Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 20 Sep 1917, p. 1

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+ Sth Near: JA. Mackiren, Editor W. C. Walls, Business Monager = ARRIE SATURD: BARRIE, CANADA, SEPTEMBER 20, 1917 MORNING . TERMS--Siagie Copies Per aaoum [in advance) «> SECTION 1 "PAGES f TO 4 No. 38 ets. 58 'Will Spend $450 : on Burton Avenue COUNCIL DECIDES ON MUCH NEEDED IMPROVEMENT -- "SEVERAL. OTHER STREET REPAIRS ORDERED. "| ported later on. Approximately, the total keost would be sbout $225. a year. Storing Coal Oil 'As some merchants seemed under the impremion that' the bylaw recently ipassed prevented them. storing even a single bar- rel of coal oil, the Reeve asked informa- tion upon this' point. 'The Clerk read clase in the bylaw Two Trains Met * Head-on at Gowan FIVE.CARS DERAILED--CAR OF CAT- TLE TELESCOPED BY TENDER-- TRAINMEN SLIGHTLY INJURED. Education Board Honors Miss King WITH_. AN ADDRESS AND GOLD WATCH: IN, RECOGNITION OF FOR- TY YEARS' SERVICE AS TEACHER. had played no little part ip' moulding the character of many of the fittest citizens, not only of Ontario but of other parts or, America, Her example should say to other teachers, "Be ye also faithful. "A Year 'of Prohibition "Mr. Newton Rowell upon: request 'for # statement on. the first' anniversary of Pro- cio? Oro Fair Beat = All Past. Records GATE. RECEIPTS AHEAD' OF PREV- (OUS -YEARS--ALL CLASSES WELL FILLED--FINE SROW OF HORSES, When the Town Council resumed busi-} Which says that fifteen barrels or under! Im the densefog of Tuesday morning! An event: unique in the bistoty of Bar. |<tuement on: th One! of th aS tad nese lust Monday aight after the holi:|™#y be-kept, but. it must be in a suitable/two freight trains collided head-on at Gow-{rie'« educational affairs and one 'rarely seen' ni tal Tecvipt of the strongest' testi. ; #ri0 thd pas eer pair! ey wa day season, variety of » -mat- roved by the building inspector. ani station, muking an ugly spill. The this brovinee took place~in (the Central mony, 'from all parts of the province, of | ereésizstions that continue to fourish is : F lom'seid that the bylaw did not | ot wy eae . ters claimed 'their attention, Dist as none |. al y cident cecurred at' seven o'clock. When |School last Thursday: afternoon when the | 12, 1 Uh have' te.| the, Oro Agricul of the queitiony were of contentiou na. Uyertere with. ts, grocer Keeping bis bar: /the Huntsville way freight was. standing | Board "and staff miet to honor a teacher | nel oer ete yeoman Which ave re] Me. Oe Agricultural Society's ea tore adjournment was reached in, ninety | 201 0H tHe pat and the Counellat Gowan station, Bnginesr John Paton | who hed served continuously. in the public | Torresen, ste. petition of the Ontario | EPitcm commonly kuown, throughout minutes. Aldermen Thompson and | Hors- seemed satisfied to let it go at that. | Ack Govt. to Fix Sidewalk + heurd the noise "of a train ' approaching from the north and started to reverse hie schools of the town for forty years. Mise' Emma who has The results have been so satisfactory that This fair dates away back to pion. F, King is the teacher eet days, sixty-five years ago, und bas been « ~ field were the absentees an annual event in the township ever since, 5 ' Would Give the Lane large numbers of those who' were opposed engine. He hed just. got his train in mp- to the adoption of the nicasure, are now Bennett--Puyne--That the attention of made this splendid contribution to the edu- 'm Thos: Hastings, Inspector of Public Works, | tion when the other engine loomed. out of'| cational' up-buildi f Barri ds the | ; ep ry " ? Mrs. Annu Hinds offered to give the paiganianhs Pedaiese e ne of Barrie, and the| its warm supporters. Thous: ft svives | The show was-held "st Crown Hill, - Town u dee! ofthe lune next the, Union {De called to the unsatisfactory condition of | the fog half s dozen car lengths ithead..|Bosrd thought. it fitting that her long, | tq ehikiren bre bettes clothed bettee fer | With" the' father of 'the late' Sheri Drury é - Bunk on which shé pays taxes und let it| the sidewalk' in front'of th: post office, and | Engineer Paton and hi Sreman jumped, | faithful and efficient service should be re-|and know more' of the sel' 'mectiag cf] a8 President and the late Geo, Tudhore ce : and it is well they did for 'the. boiler: was driven right up against the tender. Frank Hill, engineer, and W. Parker, fireman, cognized in special manner. So the meet- ing was held to present' her with a gold wrist watch uccompanied by an_ address. secretary. Once or twice it was held at the Knox Church carners, but when the present township hall was built in 1868, also to the fact that agreement re fence it post "office grounds has not' been carried out. 