| j | F- | | } | i 1%. : ! I: | { | | | _ Sept. 4--Harry Gregg of Lindsay' is vis- iting his parents, Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Gregg. | Spent a few days with Miss Esther, Groves> wastage. LONDON. TORONTS - 8T. JOHN. NR. HA: SASKATOON ' » = heort «ees aa ae B Cuts Down Fuel Bills : 'The "Pandora" requires less fuel than other ranges because the McClary Flue System directs the heat Twice Around the oven and stops the usual we. Send for. illustrated des- criptive booklet. We mail it free. PANDORA RANGE - For Sale By Merrill & Hubbard 'to use; ds full of me News from Neighboring Townships ) | As Told by Our Correspondents RIIPEG TON NCMOARY VANCOUVER i uW EDMONTON N\.|cess. A-sulad. supper was served by the how and .where to-trap; what bait Qpers' Supply. Cata- 3 rifles, traps, 124 HALLAM BUILDING, TORONTO. / -EDENVALE --Mr. and Mrs. Albert' Miw and Mrs. Herb Young spent Sunday with friends in Angus Quite a number from here are seeitig the sights' at Toronto Exhibition' Z. iwupert purchased anew Overland car recénily, The heavy electric storm early 'last Sun- dey morning visited' the 11th concession, 'This .time' the: lightning. struck -the chim- ey of Ged. Crawford's house. From theré "Bt glanced to the roof and ran.down the studding-to the 'ground. Although the room wae filied with smoke. it did not catch fire, *: * _Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Roe, Elmvale, spent Sunday with Mrs. R. G. Richardson Mr. -and Mrs, J: Higgs, Crossland, spen Sunday with 'the latter's: mother, Mrs. 'J J, Fralick. Kj e finished their full sister, Mrs. Quite 'a lot of the farmers st and -are 'now busy. wi wheat seedinx.( s ; ia a) 'ANGUS .Mr.. atid Mrs, Robt. Martyn of Niagara Falls are" visiting the former's father, who is very ill, ~ Everard West of Toronto spent the bol- day under the parental roof. Mrs, Thos. Elliott of 'Toronto visited ber daughter, Mr. Gordon. Bush. Mr. and Mrs. 'Wm. Frisee, Mr. and. Mrs, Bruce Anderséri and. Neil Bush of Midignd spent. a 'few days, With Chas. and. Gordon Bush. : Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Waldruff of Bradford GUTHRIE Sept. 4.--Mis. Alex. Lyall and Miss' Ed na have returned to their home. in Buffalo, after spending a month with friends here School does. not open until' Sept. 10, owing to the' illness of Mr. Wilkinson, the teacher engaged; Mrs. Jos. Sampson' is visiting her sister, Mrs, Reddit, in Richmond Hill, and her daughter, "Mrs, Obee, in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. D, Beasley are spending the. holiday with Mr. Beasley's sister in Hamilton. y . 'Mr, and Mrs. T."Culdwell of Barrie spent | Sunday with Mr.-and Mrs. John Crawford, hi Jit week. va Beasley and her friend, Mise Miss Helen Page, of Toronto are visiting at Mr. and Mrs, Beasley's. BRENTWOOD Aug;.-28.--Threshing hus commenced. in thid "neighborhood. fine dnd are 'an Al 'sample. In another week harvesting" wi thing 6f the. past. In this vieini 'odd ones"have already"finished. * ' Harry.Fisher, wiferund:fumily, of Cooks: town culled on 'old acduiintunces' here last week. -* : Mrs. D, Davidsori Visited .with. friends in Barrie end Toronto last week. Mrs, J. R Jennett of Detroit and "Mrs. Jas. Simpson 'of Thornton' are' holidaying with Mrs, J. D: Gauley: of: this place, Miss Florence Maxwell, who had been in poor, health during the list twelve months, passed peacefully away' to the Great Be. yond on Tuesday morning, Xog..21. Mise Maxwell .chiose school teaching ax a profes. sion, in' which she was decided success. Through her profession she became)-ac- quainted with' a large circle of friends, who be ¥ some T is a surprise to many to eure for piles"short of a ~ doctors have encouraged this'idea until the sufferer" from this annoying ailment the surgeon's knife. This lettér from. Mr, Campbell carries a messagé of rs from piles, because it tells be obtained | in the quiet of your own homeby A : the use. ofDr, Chase's