Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 20 Sep 1917, p. 5

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CIRCULATION THIS WEEK 2 ress ' WITH WHICH IS AMALGAMATED-- SATURDAY MORNING "SECTION 2 + PAGES 5 TO-12 54th Year. 4. A. MacLaren, Editor 'W. C. Walls; Business Manager = ee Me Ce -BARRIE, CANADA, SEPTEMBER 20, 1917. TERMS--Siogie Conies Per assim fia stvanen]. S14 . No. 38 Appointed For Local Tribunals SIMCOE COUNTY MEN WHO WILL SIT ON THE FIFTEEN EXEMPTION BOARDS ARE NAMED. His Honor Judge Vance today completed his list of appointments to the local tribu nals which will "consider upplicutions for ary Service Act Washugo. Midlund--Judg! V eu!. Hy Judge Wismer 'ood: John Birnie. enore-- Wm. Fred. Steele, ner John Hood. Alliston-- Robt. Henderson, Beto' W. Ho Hammell Cookstown David Hopper, Sracford. y. Evans, Elnvale-- Burton Barrie Ho J. Grasett. A Jitney Weecked \Y Acgitney belonging to a garage 'at Angus | and drive by John Duckworth was wr | ed om dh Bt, apposite } Gore, ubout o'clock op: Friday wn ittooked ax though the had wt first intended going: along Bradford St. but changed his mind and "attempted to swing buck to Elizabeth St. Running st 4 good speed he could not make the turn Quickly enough to clear so ran up on thi high curb and overturned -the machi Duckworth, who "wus caught by the steer: ing wheel was hurt in the chest and wus Femaved to-the hospital. Four soldiers riding in the car were 'unhurt. All the glass wax Knécked out of, the Windshield, the top smushed, radi for cap, bent, fenders twisted "und x couple of huby broken ---- Special Prices on Gramophone Records We. are selling. the Emerson seven-inch double dise Records st 35¢. or three for $1.00, Come in und choose for yourself. 'We: ask: for Indy patrols as well ax gentle men. We also give 'coupons with every purchase, * THF UNITED CIGAR STORE, EB. DeGeer, Manager. +:-=200 Ibs, more of that 'good black te 30 cents per pound, Hinds Bros Not velour in blain. colors ery large and small s [the Bay Another Plane in the Bay American aviators seem to like the waters of Kempenfelt Bay, as a second U. 8. flyer took a dip in this sheet of water on Sun- day. Duritig the afternoon Cadet Paul G, Rat- cliff of Vicksburg, Miss., gave an' exhibition of faney flying over, the town, and about five o'clock flew along the south shore' of wy, then cross to Hawkestone, and followed, the .north shore back to Barrie. ver the bay, he ree- ognized two cadet friendy in a rowboat with two young Indies and apparently wae Irying to show them how close he could come to-them when one of the wings ing the machine' to Hovering pretty fow plane struck the water it? caused splush ax to drench the oceuy boat, @hey were only a few and had no diffienlty picking up Cadet Ratcliff, Oie of the flyers in the boat: was Cuilet Deeds of Chicago. whose machine tumbled info;the bay near the carriage fac- tory a few weeks gga. The accident. « station... AB-Thomas towed the plone to eld St, wharf where the police took charge of: it.tintil the mechanics gr. rived from Camp- Hoare next morning. His Record is not' Good Gro, Molly of Bradford was found guilty on Tuesday by Judge Vance on. three 'charges; breaking into the stable of Ben Collings with intent to steal, theft of a packing case from Whimster & Wilcox, and of 4 set of harness from M. J. Douglas, Holly. made very forcible protest -at be. 