i * after. Nature's ee to better Health 4 ~ i ieecige of Soe atonte Wmes re th chery bes, Ontario' Great Crop Ontario's field - ob ps this Ontario Department of Agriculture, 'one-quarter, the "average." Wheat, but. the prices double the average . price, -. Children' Cry FOR FLETCHER'S summer will vulue more than $30,000,000, or fifty per | cent: better thun the uverage crop of $200,-), 000,000, uccording to the estimates of the Hay represents half of the efop and -oste about | Both crops are betier than usual, and prevailing -priges are ahead o which accounts for the other quarter of Ontario's field crops, will be, somewhat' below the. average croyi| prevailing' 'are more than. 'CASTORIA - Suggestions to Childless | 'omen, Among Pinkham"s Vegetable Compound is ability to. correct 'sterilit gases of "many women. "well-established the virtues of Lydia MOTHERHOOD =. WOMAN'S JOY E. is fact is as evidenced' by the following letter and hundreds of others 'we have published in' these colums, Poplar Bluff, Mo. 'Women to know what a blessing £. Pinkham's 4 been to me. 8 baby '1, want other Lydia Vege- table Compound has. We had always wanted in our home 7 - so, my health im- 'Breve sing am now the that Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Masa. 'eine Co., Lymn, Will be confidential and helpful, ong > id. makes, women normal, trong" the Leia E. Pinkham Medi. for advice--it " {with Mrs, Hert 'at present, zjton of Joseph Graham Sr, who had Mr, and Mrs. Hector Hart of were the guests of Chas, Hart .over the weekend..." Mrs. 'John: Henslip es her sister from Niagara Falls as her guest: St, John's, Sunday School, pupil: picnick- ed in Craig's Grove today: : Mrs. John Brown is visiting in Orillia. 'Mr. and Mrs. E. Mowforth ere entertain- ing 0 little daughter. , Miss L. Ellemere returned to Toronto. af- ter spending her holidays at bome. Miss E, Emery of Toronto is home for whe td held at G..C, Caston' "The garden party tt G..C, ns by 'thie Patriotie League in sid.of'the Oro. Red Cross was 2 success. Over $100.00 was made, Miss Clare Watkins is spending » week With: friends af Palgrave, Mr, and Mrs.'Frank Hunter of Port Me- Nicol are the guests of the latter's parents, Mr, andl Mrs. Chas. Chirch, Oro. Miss Lizzie Thornton of 'Toronte- is home for a holiday. / F SHANTY BAY ; Aug. 20--Friends nere were glad to have a visit from C. G. Arthur of Midland on Sunday. last, 5 Geo. Brooks Sr. of Orillia spent' Sunday with his json George. . Mr, and Mrs. Titos, Brooks and daughter Annetta of Alliston were in the village on Sunday Just. . / Miss Irene Hart of Toronto,, who has been visiting with Mrs. T.. Hart, has re= turned fo the city. . Miss Ernie Haghes of Toronto is ps % Miss Margaret Palk- 6 Toronto' is' spend- ning two weeks with her parents. j | 'The few. special meetings held last week "in St. Thomas' Ghurch' were- well atteniled., Mr. Selwyn of Toronto was the officiating minister and won for himself a warm place "in the esteem of the people. Gladstone' Merritt 'of 'the 0.A.C,, motor- 5ed to this village'during the week and spent an hour or so. 7 An old and respected friend in the per- long lived in" Shanty Bay but of late in Stone. wall, Man,, was buried in St. Thomas' Cemetery on "Tuesday last, Norman VanNorman of Toronto spént 2 day or two in the village this week. : E, Palk of Scarboro and- Mr: Charles of Toronto spent over Sunday with Harry and Miss Sarah Paik. GUTHRIE Aug. 20--The Guthrie Girls' Sewing Cir- cle: report the' following: work finished for the year ending Aug. 3, 1917: French: Relief--22 prs. slippers, 12 girls' night dresses, 10 boys' blouses, 26 quilts, 29 surgical wipes,.18 girls' dresses, 10 boys' casts, 210 wash' cloths, 12 black dresses, 67 hospital shirts, 10 handkerchiefs, 6 small garments; 53 men's shirts, 2 rest cushions, 9 pillows, 20 prs. socks and-quantity of old linen,: * * ' Red Cross--140 -handkerchiefs,, 87_ suits pyjamas, 43 grey flannel shirts; 4 hospital suits, 8 quilts, 8 property 'bags, 6 comfort' bags, and @ donation of -85 bath towels. Field Comforts--408° pri: 'socks; 40° scrap books, 24 parcels' reading, 25 parcels. gum and candy. Donations-were: 90 Xmas. cakes, 12 vermin 'suits, 10 sewing kits, 36 pre. socks, 2 comfort 'bags, 1. scarf. Money taade during year, $112.75; Money for wool, $79.00." - 2 A hearty vote of thanks is extended to hveryone who helped the Circle in 'any way during the year. - Officers for the coming year: are ax fol- lows: President, Mrs, J. Stoddart; ~~ Vice- President, Margaret Graham; ; Treasurer, 'Lena Crawford; Secy., Viola Johnston: ----__--_--- ~ EDENVALE : Aug. 20.