Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 20 Sep 1917, p. 9

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1 Sept. _ - have that little World - at $7 Greater value, equipment » on the market. with a rush, when you As Told by Our BABY GRAND| $1225.00 If you want: the big-ones we have them and we still She's got' the push--She's got the speed --Shes off [News from Neighboring Townships 'Correspondents Beater 50.00 considered, than any other~ give her feed. SHANTY BAY U Sept. 1%=Mr, andsMrs, Thos. Btooks 'Mr. and Mrs. Spence 'of -Alliston visited this villuge list Sunday. Mr. Pethick; who is assisting Mr. th special: meetings at Oro, preach- ed ;very' acceptably in' the Methodist 'Chureh ¢ hefe-last Sunday. 'Franke Harkins of 'Toronto is the guest of, Mr. und Mrs. James Hurt Miss Gertie Adams "has taken a position at Walkerville 'and left on: Monday last. R. ¥. Williams has gone to Edmonton to visit 'with his' ddughter. Dr, und Mry. T. M. Hart and Miss Brown and Fred Flaherty of Detroit have returned honie after a couple of weeks' stay with Mr. T. Hart W. Smith of Toronto called on friends here 'on Sunday' last. Mr and Mrs, Frank, Dun¢more of Guthrie spent Sunday, with Mr, and Mrs. Arthur Hubbert. _-. EDENVALE Sept: 18--"Roy MacDonald. of Toronto hai come home for a rest, being on the sick list >with rheumistism, School reopened last week with Miss Wat- Y'son in-the East Ward. and Miss Humphrey in, the West Ward: "Mrs, HE Adamson spent a few days in 'Waverley' last. week.' Miss Kate Culham of Jacks Lake is vinit- ite friends.in the neighborhood. "Mr. and Mrs. Albert Dixon snd faiiily spint afew -days Inst' week with the lat- sy ter'® mother*in Singhampton. { "Mise Lena Jackman of Stayner is. spend: Mrs, ing' some time with her sister, Crawford. "Mrs, Jathes Crawford is visiting with Mir. R. Maw, Minesing. 'Owing to the scarcity of men a lot of our farmers have threshed their' grain in. the | §ield sind for this they have been given the _ best of weather. Thé Women's Institute met at the home of Mrs, 'Lloyd Livingston Inst week. Sew- ing'-und' knitting for patriotic purposes has een worked with tinceasingly. Bradford... Ivy 10--A good -representation from oth churches here attended the Sunday School Génvention in Cookkgpwn lust Mon- day. Gwing. Yo™ Ammiivérary Services at "the Townline there will be no service inthe Presbyterian Church heyé next Sunday. A number from here-inotored to. Toronto on Monday 'to buy stock at the 'big sale down there and to. see~the tractor 'plows 'working in the Prison, Farm at Thornhill. As. the choir of the "Anglican Church, is With the Stroke} of a Pen. é * With the stroke of a pen you can: .create .an estate for any. '| amount. you -may-choose. You do not wait to save it, You thake. it first and. save' it \ If you die your: estate: is im- mediately payable in cash.. If you live you have your sav- +-ings at your disposal. : How much can you set-aside J} each year by way of savings? Tell this. Ff tell you the amount of. the estate it will sive you. A. H. BROTHER| " t District 'Manager rt am rs ee G-] Creemiore friends. ther bed. Though a great-sufferer she bore greatly missed in the vicinity, being widely [of Nokomis, Sask., Fafternoon'after the s&rvice at home condue- giibg to Hlmgrove nexi Sunday evening there will be no 'service here. W. J; McLean threshed clover last week. | The yield was over a bushel to the load. Mr. and Mrs, White of Barrie ure visit: | ing Mrs. H. Brown for a few days. Mrs.