'home' today, than they ever knew before. be in fact « public thoroughfare. At pres- Crime has been substantially reduced: the ent it is used 'as such, although she pays «Mee Sacked leave to remove two| . The Clerk was instructed to pay the) were the other engine erew and they uleo | Chairman. Will, R. King, presided and Sec-| Smiciency Sees ane POrer OL Wk, WOE | Ne tae: ag Cepiaisreel th kde lpsetoe ea trees in front. of his house in High. Street, | County levy and get the discount, jumped ie ene at eat anne brats: retury Marr read the following, address:--| joys "has-been: stimulated, rather than' de. {has beewheld 'there for fifty years. For a fee ie fjtisets to Ges Coubty 'Moncy : abo Brake i The Address méed; sind the whole tountry i enjoying BUmber: of. yeurs-no entrance fee-was char Chas. Parker" alto was slightly injured. Per ra a ae une ieVIOE | pectin V6 aa eset to lleoe tes To Miss .E. F. King, Barrie, Ont.:-- , In receiving your resignation, from the teaching staff of the Barrie Public Schools, the Board. of Education. recognizes that your unique experience of forty ~ years' freedom from the constant ;menace of the open 'bar. Tt is evident that-the bar now closed will never be re-opened. in this pro- vinée, Vigorous and impartial enforcement of Ursen Johnson urged the placing of the light at fhe corner of North St. "Owing 'to the unlighted condition of the street his duyghter fell oud sprained her ankle. ..W. Hi Rowse made dpplicution' for a Bennett--Soules--That- $250 be _voteid to supplement » grant of $250 made by: the County Council for the improvement of the Sunnidale Road, north of Kidd's Creek. Bennett--Lowe--That 'the County mon- Conductor W. Penny was in' charge.of the way freight and Bert Perkins was conduc: tor on the southbound. train, 'One of the five cars derailed was thrown into an adjacent field. Next the engine on cents per head at the gates. This. ection was hotly-resented by a number atid there Were some pretty lively doings the first time the. toll was taken. Hampton E, Jory was acting as constable st the gate on this" dead' maple tree to be eut down at the|¢y be-spent on scpuis~for the following | into am ndincent fel joad of cat-| teaching merits at their-bands more than | the law riust be maintained, and the Act'|¥&* sctin ase pear aires and Sophia Sx. ..|streetd:, Stele' St, froin Johnéon St. to tle: This was' telescoped by the tender,|# formal note of regret, 'The present] must be' strengthéned, "where necestary' to ptr ager orepice regent rorya a i Philip, Love and others, Thaving secured | enetens Rd» $75; Sunnidale, Road, from | which was driven the full length of the | Board, since its inception as & Board of| make' it mote effective asd to:carry- out ite | collec Pehaw nas toe Fes ee raise va tlie : intent. : A ine Soa fill to' town' Timit, $250; Blake and ; ' Edueati he Publi 1 some udditional signatures, again petition. | 0% °! $ car, killing or badly wounding most' of the |£ducation, and the Public School Board yf s j 4 ed for 'sewer on the upper end of Mul-| Davis Sty east of Rodney St. to Johnson animals in the ear. 'About 'eightven' head | PFevious to that, have been fully alive to| Our grateful appreciation is due to. the / ene tn bas hagrlno fearon oie custer St. Me, S200, were. dead when taken out or had' tobe |the valuxble and faithful services you weré| men ind women all over this province;| tent Spares Bus assisted materially in ime whose untiring'and unselfish labors throtigh the years, made sure of social 'reform? ~ HJ. Grasett culled' aitention to the'den-| , Pestces-Wisdom--That the W. & ing Committee consider -the advisability. of 6 Di 3 i es Seton canton of Dumiatald Sty owing ptacing a ight at the corner of Innishl and killed. 