Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 16 Aug 1917, p. 7

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a is blended from selected hill-grown teas, famed for their fine flavoury qualities. Imitated yet never equalled. August "Ist, 1917,. by struck by the G:T-R. train No. 55, thery | purely accidental. \ z .. "Also we recommend that the at- tention of the Village Council be drawn. to the G.TR. 'over Yonge St. in the Municipality Holland 'deg which | was the scene of the fatal accident; and also that they communicate with the Rail- way Commission of Canada and ask that a slow order of 'ten miles per hour be forth- with placed on this crossing." Tt is' essential that immediate 'steps be Booth, (12th July). Flowers (12th: July)... L. 0. L, Churchill .. t-this dan: other veb- icular traffic has so tremendot soa ya(Bince the organization of. Camp. Borden, to | the north, especially on account of the very limited view of' northbound (trains. An ------~ | electric bell might serve the public to'better advaritage than the. slow order suggested by the jury, and in this view Cagoner Wes- Supplies for. work .. Balance August. 13th. .. increased ) ats Js "-teading by /Miss M. Patterson, 'will te the ~ Cnrelessness and lack of kitchen economy Red, Cross Notes \ The 'regular meeting of Barrie Branch willbe held Mon, Aug. 20 at 4 pm: The Yollowing letters were received from sol- diers who 'received socks from - Barrie Branch: :: France, 8-17-17. Dear Red Cross Society;--Received a' pair 'of socks which I appreciate, very much* and 'hope this short le'ter will reach yay to let you know that we: are receiving the socks | "you sent. So rleage exeuse short letter. Goof luck' to the CAna'linn Red Gross 80: ciety of Bartié.--From Pte, J,/Hill, 107th Bn. - the France--Pte. G.-S. Martin, 107th Bn. . 'The Congregational and Reformed Chuf- ches had: charge ofthe Shon-on Sat., Aug, 11. Net receipts. $30.00. : On Sat., Aug. 18, Allandale churches will have. chargé and on. the following Sat- urday, the ist Chureh- and Salvation Army. Bhop Committee this week Mrs. McMartin, Next weel Mrs, Jackson. Mrs, King, | Mrs. Barber, | Stroud.Women's Institute The W.-I. met for'their regular monthly meeting at th* home of Mrs, W. L.AMit- hell, Tpllendal. The attendance was good considering the busy season. After the-or- dinary business'.was disndsed, of, a discus- gion on "Caniing and Conservation of Foods": took' place, Mrs. Sutherland' and i ting on. the demonstra: tion conducted by Miss Foot in Barrie. A recitation. '*The Cattle Thief' given by Mise Asnes Sutherland, with fine dramatic effect, was well received. Miss Jean. Mit- hill contributed to 'the program) with a qall-rendered pisnto solo. A Question Draw: led hy. Mrs. W. J. Goodfellow, proved. resting and helpful The Seritember mecting will he held' at 'Mrs. George You 'A>paner on 'How, 'to: make the work of.the kitchen interest- jne.:to the girls' by Mrs. Constable and a chief features. ~ Waste in Garbage _ Hon. W. J. Hanna, Canadian Food Con: troller, calculutes that food wasted in: the garbage pails 'of Canada each year through amounts to $54,000,000 per year, or about $7 (per shea of population : Barrie. Women's Institute The Barrie Women's Institute suggests to the women of Barrie that. they can help the Food' Controller, Mr. Hanna, in the fol-' py 4 s i lowing ways:--Stop throwing away fod Ex-Ambassador. Gerard points out the Grav- and isk--"Can it be used?" Order meals 'tY of the Situation. 0 as not to have too much, Have pro-| * -- per balance of the most nutritious food:.! In the Toronto Daily News, James W. Stop 'catering to different appetites. | Ny Gerard, American Ambassador at the Ger- WE SHOULD NOT RELAX OUR EFFORTS freshmen bread: No' you yrung smes--of liny kind, No butter ..in Germany, It should' be read carefully. by use substitutes, sista by enlistiig in the service of food | andi adminetrators.and cheerfully and loyally Here's what Mr. Gerard in "his Foreword accept, its direction and adviee. .| says ; 'Bo fravdde-food for oats sobdiere'and allies |..c! Wat to sing 'home to. the people of of absolutely vital importance to the tes ii Canada the gravity | ing of the war, and unless the women tion, Hecate T wanted tell | of Canada conscientiously eliminate waste |tpenQ rent aty tel severe and. conserve food, we are just, 20 far belp- ithe Germiaa mire is unbroken that of) ing ur eneine--tchen eicieney PFE: cle fo he colors but 1,500.00 have been | : ed, 5 [ies than § & ' 00,000 are prisoners of war an Eggs in the Diet (Experimental, Farmé -Note) From & bulletin published by the State wounded fr on the sick list of each day, | -entitled "Milk 'and Eggs" 'wesextract the| 1 state these figures because so many Hsp arias Fe the value of €8E%| (she importance of this war. - Perhaps! 