-J.. Banting and. her' sister, Miss" M. Lennox, are spending « holiday with Pains 'wick friends. Mr. Watson 'and little daughter are en- joying. @ trip to the city. Rev. Mr, Dew, with his father and mother from Alliston, motored to Wasoga Beach on Wednesday. A goorlly number from here attended the Fair in Barrie and give a very good report) of it : Eight seroplanes lit. iti W.. W. Carruthers' | field on Thesday'afternoon, | Mrs, Irwin's children of North Bay are spending a.few weeks with her parents, Mr.| and Mrs, Pierson. THORNTON | Sept: 19--Miss Gertrude Henry has gone 'on ah extended visit to friends in Detroit. »Dr. Thos. J, Henry of Detroit spent over | 'Sunday with jis father, Thos. Henry, | 'Mrs,. (Rev.) Craw "of Springville spent | the past week here with her brother, Jas, | W. Henry. and her cousin, Mrs. Jas, Bruce, of Egbert. Mrs. Wm. Fraser has returned home after speniling the past.month with her son Alex in Boston, Among- those "who attended the-S, 8. eevee in Cookstowh'on Monday were Mr. and Mrs. Jas. A. Jamieson, Miss Rose Ayerst 'and Miss Mamie Henry: 'Miss Mary Paton spent the week-end with A number from 'here 'attended' the Anni- versary at Egbert on Sunday: and wil speak very: highly of the splendid and profitable sernions presched'-by. the pastor and also. the splendid selections given by the Quar- tette. , Miss Annie - Patton of Rocklyn is 5 visiting for a couple of weeks with her uncle, John Patton. Congratulations to: Jas, W. 'Henry snd John Patton on 'winning several firet prizes for their cattle and-colts "at the Barrie je N. Grose, iH. Blackstock ing 'attended a. plowing |: match' at Richmond Hill on Wednesday. Congratulations to-Mr. and "Mr: Dalton Banting pn the arrival of. a daughter re- cently. : The Union Memorial Service in the Methodist' Church on Wednesday night for | Wm, Milburn: and Samuel Cross. was fairly well attended. The-church was beautifully decorated with flags, bunting and asters, Short sidresses from Rev, R..H. Somer- ville, Rev. F. J. Dunlop of King and 'Ret Mr. Kitching, Jas. A. Jamieson and Addi- son McKenzie were much apprecisted by all! "Among those: present, from a. distance for the service were: Miss Mary Robert- son pf 'Tofewto, Mis. W. G. Milburn (widow of deceased) , 'Allandale, Alf. Grewer of Hamilton and others. To the sorrowing widow, sisters ahd parents and friends the sincerest sympathy is extended bya host of friends 'here. / Mr. and Mrs, Dilworth of Toronto were guests of Mr: and Mrs. G...B. Henry over Sunday. In: Thornton on 'Sept, 11 ited Mrs. Eliza Jane Simpson, a. native of Ochannacloy, Co. Tyrone, Ireland, widow of the late Geo. Simpson of Innisfil, Deceased was of the Presbyterian faith and 'for many years a member of Braden's and Tewn Line Chur, ches: She had been in failing healjh ied