'ing convicted und when taken "back to jail behaved so tally that he had to be placed in solitary confinement, which brought him | to his senses hy next morning: Holly's record is not good. Seven years | ago he was convicted of stealing chickens | in, Timisfil and relewsed on suspended sen- tence, only to get into" trouble later on when-he stole a suit of clothes in Toronto. Avremand was given him. to permit of fur ther enquiry regarding his record, During the last few, yeurs there has been | euling in North York | and South Simeoe and the police think |. a lot of 'chickes that: Holly- knows w good deal about it The night he endeavored to. get away with | Ben. Collings poultry, he had' an acco Annoy Make your selecti tian. | belt. In-all popular. colors at... Dressmaking Department now busy Miss Gamble in Charge 'Millinery Department: now in full swing ; : Miss Londreville in charge Planes Collided Two Men Killed MACHINE FELL IN FLAMES -- AVIA. TORS TERRIBLY BURNED-- WERE. WATCHING THE TROOPS. The worst accident so far seen-at!Camp ; Hoare. occurred shortly eFesulting in a horrible death for before noon on bis e-ernal rest in the sevent: liams of Toronto and Cadet Ludford of re of the in-| practically his whole life wax spent in Innis id was witnessed by several {Al and All 1 verophines were in | furishes for fifty yeu jhe not only won the esteem and love of his y were taking, advantage of | own parishioners but enjoyed in marked | to advance their training | degree the high regurd of -fieople of other | thousand: men, hovering aver the line: of parade. their opportuni hy muking obggrvations on troops in the | denominations, Now gathered to. his eter line. of . march inachine tried to| mul home in the fulness af years he leaves cross behind thut of Li crashed into it instead dropped to the ground. | hundred feet, twking | and courte ' thetic and devote urred.in front. of Barrie almost completely. sev , while the ton of eret from his boily Ludford's skull was taken off. Both bodies viator inthe other.machine was not son..of Mrs,! E.G. Willianis, 101. Sp He whs 21 years of age with the R.V.C. in April, id been appointed instructor vard Ludford was, mem: Ber of the American Flying Corps. in his 20th/year and came from Bari His body was interred in 'the Roman Catholic cemetery this afterndon | service in St, Maty's Church ' Board of Trade (Friday! night | monthly meéting of the Board will be held. | n working on a good. The President bax be have rendy' to present to the meeting ood attendance is lodked for, A subscriber wants to know why it is that. when .pedple. are lieing urged th use substitutes for white flower that some effort | ix not made to make these substitutes, vpiluble at prices as low as white flour, Wonderful Showing of New Fall & Winter Coats ; Comfy-looking. Top Coats $18.00 TO $35.00 The cool: days are. coming.and you will appreciate the Snug Coats of this season with their convertible wrap collars and buttoned- up necks. They. are. made of nice smooth and plaids, speckled tweeds and other attrac- tive materials, featuring fullness without flare and trimmed with buttons. on early as the styles are now established Sor the seasen. The range is new at its best---and the prices will be higher as the cloths become scarcer. No., 2335---FINE PLUSH COATS in sizes 34 to 44, all made in Northway's "Shape Keeping" way, with large collar and belt, un- derpriced at. No. 2404---LADIES' LOOSE FITTING COAT,. made of Heavy Velour Finished Cheviot .and half-lined satin-finished vene- It has large convertible collar and wide .$25.00 wir had taken the packing cxxe || ter and Wileox for carrying | sermon. [labored for forty y | Yeurs ago, He har been a. conducted -- by ced sacred edifice, was of m ; was conducted by the Bishop, the Rector, | and. water. | Rev. § Bishop g phy, whose: fifty tlistrict, had left Vehind a, record. of. fuith-| root were at the fair grounds. . Mr. } fulness i stunt:chunge. In the early part of the ser: Resurrection Morning, | God, Thoit, Conflicts Pi Bishop's address followe churchyard, Innisfl,.where the Eord Bishop | "*g h. 7 cg obyardy, 3 ft ry", is one of the. <fost original officiated assisted by/the Rev, R. J. W: : AM ween tie: Perry, where-aggin there was-a large gath.