Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 20 Sep 1917, p. 12

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>We lee now on display an peal range of Mercian for Fall aad Winter We , inch Mantles, Gloves, Corsets, Hosiery, Skirts, Men's Clothing, Shirts, Neckwear and Dleweer = dng Mins: Mate, . chases in all lines of Staple Goods we have protected our patrons from paying the advanced price and give. values that are not duplicated. - Visit this Store and Compare---It's to your advantage. WHITE FLANNELETTES We again direct your atiention to those Flannélette Items as of Extra Worth: and advise early buying. Snap in Women's Cream*Cashmere Hose - These are, slao slightly 'soiled, in most cases soils cannot be detected. . They- are all 'pure. wool, plain, 1X1 Rib and 2X1 Rib. Price of regulaf stock ix A Bargain in Children's Hose 67 doz, Fine-Pure Cashmere Hose, 1X1 Rib, plain seamless foot, in Cream, Brown and Black. . Thése are Manufacturer's seconds having only wlight i ek gee $1.00 pair. Sizes. 8% to 10. Offered for Sale. : oil stains and equal 'in wear to the selects, " Sizée 5 to 8 in Brown and 1X1 Rib x and Plai j Orns th ls' 7 nly ack raf geet bite abe bees Oa TAT Bib eta tse. Svineh Piette Fasinlite Beli make, soft heavy weight seidy | for" te »29¢. Bargain Pair 3 Be Early for These. 30-inch Heavy Bleached Flannelette, British. she" A 'lend cloth for many t This is the best Stocking: Offering we -have: made for some time, a purposes. Yard 20¢ A . SUPERB MILLINERY Sinch "Aap Flanneleite, tadein England and very séaree. A. most sirable' rt] ei 'New Arrivals In Coats Our showing of, Millinery demonstrates beyond dispute our leadership in a ei 2a q ; ; : é Women's Headwear, Our large showroom is resplendent with Fashion's newest .] 20:ineh very fine Bleached Flannelette, fine even thread' and'éxtra: fine fixivh, 4 i 'We've a:splendid collection of Women's Coxté just opened up,. The' styles are, ideas in shapes end an extensive showing of the New Trimmings--Prompt and resent. vale -B0e., Special 1 22c * | L the Iatest ; cloths are Veléyrs, Cheviots, Tweeds and Zibeline effects, Prices Contes Service--Splendid Values: and the Largest Assortment from, which to J, «36-inch Bleached Flannelette, made in U:S.A., good vel lofty finish, Rady ae . ies... . $17:50, $21.00, $23.00 and: $25.00 mal pan so se thie Dig se Pe to use and sold everywhere at 85e. Special Yard .. 25e { s rgienrus vai bi cas Lae coon a, is Ditplay of Distinctive Richness and Individuality of |" 20-inch Pure Bleached Flannélette, Twill, very soft and warm, Our best eloth } for'children's wear, . Yard ' I ae. a a eee E i f ' \) - Pictorial Patterns and |: ' | : 'Wes i \ : 3 : Vcitor Victrolas -and Records j J Magazines 7" ( ' hie eC ae d : : jal. : Choose from. Stock ; 4 : a \ - - 'Appleton P. Holt i 7 - : Appleton lt ei Find aus LARGE: CROWDS ATTENDED FAIR 9:34%4 'best time. } 'News' from the Ik ail Ward Kohlmeyer Webb | Kirkpatrick 15 Wee (Continued from Page 5) j Seen * : way, ar ALR. Walker" 19 Coombs 23| By ends: on the fair in this way were Ball Planing | ;°0" yuildred,, Payette, Penetang : g 3 By ends: $ Kirkpatrick 001220211100101011001--15 | Mill Co:, H. H. Otton & Son, Geo. Vickers, | sue Wilkes, Payette, Penetang i > : Walker-- 100230210004020002002| Wisdom 120001000021010100080--12 | Barrie "Business College, , A. F. Garrett, | MSseie H., 'Hounsome,: Cookstown i Mrs, Adams has moved her family from) at the age cf 74 years. The deceased is Coombs-- 011005002210108130120 | Toogood 30° Walker g| Merrill & Hubbard, J. G. Keenan, Singer Bet Bee eaee, i Caroline St, to Collingwood, urvived by his wife and grown-up family.| 7 na By-enda: 'er © Mig, Co., and D..C. Howard. All of these cai ' Mite Beasley of Hamilton is visiting Mrs.