year and thé last three months corifined her affliction with great patience and for- titude, her daughter, Mist Margaret Simps- son, of Philadelphia, being "her: devoted nurse to the end. Mrs. .Simpson .will: te | 'known and highly respected. by all who knew her. - Deceased: is 'survived' by. three, sons, John W., George' and Robert J., all and four déughters, 'Mrs. R. McMaster. of Allandale, Mrs. Wm. McClean 'of Wyevale, Isobel and Margaret, of Philadelphia, Lewis' Cemetery, Cookstown, on Thursday ied by Rev, R. H: Somerville. The presence of 'numerous hneighbors"and friends from' for and 'near 'testified to the, great respect felt for the, deceared:" -* Card of Thanks | years: |Mare or Gelding, James McArthur. 'year-old Colt, H. Gammon, W. I. Cli "| Crawford & } Cow, | Shearling, F. Interment took place in| * ins Fair Beat =a __. All Past Records GATE ,RECEIPTS. AHEAD oF PREV- FILLED--FINE SHOW OF -HORSES. (Continued From Page 1) HORSES Judging Competition for those under 26 I. T. McMahon, E, Crawford, W. B. Tudhope. % 'Draft--Brood Mare, Graham Bros. Foal, Grabanr Bros. ; '2-year-old colt; W. J. "Brien, N. Morrison; Yearling, H. 'I, 'nd Me on ; Team, ford & Son, W. J. O'Brien; Best Agricultural Class--Brood. Mare, L. F. Shaw ; Foul, Hy, Pearsall, L. F. Shaw; 2- | Yearling, A. Bell, L. F. Shaw; Team, Bell; Best Mare or Gelding, D. Bell. Percheron--2+year-old Colt, W. J. Scott. Carriage Class--Single Horse, E. Walker, L.. Rois; 'Spring Colt, W. I, Clark; 2-year- old, | Tudhope Bros.; Yearling, Tudbopé. Bros.; 3:year-old to buggy, T. H. Mc- Mahon, E. Coates. at Road Horses--Gentleman "Driver, 8. Harvie, R. H: Whitéside; Team, S. Hi G, Raikes; Open,,Trot, J. Shepard, Hl. | Barnbart; Brood Mare, W. I. Clark: ear ling Col B-year-oid to buggy; |J. Horne, J.-A. Brandon; Farmer's Driver, S, Harvie; H. I, Barnhirt; 'Gentlemen's Saddle Horse, Tudhope Bros., Mrs.'B. W. Smith; Lady Driver, open, Miss L. -Sleisor, Mrs, B. W. Smith Pony Driver, Jaber | Leigh, Chas. Ball; Farmer's Saddle Hor Tudhope Bros, A. Adam; Gentlem: |Turnout, R. H. Whiteside, 8, Harvie; Far- [iuge's Single Turnout, 8. Harvie, Ivart., |Horne; "Lady Harnessing -and 'Hitching, Miss Mahony, Mri. B. W. Smith; Lady Di ver, resident, Miss L, Slessor, Miss Mahony Lady Rider, Mrs. B/W, Smith, Miss Raikes. CATTLE Registered Shorthorn, Aged Bull, F. (Sha Bull Calf, RL AL icc G. Rouse; Cow Having raised exif since Oct. 1916, G. Crawford & Son 1 and. old Heifer, G.- Crawford & G. Crawford &-Son, G. Holstein Bull Cal, H, 1. Barnhart; Heifer Calf, H. I. Bérnbart. Ayrshites--Cow having raised ¢alf since 1916, 1 and 2 G. McArthur. Grade Cattle--2-yeur-old Steer, W. Gra- | ham ;. Yearling, A. Currie, J. A. McLucas,} W, Graham; Fat Beast, W. J. O'Brien, WW | Graham; Milch 'Cow, G. Rouse, R, A. mann, W, Graham; 2-year-old ieee re J. Fleteher, Alex Currie; .Yearling, A. Cur- | rie, W. Graham; Heifer or Steer Calf, * A.