Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 20 Sep 1917, p. 8

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Page Elght < "THE ADLET coLu! iN rf 'The cost of advertising in this column' is GNE CENT PER WORD EACH INSER- TION, with'a minimum.-charge of 15: cents || per is Terms cash. . Six. i be giveri for the price of four.' Where re- © plies are directed to this Office an addi- tional charge of. 10c. will be pa WHITE LILY 'BULBS' FOR SALE at 99 Blake St. 37-38p | WANTED---A Coal Runge. Apply Exam- iner Office, 38-38 NICE COMFORTABLE ROOM FOR RENT \: 108 Worsley Street, | 36-38p PR se MMi Sa ere WATER METRES cleaned -and repaired. * PR Jo Moran, 58° Bayfield Bt.| 34-tf-eow -- Ap- 38-38. YOUNG PIGS--(Yorkshire), for sale. a ply 5. V. Jones, Oro Station, YORKSHIRE BOAR--, (Registered) for sale, $8. Vz dunes, Oro Station; ~_ 38-38 oO FOR SALE--General Purpose | mare, 'year-old, Apply to this ofted, 38. "| FURNISHED ROOMS and Suites of Ap: srtments. To Let ut No. i Map! Ave. 40 FURS--remodelled and repaired) Miss Minnie McArthur, King Block,| upstairs | 37-49 Fen See Cen Tree es lier Coldwater Fair, Oct. 2 and 3. ~ - Read The ;Examiner Adlet Column. -_- Rev.-J. R, Fallis will conduct the snui- ve Dalston --Another 50 'bags of pure caine extra standard graniléted sugar for $9.25 per bag at" Hinds Bros. If you like The Examiner, recommend it to. any friends who are not already sub- sofibers, . $1.50 per year. Capt. 0. H. Lyon is retiring from_ the porition of mandger for the Barrie Gas Co at the end of this month. Sergt.-Major R, Smith gave.a very inter- Gting talk to the Field Comforts sewing cluss on Monday afternoon. Auniverbury services will be held at the 'Townline Presbyterian, Church on Sundey, Sept. 23, at 11 aim. and 7_p.m. 'Twenty prisoners, sentenced fdr deser- tion, were transferred from Barrie jail to the Burwash Prison Farm on Thursday. Sir Douglss Huig, Commander-in-Chief of the British Forees in Fratice, attends Divine Worship every Subbuth. Do you? The Examiner is' always pleased. to get soldier news of interest for this column. 'Let us know what the boys are doing ov- | Mr. and Miss Spry are visiting in Win- tiipeg. Mins Mary MeLennan is out-of town for a week. Miss Nellie "Goodall fo the B.C. stad. Mrs, Joba Dougall and Mrs: J. M. Smith are' visiting-in Detroit. has been_appointed guest, of Mrs. Grasett. Mrs. R. E, Fletcher of Toronto visited Mrs. A. Morten this week, Mrs, Wm, Hunt and son Keith' spent a few days in Peterboro last week. Judge Mscwatt 'and Mrs, Mucwatt Sarnis were in town over Sunday. Mrs. T. H. Lennox and son of Aurora are visiting Mr. and Mrs, J, H. Bennett. Iven Butterfield of Orillia spent 2 few days this week at B, W. Rbinehart's, Miss Lillian Webb -has returied home after spending several weeks in Toronto: Major Mark Robinson of Algonquin Park was in town for a few days this week. Mrs, Coughey and two daughters of Ut: terson are visiting her tother, Mrs: Hill. Mrs. (Rev.) Morgan Desn. of Toronto is of. * Mrs. Walter H. White of Peterboro is the {' the guest of Mr) and Mrs. N. B. Johnston. | Men's Working Boots Blu- cher cut, Black and Tan, prices $5, $4.50, $4 and $3.50 No Matter Where You live It Pays té Shop Here WeSave You Money See out new Men's and Boys' Suits and Overcoats Ladies' Corsets; these are big value 'at. $3.50, 3.00, 2.50, 2.00, 1.75, 1.59, 1.50, 1.25, 1.00, 75c an Men's. and Ladies' Sweater Coats, extra value. Prices $6.50, 6.00, 5.00, 4.50 Men's. Grey Heavy Cotton Sweater Coats, these are-big: value at $1.90 and $1.50 Ladies'and Boys' Black | Ribbon Cotton Hose, sizes 5% to 10,. Special 25c Men's Patent Boots, Goodyear | Men's Fine Colored: Shirts, crseas, Mrs. P. McKay, Toronto, visited with') 'TO LET---Large brick house, furbished or |¢ PS : . --N the ti louk aft irs. W. R. King, 109 Toronto St., this . ' z c ei eakarginbe ell "eps eenignce: jis. Oat saver ouehing eee i ee ee Pinay Week 1] Welt, these are big value. sizes' 131% to 18, these are | Ladies' Black Cashmere = Consult Mofatt & Parr,| Mr. and Mrs. A. 8, Burton left on Wed. good patterns. Prices Hose. Special prices season 'sets in. Phone 531. 37.38, -nesday for a week's trip to Kingston and | » $5.50. YOUR FURNACE--Get it repaifed , and $1.50, 1.25, 1.00 and 75e} 50, 60, 75, 90c, $1.00 | other ints, Sleaned. Examine smoke pipe] P. J.| | --Mre. Heard, 13 Boss Sty has just re- oer Bot sac? ' Moran. Ba-theow | ceived @ consignment of stock corsets Se Mecasd Ege Ww Fe King 'motored, Ladies' Dongola, Blucher Cut Boys' Fine Shirts, with sep- 3 | 'oronto and spent tl 7 % a Pai te ne ; which will be sold at' a reduced rate spent the week-end with Mr./ Boots, these are big value. arate collars, sizes 12% to | Ladies' Black Cashmere GRDER furnige 'and stove smoke pipe now | while they last, 38.40 King's parents. ' Shortage likely, Moras, tinsmlith and) Geo, 'Cameron shipped! s car of cattle, Mrs. C. T. Sargent and son of Bawlf, | pipelister $4-tf-eow! . car of hogs and car of tuna the Alta, has returned to Toronto after visit- ) Barrie stockyards on'. Tuesday. /$1 to ing Mrs. R. J. Sprott. | Gloves: Special 60, 50c: | Ladies' White Lisle 14. Price 75c Black - and, White $3.50 Tan Working ~ Boots, Boys' Boys' DAT DD UT Seven. tau sed aie $16.75 per-awt. wax paid Sor "hogs, | Mrs, J. Brook' und daughter returned | oe 'S, 1 Stripe Working Shirts, sizes | Gloves, heavy fall lines. vias cn les | Now is the' time to have "your "to theirhome in Toronto after visiting the | sizes 1 to 5. Special 2% tol i 'i ( : ae fly not My -Astmoson 88 simuce cleaned. and repaired before' the former's aunt, Mra. H. Ball pecial -- $4.00} 1274 to 14. Special price 50¢ | Special 50c 'busy season, See Moffatt & Parr, Sole] A-very: stecessful dance was given in the Agents for Hecla Furnace. Phone 541, Town Hull Jat. Thursday night by the Sol- 'The Ernie Marks Stock Co, played at.the 'ier' Aid, the total receipts being $107 Opera House for three nights this week tol H. Chester, proprietor of the Coldwater | ASD WASTE PIPES shouldbe lyoked "alter before Trost." Gonwalt Mor: an, Baybeld, St -tf-eow" With every dollar purchase we give you a 5c Coupon, redeemable ai our Premium Counter.. See the nice goods at small prices" ISHED HOUSE TO RENT With all big business, / In ull respects the'company Planet, was in town on Tuesduy. advertis- nvemences, piuno, ete." Apply (Mrs, C. js quite, ap to the stundard of former 'ing the "Coldwater Fair af which fe ix H. Porter, 58 Maple Ave. 36.39 yeurs. | secretary. Mr. Merchant, get after' the Fall business | © Mrs. 1. Builey and seaghie Mona have by effective aivertising. There .is not an- returned to Thessalon after spending two other ynediuin that nearly approaches The weeks with friend in Buyrie, Orilliy and 'xaminer for reaching the people af Bar- | other places, rie and country round: about Mr; und Mrs, Alfred Wood, Betty Wood Mr. Thompson, Baytield ., is still' en-| snd Miss Dorothy Sparrow, motored. from ' from his gur-| Montreal and spent w few days with Mr. oud RNG WE SELL FOR CASH. 