Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 20 Sep 1917, p. 4

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"! for "men, women and childrgn, st reason-|ing-up with me, "Do Chese Coats Tnterest You 2 "The models above are now jn stockand vary in price \ } according to the different materials...$16.50 to $35.00 Salt's Plush Coats are here in lovely styles. : Dress Goods, Suitings and Coatings - It will pay you to see the lovely quatities we show. Silks for every. purpose, Staple and Novelty Dress 1 Goods and Suitings, 2 A special purchase of all Wool. Blanket Cloths offer- $2.25 yd. ed this week-at... $82.50 to $60.00 The illustrations _RELIABLE GOODS latest. arrivals. Few 'stores north of 'Toronto can: show such a variety of up-to-date garments only represent a 'few of the MODERATE PRICES Buy Your Fall if Apparel Early and Buy It at ' A "Moore & Arm- ex strong's. Tee Dresses and Costumes The one piece dress. so popular this fall may be found here from A. june vies vss $8:50 tO $22.50 A Costumes --- representiig ..the last We Carry In thought in fashion, now on exhibit..:...... Stock Every- ew Sims i $16.00 to $42.50° | thing a Lady, Stes eee Miss or Child ges. "Requires for - | id Their Wardrobe. | Satisfaction in 2 Every Purchase You Make at This Store: Exclusive Millinery This store always leads.in Distinctive Millinery ---our showing comprises the : i most 'fasiionable and the most extreme. ; metropolitan styles. : The one~ outstanding. feature this séason is the reduction in price. MISS McARTHUR 3 7 Head Milliner JORE & ARMSTRONG Barrie's Style Store -------- _ NEWS OF COOKSTOWN | The xepresentative of The Barrie Examiner and Saturday Morniig in Cookstown is George F. Thontpson. News items for Cookstown and: adjacent country may be Banded er phoried to Mr. Thonipson and will be forwarded to this paper. Phone No. B0 finds him, Subscriptions, either new or renewals may be"forwarded through 'him. More Soldier Letters 'The following are 'extracts. from a'couple to Mr. and! of letters received -this. week by Mrs, T..E. | Monkman :-- visited this!~ From Pte,, Fred. Sutherland--Just line week 'at Harry Fisher's, |to thank the people of town for the parcel Mr, and Mrs, Maurice Hill of Toronto! which I received « few days ago. I am visited. over Sunday with the latter's bro-|'now at the base, but. expect to leaye here ther, Sami Carr, | thin week to join my battalion. E. Feltis Fisher's have sin Al class'of Underwear! and E@Broome ure lw here-and .are go Thave bad no word from |my--battalion: since' I Jeft two months ago, - Sept.°184-John Hill is seriquély "ill "| bis home 'here. Born, on Friday, Sept. 14; Mrs, Ainbrose Campbell, a son. Miss Thonipson of 'Stayner able, low prices, H. G. Yamniond.of Toronto, Provincial! so do not know how the, rest of the hoys - They biave been having-a brisk thne Commissicnet for the Boy Scouts, was the| are, They guest of Rev. W, Creswick this week... |'a8, you will see by the' papers, and I hope 'A. nuniber.frém town /attendéd the Fair; the boys caine off lucky:, I'heard the'cas- sucess uualties were light: There are" rumors of in Barrie this week, ok sill poetiyae shah re ly Bs Miss Pusiteen, of. Uxbridge Visited at J.| oe it may be true and that it may bes H. Readnian's' this week: ° lagting' one, sy : iy The Union. Sunday Sehool Convention! "From -Pte, Dave "Mundel' (formerly of for South Simeoe held-in town on: Monday.| the Union Bank staff, Cookstown)--Have was x decided success, delegutes from' the| had decent weather for,a few days but had "various churches being well reptesented. | plenty of rain and mud lately. However, Cookstown learned with regret 'of the|I still get the,'three army meals per-day:/lund-before reaching the front, death of Ganon Murphy of Allandale | and a decent place to sleep in, and have a 'Thanksgiving Services will be held in St.