'rendering them in your 'magnificent work Drover Clark of Georgetown, who owned | # Primury teacher, and not only to them, the cattle, bad/a very narrow escape from | but to the hoines and 'lives of the children ancially. With the -growing use of auto- mobiles attendance gt the country fairs.bas * grown. considerably ad Oro is no excep- le this "great mea: to. water -being- diverted down the centre! £ bf the roudway through the. blocking of tthe drgii 4 ' R. Bidwell asked permission to drain, his Frederiek Sis. Payne--Brother--That ° the Board of Works replace wood covering over culvert on southeast corner. of Owen and Collier death. He ;Nad. been iri, the ca looking after his. caitle ands few minutes. before the accident hid started to walk back to who came under your care, » care which curried with 'it great résponsibilities 'which were met by you in a spirit' of, true ebris- Ignited the Gasoline (Alliston Herald) tion. this show has ever: had, The gate receipts were the largest Despite. the threatening skies, the Oro céllar into the Collier St. drain, : ; the van, Owing to the fog the top of ths| tian womanhood, and leavirig on the' minds le | eis ic. beig ds From 'the Secy. of, the Dominion Fire geno éntrante ' the | Wa HY and slippery so Clark dropped! /o° Your pupile be aert Moor sua Mm BA Stephene) wife of tie pres on day, Oe eerie pithered "see fm Chiefs' Assocn. came a request, for 's copy 2 to his hands and: knees. When the col-| the possi i lh W them' into |.Prictor of Stephens' garage, on Saturday' all directions, Alex, McArthur, the, -push- of 'Burrie bylaws. re fire regulations. It is desired to compile standard bylaws and re- gula ada's immense fire wiaste, Increase Not "Granted Upon. the, recommendation of the Fi and Police Committee, W. E, Scott's * plication for more pay was refused. > Willing to Co-operate The Finance'. Committee' recommended that' the Clerk--write the Bourd of Trade ackwowledging - the suggestion regarding the storage: of surplus vegetables and stat= ing tht the Council will be pleased to con- -Approval was "expressed: of the' générous offer of the. Barrie Business College to give free tuilion to returned soldiers. Much Work on Streets : A lengthy report waipresented by the Board of Works, 'providing for the follow- inig. repairs:---. 2°, 'That the roadway on Bradford St., near|. Butiker's Creek, be completed with more grivel and that the large cracks in road- way\be filled with tar and gravel. 'That culvert. near property of 'T. Som- thot will ussist in reducing Can- | lane between the Masonic Temple and the Wilkinson Block caused some discussion. Soine favored dropping the crossing as is frequenily one in cities, 'and others very strongly opposeil this as both -unnecessary and 'dangerous. At the next meeting the Works' Cofimittee will report what it thinks had best he done. Féod Conservation Tomorrow (Friday) ladies 'will maké a canvass of the Town to securé signatures to the Food\Conservation pledge. In addi- tion the-housekeepers will be asked to, fill out cards as follows:-- ing questions, in order that the Consétva-| tion Committee may take steps to facilitate the carrying out of these instructions: 1! How many loaves of bread do you use weekly? * 2. How many loaves of war bred will you use pér week? '8. What quantity of flour will you use? 4. What baker do you desl with? 5. Will you serve potatoes at all meal, or how often? 6. Will -you substitute fish for meat on one day in-the week? ' jon occutred he:was reaching for the lad- der-to deséend to 8 coal.car and the jolt threw him jinto the ditch: He was quite uninjured. ) Not » great deal of damage was done to the track and roadbed and the suxiliary shad 'the road clear ina few, hours. Rylands--Sutton A very pretty wedding took place in St. James' Cathedral, Toronto, when Annie Alma, only daughter of Mr. und Mrs. Sam- uel Sutton, of 131 John. merly of Crown Hill, Ont. was united in marriage to Mr. Benjamin Rylands, son of given away by her father, was gowned in white chiffon satin, émbroidered with seed pearls, Her court train was embroidered at the hem in silver arid pearls, sla, hér tulle veil, which was crowned with orange blostoms. She carried # boquet of white roses and. lily of the valley. She wax at- tended by her, cousin, Miss Jean Sutton, attired in Belgian blue Georgette crepe, carrying # boquet of pink roses. The flow er girl was little Elsie Priest, in a pretty, frock of white silk, with -pink and' blue t., Toronto, for j which doubtless, were carried. by:them i the' more 'advanced stages of their. eduei Ltion. "How much these pupils owe you having passed through your hands'in the first stage of 'their education and laying 4 foundation for the future building of character is in 'a messuré hard to arrive at, and while the Trustees are only ser- vants of the ratepayers, but they in their turn form the families and homes