Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 23 Aug 1917, p. 1

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WITH WHICH IS AMAL THE BARRIE SATURDAY. MORNING | Eight Pages This Week Barrie Women Plan 'An Aeroplane Fell "Food Conservation' Into Bay on Sunday PLEDGE THEMSELVES--IMPORTANT | MACHINE COME DOWN -- DARING | *Uffering from shell shock. MEETING NEXT MONDAY NIGHT. AVIATOR ESCAPED -UNHURT. HOUSEKEEPERS WILL. BE ASKED.TO. ENGINE STALLED AND LET THE|:. Fred Morren is in Lord Derby. Hospital Crawford hed been killed in action\on Aug. K * 8. He went' overseas with the 157th Bn, . Pte. F. J. DeRivers of the 157th' Bn. is a8 transferred to_s Toronto yunit and had reported: ainong, the casualties as' ill. been in France since May 22. 'Yesterday Glen Fowler, ton of Mr. and Mrs. W. J.} hit wife received a letter written on July 'The meeting of representative women of | An seropline floating upon the bay with Fowler, is. now 'training with the U. -8.| 90; in which wus her first intimation' that held in the Council Chamber on Thureday spread on the surfgce and the tail pointing afternoon, Aug. 16, for the purpose of straight up in the air was the novel'sight: heating. the report of the two" iddega Lieut. Archie "Higgs went to France a- 'the different organizations in Burrie was its note beneath the waters, its wings out- | f°™ he was'in the trenches. Apparently be 'had ps at Gettysburg. s : withheld the information to save her an- : xiety. ates, | watched by a large number. of spectators bout 'the. middle of July and Sergt: sane Decéased was born in Hamflton in 1880, + Mrs. Johnston and Mrs, Harvey, who 'rep-| around the. head of the bay, Sunday after- Higgs is in England training for a com- coming to Barrie 'at the age of nine with resented the town of Barrie ut the Food| noon, Not a few planes have tumbled to, bs ca E. He ba hi k his father, the late Geo.°H. Crawford who Conservation' Convention held recently in| th: 'earth in this vicinity but this was the Seiguer ed cad is reported this week'! carried.on his irade of shoomaker here for Toronto. first gue to:-drop. into. the. blue waters of 7 be suffering from gas poisoning: ~ Pte! s number of years, He died founises years Ate th pring exci, Mp Harvey | Rep, Tha the mech warn Hone wa tl ced Son and impressed upon those present the urgent #¢cident, but its dropping into the bay in. need' there is, in view of the present serious crisis regurding: the allied countries, for food conservation Government considered it most -necessary thut the women of Canada. should be or- Eunized. to co-operate with the -Foad Con- troller; Mr. Hanna, for the conservation of all 'food stuffs. "The various speakers at the convention emphasized the fact of the world's whest shortage and' pointed out f ' as. (Ge that ot, grould only be by the most thrift, housetops as lending place. 'As he suiled notified that shéir son, Corp. George Alfred | when he enlist years ago to hand of the aviator, Cadet Deed of Chieago the 37th Bn. in Jan.°1915. hovering over the town, the cadet exper- her son, Pte: Walter--Mcjndless: "Pte. John, 'Sanford ienced trouble with his machine and 'fin- Walter Mclndless, Infantry, officially' re-| ford |(a- twin uble height. Not having time to reach open: Returned sto regimental duty Aug. 9.} Mason, - Toront: ground where slighting would be safe, be .Wound, chest.' econom, : i ' ould be overcome. 'Therefore it is up.to| ed the carriage factory and a parsing on Aug. 11- with gunshot wound in. the |S meget the women in the couintry to.