| lot to be thankful for, "I am with the pack John's Church..on Sunday, Gept. 30. train 'again, but, nof as a guide, Several airplanes have landed around| ™! ve ue be Hera males Shi Geving tbs Bab work m4) Have not-been working: much for .a few days, as L-get a shaking up 9 while ago-- James Bruce, an old apd much esteemed Surmer of Exsa, died at /his home near Eg- 'bert on Friday morning. Mr. Bruce was 71-year 'of "age and had 'been 'in, poor health forthe past fewyears. He war a man who during 'his life had won many friends, and he will be greatly missed, His remains were -buried* at Newton Robinsoz Cemetery on Monday, afternoon, > .: Mrs,-J, S? Duff and daughter, who have 'been -spending the summer at. Lethbridge have returned to town, , Dr, Jamieson Duff yf Toronto spent: 'a few. days this week at bib home here. . | ton, is to conduct Harvest: Thanksgiving Chopping" on Tuesdays, "Thursdays and | services at St. Paul's on Sept. 30 st; 11 a.m Saturdays st the Cookstown Flour Mills. | and 7 p.m. Cookstown Flour Mills rt. ; Bring yeur. Wheat and Exchange Farmers, {er'Fiow, Bran and Shorts. " WE GUARANTEE OUR FLOUR WATER LILY. makes the nice Swest Moist Loaf. ; | MOSS.ROSE makes the Beautiful White Crisp Pastry we all like. We manufacture Graham Flour, Whole Wheat Flour for Dark Bread. "Wheatlets and~Germ' Meal. for' Porridge. if : CHOPPING :- Tuesdays, Thursdays-and Saturdays was knocked silly with a'shell. Sitice then I am beginning to find I have a few: ner- ves: The boy who slept in the shack witl me was killed the same night T'was knock- ed out. PARISH OF INNISFIL Sunday, 'Sept. 23. 11 am--A memorial service for the late Canon Murphy will be held at St,' Paul's 8 p.m.--Service. af St. Peter's. Rev. C."W. Holdeworth, B.A., of Isling- |' ROBINSON 'BROS. : Proprietors ||. | i | - Pte. Lyman Chantler | ait"Chantler, qne' of the boys of | Alliston district, ~ who joijied. the 177th [Simeoe Battalion in the full of 1915, train- Ved at Camp' Borden-and weht overseas last spring, 'succumbed: fo diphtheria in Eng Herhert Lyman Chantler. was the 21 [of Mr. and Mrs, Jos. Chantler feouple of 'miles out of All CUNDLES Sept, 19.--Mrs. 8. Pratt, who has. been visiting in Hamilton and Toronto, returned home on Friday. pital and her friends will be glad to know that she is doing a» well ax can. be expect: ed. While, Mrs; E, Moffatt. of Toronto was visiting here, ber infant baby was taken very ill and it in-a serious condition. Quite-a number from the country visit- dt ir friends 'here yesterday while tak- in Barrie Fair. €. Shaw -has erected a very natty fefce along his property, which is a credit to the village. Tuck and took away a new automobile tire, which he. had_just purchased. | 'The stock of the store which was opened some time ago by Mrs. P. Hook has been 'sold to Mr. Gallagher. of Barrie, who is do- ing business here at present. _ p __R. Daly lost a good 'horse tecently from Price of Voters? Lists "Uxbridge Journal--We have received an Mrs. G. Bishop is still at the R. V. Hos: Some one entered the premises of Alfred | A Haunt of Legend and Romance Digby Basin and 'Long Pher,-Nova Scotia, ARRSBORO Shore with its rock bound coast of lofty crags and igh ..walled -jagged islands washed by mighty tides, the scenes . of Indian--legends and the struggiee * between the 'French and English, and the' residence of @ more modern race of hardy voyageurs, is a name. litle _ Known fo the tourist. but: one that has an ineffable chatm for him woo has visited this neok of Nova Scotia This, was the home ef Glooscap, trove; and many are the deep yawn: pong er tad mpl aod By pero eau eyrie islands: where yr ve : : ' beantiful 'farms, » braved the guardian spirite: of the big ensigaee iaing one can gel a view Gloos- cap, and himeeif ate the other.' jofty cliffs of Part- chards 'and the white roofs of tbe farct buildings. : Men have travelled the worlt come to Nova Scotia and © / .

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