} Currie; Best Registered Bull, any age or breed, G, Crawford & Son; Best Female, | any age or breed, G, Crawford & \ milking, Wm. Graham ; "Bes G. Crawford & Son SHEEP ) Cotswold--Aged Ram, Jno. Sanderson; Sanderson; Ram Lamb, 1 and? 2, J. Sanderson; Aged Ewe, J, Sanderson, F, Sandérson; Shearling," F. Sunderson, J Sanderson; Ewe Lamb, 1. and'2, J. Sander- son. : Leicestet--Aged Rum, J. Allan & Sons, Shearling, J. Allan & Sons, Ram Lamb, 1} and 2, J. Allan & Sons; Aged Ewe, 1 and | 2, J. Allan & Sons; Shearling, 1 and 2, 3.1 Allan & Sons; Ewe Lamb, 1 and 2, J..Al-| lan & Sons, (Oxford Downs--Aged Ram, "A. Camp- bell, A.D, Campbell; Ram Lamb, 1 and 2, A. Gurrie; Aged Ewe, A. Campbell; A. Our rie; Shearling, A, Campbell, A. Currie; Ewe Lamb, 1 and'2, A. Currie. Shropshires--Aged Ram, G. S. -Clark; Shearling, G. 8. Clark; 'Ram G. Clark Bed Ewe, G. 8. Clark; Shearing 1 and-2, A. J, Fletcher; Ewe Lamb, G. § Clark. Grade Sheep--Aged Ewe, A. D. Camp: bell, G. Se hearling, J. A. MeLucas, A. Campbell; 'Ewe Lamb, N.-Campbell, A Campbell; Fat Sheep, J, Allan' & Sons, G, S. Clark. PIGS Yorshires--Brood Sow, G. Crawford & Son, L. Jermey,; Sow, spring pig, A. J. Flet- clier, 1 und 2; Bacon Hogs, L. Jermey, A. J. Fletcher. ; . ° POULTRY Barred 'Rocks--J. Allan & Sons, RF. Carsoatiden; Barred "Rock Chicks, R. F. Carscadden, J. Allan & Séns; Rhode Island Reds, W. C. Wilson, G. Healey; Rhode Island Red Chicks, 1 and 2, W.-C. Wilson; Brown' Leghorns, W. J, Scott; White Leg: horns, W. C. Wilson, W. Tuck; White Leg-| horn Chicks, .W. Tuck, W.: C: Wilson ;/ White Wyandottes, G. E. Thompson, W.| L. F.-Shaw; Hen Eggs, E. B. Love, G.| Love; Ancona.Chicks, G. A, Scott. FLOWERS AND FRUIT Display Cut Flowers, W. C, Wil-! son, W, J: Seott; Table Bonquet, F. Campbell, W. J. Scott; Hand Bou- quet, W. J. Scott, F. , Campbel: Col- lection' Aster J. Seott, T. R.} Collection Dahlias, W. C. Elson; Crab Apples, W.| » Usmpbell, -H.-Gammon; Pewau- ie, L, Jermey, G. A. Seott; North- ern Spies, A. McNabb; Wealthy, 2. | T, Strathearn, G. A+ Scott; Golden | Fletcher Wilson, M. Son; Roxbury Russets, W. M, Camp- heli; Ben Davis, W. Graham, Mrs. T. McCullough; Snows,D. T. Strath-| earn, (. 'A. ott, Wolf | M. Campbell, -L. Terme renee, H. Gammon, L. W. Leigh; Talman Sweets, G. Crawford & Son, | xanders,:- Henry Al 8 A. MeNabb; Baldwin, W. M. "Camphell Pomids, L. Jermey, E Coates;| Any other variety, A: Me- bb, Hy, Pearsall. on, 'T. H. McMahon. Pears; early, JeA! Pound: Pears, Inte, M. Elson Collection of Fruit, W..M. Camp- bell: 5 GRAIN AND 'SEEDS > Timothy, W, C. Wilson; _ Clover, MeNabh, T. R, Fletcher: --Flaix,|. Miss Margaret. [. Simpson wishes "to hhink the many friends sind 'kind' nei showed 0 much. kindness: to | Red Winter Wheat, A. J. oaon A.D. ce Winter Wheat,G. Love, W. T.Clark;) 'dh JOUS YEARS--ALL CLASSES WELL |] Russets, G. A. Scott, G. Crawford &|§ Phams, T. Mor-| / _THUR HENPE G.. Love, T. R. Fletcher;. White Oats, R..F. Carseadden, G. A: Scott; Small Peas, R. White Com, T. A. MeMahon; Yel- low. Corn,' J. Patterson; Sheaf Wheat, H.'J. Tudhope & Sons, A... Campbell; Sheat Barley, T: R. Flet cher; Sheat Oats, W. JJ. Scott, H. J Pudhope & Sons ice Corn, 8. Scott, W. J. Sto ROOTS. AND: VEGETABLES Early Potatoes, D: Bell, W. Tuck; Late Potatoes, Mrs. "A. Gilchrist, Campbell; Swede Turnips, N.. Mor- rison, D, T. Strathearn; Aberdeen Turnips, W. L Clark, W. M. Camp- F.' Carseadden; bell;"White Tarnips, W. J. Scott; W. M. Campbell; Grey Stone Tar- nips, Hy. Pearsall, W. .