| SuaTacters ever. presented. up i Slow Sha wear theory 4 eis hisand doe monet hd the a % emory "| giiy and festive follower of chotus: girlt. an one who had:Ioft such an impress sind ex- patlbe of champagne vuspete-tha oeelt ip ample for good amongxt thoye with whot| tis: break int Song, a6. do, his compsi: e had nm failing health for about. three years, passed | where the shrewish wife 'finds: the, old | away of Tuesday, Sept. 18, at, the home|-sport.in. gross iniquity and a funeral pro- | bj of hit parents, "Mi 218 Bayfield St. He was-in his 34th year| of a dirge. 'The chorus' is claimed to be. of ; and was born in Alliston, but lived in Oro| unusual ability 'and good look. for. several years' before coming to- Barrie to-engage in the implement business" in e SSE Hes cgeeer LF Bere. The Ball Planing Mill Co,Ltd kindly, straightforward disposition he had ae ig. | }| a Isrge number . of. friends by whom -his (under new management) | early death is greatly regretted. Rev. Canon Murphy i Motor Thieves Had Nerve ' E A nervy automobile theft took place last | Called by Death| tiny ee het te Saxo' fruit store. Frank Faragher had' brought a rly fyom Hillsdale to see the movies and they wert into Dreamland about 8.30 left the machine standing by the ctirb. at Sevo's, | Coming out of th» theatre, te 'A "bemutiful-tife fall of eervice for driver was vastly surprised to. find that ix clove! on Saturday morning, epee iy [C8 had disappeared. Thinkine that it Hed when the Rev. Canon Murphy passed into |e? moved ulong the street for some rea- sventh yeus [0% he began'a search for it but thie prov. uf his age. For several months he had been | Me. fruitless he reported the matter to the in failing' health so his death was not tin. | Plc 3 Repecian Next day a motorist. coming into' town from Thornton reported that » motor had been deserted on the roadside on con. 6, le; ministering in there two | Htnisfil, and the nuniber, correspanded with During thie period | "tt" on the missing ew: 'The. aiitemobile 1 been left on the side of the road in a VENERABLE AND REVERED ALLAN. DALE CLERGYMAN DIED: ON SAT- URDAY, Coming as a young man to Canad included a' robe, rain- 'cout and a eweater. The two'former were found in the bush, bit the sweater was not Two men. whose description ar to-that of two suspicious look- seen in Barrié shortly before bes weitr cin the theft cecurred, were noticed walking wis horn on. dan, Ist, FAUrviedy slong 'the road near Mr: Kenst's in Dublin, Ireland, tak: | "Friday morning, looking as though they ing his Aris from Trinity College in | het been up-.all night. Bis eles rarehts died when he{ The thieves 'evidenily understood the was very young. Having completed his the: | operation of the ea for whet they saw ological ce iddan's: College, Bir, that it wae locked they went into a garage kemhoud, England, he came out-to Canada| nd boneht the necesss : |.tion switeh. b hind the memory of @ faithful, sympa spiritual guide, a ood citizen and a ki rted friend reat St, 'A Moment of Weakness ° Tio young. fell Ray Roberts of, Aylmer; were' remunded for sentence. Wood is sixteen and Roberts-seventeen, The latter ix a returned soldier, havivie } }been tin France. They -had- been working jut Noebel, near Parry Sound, and. w fing Jit home when the' tenipiution ire éntedAtself. MéLean,. who was. plowing had left the fence. "As they were passing thi cxme to the notice of the: youths and they took the timepiece. Soon afterwards the: loss When-charged with the theft, they' prompt ly turned, over the watch, ' Nearly $5000 Fire Damage to Rev. H, B. Ardugh, then rector at Shunty Where he presched his first} $4000 and $5000 yesterd ned in' St. Jun Joss onthe building, owned by and soon uf-) ix about $1500, .