@nlist in- this campaign and in their homes and in every y possible co-operate with the Govern- ment Food 'Cantroller." How 'best to do-thi« water, the avistor hid unbuckled himself | Bu. and was transferred to a trench mortar nt-opeeerary at Jack Monkmian, who-was had been in the fring fine. Last Oc-| 1, C0h Bee and was ready to swim' ashore, but this, was| unit lust November. For fourteen months Col. Beckett's 'Son Christened ago.' Pte, Crawford was married eight Mary, daughter. of Mr. and stead of upon. land was due to the guiding bronchial pneumonia, He enlisted with | Mrs Gee Wilmott of Orillia, She has two 1 eae sons.» His mother lives in Essa St. and the She showed why the | ne of a number of 'very daring -birdmen' Mrs. Walter McIndless, 64 Victoria St.,| following are brothers and sisters: Albert, now training at Camp Hoare. * While. ceived the following telegram concerning of, Allandale; Capt, Harry, Boston, Mass. ; S8t:, Barrie; Pte. Wm. Craw- of the deceased), with a ally, the engine stalled when at a consider. ported admitted to 13 Field Afabulance.| machine gun battery in England; Mrs, H. 0; Mrs. Jocelyn, Winnipeg; | Mrs. Wai, Shaver, Victoria St., Baizie. chose the shallow water in preference to Last week Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Cheer were| Deceased was a trackman on the G! ed. Hé was of a quiet di and sacrifice that this shortage | down. towsrd« the water he narrowly miss- Cheer, was admitted to a casualty station | position, honest and 'industrious. He was St. George's Church and of freight train Before the plane "hit the | hand. He went' overseas - with the 76th] the Order of Chosen Friends. Daily. Mail 'of recent date following, which will.be , of to the many Barrie) friends was the reason of the women's convention | BeAr by in his éanoe, picked him up. | tober he was slightly wounded. Six weeks arched th im Toronto wid why an surxiliary to this! The plane floated several hundred yards] ag he was given his second stripe, uh daterset committée was called-in Barrie. The dele- | towartis the south shore gnd wax then taken 4 2 \ of Mrs, Beckett : gates were asked 'to use sne-quarter: legs] in tow by Cliff Carley 'and 'taken' back to {Local R.F.C. Committee ' ; Whent than ever before, to make use of all [the shore near the carriage factory. Chief} Lt.Col,| W..Hamilton Merritt of 'Toronto Biebait at the The infant son of the late Colonel 8. G, Canadian "Forces was chris- Our perishuble food-stuffs when ripe snd in] King pliced constable in charge until the| was in town last week and mace arrange: | tened yesterday' by the Right Rev. "A. U every way possible to preserve the over. | following morning when mechanics fron 'inents for/the organization 'of a local com- De Pencier, Bishop of New. Westminster, Plus for winter use in their homes\or where | the Camp loaded it-on a track. and took it} mittee to: receive. applications for admission | British Columbia, at the residence of Mr. practicable by. 'the opening of -.« canning {ack to Camp-Borden, apparently-not badly | to the Royal Kitchen. To. pledge themselves as home-|-lamaged, Doubtlees many Keepets to waste absolutely nothing "and! In the @orning Cadet Deed gave the| seen the berpplyne carefully watch' that. nothing of food value people of .Barrie a lengthy exhibition of has frequently landed in- Barrie. This plane | at Vi be found in garbage pails. To abstain | funey fiying, and to the spectators it looked |was dapated to the Imperial Goverument | uel Gu: {rom all kinds of young meat-such' a* veal, | very much ax if the aviator was. amusing | by Lt. Col and Mme Merv who alia gave | Li Jamb, sbroilers, " etc.. and by afl means; 1th f their power to release as much fool' as] 0 housetops, "trees "and "church spires.| g7500 apiece, 'and when donated one ig Cope. William + Perkii xamin us, Jisutengnt-Ci ins Bull, K.C,, Heathview- er readers have. gardens, Putney. The-baby Was born a: Lundy's Lang," which -bout six weeks after the father was killed Ridge, und was, christened Sam- uiter his futher. jolonel' R. Reid, Agent-Gen- hinwilf y'seeing how clise he eould come! the "'Queengton.'