+Scott; Mangolds, W, M. Campbell, Tudhope & Sonis;, Sugar Beets, E. . Love; White Carrots. W. J. "Scott, W. M. Campbell; Red Field, Carrots, W." M.* Campbell, W. J. Scott; Pumpkin, Mrs, T. Meul- loch, H. 3. Tudhope & Sons; -Col- lection vf Roots, W. M. Campbell; Yellow Onions, M. Elson, L. W. Leigh: Potatoe: Onions, G. Love, D. T. Strathcara; Red Table Carrots, W. J. Sevtt, B. Lov Shorthorn Carrots, L. Jermey, W. M. Camp- Tuck; White Wyandotte Chicks,. G. 'E.| : Thompson; Minoreas, W. Tuck: Geese, "pbell; -Parsnips, L. Jermey, Mrs. and 2, L. F, Shaw; Ducks, J..A. McLueas, | McCulloch ;, W! hite Onions, W. C. Wilson, M. Elson; Long Blood Beets, W.-M. Campbell, W.C. Wilson; Turnip Beets, G. Love, W. M. Camp- Paterson, bell; Cabbage, early Cnaig;) Night Dress, 'embroidered, Mog. 1. MeCulloch; lates] Mrs, A... Gilehtist, -B. Gilehrists J. Pate : Canli-] Nicht Dress, filled, crocheted 'yoke, flower, F. Campbell, J. Paterson; AG, Harker: "MH, Home: Table Corn, T: Lué Campbell} Pillow Cas i i | Hubbard Sqnash, W. C. Wilson; : Vegetable: Marrow, W. C. Wilsonj| dey Mts. A. Graham; Tilo ieee Tomatoes, Mrs. G. MeArthur, | Mrs | yy, Me ee W. M. Camp- Citrons, Gf A, Seott, Water Melons, G. .! ott: Musk. Melons, : Collee- Bag Potatoes, R- F 'Carscadtten. DAIRY. PRODUCE: 20 Ib. Crock Butter, Mrs: i|chnst, Mrs. D.. MeCuai Mrs, W. I. Clark; 10.1. Crock Butter, Mb A. Gilehfist, Mrs. .N- Mr A' Gilchrist, McCulloc t, Mrs. N. 'Campbell 0G Scott; Farmer's Cheese,. Mr: 'Cullocli, Mrs, D.-MeGuaie; extracted, <M. "Elson; ex, 'Maple Sngar,, A. MeNabb, D. T. Stratbearn, Maple Syrup, D. T: Stratheara, "1. : Frait Cake, Mrs. -- = OPERA HOUSE | ONE. NIGHT ONLY. .20 BIG SONG HITS. T-] Hooked »Mat,. M A. .Gil-| M: s| ieee any other | Mrs. A. C. Hark .| Mrs, T. MeCulloch; Towels, T.} guest, SDAY The Big: Cartoon. Musical Comady. Success JKED HENR FEATURING ' CLYDE LONG, MISS FAY DAVENPORT Anda Beet as Beauty Chorus of Singers and ipa FAY DAVENPORT'S DANCING DAISIES. NC ER ERLE TENT arsr canner The Cartoon Comedy that has made. Millions: Laugh. A RIOT OF COLOR, MUSIC AND GIRLS. ee ae ES ce ee ee 20 PEOPLE, MOSTLY GIRLS $e There are no heart throbs---Just Laughter and Melody. SEAT SALE AT MALCOMSON'S, MONDAY, 24th PRICES: 25c TO. $1 .00 CURTAIN: 8.15 »|sinde: 'Bread, 'Mia, "AD, >. Campbell, B. MoCuaig, D. T, Strathearn, . LADIES' WorK Faney Apron; M. H. Horne, Mrs. Harker, Mrs. Graham; Crochet: Wool, Mrs. G. Lauder, Miss son; Child's Dress, embroidered ique; Mrs.-R. W..Waters; -Child's Dress, lawn, Mrs. A. C. Harker, Mrs. W.. I. Addison; Corset Cover,..ero- cheted yoke, Mrs. A. C. Harker, Mrs. -H.'J. Tadhope;"Corset Cover, embroidered, B, Gilehrist; Centre- piece, embroidered, whité, Mrs. 'W. I, Addison, B. Gilehrist; - Centre- piece, colored; Laura Bell, Mrs. G. Lauder; Dinner Mats, Laura Bell, M. H. Horne; Darned Stocking, Mrs. H. J. Tadhope, Mrs. A, C. Harker; Embroidery on Linen, M. Madden, Laura Bell; Embroidered "Pillow- éases, B. Gilehi Mrs. W. I. Ad- bell, Mrs: Mrs. T. MeéCulloeh, .B. MeCuaig; T. McCulloch; A. C. Harker; Hand Bag, Mrs. 