-.Geo,. Livingstone, the pojnted reetor of Si. Paul's end) Mussey-Hurris agent, suffered about $500 + Peter's churches, Innisfil. There he] dumage, mostly from smoke' 'and - water, + and.then owing to] while the loss of J, Brillinger on ear stock his increusing years: gave up, the arduous! sud furniture is estimited at over $3000, duties' of 2 country 'parish 'und was ap- FP. Q.-Lambie noticed smoke ieauing from pointed rector af St. George's Church, Al: the- building at 2:15 and attempted to landale, 'On completing a balf century of | puch the Toonis over the shop, byt wus uetive work in the ministry, he retired five! driven back by.the smoke:- Then he threw on Of, St] stones in the upstairs window rousing Mis mo} Caldwell, | Albans Cathedral, Toronto, for a quarter, Partridge nd family. In. the -same of 4 century and fora pumber of years was! ae aie ened J. Brillinger, . who ! Ay moe. rooms over VatiPatter's garage. two years ago. The |-Rogers, who w:< sleeping over the' Masce «| children sre Mrs G. H: Esten, Barrie: Mrs. Harrie shop also wux aroused from 'sleep H. L., Esten, Toronto: Mrs, Hu H. Goode, and none too soon for the room wae filled Toronté; Edward B, Murphy, Regina, : | with dense smoke, The burial service was held on Monday,| ~Apparently the fire started inthe base- Sept, 17, at St. George's Church, Allandale,| ment' beneath the Dodge Motor Gar ware: following) a priyute service at the home| rhdms_and it is thought that it 'was caused Right Rev. J.-F. Sweeny, |vither by. defective aviring or spontaneous} Lord Bishop of Toronto, and the rector, the| conrbustion, The fire spread into the ad. Rev, Edgar B, Taylor. | joining hasement. where S. Caldwell had al The service st the church wat commen: | quantity of seed' stored: and also up the! 2 o'clock and before that time the s. Though seriously ret lel with a congregation repreggntative not city of St, George's, but |the: flames. pretty. well confined, a large | i 3 former parishioners of Innisfil, und | portion of the damage being done by smoke the 'Rev, Canon Reiner, 'Barrie, 'arkl_ thy In the basement of the ~"Dédge Motor | A. Lawrence, Thornhill, The | premises were stored half « dozen used cars, | most impressive address from | including Mr, Brillinger's Chalmers Six val- T Thess, 4:17, emphasizing the long snd] ued at $3000.- There was soni insurance | faithful work done by the Inte Canon Mur-|on these: cars but'-none-on the®'stock. arid | Cald-! sk on thé building: ix covered by but there, was :none on. his seeds, Livingstone also: was insured utd patience which should be a] well's hk mulue and inspiration to both clergy and'| insuiran ty in the present age of unrest and, con-| Geo, W | vice the choir sung the Hymns 'On the "Henpecked Henry" + \ aints off phe funniest showin the-world'" is the! 'and after'the | way she Milwaukee' Sentinel expressed 'it or Ever with the Lord" | self regarding the famous -muisical comedy, | atthe cortege left the chutch by |--Freapecked Henry," which will hé seen: "Bie: Bune. Dimi," ', «, | at the Grand' Opera House Thursday night, The intermsnt' took Mace at St. Paul's! Stun ber 97, : You see him if the plicid humility of a laboured. ions, and there' is not a dull moment in the- entire entertainment: © One scene in partic- Death of Thos, T. Elliott Thos. Taylor Elliott, who: had been. in| the most amusing 'ever .conesived. It ix and Mrx..Wm. Elliott,| cession marchés around-him to the. music i gretted, .