of the town, it is however by i friendly inter-| course between the two they, the Trust ees, havebeen afforded an opportunity of learning from the purents of the splendid results of the wise, judicious tesching their children had: received 'at your hands when gift on their part could in any way reéom- pense you or adequately repay you for your services, which were™ never perfunc- tory, but were always graced with "the ministry of the added touch,"" and which ministry, whenever an opportunity present: ed itself long after the 'scholar' 'had passed from your room, wes-never by you overlooked or neglected. In severing yout 'connection with the Teaching Profession, we wish' for you many years' of true enjoyment of that rest which [In his haste he threw it to one side -and 45 | w 'evening. When callers are numerous at the garage Mrs..Stephens attends to the gaso- line pump to relieve her husband and it a1 was When she was thus engaged that Palm- |e ing president, amt his ¢nerg:tie~ directors had made food preparations for the. show nd were untiring: in their effort. to keep ing: running: smoothly. "That they -veryt er Ormsby drove up to have the tank in| succeeded and provided the best exhibition his car 'illed.. He put the hose into, the tank and then Jit g match to. deg into the opening. Immediately the gas'arising fron thé open tank caught fire and | Ornishy the horses, Oro in the history af the Society: was-the gen- eral verdicts <0" 'As usual the hig feature' of the Show was noted in this respect. ng caught the hose und pulled it from his tank | Some very fine specimens of heavy horses it passed through the burning gas. the gas- jn oline on it. caughf fire and the blazing end fell on Mrs, Stephens' breast. She scream: ed 'and. her husband who. was only a -few | besides ignited Mrs. Stephens' light clothing, | tertainment vere seen, but the light classes had 'the nost entries and provided 'the groafest en- Cettle were much' be'ter than 1, there being 35 entri:s, in Durhame. some . Aysshires, » Holstein "and : fer with. the Board. as to the best menner| Having expressed your intention to. ob- j y r : ur h : seiner Titer piel Sea Pies ef of putting into' effect 'the suggestion made| serve the instructions, af the Food Con: treme yerceoreag alongs entering fetish 8 every chad Sa epoch paste tates he bese ee ip sisted grates _ sas geek beep slates y z : ye sw ba their life) time. The | | 2 se 7 : tore Ps abe: : By, tee Soar treolleg, yet ate aeked to atewer thefolloy: | to htev. 8 hada. Tho bride, who 0m ocd of WatesGon fully realizes that no tis, bands beat' out the, flames which hed'|ing pair to. sheep raising. ... One' farmer AS ispoke of having 115 and 'another of 250, soon as Mrs, Stephens. was relieved Mr. |The latter,sold, over $1000 worth of wool Stephens, thinking the fire. might tun. up |this vest: the hose pipe to the pump, disconnected | 'the 'pipe and immediately. ther explosion all over 'his overalls, These he slinped off | Without lose. of time and heat 'ont "then flames with ® coat which' was ner xt bi hand. Mrs, Stenhens wai. prett 'burned. on one side of the face. She is now 'gettin: over the inj badly Hform)y fite lot ever. lwas quite in keeping with it, here been anything like as good p floral Roots and vegetables were a rather small was: an exhibit but of excellent quality. In grains, which threw burning gasoline }whest was exceptionally good. In the miain, building the exhibits'of wo- nen's work were well riisintained. Of the utter, the judge said it was the most uni- had ever seen, Bre: Never has x iviluy'at this fair, sweet 'pens, dahlias. and ers, Davis St, be cleaned out. : 'a busket of sweet peas, a 7 OR DUE Bh be = The need of a public storage place for| trimmings, carrying " "I you have so worthily earned, and on be: ; Eat thie , |) That vatch basin at corner of Blake snd vegetablés during the winter hae been | also acting 'train bearer... Mr. Milton Sut: |e ree ey et oe education Older Boys' Conference eqliections. being ally good. Rovlney St, with. pipes, be put in_as oF-| Ee A ee tae Consence | tm, brother of ie bile, attended the yecid ek you to tcept thin West Wateh| Last Maveh an Older Bors' Confrence, Tame in-charge ofthe: show chit. yat fered? ' stale a i Ft 0 . After the 'ceremony the guests |"? ime a 2 ; . . ap | were: , Ale: fos ees That catch basin be placet on Barfon| tion-Committee, who. will endeavor to pro-/ Teme, sie home of the bride's parents,| ith their best wishes, and 0 it jelle the) Was held at Collingwobl. when represente:| pegs John Wiggiuas '3nd Vice Pret, Jia. 