'Harker; M. .H. Horne; Laun- dry Bag; Mrs., W. I. Addison; Mitts, woollen, Mrs. T. McCulloch, B. Me- Mrs. Hi, J. 'Tudhope: Seott; vin Cushion, _ B. Gilehrist, i . W. |. Addison; Quilt, patched, A.: MeNabb,-M. Madden; D. Walk- Oat, Log: Cabin, Mrs. FE M Mrs. A.) Grahain, : . woollen, Mrs. | t . MeCuaig, MeCalloch; Sore: Pillow, ewhroidered, linen, Mrs, Lander, M,, H. Horne; Sofa, Pil-' 1, Mrs. G. Latider!, Sewed Rag Mat, bath, | crocheted, . Mrs, A. Gy Harker, Horne:, Towels, embroidered "Pray. Cloth, J. 'Tudhope; Tea 'Coss Gilghrist, Mxs. .W. 1. Ad- iTable Runner, Laura Bell, Mrs ie MeCillgc, Mrs. ee Cainpbell, Five O'clock kind; ,M.. H, Horne.* the busket wagon on. week... Mr. Courtney was driving-the wae- on and Hugh. was holding on underneath the wagon somehow. .and the driver not knowing this started the horse running 'and Hugh fell off and as: far. as. we Know was work left for the many friends, I am -sure, will miss "him. home sfter 'visiting with headaches: and my system hecame rin down. ~~ considerably' in weight. Drs Chase's Nerve Fooil, and ae they! hel: = ed mie T continued .this parent ae time | My 'condition now greatly Proved, 'my. heailaches are dm M.'H. Horne; Towels | health in general ig much hore apes {. H.) cheerfully recommend" the > use " Di Mrs. Chaeé's: Nefive Food, t0 those 'Mrs. G.| nervousness 'of any "kind," ercome tired, one Worsted "Mat, pan "Mis... ALD, CHILDREN'S. WORK" Gi MeArthur; Apron by-girl, E. J.|_, Step Ladder, 0. Leigh, E. Mer- Tudhope; Baby Jacket, Mrs. A. C. Gitl's. Writing,» Verna. Bell Harker, M. Madden; Bedroom Slip-| Sedie Watts; Msp of Co. Simcoe, "| pers, Mrs. H. J. Tudhope, Sadie: Watts,-G..G. Harvie. | Gilehrist; Buttonholes, . : _---- ' Campbell, Mrs. A.D. Campbells 2 MINESING. Crocheting on Cotton, Mrs. A; C.} Master Hugh Johnston was' run over by Thursday," of Laat 'Berry. Bros. from Toronfo. visite ed their parents on Sunday. Miss Annie Porter from -Vaughain is via- iting with her aunt, Mrs, Wood. Ir. Gfoom having finished. hia pastoral ity: on Monday last. "Fis Mr. Buie of Stayner is assistant teacher for the school. Mrs. Clarke and children have returned Campbell; Had Headache For Two Years. 'A Barrie Man "Fells of "Persistent "Head- aches. and Indigestion--Finally. Found. His Way to Good Health. Barrie, Ojit, Sept; 20:--For 'two long years the writer of this letter was subject to severe headaches, The -neryous system got run down, digestion foiled, and there was continued loss of weight. 5 7 The use of Dr. Chase' ierve Food: 'changed all' this, and. now with scores * of other. Bartie people 'Mr, Nader is 'recom. ° mending the.-use, of this food cure' 'as. the best means' of building- up "Bhe = rextinusted nervous system and -curing headaches, im: digestion -and, all' the "annoying *ympioms Campbell; Quilt, tof run-down eee. 'abb; Quilt, Mr. John Nade#,38 Penetang Strept, 'Bar y,> Mrs. A. tie, Ont., . writes "During the last two-yeare I had: an ate ack 'of -indigestion,: uecompaniéd by severe Suffered from loss of appetit" T ako. T began usin' freatment for same See ieee oe sed eatin er Oa

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