Ointment. good cheer-te all suff how relief and cure came from 'iniles: aroun' 'attend her fun~ Piles Cured By Dr. Chase's Ointment learn' that there is: any surgical operation, The lives in constant dread of A number from here attended the Ex. Crops: are. turning .out | Colette Miss Vida Gill has gong to Toronto to attend, the "Exhi andy 'also to' visit friends there. | ( EDGAR 'ter spending a few Matthew Lawson of Elm- i Mr. and Mrs. Miss Grace Cavanagh home for's few days recently, ' Mr. Bernhardt has returned from Burks Falls, where he spent a month with. his daughter. | Mr. 'and Mrs. R.,E. Slesser have been notified that their son Glen has 'been wounded in France; The family. have the sympathy of all in: their time of anxiety for the recovery of their brave..and loved one. E The. W. I. will meet at the home of Mrs. Jus. Cockburn: on Wednesday . aftertioon, Sept. 12.- A good -attendance is expected, (From Another Correspondent) The -garden 'party held at the hothe of Joseph Cockburn in connection with the Congregational Church was a decided. suc- liston have returned home' after spending a week, the guests of Mrs. A. Cochrane. Mr, and Mrs.-Geo. Smith and children of Orillia have returned héme 'after' spending. the week-end. with relatives -here. f Master James Pearsall has returned after spending some time with: friends at 'Oro Station. J. W. Hughes of Toronto spent the week- end°st James Frankeom's, Wedding bills .are ringing loudly here once more, Mr. and Mrs. H. Megginon and_family of the' Soo spent Sunday. at. R° .Watti before leaving for their home on Tuesday. School opened on Tucaday, Sept. 4, with Miss M. A. Beard of Coldwater 'as teacher. A miscellaneous "shower was held:at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Maxwell Coutts 'on Monday 'evening, Sept. 3, in honor' of the jbride. About - thirty-five 'young' people' were present and presented them with many useful presents, showing the esteem 'in which the young couple -are held in the | community. i The Midhurst Branch of the Canadian ladies, which was 'greatly- appreciated . by all. The. program was- an excellent one, 'Those from a distance' who took part were the Misses Ross of Guthrie, R. Coutts of; Midhurst, Miss Elsie Coates' and Mr. Rob- son, of Crown Hill, besides our own home talent, which. everyone enjoyed.' Mr, Cas-| ton of Craighurst. very ably filled the-| pos Seely bl fold theiy_manthiy P. é oe lacertng'. in mn Wednesday, Sept. 12, chair. The proceéds amotinted to $147.00. at the home of Mrs, T. Spence." All inter Quite a number froni here have gone to attend Orillia Collegiaté Institute, Among | them were. Maurice Hays, Melville Cars- caflden, Marjorie Kissick. Those who will DALSTON attend the Berrie Collegiate are Jack Cock-|° Sept. 4.--Miss Rilla Watson, ,who has burn, Bruce Cockburn, Annie Addison, Har-|Lecn visiting her parents here, has retura- vey Cockburn, Kenneth Cavanagh. jed to Toronto, B The community recejWed -a shock when| Hugh Graham of Rosebush, Mich, ix the news came by telephone to. RE, Slew | visiting relatives here. ser that his: son, te. Glen Sleser, had|. Bruce aud Rex Watson, Archie Watson begn wounded and was suffer jind John Jamieson motored down to the effects of gas. He enlisted with' the h'| Exhibition this. week, Bn, .in Barrie; 'and jhad only been in the| The hum of the threshing machine is | trenches, a. short-time Iheard in. this yeighborhood. i a t | Harvest is about over onee more and Jeonsideruble Lind is being ploughed for. full ested in' this work are welcome. CUNDLES d |, Sept. 4--Mrrs. Cooper and family, who'| Wheat | have been "here. for the summer months,) An oll and respected resident of Dalston [returned to Toropto on Monday. Jin the person of Mrs: John Caldwell, widow Mr. and Mrs. H. Hooker of Newnyarket, of the Inte John Caldwell, pas y and formerly of Barrie, were 'Wisiting with | Wednesday of Inet week. The sons, George | Mr. and