|Manufacturers of dnd Dealers in Interment took place in the Union Cein- Lumber, Flooring,. Ceiling,. Sash, Doors, . Frames, Blinds, . Tanks, Wate: ughs, Mouldings, Wood ;{Turningy Columns, key for the igni. | Murray Wood wind | wi ich in his vest hanging on'! John A, 'Kelly was discovered: and- the. youths pursuéd, | [schools com ae Saran 7 On the whol? the « tise-tmoke, the firemen managed fo keep { re'-labor spent in one] fyrniture. "The cars usually' in' the ware- # Large Crowds 4 Attended the Fair GATE RECEIPTS ON TUESDAY WERE . $1363--SECOND BIGGEST DAY IN SHOW'S HISTORY. : Except for an hour's: light "rain "which fell on 'Tuesday afternoon and' doubtiess deterred a few from coming to. town, ideal weather 'favored the Barrie Fair for ite annuil €xhibition heli on 'the. first. thre days 'of this week. As.'a revult the attend. Lance was 'the largest "in. the shit Show, with the exce f the very exceptional attraction of. iliers drew ubnorpal crowds. Last yeur. the total gate on Tuesiay, cluding $306 at' the night performance, This year $1200 was tuken in during the day 'at the gates and $163 at night, making 4 total of $1363. On. Wed: nesday the gate-aniounted to. $186, In 1915 th § special" drawing 7 the. "second -| $294; 1911, $1014.and $73. he managenient had hard luck, with its uttractions this year. Arrangements. hal * beeu 'niade with thé: wuthorities at Caius Houre to: have twenty-four aeroplaiies. give War. manoeuvres over the grounds on Tues day afternoon, -but this arrangement. was éancelled "owing "to-'the unfortunate wcei- dent atthe Canip Tuesday morning' in, b two aviutore -miit iv horrible death, Two other. fine features were to have been, supplied -by soldiers from *Camy. Bordén in the shape of tug-of-war on horsehuck and mounted wrestling. But the men -whn were to. put these: on were' prevented owing to the unexpected ordering of route march, from' coming to fulfil, their engagement Sergt: Whitewood gave some exhibitions of 'Roman. ridit + did some clever Irish and § ineiig and there were several mitibers by Will Marr and Splendid music wa vided by the Camp Borden Bund. A feature that won great praise was he flug drills, The B.C.1. girls gave an-exht bition drill, "while Minesing and ds forsthe prin ing first pla pros Minesing ries were bardly' equal to former: years, though the quality was high in every-depurtment. That there is "not: surprising, jowry the |the'show ring this ¥ Vcumstanerg. the entry | itable one. : - The outstinding feuture of the show was the horticultural displsy and the 'new {rangement of the main ball, "niade ou, the' | suggestion -of; Philip Lave, gave the public an fexcéllent opportsinity 'to" see the floral j beauty "fo udvanthge,.. Both *¢iality as quantity were seen in, the flowers. - Vege: ..- i tbls. "slo. were Fxeeedipaly pod,' Some Parsuips'shown by. Bert Challis were over a yard lone: , Fine collections of vegetabl | were-gehihited sby Bert Challis. and. A., Hicrris, .with sixty and fifty-six vstieties respectively. en 7 Changes in the Lidies' work list broaghe out -a-lot 4f new exhibits. that 'were 'quite jin inyravemtent. "In the fine. arts: the mn average A nuinbs ghly sereditible, exhibits hy. school: chit ren were shown in, their Seetions. --~ nsiflering the benefit the fair is to the nts; very few take sufficient infor ske'a display... Those who dil help (Continued cn Page 1 1 wax a very cred- FRIDAY & SATURDAY. SEPT: 21-22 ETHEL CLAYTON - Lx 'The Bondage of Fear' Along With a Comedy /MONDAY & TUESDAY, SEPT. 24.96-] Se Enna RSS aia THRILLING, MYSTERIOUS, SENSA- TIONAL"TO. THE EXTREME 'THE CIRCULAR STAIRCASE' BY MARY: ROBERTS. RINEHART. | Musty:Suffer's: Mishaps "EVERYBODY [i CENTS. WED. & THURS., SEPT 2627. "The {Greut Emotional 'Actress FRANCES NELSON The Power of Decision' A Metro Wonderplay: of 0° Woman' "+. hoige betwsen. two me.

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