'Gamsponitod ul: ben's Gig "epmigiared with | 22 Saeetsent that ions than 0,000,000 ompositioh of; bea's éex Some prisoners .of war are held in. the various | moderately iPad Dees tcountries will bring home the enormous | -Hen's Exe Water ++ 737 ps. 705 pee. | Fat |. -+ 105 pec, 8.5 pe. |Gefrisn navy, and any losses of ships have | hi, ie Fat y, y igh record prices Protein - 148 pe 20.0 pe. |been compensated for by the building of| y Mineral matter 1.0 pe. 1.0 p.c. |new ones. The 9,000,000 men and more--' The protein in the egg is nearly pure al-|for at, least 400,000 come of military age | bum nutri value than the white: © It jf rich | experiences in two und a half years of war, in the following mineral salts: calcium, iron'| are, be.ter and miose efficient soldjers than Spotassidm and, phosphorus "and contains | atthe time when. they were called to -the them in such @ form that they are readily'/colors. Their officers know far more of the absorbed and utilized by the body. The | science of this war and the men themselves white of smn .egg is-rich in sulphur. now have the skill and bearing 'of veterans. | 'Value ea Food Nor stiould uny one believe that Ger- | By comparing the simbodition of the egg | APY. Will break: under starvation or make | % peice. because of revolution. The German with that of lean meat it will be noticed |My isnot one which makes revolt that eggs-make s good substitute for meat. | there will be scattered riots in Germany, Ne a eres weige one, pou {There Will be scattered ridte ia Germany, Se aa ani ey one Pound jut no simultaneous rising of ° the whole ba nt by ate '1 ss | people The officers of the army are all nourishment as one pound of beef. As! of one class, und of i class devoted to the tion of our Allies than of the starvation of J It Cleans and'Safeguards Litebuoy Soap is always on guard against dirt and disease. In the home, at your work, for hands'and for shampoo and bath it * the. tich, creamy Lifebuoy lather makes-it a real pleasure to use this "super soap." ang the Germans. Every available inch of ground in Germany is cultivated, and 'cul- tivated by the aid of the old men, the boys) ted by th' German army never before, known. in these countries, and '| most of that food will be added to the food supplies of Germany.' Certainly the people sulfer; bat still more certainly this war will not be endéd"because of the starvation of Germany Although thinking Germans know that if they do not. win' the war the 'financial day of reckoning will come, nevertheless, owing to the 'olever finiancial handling of. the coungfy by the Government and the- gre: aks, there is at' present no financial Aress in Germany, 'and 'the knowledge that unless indemnities are "qbtained from other | countries the weight of 'the, great war debt will fall. upon. the "people perhaps. makes thet readier to risk all in a final attempt to win the war-and impose. indemnities 'up-/ on the Allies. {C We. are engaged in a war against the greatest mi power the world has ever sgen; against a people whose country was for so. many centuries a) theatre of such devastating wars that fear is bred in the very marrow of their souls, making them || ready to submit their lives and fortunes to an autocracy which for . centuries" -has -}'ground thei them, asa result of the war, not only will be-found always Be- boat 'peril' is Russia may i Hl son went,up in smoke last Friday evening, }Rusto. He was returning from Bradford; second helpings.. Stop all' eating between man Imperial.Court from July 28, 1913, to | ry, di the G. tation, sea einer graven teas, Stop all re--Feb. 4, 1917,-is giving his experiences at |} Wraea foo weplesions i rank eee tt patties, dances, ete. Have, the Kiser', Court. This history eannot | son two 'meatless days a week, Use four other but prove of intense interest. The first in- | Joosted: cf ther under the seat. Hi cereals instead of entire white wheat for stalinent which appeared August 7th con: | fasa the beat 0 Took inde anid on Sens wr& lanib, veel; broilers, or tained a plain statement of the situetion in! medistely Wherever poss- |every thoughtful Canadian, particularly 'by: hut the fathér's wrist was badly burned by | rsonal Wiarketing and carry home.if those who are, inclined to relax their efforts | the flames. : -4_ [towards winning the war, under 'the im-' was entir ly consumed except the wheels. pression that- Germany is slmost exhausted | 'There was a small insurance on it Mr. antis likely to'give in soon for that réason.! Rus'o phoned to Newmarket and another 00: permanently: disabled, not | 'tock yards, when two. loads of what the Fecently, when, » sevére electrical storm | i of d'| five -stock trade chardcierized "New York. passed over that. section of country. . The | out 500,090 constitute the tfumber off xoaher™ sold' for $14.35 per 100 pouids, bolt' in. passing to the earth destroyed part | Heavingydt all times about 9,000,000: effec- | price is $3:85 above the previous maximum of the building, broke the windows, niade | | Agricultural College, New Jersey, US.A.,|tves under arms 16 people do not grasp either the magnitude] declare they art--wWilling to meet,any ad-! not one of the accupants of the building Lean Beef | mass of men engaged. - | _ > [in the open market. today» which igean_ed- There have beri no great' losses in the| vance of $4 per 100 \pounds over previous The yolk of an ege is of greater |in Germany every yeur--because of their} Creat Britain to Canada tn the. steps taken faces, but which Has promised | | ley concurs, x "Banana Truck Burned 'The profits of the banans trade this sea- grestly to the disoppointment .of Sam in his autd truck, where. Muchad delivered a load: of fruit, and & he was passing through hwo explosions in. quick succes- The engine and gasoline: tank were RECIPE ¢, Keep'on handas one ball: dap of FRY'S Conce, one ane of sugar, one cup of warm water. Stir.until | smooth. Then boil for 5 minutes' and ehill fand add one: half teaspoonful -of Vanilla Ex- tract. 'To serve allow two tablespooafuls off is syrup to a glass witha little i fod Sil with sold ge Sie wells "* Pry this cooling, delightful FRY drink: You'll want it often. rounded by flames: Both he and his son jyimped out' of the car at once, The- car, which cost $3,000,! auto went out and brought .him' home, leaving the stranded wreck on the side of the road.--Newmarket Era. : Al MIM TL Live Beef At 20 Per Lb. Chicago, Aug. 10.--High prices for corn UR and the consequent scarcity of cora-fed cat- _A Freak of Lightning > ~~ tle have sent-up thé price of choice beef, a - A peculiar freak of ligh ning occurred at new high record being established at the the home of Matt. Parnell,' Con. 3, Tiny, ery 10c Packet of WILSON'S FLY PADS VILL KILL MORE FLIES THAN -- $8 1 OF ANY STICKY FLY CATCHER and the steers averaged: 1,360 pounds. This ; ofthe chimney, tore 'opehings in the roof, gure } holes ip the-placter on the walls, caused the | Hotel men arefmainly, responsible, as they floor to heave in places, but stfange to s vances. By Christmas time 'a figure of $20 is expected Calves are even scarcer than: steers. tren dollars was paid for corn-fed was-in the slightest way injiired --Elmval- Lance. : Four- ines Railways Are Helping Railway 'compsiniés in the West are fur- | raising rfrigerator cars at various stations ee once 's week to, curry 'perishable produce to |" The King is Grateful thé Winnipeg market. i King George expresses the gratitude of S Clean to handle. -Sold by all Drug. gists, Grocers and General Stores, The Select Family Hotel Centrally located--Just' off Yonge Street Asmerican Phun eLb wy per day. > 'Tapepenn 'Plan --Singie $1.55 4p per day Double $1.00 wy per das: Write fer deseriptive beobict. Tl Greaville Street, Tororito, Ontarie to increase exports of food stuffs to the Motherland. a "T have no doubt that the self-sacrifice displayed on the battlefields of France by my. heroie- Canadian troops will find " its count-rpart in the efforts of those, who, at home in the Dominion, are devoting them: selves to this work." If. better ar is ever. produced than' the present REDPATH Extra Granulated, you may be:sure it will be made in the same Refinery that 'has led for over half acentury--and sold under the same name--REDPATH. ee "Let Redpath Sweeten it." .. 1s < 10,20, 50 and 100 Ib. Bags. Canada Sugar Refining Co., Limited, Montreal. H.C. OF L. REDUCED BY ~NEW PERFECTION -. ' The high cost of living is being daily reduced by 2,500,000 house- wives who 'cook their meals on New Perfection Oil Cook Stoves. With Reyalite Coal' Oit a New Perfection ke eee The Long Blue Chimney «gives perfect combustion. All the heat goes to the food--no smoke, /no- > waste, 2: Hae "+ Ask these'dealersi' 4] i bi. eas ui ba gine -H. H. Otton & Son, i . te 4 ved

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