Mrs. F..Chappelt, jand Jobn, have the sympathy of the peo-! Mrs. Wesley. Soules "and family of North /Ple_of the neighborhood. . Bay. returned home after visiting friends| The meeting of the Women's Institute for two weeks. vill be held ot the home: of Miss Minnie Rev, J. A, and Mrs. Dodds and family|Wood on Thursday, Sept. 13. Mrs. J. jreturned home on, Monday. affer's pleasant | Traceyswill give an address on the subject, stiy. Mr, Dodds took the services at/"Women and Money." A question drawer Minesing 'on Sunday: |will be conducted by Mrs. Hickling. -- Mrs. Guest is spending two' weeks with| Mr. Beecher Parkhouse will preach in {her sons in Toronto, [the Dalston Methodist Church next Sunday | Mrs, 8: Pratt,. with her daughter, Mrs, morning, Sept. 9. 'The anniversary xervie- C.-L. Burton of Allandale, is going to 'visit |¢8 of this church. will be held on Sept. 23. in Hamilton and Foronto' for' an indefinite | Mies Faulkner of Peterboro was. in charge time. af the school when it re-opened 'here on School re-opened here today iwith a gnod | Tuesday: sitendanc', Miss Wright of Barrie is the teacher. ~ a es Robt; Graham was taken suddenly ill) f last evening and was removed at once to| will teuch in the senior room of Crai the R' V. Hespitsl for. treatment school. Miss 'Caldwell. of Orillia has been AC number from here went a long way |re-engaged for the junior room, to pick blackberries, but found-them hang-| Miss -O. Vasey of Owen Sound was the ing red--not being ripe. | guest of Miss J. E, Hart Inst week. © To: Miss Margaret Dunn of Toronto is the isited at Lawson where they guest of her brother, Jolin Dunn. ught school. * Reuben Rogerson and Miss. Ida Rogerson| Rev. J. Kidd und family have returned of Lefray: spent a couple of days this -weeld| to their. home in Blackstock after a pleas with 'the latter's "uncle, M. Robertson ant visit here and at .Créemore Wm. Graham of Toronto has returned| - Mr. and' Mrs, A, Jary are in Toronto at: home after spending u eouple of weeks* vay tending the, Exhibition, cation with his cousin, Thos. Graham Mrs, M. Emery is: Geo, Shannon's new house is almost} a week' completed, Miss: Jean € Threshitig is the order of the day. | mete of Toon! maactan eds homes here, - . SHANTY BAY Miss -V. A. Hart leff. today for Milford Sept..2.--Mrs, Wm. Adams and her, two /Bay; where she is engaged vba iem sons have, been visting at Walkerville for| | 20" My 7. an a soon Mr. and Mrs. Gavin and family, of Brace- } Thos, atid. Jos.. White of Bracebridge Fra etna lla e : : cand. spent the begin- (motored to this village and spent a So ol hs ak ct C Hat's, 8 hours with their sister, Mré. Jus. Hart. | ™D Re i Miss J.-E. Hart -has-aecepted position Mr. and Mes, 'Thos, Brooks of Alliston | vewchar ab Migin: Me etal "ities Margaret Polk and, Norman Van °Mr. and Mrs. T.'C. Craig. are, entériain- | Nortian \of Toronto. spent the 'holiday with '8 fine little on Mrs-and Mis: Alfred Palk. : A. very 'pleasent. time 'was sapent ut, the home 'of, Geo. Brooks on Monday. evening | last when all the fainily .met to, celebrate in charge. the eightiech birthday' of Geo. Brooks, Sr.| Miss Mary Patterson is visiting friends Véry nearly: all the family were present and :in' Elmvale. . enjoyed: & sociable time. Several .suitable| FE. T. an R. M. McConkey attended the presents were given to the: still active fa-/McConkey re-union 'held 'at Niagara Falls, ther and 'grandfuther. : N.Y. last week i William Robbins of Wyebridge motored | Among those who attended the Exhib- here and spent .a short time with' Mr. 'and ition' ltet-week were Mr. and Mrs. H Mrs, Adams. | Hughes, Miss Ethel Robertson, Mise Jessie Mr. and. Mrs. Osear Doune of Dalston.! Webb, John Hughes, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. spent Suiday with Mr. and-Mrs. W. J. Pue, | Simpson,' Isase 'Spring, Jr. ~-Some of W. B. Stewart's family were | here to. enjoy the holiday. 'i Mr. 