'Axe, between -William and Reéd Ste, a storage place if there is any consid, | met at: deinty: buffet lunch was served [Passing time, may it bring te Sg Pac * were sent frot surrounding towns.) yi sue. Directors; James W. Crawfort, Thi K ditch on north side of. Penetang St. be 'cleaned and holes in street filled with gravel. | , That.Burton Ave. be repaired from Essa St. to railway crossing 'with $150 of Town money and $300 of County money, » total of $450. . 'That pipes be put in at the foot of Berp- . #y St. to divert water from Thos, Hewitt's property -at- an estimated cost of °$150. That R. Juck be pai $25 in. settlement of his claim for-repuirs to blotked sewer. That, Owen 'St. be repaired from Collier Str fo Wellington St., levelled,. gravelled and 'Folled.at.a cost not exceeding $150. That water table' on Berezy and Ther- esa Sts. be cleaned out, roadway graded and gravelled. and eatch basins put in at kindly sign this-eard, "| erable public demand for it. If. you require such' actommodation, Name Street . Number * Returi to A..F. A. Maleomson, King Block, Barrie. % "The Late A..P. Caldwell 'The Evening 'Telegraph pf Alton, Ill, in issue' of Sept..12, had the, following re- ference to a gentleman well: known to a number of Barrie. people, he being a son- in-law of Mrs, John Forsyth. Angustus P, Caldwell, meniber- of. pro- minent Alton family: died- at 1 o'clock to- day at his residence, 1426 Henry. 8t., after Mr, anid Mrs, Rylands left for » honey- mioon trip to -Harriston,) Wingham and other 'points, The- bride's travelling -suit, was wine gabardine with blue and black velvet hat. After they return from their trip they' will reside on Bartlett Aye. Get The Habit Nuutilus: Now, while you have your pencil, in hand will you read the following list of good habits and check off ws many as you can conscientiously subscribe to and suy, 'That I do." Get the hibit--of rising eurly. Get the' habit--of retiring early. Get the habit--of eating slowly. Get, the hubit--of being grateful. Get the'habit--of being punctual, lection Kappy rem ing days in: Bar the very. high esfeem by the Trustees, Signed: WIEL R. KING, 2 Chairman. id a slight proof of in which you aré_héld PHIL, LOVE, "Chairman of "Management. FRED. MARR, L Secretary-Treasurer. 'Miss King's Reply In reply, Miss King very cordially thank- ed the Board for their gift and the besuti- ful words of appreciation, As 'a meiber 'of the teaching. staff she had tried to dis- charge' her duty-fully, but no. more than other teachers, 'for theirs is"a profession in which "none: can be indolent, and indifferent | Chambers on, Tuesday evening; September | Barrie 'sent twenty boys" und "these boys | showed a gteat deat of enthusiasmi on their! return; In many cases clubs. were orgun-| § ized. in neighboring towns after the confer- ence and s great dedl of good has resulted. | A movement is under way for, a. similar conference to be' held. in Barrie during November. To make initial srrangeinents theeting if to be held inthe Police Court 25th, at'8 pm. What we want is to have |C mpathetic. supporters 'from' each church in Berrie, und "Allandale present, so that }T, the nature of the movement may -be pre- take effect on September 30. sented by -a good, live organizer from. To- tonto, who will come up for that purpose: Annoudcements will be made from all the this meeting one worth, while for the boys ALA: Rovise, H. I, Barhherdt, Wm. Scott, 'on page 9. at Divine Service? pulpits and special efforts jut forth to take | jest : rch, Smith, HP. Merrick, Gilbert, Love, -- Jd Rouse, M. Mahoney; Seey- cd: Tudkope: 'The bist: of prie winnéré eae. will be "found* ~ -Réctor-Haé Resigned Rev.. Al P' 'Ketinedy, rector | of . the thurch of 'he Good 'Shepherd, Stayner, hus 'resigned and will move to' the' Beeton «and. The "esignation. 