--The electric storm esrly this (Monday) morning did~but little damage im. this village. Isaac Graves had a shock 5 E. Elliott of Unionville is visiting his brother, 8, Elliott. z Miss' Mabel Hedley spent Sunday with Miss. Mae Adamson, zi need, and scarcity of men. «In some places. the women are dojmg their bit ii thy her- vest field. , Mr, and 'Mrs. Bunt. of Collingwood Sun- dayed with Mrs. Albert Richardson. 'Mrs. L. Brown and two children of Bar- rie are spending some time Mrs. J. Fralick. } The gasoline syndicate threshing outfit 'Weston me. 10F | them. holidays, part of which she is spending in| goog of barley struck with lightning and burned. | The. farmers' are beginning to feel the|._- with her sister,| - s iy wk ad | May and Blanche Trombley with' friends on 'the Geor- gizd, 9 laggie Reid' of Barrie spent a few days with friends here. is Mr, and Mrs.-E. Johnston, Mr. and Mrs. pokes th and as sons motored from neville on Sus and were the g of Mrs. John Whan ys -- 'Mins Vers Whan of Tororito ° spent. the week-end with her parents. CUNDLES Aug. 22.--Mrs. Guest is spending a week with her son Fred at the Point, = Miss Evelyn Parr,- with her- sister,"Mrs, Taylor of London, are-visiting their 'oth. er, Mrs. Parr, at Cundles, Mrs. Nash' of Toronto is holidaying with! Mr. and Mrs. Nash here. Rev. .and "Mrs. Dodds and family of Spencerport, N.Y., 'motored here to "spend their vacation with Mrs. Goodfellow, mo-. ther' of Mrs. Doods. Mr. Dodds bas' gone | to Minesing to help out the farniers in the | harvest field. Ed. and 'R. Moffatt have returned to To- ronto after spending a few: days with -Cun- dles friends. : Mrs. Geo. Bishop "went to the R. V. Hos- pital on Saturday for treatment. Neigh. | bors hope"her ease is not serious and that ¢he will soon return home. Having these fine days, the farmers are very busy harvesting. the big crop. Frank Chappell "takes the lead, having. finished hauling in, Tuesday evening. = STROUD I am, one of the first that left Canada in 1914 and have been in. the fir- ing line going on to the 28th. month, and Very glad to say lucky enough '80 far to escape any wounds or sickness of any kind, I am from Kingston, Ont, and joined the army Aug. 12,1914. I close. Again wishing you the best of luck' in your good work--Thos. G. Evans. + France, July 9, 1917. Mrs, J. Beckerton--I am writing to ac- knowledge 'the receipt of oné pair of socks in which the attached note wgs. enclosed, Please. accept my thanks: for the same-- Pte. V. E: Morris, ' oa France, June 28, 1917. Mrs. J. Beckerton--We were issued with new socks 'today and: the writer was for-| tunnte in receiving the pair with your note insides It. is @ great pleastire to 'me to be able to thank. you for, your kindness and thourht in' knitting sogks for the boys out here in France, as they 'are always needed and very acceptable, and I can assure you that your 'work. is nof in vain and it: is appréciated to the. 'fullest extent by us.| Talso thank you for 'your kind wishes for our safe return and hope the tinie is draw-/ Aug. 21---Mr. and Mrs. J. MeCankey of ing near when we will-be returning," 'Aw' Foronto ntétored apd apent Sunday with we are not supposed) to write anything Mr. and Mrs. Forbes. about where we ure/or what we do our) Mr, and Mrs. Heth. letters do aot seem 'interesting, to: read but! and- Mr. We are moving ahead most of-the tie, | been and we see different parts of France,' or! what is left of it, as most places are-ruins.