* >\Pheae)' machines cosb eral for Cntario, Yepfelchied ta proxy the Mayor of Toronto, one of the gédfathers. possible for overseas, Those who watched him got many a thrill smashed, the name 'ix transferred to .a new |The other godfather was Mr. Bull, gnd Therd was a lively dislission cin all their | ad coithd not but admire his nerve and| plane. j Mrs, Bull was godmother, A hundred Can- various propositions by those present and | *kill. : Members. of ,the Merritt family. fought | adians were 'present, including all the offic- as 'a result the women signified their wish ar eee + | at-Lundy's Latte and Queenston. ers from the adjoining Perkins Bull Hos- 's suggester. Resolu-| Motheri" Meeting of Trinity Church . > |pitsl and 17 officers who bad foaght under | Colonel Becket tions bearing on these. reforms were drafted! Uyider the guidance of their president, U. S. Soldiers from Camp c The baptism ind: will be presented at the large public | ytrq, Creswicke, Mothers' Meeting of Trin-} Last Sunday afternoon about 150 of the Maetjng:of the-citizens of Barrie'to be held ity Church held their annual picnic lest |Americuns training with the Carding I Adgust 27: Wednesday in St. Vincent's Park.. Thirty-| troops at Camp Borden came into town by, For this meeting the Government; is send-| nine mothers and children sat down to. tea,| special. train, Lt.-Col. Belson, with the) loving cup Ang a speaker, Mr, Norman Somerville, | ilgo ; -Convetsant withthe whole situation who' Bert' Lawrence and Mr. John Emms, who] orists, gave the men a couple of 'houra of will, it is hoped, arouse. an interest in this,| werer indefatigable in their efforts to help |enjeyment that had not been anticipated locality. for food conservation, "ng, | Svervone enjoy. the afternoon: Mrs. D. M.| when they left camp. "About thitty, auito-| Mrs. Laing,- also -a delegate at the Tor-|Stewart addresied the mothers afer 'tea, | mobiles met the train and took the men gente. Convention, who is summering in| thanking them for their good monthly eon: |for @ trip as far- as the Lennox wharf, Barrie, addressed the -meeting. She is | tribution of Field. Comforts Sewing and|where most of the soldiers enjoyed a ré. Pleasing and informing 'speaker and -gave| knitting, and set forth the extra-need for|freshing swim. - Returning to town quite "many valuable and useful 'suggeitions |extra endeavors during. the coming winter.|a few of the men in khaki were invited to gl¢aned.-at the 'convention. She has kindly'| Miss Kathleen Paling © and Mrs, Wesley | private homes for tea and they all would consented to: present the food conservation | kindly doriveyed. dishes, ete., by motor from| have been' provided.for easily in this re- campaign from the women's standpoint at | und to ithe Patish Hall: 'The-Park Com-| spect had the suggestion been made when the publie meeting and .a rare' treat is | missioners are to 'be congratulated on the| the motor trip was planned. The men. re | | W..C. Thom : : hearty co-operation of a mimber of mot. |Pital's roll. of honor: Fie, te Degee Mim Rezmond, Mr [Beedy: ed-igersson of & naz ri of [ian officers who have-heen' at: the hospital j.and have since been killed in action or de- corated for services. .The roll includes the names of Colonel Beckett, seven of his -of- ficers who were killed' with him, and five vho have been decorated. ' Real Estate Sales - - 'al cup was a silver tankard | which. the officers of the hospital presented: | Some time ago to Mrs. Bull as the hospital' On it is inscribed the hos: --the names of Canad- npson, Real Estate Agent, Owen St,, Barrie, shas recently made the fol- lowing sales:-- : : House and lot; cor. Elizabeth, & Willidm promised to thé public of Barrie on this | ndded convenience of boiling water. turned-to Camp at 9 p.m., apparéntly quite | Sts, owned by the Young Estate, sold to occasion, > ce The 'women's executive' closed . their appreciative of the attention shown them: | A. N. Meckums, Henry St., Barrie. House and lot, cor. Eccles and William "meeting with urgent: suggestions: from: the Should Attend f Allandale Soldier Killed Sts., owned by 'Mrs. Brunton, sold .to, Jos. delegates to -try by all possible. means' in| Hear Nbrisn 'Somerville, K.C.,- and] Another gitien of Barrie has laid down | Desourdie of the Grand Trunk. their\ power to interest the people in the | Mrs. (Col.) Laing next:Monday night on|his life for the Empire. This morning the