Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 23 Aug 1917, p. 8

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ia . ae 12 Thursday, August. 23, 1917. recs tctazs,Reople of Barrie are worth less, but August is the quietest' of the Summer Months, and to stimu our usual profit during this sale. : Xo : Have you that happy task' before you of furnishing that comfy spot in house---the livi able furniture, and our August Sale is at your service, offering seiiarkable 'valsee ihging roomy and comfortable chairs are available at prices that surprise you. The Prices are so the Sale bargains are brought within reach of almost every purse. - r eae room? You will want comfort- inviting Chesterfields and such moderate and so diverse that DINING 'ROOM SUITES Our 'stock of Dining Room Furniture is, os ever, the best v , ick histo oy » the best value ever offered, One William and Mary 'Design, solid owk in fumed finish, consisting' bf Buffet, Ching Cabinet; Extension Table, and Six Chairs (including One Arn Chay) Regular $100.00, for 6. we =. «$85.00 One Jacobean Design, solid Quartered Oak, fumed finish, concisting 'of Buffet, Extension Table, Five Diners. and Arm Chair. Regular $78.00 for, $68.00. One Colonial Design, Elm, in fumed finish, consisting -of Bullet; Extensron Table, Five Diners and Arm Chair' ' Regular Sale Price: .$50.00 We have besides these several Odd Buffets, Extension Tables and about 150 Diners in golden and fumed oak at greatly reduced prices. bd .¢¢ OH, FOR KITCHEN: CHAIRS! Our stock of about: 250 hardwood Kitchen Chairs will Sensation at this price. Regular 70c. for........ .. .. .. -surely cause a + «.53c. each Reduced Prices on Parlor Furniture A beautiful S-pieced Parlor Suite, all upholstered in Tspestty with Spring Seats, Backs and Arms, regular $80 for $68.00. We bave several Birch Mahogany Frames really for your selection of covers, apd a big range of Tapestry, Chintz, gtc., to pick from, ranging from $18:00 46 $85.00, with same Miscount in proportion THE SMALL DAVENPORT 'is one of the latest improvements. The frame is made 4 hardwood throughout. Top rail, arms, panels and entire front made of gen. uirle quarter, sawed. Oak. Full set of 18-cojl, high-tempered' stéel springs in thé seat resting on the: steel bars securely fastened to the top. Upholstered in dark imitation leather. It is easily unfolded into a full size, 72x48 inch bed. You donot sleep on the upholstering, but on as removable mattress, Room for sll bedding when closed, Regulir $42.00 for $38.00 'We have several Davenports from .... ett eeee sees eee $18.00 to $35.00 Discounts with each. TWO ONLY CHESTERFIELDS--Deep upholstered' seats, 'spring backs, loose cush- ions, covered in tapestry, regular $80.00 for $60.00. Better be smart if you want 8 bargain ' THE HOME IS INCOMPLETE WITHOUT .A SLEEPING 'PORCH. Our Aerolux Porch Curtains offer one of the greatest tonics, that of sleeping on the verandah out in the good open 'sir. bi : One ir good health- should sleep out-of-doors to prolong life' and.add to his or her ° Powers for accomplishment.;"in poor health to .inerease his powers for resisting disease The Curtains or Shades "are made in 4 ft.,6 ft. and 8 ft. size' to $8.00, with 1 special OUR BABY CARRIAGE STOCK is up to. full strength" and offers some splendid values, Our special this week only is the fam- 'ous: Lloyd Princess, flat 'reed body, up- Folstered in light Repp, padded sides, veut and back. Reg. $25.00 for $21.50 There ure i few of our regular $18,00 clearing at $14.00. Better hurry if "in- terested. - We also have # few Sulkies-and Go- carts with discount in proportion. Prices range ftom 84.35 discount of 10 per eent. while' our present stock laste COSY CAMP CHAIRS--We have about 18 loose, stuck sest, ddjustible Camp" Chairs which must be sold. this month. Regulir $1.85 for... --$125 while they last CAMP COTS--Oie dozen only, fink fabric Camp Cots, best make, clearing. Regular BE OO SOE vay de nv one voilss aed oA EN Ve ae qagitn Gee +. $2.35 'SPECIAL BATHROOM: MIRROR--Whit te enamel ftame) British bevelled anirror WOx18. "Regular $3.25 for... ee cee pe ee sve $2.50 SPRINGS--Sperial Col Spring, 108 coils, securely fastened to solid steel frame with side-angles 11% inches, black Japan finjsh. Regular $9.00 for $7.50. Many. other cheaper grades "insti | G. G. SMITH & CO. R, Fallis conducted' the services. The | pall-bearers were Andrew Wallace, W. C. 