|For some time he had' been in failing | 50 ts aioebeh Toogood © 40122312402000041112--30 | '00 much pains with their displays and inadian . Pacific Railway A Wm. Armstrong, 'Eaea St. health, "He war « member of the Metho-| Brunton Le otis wate txooooor22210000-- added greatly to thé attractiveness of the _, Pflective * Sunday, Sept. 30th, general Cestdatne ak, Fletcher is now' running | "ist Chureb."sfti highly' respected. et yg Ve TE Campbell | aisenab 00000 91 jusin ball, 'The Red Cross and Field Com- change of time' will take 'place. "- Goneult di he Hanevile' cay sieiee isdom 22 vey 13.) Oy ende: forts boothk were continually surrounded' Agent or W. B. Howartl, District Pasen- 7 St. George's Church By ends: by people, interested' in the magnificent &f Agent, Toronto; Ont,, for particulars. MacNab 000130! B 200 Ibe,.mote.of that good bleck'tes,| Wisdom 200304120101200012111 | ¢M&°N# 110002000002000--10 sock being done. b nati z junday -mornmmg special reference jarke 12001 210221220411--27 | i BP a e 30 cents per pound, | Hinds Bros. Nest Bunny 'mars '9 Rgeiots (011030001020031100000 | "!""* + 218002001 Te thé automobile shes eee aoa What' kind 'of church sey vi made to the life and work o! e 7 ----- ¥ * a Mins "Gladys Flack of Penetang is visit] jag Rey. Canon Murphy,- In. the evening! « |' Orillia Nedmarket Overland, Chevrolet, Studebaker, -' Dodge, Would our church be ig with Mrs, Wilmshofer, Vietoria St. . i + 5 a memorial service will be held for the Iste| Raney' « Brodie Barrie Markets Sar ee eae 1 eee eee Gunner Wilfred Wardman of Petawawa) Pie, E..A. Crawford. Wainwright Willis Ford are Were just like~me? np iting ik parents Breck S| "hy, W. Wali of St_ Seba] Have | 1. Dose | Thureday Wholesale Prices, |, if"¥,, sme, Fatt siioaie Mrs. G: Paddison of New Lowell is vit-| Church, Toronto, will be the special preach- Kirkpatrick 25 Binns 10] gal! Wheat (new).. -.. 2.82. 1082, 16] le Fale, "For aeveriteen yeas ba haa beens he Wemente deo ue iting her mother, Mrs, Mansbridge,' Innis 'i i : | ¢ Women's Institute ate iB 1 5 er for the Harvest Thanksgiving services|': By ends Ont will conduct, e fl Street, + --~ Jon September 30. Kirkpatrick" 0120000000001002%x121 | Barley win pen) ae ree as president, .booth and. lunch table at the 'School. Fair 1 Dbis. Gagnon of Toronto: spent the) Dyring- the week following the twenty-| Binns-- 500111311222011031000 tceple abit the sresauter, tre beer a ae rad ted bo fs Pee. week-end \with his mother arid sister on] fifth anniversaty of the: building of the | Carruthers R. Manning J cKanged. Phin ia:m veoard that is probably ' of Field Comforts. Brock Street. church will 'be celebrated. Archdeacon| Horne sae Fergus © unique among Ontario fairs. Se F. Whitney is back -at work again after| Ingles will be the, speak Henderson : G. Manting Speeding ey spending his holidays' in. Toronto and 'Gol : Toogood 24 Brunton 22 | Farmer's Trot-- : Tingwood. Accidents on T. & N. 0. By ends: Nelly J.- -Geo.: Jebb 3122 Pte. A, Berry of the Flying Corps, Tor; iléyburi '30° train -f * Taogood-- 0000100010330080000822 | © Harvey L., Hughes 2211 2 i z onto, moved: 'his: family $0 Toronto Inst. Bilas pecker ate ae Park fy Baunton-- 1122015401001201012000 | 2 Baa: Lady Patchen,. Shepard 2333 MAIL CONTRACT Saturday, terday owing to mechanism of the engine| Limblé E. Doyle Tallow, ren on . Best las tat hee i _. & SEALED TENDERS, addressed to 'the --Aniother 50 -bsgs. of pure cane extral breaking, Sonie.of the rods: were twisted| Christman oni iaan repo amg . Tika ais will be given Postmaster General, will be received ut' Ot- stundird granulated sugar for $9.25 pet up-like wire, but fortunately the engine re-| Holoroft wee [pore next wed tawa until-noon, on Fridsy, the 26th Oct- ; bag. at Hinds Bros. mained on the tracks, until-it could be] MacNab 13 Somerville 5|Flour (Onteie) |, MeLonnan,, Bradford 1.11, obeh 1017, for the conveyance "of His ~ Engineer. Thos, Bradford has: bought the | brought to a standstill. The T. & N. 0.) " By ends: Flour (Manitoba) $18.50. Nanny: Fisher, J. Bisples, Midland. <2 8 3° jonrdgts ene uk bropased Contrast for houte lately ocesipied' by 0. Spearn and' has had one. or. two narrow escapes from) -- MacNab-- 0102121201021.