House and | 1 St., owned by Mra mass theeting for the discussion of this food | thé all-important war food problem. Pub-! sad news came to Mrs. Crawford; Burton | Banting sold Mr. Robertson, manager problem on August 2' **|Tie Library -Hall. Ave,, that her husband, Pte. Ernest Albert | of the Ball PI ling Mill, Barrie. _ of Early Fall Fashions The advance shipment of Suits and Coats now being shown has been selected with. thoughtful discrimination and may be regarded as an accurate foreshadowing of the charm-. ing styles that are to be in vogue the coming season---Inspec- tion invited--- ALL: AT SENSIBLE PRICES. ' _ Imported Dress Fabrics and accessories for charming autumn apparel is being passed through customs and placed in stock ready for early orders---We can offer you the usual satisfac- tory service in our Dressmaking Department, as MISS GAM- : . BLE is again in charge---The Department will be reopened - Sept..4th, early orders -aré now solicited: Experienced Dressmakers, Millinery and Dressmaking Apprentices Wanted : Much Difference In. Wiring Prices SUBJECT DISCUSSED AT w. & L, COMN CONFERENCE THIS WEEK--HYDRO| "Upo: L. power strong HE. Hydro Id. W. A. _L, Commission a: conférence of the' co missioners -for the municipalities ge on the municipalities. Mr. Currie of Coll- ingwood and others criticized the inspec tion system. For the most part the Fepre- sentatives.had no complaint to make of among those. present -were:--H: A. Currie, PECTOR'S WORK CRITICIZED. n the suggestion of the Midland W. from' the Severn System was ene the. Police' Court, Tuesday afternéop. : Mé. Dudley of Midland, who has been # co missioner for sixteen years, voited his dissatisfaction over. 'the excessive cost of wiring and supplies and also at the Comn. loading iannecessary .experise management: . Brown of Berrie"was chairman, und Tom, S. Burnside, A. E. Stapleton, Collingwood; A, W. Bell, Me. Dudley, Mr: Milligan, Midland; 'C. E.. Wright, W. R.|be Parker, Joh Irwin, Penetany "| ton, S. ¢..8. Bur- . J. Bishop, Elmvale; 'Reeve Robin- son and Mr. Gaskell, Coldwater. Engineer James The nical nature, 'de represented the H. E. Comn. Low Power Factor discussed was of a tech: aling with the power fac- first tor. Mr. James, being asked as"to:the rea- son for penslizing. municipalities: for low power ularly power there 'is a clause which provides for. a. pen: factor, said that large thotors irreg- loaded are. the chief. cauxe of bad' factor. In' all Hydro. agreements alty where the power factor goes' below 90. Barrie' 's power factor 'has never fallen be- low 90, The explanation: by Mr. James seemed to' be -quite satisfactory. Alths Betk,. . <Midland's Complairits ough a' warm admirer. of Sir Adam Mr. Dudley of: Midland thought there was too much that savored of autocraey in Hydro show ties: wl simple Hydro some work put up at a hotel at $14 a week "methods, The Comn. rin the. whole and did not consult the municip: ho have to pay the shot.' As atv ex- of how' money is. spent, he xaid a Gang of men sent'to Midland to do without' asking the local commission which was paying 'their: expenses. and 'who could Khave got good accommodation for $7.00 Another complaint that Midland has is 1 the ing. For example, a charge. of $7: made putting in ten drop lights 'and three com- mon switches; no fixtures of any.kind be ing supplied: In another: case under. sim- ilar conditions $48.50 was the price for in- stilling five drop lights. Yet "in the face | of these outlandish charges - the H. BE. Comn 'Comn, Mr, follow the contrat Mr. Their Mi load in its own wiring, He said the man was sent to Midland to promote harmony with the aborate specifications now called for." The by the electricians for. wiring and sent a man to ask. the Midland to 'try and fall in with these con. tractors. : James: thought: the 'prices quoted ex: cessive and suggested thst Midland 'might the' example of Barrie Conin., which only one in this. district "that does tore 80 ax to -devélop business, Dudley--Fnny way io. develop' it. charges are