'WE SELL FOR LESS ROUGHING and conductor pipes : 4 sul, be ropuited 'before raimy | eason. g Moran can do-it right H-tf-eow amen scree ae HANING AND PRESSING "-- Your old ~ 1 und? overcoat pew 'by Hurry Twins, Owen St. 8:f Gen These are of the ever-bearing variety and Mrs. W. R. King, | P 7 cand besides having gooily wumber of| Mrs. N. B. Johnston was appointed) Fuk SALL, |S eodnied. brick Nous witb' perros, the plants ure still in Moon. | Chairman of Publiity for. the Ontario Wo- for imfirket garden Apnly This of Continued dry: weather hus interfered | an'x Citizen Asgociation ut the recent') % 4 with the full plowing and, has: prevented the | convention in. Toranto. ee. ' 43 Pit Ea aA a ae ee ea Alto- full amoint of wheat being put in | Miss Lauris nd' Muster Harry Bailey re- _ BUILDING, LOTS FOR SALE_-- 66, feet Fether. the. fall wheat uereage I¥ said to.be) curned? to their home in. Thesalon after choigest frontage on Willian St, Allans Considerubly lew than was anticipiited spending their holjduys with their grant * tule, Box M Examiner and Saturday Archie Burton has not: yet forgotten how | purcots, Mr,.and Mrs, H, Ball. Morning. .10-tf to twirl. bust Saturday he showed some] Mr. and Mre. R. H. Webb and Miss Bun- of his old-time form when he pitched for ice Webb, -ecompanied by Miss Ruby Rowe, BOR SALE OR REN®-House. at 98 Clap- the Wellington's ugiinst the St, Mary's in | motored to Toronto, Niagara Falls. and perton St., all comvehiences, Apply S.-J. Tora Gi y arvetaur League match; The | Buffalo, spending a week with friends. | Dansmore, Barrie, Box' 13, R.M.D,, or) Dukes won 15 to 4 Mr, und Mrs, Mortley, Mise M. Mortley, LINDSAY BAI > = hone 39718, Last week's Dunnville Chronicle' reported Mrs, Harper and the tiswee: Maiti have| Pale. TRENTON JOR BALD UEVER verdes on Wontey (the teath of Mre. Henry Armstrong, mother! returned "to Toronto after spending a : a ee sabe rang OU ead af a 4 Bievkne, who formerly ved month in Barse at Mr Adamson's, 1 Maple ie _-- . 7 Dtreet, He! 3 ere. e rwins re fof age. On Auj ve. a at ux water, barn and good garden) Apply| 19 she fell ch her fon breaking her hip Coldwhter Faiz, Oct. 2. and 3. WITH THE MEN IN KHAKI. | are now. on the battle' fronts, and to, pre- THE WEATHER inf this, Offic' 36-41 | and never recovered from the effects of thit -- . pare for their retura." Lowest Hight Rain : accident. ; Pte. F. Sanderson of Barrie wax report:| The sime and. objects of the G.W.V.A. F A - BROWN, GELDING FOR SALE~-Over 15 A-weleoine 'awaits you at your own a - BORN ed wounded on Monday, ure ax follows: To win the war; 'to -per:| a 0.03 bunds," Property. of Mrs. Jarvis. Own-| church. Attend its regular serviges. Ay BLOGG--On Sept, 9, a son to Mr, and| Word was received by /Alfred Brunton | petuate the close and kindly ties' of 'mut- 73 ing so: ei going: west. Horve 'to be ween jut Pal-| Srecia! Rally Service is being. held there Mre. Blogg, Burton Ave. of Allandsle on Saturday that his brother, | ual service in 'the- great war, the. recollec- 7 : 5 =, Cravefn bee: Livery, Buyfield St. 38-38P | on Sunday, the 30th: inst: BUTLER--On Sept. 11, the wife of Sip-|Gunuer Gordon Brunton, who went over-/-tions and associations of that' experience, 79 Mrs bern er . z = per J. A, Butler, Sunford St, of » dau. |see4 with the 76th. Bn. had been gaed.