home of Mrs. C. A. Goodfellow, Trent street. * & Miss Dorothy Archibald, of Ridge- way, Ontario, is spending the Ctiristmas holidays, with her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Archibald, Centre street south. L~ * + oe' Maurice Slichter received a bright red rose during yesterday's Whitby Rotary Club luncheon meeting to mark the occasion of a happy birth- Ye ; * bp Included in the guests at yester- day's luncheon meeting of the Whitby Rotary Club were Doug Cheseborough, Oshawa and City Alderman W. J. Locke, also of Oshawa. * hd +» Mr. Jack Archibald, son of Mr. and Mrs. A. Archibald, a student at Guelph College, who has been quite ill in the College hospital, with pneumonia, has sufficiently recov- ered to be brought to his home here. His many friends will be glad to learn of his improved condition. * bo» Police Chief J. William Elliott has announced his intentions of con- trolling speeding traffie using the new No. 2A Highway which passes through the town. The Chief yes. terday -said that already two acci- dents have occurred because of excessive speed and that something will be done about it by his de- partment, LE The docket at Whitby Magis- trate's Court yesterday afternoon was one of the quietest in years with only one case, that of intoxi- caiton, coming to the attention of Magistrate Frank 8. Ebbs. Quite probably the Christmas spirit is creeping into the systems of the lads in blue who are usually much more active. LE The three dairies operating in Whitby have announced that there will be no delivery of milk on either Christmas Day or New Year's Day and they have requested the citi- zens to -act accordingly. * op Sam Peake, acting on behalf of the Whitby Modern Players, pre- sented the Whitby Rotary Club with a cheque for $110.03 during yesterday's club luncheon meeting. The money was the share of the Rev. C. A. Malcolm, M.A, B.D, WHITBY UNITED CHURCH SUNDAY SERVICES 11 am. --"SACRAMENT of COMMUNION" Church School will have a lantern talk 7 p.m.--""CANDLELIGHT and CAROLS" This Beautiful Service repeated by special request! Mrs. Vernon Rowe, A.T.C.M. To one and all ne, 148 Brock St. N. Horr iis -- we wish the joys of the Christmas Season. Foot cheer: good health and much J. TURANSKY'S GROCERY Whitby Phone 2203 ABIRABIRRABAINRAIVIAABIIVBADIMANINN dy. MERRY CHRISTMAS TO ALL OF YOU "FROM ALL OF US. R. AGG 116 Brock St. N. GROCER Whitby | WO oO { East Whitby Petition Changes Voting Power Of County Council The first change in the voting power of 'the Ontario County Coun- cil in several years was announced today by County Clerk William G: |- Manning. The change will give the two East Whitby Township repre- sentatives to the Council four votes instead of three as was previously the case, intention to apply for the extra vote and the announcement made today was merely a formality. Greenland is the largest island in the world with a total area of 840,000 square miles, Cards of Thanks James H. Collard of Port Whitby, wishes his many Christmas Card cuse tomers and other friends, in Whitby, Oshawa and Brooklin, a Merry Christe mas and a Happy New Year, In making the announcement, Mr. Manning said that this was the first change in the voting power of the Council since the Township of Whitby added a Deputy-Reeve to its council several years ago. Although the new amendment brings East Whitby into line with Pickering' Township which has held four votes for many years, it is believed to be the first change in voting power brought -about by an amendment made to the Municipal Act some fifteen years ago. This amendment abolished the practice of sending more than one deputy- reeve to the County Council ac- cording to population but instead gave the reeve and deputy.reeve extra votes providing the population of the centre they were represent. ing warranted it. In future the reeve and deputy- reeve of East Whitby will have two votes each corresponding to the situation in Council represented by Pickering Township delegates. Mr, Manning declared that the change was brought about by the steadily increasing population in East Whitby Township which in the past few years has increased considerably. The change in the voting power will show its effect in future on the many subjects which the Coun- cil is divided on. During the past session of the Council an extra vote one way or the other might have made a difference in ultimate de- cisions arrived at by the Council. East Whitby Township recently notified the County Clerk of their OUR MOST SINCERE WISHES AND ALIS J: [1 FOR A MERRY CHRISTMAS wo appreciation of your patron- want to express our age of the past year and extend our compliments of the season. 4 proceeds of the last play put on in Whitby by the Modern Players. The Rotary Club acted as sponsors of Tie Players' group for the produc- n, 1210 SERVICE BUTT RADIO & APPLIAN St. N., Whitby Tel, 707 JAMES SAWDON & SONS Phone 524 244 Brock 8S. Give your garments that-FRESH look by letting us clean and press them in our brand new, modernly equipped plant right here in Whitby. : 3 LJ CLEANERS Two-day service on Cleaning and Pressing One-day service on Pressing PHONE 2345 WHITBY, ONT. Amateurs! ALENT DISCOVERY NIGHT riday, Dec. 26-8. 15p.m. WHITBY TOWN HALL The Walt Goodie Family Will present in conjunction with their Regular Stage Show --5-AMATEUR ACTS-5-- OF LOCAL TALENT Competing for a cash prize of $10.00 divided as follows: @ IST PRIZE ........ $5.00 ® 2ND PRIZE ........ $3.00 ® 3RD PRIZE ........ $2.00 MOTE: First prize winner will be given opportunity to appear as guest .riist with the Goodie Family on their BROADCAST OVER'CK DO OSHAWA SUNDAY NIGHT, DECEMBER 28, 8.30. Re -------------- What Can You Do? Contestants apply by phone 1089M, or letter aduress: : | The Walt Goodie Family, 112 Division Street, Oshawa.