Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 16 Aug 1917, p. 3

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Pp Poe z é i . i i re I 4 sei i = eS Ra berries 4 ' a { [os 1 i : ' he : He y will keep their natural all ° color.if you use Ses 4 ssa ' oe, ; w: E E db "Gan'e anything be eo ae } ' : the deputation, 'For 8 man to gain the jaa i a respect. of the men such as you-see here this is ; : Z mording speaks well for Major Knowles." ; , A : g a "'T realize that you are prompted to act S ry < '\ y es 24 by a, very kindly feeling," said Col. Wilson. i S y & i = ' [if the men who are now wearing uf § ; Try ; had this spirit we would have, more i D | 3 the "fine" cane eugar which ' : France. They think a great deal of Maj. q : ~ dissok Z f Knowles. . But the order has been 'given ese : l¥et at once. Order that he must be recalled." f a "Daviaville isthe best hospital and bas " ------ ' : : : : ; : the best system of any I-have seen," said 4 : Sergt. F. W. Pattersop, 'and Major Knowles, isthe best commanding officer." bot. og a Se won't have any officer or man under be ae me who does not obey aii order,"" said the 46 4 ees BL . = Five Large Phooogtabhs FE Given as First District eC Prizes in eolonel: "I stand able to dismiss any}, WITH THE MEN IN KHAKI "Does that heve special reference to * Knowles?" asked Sergt. Goodall. s "Officers All Veterans Men. Liked -Major Knowles nahh tare EN ham sgeaig fava. paca) ay : e > 5 i 0 ive ive ou A Officers who have returned from oversens| Major W. E. Knowles, formerly of fe | plied the colonel: "'T have received you) 9 re ad i M akin ( Lor tes Ss bave been given all the senior-positiotis in| 187th Bn, has been removed from the) eh ty get an interview, with me at any | - . , the 'Central. Depot Batielion for the Tor Sonimiand 'of the Davisville Military, Hos-| Fie, but this action in bringing the men| fl far E ' i < onto Military District. Lieut.-Col. J. "I.| pital: ¢ alleged reason is that he 'made " this ine 36 redit to: you | re Cie MacLaren, officer commanding the 3rd,| some 'comment on the, Dept. being. about | ere ,thie Morning i nO%. a credit fo: yor At Rural School Fairs in Ontario : Infantry Brigade at Camp Bofden, will six months slow in delivering some supplies | Muice Knowles is. responsible for thie kind : Sea ols command the new unit, with Lieut-Col..B.| for the men. His removal is greatly re-) Cf'4hing he is liable' to. get into. serious %. ; ee ae ; 3 A. Belson, formerly with: the $ist. Batts sented by the men and they showed-it very | \oiple"" 'This kind of thirig ix going: to be More than $2,000 wérth of prizes for bread making will be offered at the Rural School Fairs ioe bes i bed ofieet pomp sting hes rane ee Hay seen from thé following) the: ruisation of the whole organization. I this fall. Among the prizes aré five large cabinet phonographs, fifteen Canuck bread mixers, nd Infan: rigade, wil senior major. = i behave in this fi i" ey Boe at i Major Rodgers, who is now,in comniand of| | The "dissisfaction felt at the sudden re-| 8M EIDE 10 say het if we beh an and many attractive books.' These splendid prizes will make the contest the most stirring ever, the Aalestry Training Dot at Cais Bar Seat of iice tf chi Raa the| pathy in Toronto." held at rural school fairs.' Every girl between the ages of 12 and 18 should read all about this 0) will command "A" Company, with the |.command, ville hospit return: | 7 4. : i "js bo ill- A 3 * Ps . a3" ee , Fank of daptain, while: Capt. RV. Gonover,| ed aofaieré wan strongly vorced by the men edit tas Wipe Racist" sak fine opportunity, and should begin now to prepare for it. The prizes, under the conditions 4th Battalion, and subsequently in-charge] this morning. (Aug. 9),'and they demanded | or" Patterson, explained below, will be awarded for the best' loaves baked: with qi 5 { ie of 'the School for Bayonet Fighting and. Mts retention" by unanimous deaision ar-| SCTE ETO" atest" aid the colonel Doe . Physical Training in this district, takes an-| rived at ins 'meeting 'Held. in the | apne him in' eT of ether: company. Major N. M. Young will] YMCA. Tf was announced on Aug. 8.that| ee "out gins the come: : Cream the West Fl also be a company commander. Junior|-Mjor Knowles had been granted, several | 1... z -------- Picih hia della a thecal officers from the Canadian Defence Foree| weeks' sick leave, and that Major W..C.N./P* ai. cut through Ottawa," said : the bard wheat flour that is guaranteed Jor bread Will, soon | be absorbed in the new | Marriott would, succeed to the command. |. Sglonil, "THe was recommended to me bite 2 : ee: a depét battalion, Already there are enough | Themen want to know why he 'has heen | f° Gov Windeyer, and I thought he wax a. --the flour that you will want to use always, once you have-given it a-good trial. We want Pica st Fite Fisins to Bring' the whit ap to/ retired. There wire over 400'men prejent | ood Jmnen and reocinmended. bim for the you to know for yourself that it makes splendid big loaves of the lightest, most wholesome bread half its regulation strength and militid reg-| when the chair was taken by Sergt.