| and to. maintain proper. stondards of dig. 72. 0.08 Mn t FARM FOR fal 400" acres, abi, 10 Levee rdee ghter. Gunuer Brunton was in the Signal Corpx) nity, snd hovior Detween alt returned. sl Si awit Vespru, cliy loam, first-class buildings. % - A Hs | during the sojourn of his battalion here. | diers; to preserve the memory and records ' 'i For further jrarticulars apply to. Chis Pi pire ae dort Pe litiog ta saoon as me a Hospital aie Simcoe Courity soliliers who returned| of those comrades who 'atiffered' and died a SUEY McKernan, Barrie RR, No. 2. | 87-42) wedding of their #01 srry A. Eava'to | iam, a ton (Wiliium, Jokn Malcolm), -| Dome this week ineludéd T. E. Andrews) for the nation; to. see to. the rection of fas Lat tha B aaa a i i Ae 4 and. C, K. Doddridge, Barrie;, L.'Morris, J:]monumente to their valor, the provision . Has Left: tt yank HARNESS |LOST~Op Saturday, Sept. 15, en te ae at Tee ee UPR oe Sept ge mitead ie ee and Piatt, Bradford; H. €. Coles, Collingwood;| of suitable burying places, and the estab-) WA, Doser, #0 lotig connected with the intween Battie hl NENG A ey ee ae ae Te Me Rewer | gen Sitney Hur, Cumberlan it, G. H. Dungey, Alliston; H Sanat; lishment of an, annual meinotiam 'day to| Bank of Toronto, has resigned his position sabber-trimined Kay harness. $500 °re-/ 51) Concord At cin! Mrs, P. Frater! eDONALD--Oit Sept. 19, a ton to Mr. |.A_ Sweeting, Midland ensure that' proper provision is 'made for | as mahager at Stayner and gone wholly in- aa wad if left' ut Cuif's harness shop, 38. | SEE Cocctrt one wee "priser *t)_ and Mrs, Geo. MeDonsld, con. 6,"Vesprs.| Corporal Daniel Mcfeun) a son of Mrs, | the diie ease of the sick, 'wounded and |to the. service ofthe Canada Life "Aseur- an ' "ARGU PO lr --ahor batt oe 17, ona, | Royal Flying Corps, being overseas the| SUTTON--On Sept, 12, a son to Mr. and Margaret MeLean, Mary St, Orillia, has needy, among thove who have served, in-|anee Co... whose agent' he 'has, been «for 9, FARM TO RENT --Gist:ball lot 17, bon, 8.1 wedding aan a qilet. ove + Mrs. T.. Sutton, Crown Hill, wou the Military Medal Stewart -Lyon,|'luding reasonable pensions, employment | some years, .C. H. Wickett of London, errs feontaining 100° sored, good build: | "The Nbfide and groom visited Barrie -- correspondent for the "Canadian Press, | for such a» gre.capable, soldiers' homes, | who succeeds Mr. Doner, sasumed 'the 'dut- All Ham under cultivation jeer] tisehde toweaiie thé coctrol the week, thee . DIED cables that: Corporal: MeLean_distinguiehed | metical care and equitable provision for | ies. yesterday: and we weleonie him to gur Horie eh McBride, or W. Ad. Belly poneymoon. taking the form of a motor|ELLIOTT--In, Basne; on Tuesday, bimwelt by "eapturing single handed, while | Weer nbd ey Geta iene = 'i th 00 Si ' " Kombing an encmy trench near Avion,» ac i = ee points in-Sinicoe county "and the ; poles Taylor Elliott, in bis d4th | Cee ne Officer "and "five men, whom he (the Empire, and unstinted 'serviee in their Gose Pate au) roomed house, "58 | EN: > " sufely delivered sit Battalion headquarters, | interest * 'Phe' Examiner' Job Dep ton Ave, hot \water 'heating, all co Francstac Dl - McCUTCHEON Ib, Barrie, on Monday, | naying en route through an area in which | The veterans decitléd to elect their offic- poe set) Denertraent: lesapler: 2 svod 'gurden ind poult waa Ape Sept. 17, Lottie Constance McCutcheon, | Pus shell were falling' He went over-|@i* at the next meeting, to be held ot Sat. [Qi Sdvipped for speedy, up-to-date nei- xe, Choloe Mozgtion. Special rice. | The total realized "in "Burrie forthe} . daughtet' of Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Me-| 'omy with the 187th Battalion and was| Urday evening, Sept. 29, and every retur.