driving business away, 'or Craig stated Barrie had felt the imposed by: the. excessive cost 'df el- local and Hydro' commissions should make a big instead of letting: it soar upward. ** Supt, Hare thought that the quotation given hi Mr, overcharging, heater when the mi hour. time someone stepped. in, Chairman Brown explained that in- Bar: rie the material is put in at about cost effort to! secure cheaper~ installation for the ten-light job was fully $20 Dudley. instanced afother ease of 'The price for an electric, and 'installation was $117. (the heat er 'iteelf costing about $15.). - 'Business eannot be run by "wind," he ssid, "but 1000 per cent is plastered * on; id en's time is charged st 35 cents an The fact that there was « surplus of only $75 on thie part of the business Inst year shows how closely things were cut. here. plete. These and. the Eight ranges have been installed ere. Supt. Hare ssid that' the cost of in-| ~ «| stalling s. 85-ampere range 'under orditiary | ° '| conditions is .about $50 in Barrie. In Collingwood the Gost: of installing a said Supt. Stapleton, range is $35 while heaters 'installéd cost $30 to $35 com-" There are'28 ranges.in Collingwood. heaters are sold st.net cost. 3 i it Object to Charge . | |' For Library. Hall CITIZENS CLAIM IT SHOULD BE FREE 'FOR MEETINGS OF PUBLIC INTER. EST TO BARRI: At the meeting of the Food Conserva: tion Committee on' 'Monday: night, Mra. Harvey brought up' the question of' secur: ing 'a suitable place for the:women to hold their meetings. They are giving a lot of time and effort to patriotic work, she said, vided. . The Public Library Hall-is admir- ably suited, but is. not 'available wi'hout it is hard to say, us it ix scarcely ever used; Judge Vance opined that the Board, in insisting ona cliarge of $5.00, is violating thé terms. of the bequest and should be re- ported 'to the Carnegie Trust. Mayor Craig hoped Judge Vance' was right, but-on. the other: hand ssid the Board -had to finance closely. Replying to 'Mrs, ere 'he said the hall was built to 'i 2 : 3 : Judge' Vance recalled. his connection with: the Shelburne Board. The Carnegie grant was given upon the town undertaking té maintain the institution free to thé public, who' pay for the maintenance. These aud- itoriums are 'built for educational. purposes snd' not for. making money. Orangeville used their Public Library, auditorium 'as 9 general public hall, free of charge. He was surprised. if the: half-mill was not' suf- ficient to carry on the Barrie Library with- Out getting fees from: the hall. ., Mrs. 'Harvey; pointed our that the hall is not earning, but is simply: standing idle. A thotion was passed 'asking Judge Vance and Sheriff Haivey th minke enquiry reo garding the matter. os ---------------- 'one per cent. of the jobs he is supposed 'to inspect : : Several other points were discused and' "| Aumerous questions put' to Mr. James, At the conclusiqn of th» conference' the delegates were guesta of the Barrie Com- mission for tea. Inspector Hagart Suspended As the result of his letter to the Star in which he declared. that' Burrie' was wide Jopen as far aecspeeding was concerted, Gep.. W. Hogart 'was Inst 'week suspended us sanitary inspector by .M. Robt. Hy 'tiry inspector temporarily and will probaly ly_act 'until the Council resumes business at its mecting on Sept. 17. Dreamland Charlie Chaplin "Chaplin Review of 1916" Chaplin at his best in Five Big Reels. *" Screen Time'l hour 18 minutes FRL-SAT., AUG, 24-25 ° sae i Gorieral Auimigaio on. Children lic Mon.-Tues., Aug. 27-28 FRANCINE LARRIMORE in "'|"The, Royal Pauper" Musty Suffer Comedy Na: 3 | A play of a Bride'who was Bought ~ "God's Law and Man's" with VIOLA DANA. ee the star. Pay. What the hall is supposed to. befor" and' the men should see that s hall is pro: - not giving decent. service: He doesn't-see in the Rollicking Success of the Year." ' Wed.-Thurs., Aug. 29.30. S Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Drew Comedy

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