| Bran, ton .. $38.00-40.00 "Harry L.. Hugh: 5 ford 422 four years, SIX_times per week 'on the route "moved into it this week. : serious" accidents lately, Only 9 week or | somerville-- £0100000109004 New 'Prestess, Eas Lean? hee oo a eee THORNTON RURAL ROUTE NO. 3 (via Mayor Perey Morrison of Sudbury with|° ®go one of their' engines ran into a car y Beene, aie Egbert ahd Ivy!, fromthe Ist. of January, "id wife and two children' visited, his bro-[%!, dynamite in. Cabalt,, smashed, the car 1918" next. i ther, J. E. Morrison, over Sunda; aiid seattered the boxes, of explosive about Printed notices contuining further infor- ) Reha da eee eles! COAL and FENNIMORE COOPER. 2:2sseie ks Mrs. 8. J. 'Trimble und son. George: and ticks exploded. Had they done #0 8 good tract thay. be seen' and. blank forms af | «Mim. ©. dor and Charite of Toronto seat | share af Cobalt would' have béen demolish- Tender may: be obtained at the 'Post Offices 4 sfestag ith Mr. and Mii. Alex: Scotts |t"Snd many ive lot, of Thoraton, Egbert, Ivy; and at the office f ick At cai of thy Post Offiée Inspector, Toronto... | E. Painter has moved into the new house ea ; 'A_SUTHERLAND, rie om he has-built on Willian St., and the Rev. Orillia League Champions, : " Pot. Office Tnapéetor. ° i . We J, Watt 'is moving into the house Mr.| Under ideal 'conditions the four teams Post, Oifice Inspector's Office, | - Painter has' just left 'tied for the championship of the Northern Toronto, Sept." 13th; 1917, 88-40 } Sons of England meet toworrow (Friday) | Bowling League played off in Barrie yes- a | in the Orange Hall -st 8 pm, sharp.|¥erday. Newmarket snd Bradford went, out The Carpet Bowling Tournament will bef # 'the first round 'and Orillia' disposed. of - glarted when teams exptsiged by E. Whit. Allandale in the final, taking two out of eo To | mney an(l A.-Derrick will compete Hea seriés| three' games. Risks arid' scords. were ae + . of games during 'the winter months. follows : ee: 2 2 oes : Fint Round ars > r | Mist Alice Hamlin and Miss Gladys Catlin orate' *! ae ; are two new.'Allandale pupils t take a Patt 'Wood sae i : Be | course at -the Barrie Business. College. y Abia 'Neill 19-21 Dunlop St. ; J. ©, Service of Windsor -was' in town | A.-M, Marshall Wilton. | i thie week, after. ates the, funéraFof ie W. J. Clarke = 27 Bernhardt 20 TEA " BOVRIL . father, W. H. Service, 8 pioneer -of East] By ends: ' 'asaga, who.died at hishome on the} Clarke- 004521300010001206010 COFFEE HOT CHOCOLATE - é'.on Wednesday of Inst week,| Bernhardt 110000022402120020102 TOMATO BOULLION a SANDWICHES © ; PIE AND CAKE ta Lunches served, from. 10c a : -up. * : "HOME MADE CAKES - For salé every. Saturday or * by special : order. D. & 'H. Line --Oliffs on'shere ot Lake Champlain. : HB great in@petrial weabeh' and | the woudertul historic interest of the. country served by the Delaware & Hudson Company. give. especial interest to the linking up. of this company with the Canadian~ ¢ Railway. It is the cepntry of anthracite coal, and it is the coun- try of Fennimore Cooper, whose tales of the French and Indian ware are known to every schoolboy. In spite or Mark Twain's joke, that the Ip diane of Fennimore. Cooper were a1 .anefent tribe that never existed, the country round' Gleb Falls. Lake George, Otsego Lake, and. Fort [William Henry is dotted with local! ties identified with the Last of the Mohicans. and Leather: Stocking. . 'The bunting and fishing grounds of! - the Bive Nations and the Algonqutns | 'gravity igi trom Carbondale to Flonesdale . . The Say ERNE "The Split," on Lake Charplam, . Canada's old frontier. - Plattsburg, scenery Adirondacks the scebe of many 'Coal is the indus 'perted "by the. Del nd Company -for use on {ts rajiroad road the de for -coal tn | the Sifst run on . larly an im-'Wilkesbarrie 'are. some. of Hudson jknown points on this-importauit. rai Montrealers it {8 'particu "The pictur Rut Ys

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