'will 'ottenhami © parish. Are yout" neglecting "regulgr attendance . Tf:s0, life is not at ite? g Collier .St.; estimated cost .of $50. ~ Of these items the orily one questioned was the settlement of Rébt. Jack's claim. who will be men in « few. years: the hubit--of fearing _ nothing. Tf you are. interested: come without a the habit--of -speuking. kindly. --they miust progress or step She spoke of the uniform courtesy extended to her at all times by the trustees and of the : e celsim. | Caldwell had! been. afflicted with the mal-| Get the Bapit--of sped an | you are. oe ; Ald Wisdom paid. that he undertodl the ay, "he continued active, and. attended to Got the Kabitcot tede™indtstrous: | fellowahip of the teschide' stat! which she as a tien wie tool Fat we mo pind| that Mr. Jack. wat|/the duties of thé resporiible position he|. Get the hubit of speaking correctly. | had enjoyed. .Her'happiest years had bees | thst euch a work amung the 'boys from 13 spent in the: West Ward School: under the kind supervision of Mr. Wood and Mr. Mor- tison,,_The' most 'interesting part of teach- ing, is starting the little ones.on the way 'of 'education and the, compensation that comes in the affection of the little folk and the watching of their development far out- weighs the comparative of prim- * very:strongly of the opinion 'that he should "get this in full. His claim was that the 'rouble-was-in the main sewer and so -he should be recompensed.for money spent in _ investigating, " Vs * Ald, Clark, said he was present and heard Mr. Jack get instructions from the| ¢ Engineet to dig held in the National Bank' of Commerce,| ~G* in Se. Louin It was ooly ti.recent moothe|. 'Cet the babit--of that be gave up his work, and was-confined to his home, when-he was:no longer' able to go about." 2 Augustus Prescott Caldwell: was born Oe- 1861, He passed almost all his apprehending -né evil. Get 'the habit--of anticipating only good. Get the habit--of promptness at -meals. Get the habit--of pranouncing. correctly. Get the habit--of daily. physical: exercise. Get the habit--of being sccommodating. Get the' habit--of relying on-self, always. always paying aa you to 19 years deserves attention. Z i oe H. J. HEATH. Choice Things for 1917-18. FALL PREMIUMS" C.P.R. Connection For Freight Collingwood" is now' in a position of di- rect freight 'conhection with any point on down to the main sewer.\ fife in Alton, He was married to Miss Su- Pee a 4 This being the ue he thought Mr. Jack san Forsyth of Barrie; Ont, in December, ae ary -work. . switching. order has been imued ond from iy Pac Pie ena an ae Lohaged he SibeiGils SE Bud 1894, He, leaves, besides his. wa two!" Get the habit--of always being pro-| A gathering of this kind brought to the| mow on. carlosd 'lots shipped from Colas io bs sh a, ae i . children, Mary M. and Nelson F. Caldwell. "| mind of: Trustee Love thoughts of siany | wood will be interswitched at Essa, form: 25 Dafiodile or Tulips. * 3 'gressive. : Get the habit--of neutnesé' in appear-| g Get the habit--of economy, 'not. stingi-| always bad the most cordial treatment and from, the Engineer,the Reeve did not con- -- | erty Utopi sider it all the fault of that official. After. threshing it all out the committee decided that.paying Mr, Jack $25 would be a fair settlement. The-report wis adopted. He was g regular attendant at Presbyteriax Church with his family and war deeply interested in the welfare of that church. He:was & very capable bus- iness man and -highly esteemed, SPRING: OPTIONS. 'Any ONE of the Following \| their destination' st' the through carload fates - + 'i 'The 'agitation for this "arrangement i ness. . habit--of a quiescent concentre- | retirement. »)~ z aon ui During the last forty years many teach. |" ' tion. ° i. Burglar Got Little' Get the habit--of radisting sunshine |,ers in Barrie had retired or been retired, | 4... Ciinnas,' started nother Dunlop St. store was, burglar- | d : : : 'said Garvin, but few will be mis s this week, but nothing wis taken this ed' like Mise King. In his opinion, she is a At-an early hour on-Mogday morn- better teacher today thah she was twenty an entrance to the store years ago. iE that he understood, 'thé proposal was te lock. Mayor Graig voiced 'the appreciation of a iq *. Htaki@rthis, power from the Barrie sub station. the thief the citizens of the services 'rendered by Mise 2 He does not consider it in the. interests of taken. The King. Se on nly a few ~ Mr. Hay spoke of Miss King's great' tact hich: the' in managing the children : and: interesting : a them in their work--two of the grest es a Bs sentials of successful #eaching. ; " ay ey Piatied work, aa salah sat | , fo prim to success a in stamps Rated ie Mie King's wok apd wo Se oa ' 2 P : affection in which she was by' her; OS . : ' 'that beat in Wee fi T. Young, See-Treas. -» -- on. holidays, 3 ing's Sir: 11.00 - for. 1917-38, after 11 p.m.) tirement ure sh No. .: $ foie eed epee She always had Meroe

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