|,ict- New tne and other equipment, with J.B. Morrison, Holgate 'St 38-38 | Frenck Red Cross Socirty. by the Flag-Day| | Cutcheon, aged 1 year, { month, 22 days.| transferred to go to France withthe 116th.| ned soldier in' the district: is urged to -be first-class workmen, make our output the - and collection was $780.00. After pay-| MILLIGAN--In Toitenh Sept. 48, | Decne Ler teaming at Torents' bee , Brees (OOS legal gf that-Srom the. big city print thos. aestic-Broslt fara: 18 to tient ok eaten ' hh for. the G: in Tojtenham, on Sept. 18,! During his' training at Toronto, he won. the 'present, 'Rena Gr oext' olde ANTE, Sul (rn 18 to 90 acon for] mem of xnenves, tc, cheque for. tht] 'Thos. Miigan, mother of Mov. G.| bayonet fgg: championship of the Zod] A vote of thanks was pane to the LaiapeaninstS , Re. Levey, Giesdcsing: fading imalpe) Sev quarters, Walls, Barrie, in her 83rd. year, Divisional 'area. His brother, George, is #| Council for the 'use of the room: and also ---- eg . ae aes Seabepoebiiens P| : ---- $ Captain with the "Northumberland Fusiliers. to Md. Kendall for his efforts on behalf of)" F i rent. gilion of purchase west! cath | Coldwater Fair, Ost, 2 and 9. In' Memoriam the Association and the able way in which - URS! yniner. S739). | memes | In loving mémory of Roy Watson Walsh, Great Wai' Veterans? Association he conducted the meeting, leaned, Altered and Repaired. : _ : : rallies : 5 COOK OR COOK GENERAL oF 4 dom To LET oR FOR SALE--Modern '7-roomed Bie in. eetlo, Sepk. 17, 1916, Somewhere} On Saturday eveniif' list a number of adr, the amieeting 'all moveil off to in- wise ats Waa ae s- either" experienced or inexjeriene, |. Prick house; every. convenience, jfeturned 'soldiers met in. the. Police. Court | tulge in ice cream,.as the guests of Lieut. : of i wanted 'for u Toronto family./Apply| FF month. Enquire 'The Sarjeant €o.. 'Chamber to -consider organizing» local) Williams, 58 Small St.. Barrie. ; 'hy Aettor or in flere or by phonk (No: | «Ltd. ~_ 38.38) An Memoriam: branch: of. the. Great~Wai -Veterans' 'As- aa 90) fo Mex, H, B. Myers, 79 High, aan In boving memory. .of Pte,' Russell Newg! *ociution, C: Kendall, who was appointed are a FOUND De, Brookilale Fanny « Breach | an Horst, Pout Bac, soongeet 260 'Of |shnirmay, outlined the aims and objects of P = = | 7 uD 1D -Strayed on my premises) een me a Saneny ce in |Mr. and Mrs, C, Horsfield, Barrie, who fell 'the Amociation and showed the necessity fi ib Aug hound bitch. Owner |: 4 ifte ve Croehen. eas in ction at the' Battle' of the Somme, | of such sn organization, He also told of F . have, same -00 proving prey | ations Mis. "Croghan. 38-38 | Santomber'17th, 1918. aie of agen ape gs us p e ra ; ouse paying expenses. Geo. Erdeer, lot| [on eared nrcper of Lhumehola' cn | Sleep on, dear low are here," said Chairman Kendall, ""to-ful-| : b > | 3 Ore, Shanty Bay RAD. 97-98 | FOR SALE--A- number of Rourehold ar. | Sieh om, dear loved 20 1B TOU ee ee ay ear pautadas 'who 5 : te 5 | "ticles, including sone furniture Call at yoy "itr your country you anbly gem mei Fri. and Sat. coh 21 and 22 TANDING TIMBER FOR SATA Sun.