'and Mrs. E. R. Palk have feturned from Toronta and are spending .a week in Shanty "Bay ' Z * Archibald Campbell, Sr, has gone West CRAIGHURST Sept. 4----Mins Liscombe of ng in Orillia for| 'aston and Miss "Lizzie Fills. | spent Labor Day at their STROUD Sept. 4--Stroud school re-opened this week with Miss Hughes. in charge. his home here. :- : Mise Mubel Ouk-has returned to Toronto after visiting Miss, Jessie. Webb. - Threshing is the, order of the day.' The grain is'turning. out' well. " : Mr, snd Mrs. Bert Pratt spent the 'holi- Mrs, 'F. Wallwin has returned home: af-| Mrs. JT Cameron and children of Al- "Warrington Hughes spent Labor Day at} thoney " 'of good Saturday. accompanied by Mr. Sept 'cash; J. Dobson - handed for one Sunday getieyous Red Cross friends here last "week. Miss Harriet Coulter o' in the sights of th niong them are) Effie' Dobson; Miss McMaster. lison age in charge. J.; Jennett, Ir, conditions... Tene' for a few months to visit his daughter in Victoria. * Mr. and Mrs. Hurry Reedy of Toronto spent over Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. day with' Mr. and Mrs, Henry Pratt. "Chas. MeConkey, accompanied by. Miss SIXTH LINE, VESPRA i UTOPIA | 4.--The Seventh Line 'contributed to the Red Cross one dozen eggs anc $3.00 7 mething that _ Millions E Why do you suppose the majority of 'men on this continent who can afford the : for shaving satisfaction, are using the Gillette Safety Razor Edit sea é _ Why ig the Gillette a treasured item equipment in the kit of practically every officer and of tens of thousands of men in the Canadian Overseas Forces'? : Only one feason could possibly hold with so many level-headed men. It's -this--the Gillette gives a shave, .day in and day out, that no other razor in the world has. ever equalled--and 'does it ' handily 'in five minutes or less. That is ' why over.a million more men everywhere are adopting the Gillette every year. - YOU would appreciate this as much: as any other man ! the independence of. barber shops--the resulting economy--and above all the matchless comfort of the clean, quick Gillette shave--these are real, person: advantages which you must not longer miss. The Gillette Safety-Razor is a leading specialty with Hardware, Drug..and Jewelry Dealers everywhere. "Bulldogs", " "Aristocrats" and Standard Sets cost $5-- : Pocket Editions $5. to $6.--Combination \Sets $6.50 up. Adilie McConkey, motored, to Térorrto Inst E. T..MeConkey and Blythe McConkey, Harvard -St.,.Torduto lost an .old-:citizen - aud é |Green, motored to Toronto this week. : N wer to the secretary: of thé, Auxiliary $2.75, being, the. offering donated to. the Mrs; R. Vasey of Midlend visited With Toronto 'spent .« jfew days with Miss: B. Miller r:cently, Mrs. W. J. Jones, Oshawa, spent Wed- nesday' and Thursday' with her sister, Mrs, J, Ho McCann. ' a Quite a number from here' pave' taken. © Toronto' E R: Dobson,*Mr. and May. J. Jennett, Mr. and Mrs. A. Elphick, E. McMaster, Mrs.gJos. | i School re-opened -today with Miss M. El + Miss L."Dobson left' on Monday tenham,. where she has accepted On' Swuiday morning » young don priv: | ed to gludden the home of Mr. and 'Mrs, Congratulstio je Enlarged prize list and speci for Barrie's Big Fair, Sep'. 1 sion nea tebe ingnormal J. Ader daore Of eae ee Bring Welcome "siiecrsier _ ADDITIONAL EXCURSIONS oy! The saving.of time-- The Late Alex. Mitchell In the cath of Alexander Mitchell, 71 Mrs. A» W. last week. He wad born in Barrie in 1839, and went .6 Toronto about' fifty years ago, engoging in the: building business, At the time of his, retirement tén years 'ago,-he Was dne of. the ity's p dinent builders. He is survived by ow, Sine Son, Ar thur A, nnch four daughters. 'Miss 'Margar et, at hes Fret Lowick, Sutton Westy Mre Abbot: Barrie. herring and Mrs. John Y one sister, Mrs. A: Grahim, Barrie's ion. Dobson, "Miss { R. "Ellis, L. for Tot-| ~i school. | i aittractions | 18 and 19.) bowels, . 'acton the stomach, liver