| Mine Margaret Constable spent a few days T note your-addtess, Utopia, Ont. Well, I! last week with her brother, Alex, Constabie camot siy whereabouts that is but I my-!. Mr. and Mrs, Robt. Thompson and. son self came from Toronto, which I guess ic] Rdgar and. Mr. and Mrs, E.T. McConkey & little larger place than: yours, but I} motored te Keswick and spent Sunday with would not-mind being snywhere-in Ontario| Mr, and Mre, Hamilton, Just now for a change--Pte, J. B. Clarke.| 'Mise Meta Hunter is Visiting her aunt, Misa Dennis of Toronto is visiting her! Mrs, Darce, in Hamilton aunt, Mre E. Smith, Mts. Wood of Waiyerley is visiting her Miss' Jones of Hamilton is spending | duughjer, Mrs. Simpson." few weeks with Miss V. McMaster: Mr. and Mrs. Frank McKernan of Tor- . H. Harris of Alliston, a former teacher onto and a number of friends motored up in our echool, was rénewing old acquain-|tast) Sunday and spent the day at J. E. tancebiips. recently, Clark's. - Miss E. McLean of 1 Misk Marie. Magowan, lat» of Brooklyn, her tousin, Miss B. Miller New York, is staying a week with Miss M Mise A. Bickerstaff of Nanticket, U.S.| Clark, 3 ix visiting. with Mrs. 'W. Turley, a Mrs: W. Ross is spending'a few days with Hamilton' and Toronto friends Mr. and Mrs. S. Marth -of spent a week with friends here. i 1 Johnston of Guelph tind Miss Gavin of Toronto: have ors during thé psat week with Mr. and Mrs, Jobn Barclay holidaying with . DALSTON Aug, .22--Police Constables Holmes and Bonney and their wives, of Taronto, mot- ored up' to" Mrs. Walter Watson's 'on Sua- day, 'Mrs, Palmer of Rosemont is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Geo. Spence. Mrs. Groge of Lefroy is visiting her bro- ther, A. E. Wood. : Mistes Vera and Jean Baldwin have re- turned home after spending »_xeck -with Mrs: John. Spence. Hamilton'! at . 1 Aug. 20--Mr. and Mrs. Morley Bath of} Edgar visited at Jas. Brown's over Sunday, Miss Emma Liscumb of Big Bay Point is visiting ut. Thos. Redfern'. Misses Flora Dyer; Meril Reynolds and Reta Campbell of the Queen City spent the week-end at their homes here. turned home' sfter-spending several days on the Lake Shore, ' Hlarvest' is progressing favorably in this section of the country 'and very heavy crops are reported. fered it the annus! competition held under the auspices of thé Barrie Agriculiural So- cigty, has givent his awards as follows:--_ 1, C. M. Hickling; 2, Geo. M. Coutts; 3, TG. Scythes; 4, A' A. Garvin; 5, RD. Coutts; 6, F. Frankeont; 7, J. & M. Coutts, All thése are from'. Vespra, except - Mr. Mr. 'Scythes. who. li hot 'Veal "has been barred from the tables 'of hotels in thé United States. to on IMPLES and skin. eruptions always seem to come P where they are the most noticeable, and consequently most embarrassing to the person so unfortunate as to shave them. ¢ : The most satisfactory treatment for pimples: and skin eruptions is Dr. Chase's Ointment; applied at night after bathing the skin in warm water. Instead of clogging: the * | pores, as do powders, Dr. Chase's Ointment cleanses them and promiotes the healthy action of the pores of 'she skin, By at antiseptic =aregilaga sateen denerars poisonous germs, and thereby prevents the development o' eczema. There are Chase's Ointment is useful in tf |be y moores of ways in which 's . x 'PIMPLES AND BLACKHEADS, Miss Carrio 'druggist who offers you ask for. daying at the home of her father, R. Harvey Reive of Toronto spent a few days her' brother, J. E. Hodgson, last week. iting at, the home of Ed. Sloan. 2 son vi John 'Boyes. laxives, Duncan are visiting with friends bere. Misses* B. and E. 