| 83 Mag St. in'eveningeor duiring day | No friend was neur to can goodbye 1 anes oe ibe : g | ab "on ve tae Biber laibes 'hinge | on Monday and Tueslay mext: 38:38) Bus in God's keeping now you lie" é Barrje Baptist Mate ss is, fence posts and jail tim! japperton orsléy. Sts, saul ignite ee mit "perpen [FOR SALE--Modern -romed ha ; Minister "Win: Harris Wallace." | Abo hahiwaod by. the were, ¢Appige to] ~s0uth-tast comer Bayfield and Welling: Stroud. Worpents. Institute Sunday Sermon Topies for Bept. 28. --] a BE, Np rod ¥ 6-t | ton Sts. All conveniences, hardwood |, The attendance at, fhe monthly meeting fn a.m.--All Things For Good. lars ueri e | ar | 4 finish, hot water heating, 4 fite places, held at Mrs. Georee Young's was very sat-! 7 p.nii.--Love That Lasts = --| large verandah, spacious grounds. Apply jisfactory considering the buiy harvest sei Bversbody welcome. + 5, coheewion- 5.) $. McAdam, 41 Dunlop St Baie gon: 'The cappeintmient of .a-delegate to| | IN ef a ane tee o-w:tf|the convention to be' held in Toronto und == A oc " mid pars ge oe ae peat beck) ----------___as ae arrangements for: booth and lunch table! Collier St. Methodist Church Zo inoration that wil lead 14 heh SALE AT A BARGAIN+-Pleasant | at the school fair were the most import~| Sund: 1917 'he a enti 1e il mths ell Abeir|" home for retired farmer. or party. qwith,| ant items of 'business. | ST a getean BA, Bibsawill| es Shathe, Thornton. 83-40) family, 8-roomed house, Mrs, ane Robertson. read sin article on wee at i] am. and 7 pam. Morning Fi t Sh eon LAT Se Son, 2, ~ f 3 e Girl 'gnd Her: Problems," and Mra. fib, te ieahts BH SBERAVED From l6t 12) fon. 2, Suna:| go with it cheap, owner og apsious|Youne ontintel: copveralaekctions, am chick, the Chritian's Wealth" Bs irst Show 7.30 Prices 6-and lle : spe Shire pelea cod I sell, ie we Ceres ae the vietrdla, which were much enjoyed! , | "™ i artie- and ile. Easy terms. En- ----_--_--_ sight ear... Any information as.to his}. quire at)'80 Sanford St. Barrie. 87-Dp-tf + | Bt Joseph, Levis, July Pil 1903, one : Std ho abe tle ate Trinity Church _ COMING SOON *-- easy ing wil zoktiacty -- Fe Ti TENSEI REAR MCeitema was badly 'Kicked by my i on we Sane pss wi -- horse'lust May, and cfter using seferal pre-| - "Sunday, September 23. : IS desirous of learning fur: trading, | parations on my leg nothing woulll do. My Sunday 'after: Thinity: BARA: HOR. GATES A60; erin fn Tp. to to far trading posts in Norther leg was blak jet. Twit Id up in bed. gp ee a har ie Chay lin ail pola eat ecst rts-of Canady. © Storesexperience and {for a fortnight and could tiot walk.' "After|~ J9 4 ns joc Sebeel. 4 ae geen se cre enn in bicwtedbs of clementary bookkeeping | using three 'bottles of your MINARD'S}. yy St!" alata a Bisy a nd. Secale 3 het nek Td ae ne, Gand builtt| {esizsble... Only diligent youths intending |BINIMENT was, perfectly cured, so, that Lage vaninnes oe * te ep ee ee ae hee fo' remain in business required. We gre} E could start oe the tnad. : Be. atin ce pou Ea offering a holiday or. hunting trip. JOS, DUBES, : St} \ References. in own handwriting, stating 'Commercial Traveller, and experience to. Revillon Freres, age' rs 134 McGill Street, Montreal. "s * 88-88 Coldwater Fair, Oct. 2 and 3.' "Miriard's Liniment "Relieves Neural

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