'McCullough, Jos.' Gordon, Duncan MeMil- lan, John Brunton und Robert Reed. BEDS--White Steel Bedsteads, 3-0, 3:6, + -4-0,and 4-6, pillars 1 1-16, fillers 5-16, 4 inch: "brass trimmings, Regular $6.25 for $5.00. Our big. lines in these are 'too large to 'mention, Come. and see these from $2.50 to $25.00. |: Cor. Collier and Bayfield Sts, Phone 82 : 7 MATTRESSES, Sengrass "Centre, jute felt both sides, deeply tufted, "full depth border, encased in grade of' art ticking, $4.50: for $3.75, also excep- tional values in felts, from $7.00 to $22.50. DRESSERS--Our Big 'Line of Mupog any, Avh, White Ensinel, Golden Oak; Fumed Oak, Gumwood and Elm Dressers and Stanis, must "go at ex- ceptionally reduced prices. KITCHEN CABINETS--5 Kitchen Cub- inets with all the Intest canveniences at a reduction of from $5 to $7. the voluntary workers; and these for the most part) would 'be the faithful', women and girls who are already "beating the greatest pari"of the burden: of patriotic en- deavor:" If the kitchen could be made to we COMMENT OF THE WEEK :- ings of: various kinds: The 'more meetings that ake held jn thé auditorium, the more interest will be attracted to the -library, and the better will it. be 'able to. maintain its proper place as one of the chief edii tional centres of the community. The pol- ey adopted by the Board concerning the hall is' in the' interests neither of the tax- Payers or the institution itself. _ 7 To increase the fall wheat ucreage by forty per cent. 'is the aim of the Ontario Government and one of the leading fue- 'tors in preparing for this fall sowing is the tractor plow. Eighty of these implements are now busy in different parts of the pro- vince and fen m6re have' been purchased by the Government and will be. at work on Ontario farms in ¢ short time. In tak- ing such action the Government is going about things in the proper way to secure 'increased production. This _year's 'cam-|ies of sanitary inspector are discharged ix Paign, though it was months late in being! nee mote under the considerstion of, the launched, accomplished much, High pric-; Town. Council, The Examiner would sug- es offer u great inducement to large dere-|gest that the Fire" and Police Committee age, and the increase' asked' for will be | considérthe - advisability of having the G. T. R. to Pay Orillia $12,500 Orillia: Times--The new G.T.R. station | will be built on the old or present site, the Town Council having agreed to the: aban- loament -of site foot of Peter street, upon payment by the'Company to the town of ($12,500. "It was found: impracticable to build new station at the foot of Peter St., ard 'at the same time retain freight sheds 0, To> within a reasonable gistance of the busi. 'Visiting. ness centre. The finally offered: to refund a bonus. of $12,500 given. many years ago, provided. the town' would abro- gate all right to a station at foot of Peter St Mrs. F, Lavery is visiting 'her parents in 'Windsor. 'i Arthur Srigley spent the week-end with yelatives'in Stayner: |)" : Jas. MeFudden has gone to live in Col: well fof two: months. | Mrs, QW. "Hill and children are vis ' friends in Georgetown. Miss Kate Phillips and /Miss Culross have WP : returned' from Hamilton, Mrs.J.R. Rogers has gone, to visit re- Jatives in' Cut Knife, Sask. Avintor V.-Rusk spent the week-end with his parents in this ward. 'ward. Mrs. Moore, who' hus been here for « Misses Minnie and Nita McLennan are holidaying in Chatauqua, N.Y, é to un- ¥ tsk of this kind without _ definite provision-béing 'made for disposing of the output. of 'the' kitchen. 'This scheme. - had its, origin «in Toronto. Would it sndt j be better to follow the suggestion of Judge . Vanee to have the donated: foodstufts, ship- . ped to Toronto, there: to 'be taken care of by" the people who conceived: the kitchen idea? +Food Conservation, Library Hall, 8 p.m. | 'Aug. 27. | " E. Now: that the manner in which the 'dut. _ At a conferencs"of the water and light commissioners. this week, it. was. shown that -there is considerable disparity as-to The 'Company sought to attach certain 'conditidns ss to how the money was to be Miss Madge Clark has gone to Lhotnbiry to spgnd two weeks 'with friends. Mrs, J.D, Wardnian is in Palmerston spending two weeks with: rel : Mrs, Day of London visited' with her ' sister, Mrs... 8, Summers; this -week, i Mis. W. Greaves has gone' to visit friends in Truro, NS, for. two weeks "Pte, D: Kelcey Spent: the weekend with his sister, Mrs, A, Hooper, Caroline St. Conductors W. Scott and T, Hamitton are now. running on the Mesford Mixed. +. 7 9, Mrs. C, E: Hurst. went to Elmvale last Saturday for a short 'visit with relatives. \ "Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence of Kimberley ure visiting their son, Leslie, Cumberland St. Mrs: T. 8, Hounsome has returned. home 'ufter 'three -weeks' holidays in Cookstowii. Mrs,-J. Hedger and children spent the week-end with her parents in Gravenhurst. Mrs, Robt, Smith children of Orillia are visiting with Mr.jand Mrs. Gracey, Es- Py uke Spearin snd sons, who have | . been visiting in Toronto, have home. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Howe have re- turned "home after "spending. two. months in: Angus, oy yusiness has been decidedly: The receipts were far in advance of what, was 'expected, The bowling match between Allandale and Newmarket on .Wednesday afternoon resulted as follows: - Allandale 4 poirits, Newmarket 2 'points. The -rinks skipped by W. G. Clark and.Athol Marshall were | winnery, snd J. D. Wisdom's rink - went down fo-defeat by 5 points, i} Stanley Davidson, son' of Mr and Mca. | Jos. Davidson of Mimico, formerly of Al-! lundale, was' killed" last week. at Como, Que, where helping an unele in the harvest, standing in the door- way of the barn, ligh causing instant death. He-was a student at the School of Sciencé, Toronto, and seemed to have 'a very prot * "good on.the railway, during the last month and sunt of the former. "ha, Gartner "hes been engaged .by the gavel alee 89 porter in place of Ww: Tesigned. Gunner, Wilfred: Wardman. spent i days' -Ieave' at his home (on B: Wilfred is stationed: at Petawawa ahead of him, Death of Mrs. Walter Tanner On Sunday, Aug. Tanner, wife of Walter 24,1866, Tonisiil | Company: will pave the station -yard, fill ning struck him, | be spetit, but Mayor Curran went to Montreal last week and insisted that the money be paid over to the town -unconditionally Monday's' rheeting the Town Council rati- fied the bargain, and the Railway Company has qommenced opérations preparatory to the erection of new station. The new station will be a good deal 'like the C.P.R. station in appearance. It will be 100 feet: long and 40 feet wide. Long: ford stone will be used for foundation -and trimmings, while. the building will be of red tapestry trimmings with 'battleship. grey" asbestos shingles. Work will be pushed as' rapidly as possible ind it is expected: the néw station. will be ready for, occupancy by. next Novernber, . Tt is understood also that the Railway in the little swamp south of the tracks, and beauty. Naturally all this cannot be done the present season, -but.it is to,be hopéd that by this time next year the ideal that Orillians have had for so many years will realized. or The Late John Lockhart The desth. occurred on Friday, August 7, of one of the oldest pioneers of Innis: fil, im the person of John Lockhart, He' i make the whole surroundings a thing of | forthcoming if the Government can give some assurance that the farmers will have Inbor to, gather the bigger crop..The secur-_ ing of an adequate supply of labor-is the {hardest problem Ontarig agriculturists have- 'to-solve today, and the Goverhment should | be 'sstiduously seeking niot only to\relieve the present shortage but to formulate plans that will secure. something like fair amount .of help of the land next year. It isnot easy to, find a solution for this labor difficulty, bug thorough study of the labor situation_in town and country .by "experi- enced and competent men should be pro- ig 'the situation. Ed In Welkerton Council Chamber have been hung some photos' of 'men: of that town who bave: fallen in actiye service. |Those who. have: made the supreme sacri- fice are indeed: worthy, of having. their memory honored ii this and:other ways: If the 'Barrie Council were to. make a.sug- gestion along this line, the relatives no j doubt would willingly fymish the photo- raphe. The Publi¢ Library Board! should re-con= sider ite decision to make' a rental charge of five dollars for the use of the -suditor- ium. Conditions are' very -different now from those which obtained ia the old build- io: | ing on Owen St. Belore the library was ductive of some practical plans' for reliey- |' duties of sinitary. inspector taken over by one of: the police constables at his present salary; thus. reducing the force by. one.| Many people are of the opinion that, lar- gely as the result of prohibition, the police' duties are now so light that the Chief and. one policeman, 'with some extra help on special. occasions, would suffice to police} the town, Possibly there may. be dbstacles in the way of the successful carrying out'! of such 'an arrangement, but the suggestion the commissioners of thix district to see if ts "one. deserving of every consideration some reductions eurnot fe macred. from thé committee. ' Bin The Late Joseph Greenwood" 'At his home .in Worsley St., on Friday, - Aug. 17, Joseph' E. Greenwood pasted thé different towns. There does not jssem installation in' this 0 any. apprecisle.. extent--under- efficient management, Which' the Hydro _ professes to give. . Instillition costs and the burden of tlie' present elaborate .- specifications (made largely, "it would seem, in the inter- ests of thé insurance 'men and the supply houses): should' be taken' up' in 'detail. by: y, Ang. 10, ~ and never 'or a few. years he . in "Toronto 'and before treat- ment. On the first block done, it was stid pect that over. $500 was expended. Tt will-be jie sg finteresting to see the figures for the whole work. ' "While appreciating the importatide of | an acti food conservation and also' the' desire o! to be any'good reason for this, as cists off. county:should not vary * the charges 'for electrical 'installations. in j

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