'fre at-home for a few weeks. Geo. Richinrdeon. is improving,' although very slowly, : 'Mr. and Mrs.' A. Brooks and: Mr. and Mrs. Fred' Chappell motored' frota. Toronto Pte. Albert Teasdale was in Toronto this week, an © | Thousands of 'Men' Required For Harvest- Thousands of-men are required to help ern to of workers have been completed by the + Canadian Pace} ific Railway: ~~ Fis Excursions from 'points in Ontario to Manitobs, 'Saskatchewan : and- Alberta. will the trip in about thirty-six hours, without j ebange or, transfer. " ' Coing. trip' West, $12.00. to Winnipeg. Returning trip East, $18.00 from Winni- FALL AND WINTER 1917-18 We wish to announce to all our. patrons that we have re- ceived a large assortment of WOOLLENS, suitable for FALL, AND WINTER wear. They are made from the FINEST ma- terial NOW obtainable. . If you are wanting a Suit or Overcoat; come in and INSPECT our Goods:and let us have your order NOW. --Our PATTERNS are the LATEST, and we guarantee |, SATISFACTION, { "LADIES desiring the. eae in TAILORED-TO-ORDER Suits or Costs, should look over ss BEFORE buying. We - have THE Goods, and you can make no! e in giving us @ TRIAL ORDBR. Our prices are 'as Li as can be figured, ranging from $30.00 to $38.00; according to the GRADE of oe LW, TAILOR - 3 Owen St. Telephone 731 me, Y GRAND $1225.00 If you want the big ones we 'have them and we still have that little " World Beater | at $750.00 $ ' : Greater. value, equipment considered, than any other ou the market. "She's got the push--She's got the sp with' a rush, when you give her feed. eed--She's off : CHURCHILL || and 'statioris Toronto and d inclusive. i York is holi- . Miss Annie Reive of New York is holi = ansali Eee pay eel. . f Ve | ket Agents, or W. B, Howard; Dist: Gunner Nelson Reive of Petawawa 'and senger Agent, Toronto Ont noith to Bolton, . Pas- 33-34 Ontario thi year 'will have the biggest oat erop-in'the history, of the province, ac- [cording to Dr. A. C. Creelnisn, Corimis- sioner of Agriculture for" that province. "We 'will have "125. million, bushels as + compared to: the' average crop of 100 'mil- lions." their father's home last week. Mrs, Evans of Desmoines, Iowa, visited Miss Mildred Willson. of Toronto' is' vis-! Mrs. J. Boyes Sr. and Miss Tena Roger- ited ,friends in Flos last' week. Misses Bella and Hila Canning dre visit- -- THE SUPREME COURT OF 'ONTARIO i v| jightiee Rilla Watson of Toronto and her|ing their sister, 'Mrs. Morrison; of Linden, | : : s ay M. Lougheed is erecting a. fine new na agg Pag oe their Mrs. Johnston, who has been' staying-with,| }N THE MATTER Of Lot ist Six in ye i : Rev. Mr. Stevenson and Mrs; Stevenson her daughter, Mrs, McKenzie at the manse, | Concession of. the Township -of 'Innisfil, in A Field Crop Competition -|have returned 'to the Parsonage. after vis.|is spending the month of August with| the County of Simcoe, except. the westerly. W. F. B> Switzer 'of Streetavillé, whol iting friends in Renfrew. friends in Cobourg, forty (40) acres of 'the north half of the judged the standing field crops in oats en-| Rev: Mr. Carr and Mrg.. Carr have re-| Mise Lefler of Toronto is the guest of Mrs.| 2% 't- : : 3 Notice is" hereby given: that William D. 'Cochrane 'of the ssid Township of Innisfil, Farmer, 'hg -madé un application' to the Supreme Ace of Ontario for & certificate Of. title to the above nientioned. property under "The 'Quieting Titles: Act' 'and has ' 2 produced" exidence whereby he. apjiears "to g 'be the owner thereof in "fee free 'from all encumbrances, except a mortgage in favor of Adelaide Mulholland, Mabet Mulhollind and Etts- Allnutt, dated of | April, 1917, ' | hundred 'and Miss Tate of Toronto is: visiting 'at the mme-of her father. -- : "MINESING STATION Aug..20.--Mrs. J. Hutchinson of Toron- visited with Wm. Jones and other re: Mr. and Mrs. V, 'Tracy and family of Pattenden of Barrie Many friends 'are pleased to learn' that on pre- tending to have any title to or interest in, Sunday and: called at W. J. Knapp's. ing in Western Canada geen tobe and in default-eve santas for "perng| hc Seed ad ee - ri . si iam D. rane. will become the. West. this: great army stsofiite and indefeasble at-Law and in Enuuity,. subject only 'to the exceptions and ifiéations: mentipned' in. the 23rd "rec tion of the said Act. . DATED this fourteenth 'day of, August; 191 fee (Skd)-'Geo, 8, Fun;"snd special 'trains operated, making (}