-Major | oetign z Io iments in -Toronto have been ordered to | Lowry. "Ebr the good and welfaye of the men send sll their recent recruits to Camp Bor-} The proceedings were orderly, and the} and the hospital you put him"in the posi- den immedistely. men viterwards formed i processional or- | St fd "put 'bis beck, agein,"' eaid - *| der on College-St. and marched to.the Mfil- | Noni Fou coull RAT The Spirit of the Empire ;itary Hospitals Commission office'in Queen's | Sou 'are' satisfied' that you have "good. The Powasian News reports'! ving | Park.@Their ranks. wete four deep, vend ..4 Luficient reasons 'for the removal of| 4 remarkable dying message 'taken from a heading the crowd of about two- hundred Maiot Knowles?" persisted Sergt. Turley. soldier in the 162nd, Battalion, which ty- | were two men carrying s.placard 'on' which Dhere WALsa ety: Pifies more than' puges of war*Oratory can, | were, 'he words, "We Want Knowles." The | ene ee ee eee soit' and fe, the true «spirit of the Empire's: defenders. | banter was carried by men-each of whom wheels within-xheels,) said Sergt. Patter- The. young soldier, dying in an" English | had Tost an.arm. Most of the men wer om eee in ee en refused 10 hospital, said to the nurse: crutghep. recognize discipline, and refused to attend rural kehool:fuirs. - (See'ist win first prize there, you will then airs noone stories and articles about and thelr mothers! "This 1 pictixres in-eolors,-cn- "I got it at last, but tell 'them I'm 'glid| F ae Col; Wilron., officer commansling| the clinics, I would not b> the' new com: Sevoria waco H T came; tell them I 'swore with my dying Unit of the Military Hoopitals Gom-| Sting officer for one million dollar 8 Sed Local Prize interesting stories and descriptions fA breath, Ud do what) T did 'again, Please | mission, command' made hie appearance on | MAMHnE ofiver for coe Alli Tila of the countries und articlés-by Brithin's best writers: the Develit of disabled soldiers in ogland, Nore.--Unlest' the entries numbet six or more first and second prizes. will bowsarded. Uniose the entries nutnber tea or more £0 fourth price eal be rena _ The District Prizes.--The winner-of 'the first. prize at, each local fair automatically' becomes. a competitor for the following District: prizes. One-half: of 'the first prize loaf will be sent to the Ontario Agricultyral College at Guelph, to compete in the District Contests, (See conditions -below.} raise my head, like mother would do, tell the Inq. "None of the men who were feat-| Week, The bogs af Nami Trust, Bove het you took her place; tell her ¥ said you! ed on the lawn made any effort to-rise as | fone "bus Se rhia aecther eames "did what you gould for me. Ob, for one he advanced to address them eve: are' tie bert judves 'an to whether look iat her face... Tell her for me her boy. "Three cheers for Major Knowlés,"" ¢ried) , Weare thy Dew dutven o8 fo te Taved har so well, God and myself under-; one'of: the boys, and the cheers might have | he ¥ efficien, sie Beni Sy | and......Send her my love)and tell her! been heard for 'miles around. joesep mill go to Ottawa and discuss it," I died. for her. and -my native Innd. Tell), "We are here to ask why Major. Knowles | 77 il en, to Ottawa anil site / 'the boys for me I im'glad' Toame. here, has heen telieved of | his duties, as officer | Feary t will travel to Ottuwa with Major arid I did the best I could. Ask some lad) commanding at North Tofonto," said the | rie vics and we will diacumt the matter to- to come and take my place. if Someone | leader of the deputation. . hee | : 7 -don't,-well be shoul. Give them his mee-| You do, not ruppose thet: can explain | " "sage for me, dear nurse. Tell them. T am| why Oitawa gives me an ordé, do you?" | . glad T came; Britain has need of her sons, asked Colonel Wilon. "I am only a ser: neéds everyone, who -is" game." vant. «You and T are soldiers. We served teen in France together and there, we had to Minard's Liniment. Cures 'Distemper. | obey orders.:, The: Minister of Militia runs Sth Local Prize.--"The Queen's Gift Book,""-a book of storiés, pict ial x tose e itt Book. a book of storia, pictures and spec ft ale of this book are for she + gether ax we travel." Imusic, orchestra music, sones and funny pieces Pathe records. Total' value, $180.00. thant Diatrict Prize. --Set of Dickens' Works. 18 splendidly bound volumes with many illustrations, "Among the books in the set are "Oliver Twist" and "Uld Curiosity Slop." 'These are two of tho most entrancing stories éver written. ~ -- Sed; 4th and Sth Prizes.--"Canuck" Bread mixers. t 'wellinade, ' aaachine takes the hard work out of bread maleing. ing of the FIRST PRIZE AT LOCAL RURAL ld method. you gust put in ts, turn the handle aud the dough is thoroughly SCHOOL FAIRS. 'more evenly mixed. : ~ CONDITIONS OF THE: CONTEST a : . fair in her dia "Disttiet. No. 1--Countion of Glengarry, Rtormoit, Dundan iding that her 12th birthday. Grenville, Leeds, Frontennc, Lonnes had Addinenn ae providing that ber, 12th birth Greville, Leeds, -Fromtennc, Lennox fad Addmgton, "Carleton, 08 bread must be submitted. District 2.--Coiin: hes and 3 inches deep, und divided into boro, Nottincuatereods that' they bé separated at ti 'The loa) Dis 2.--Co: cher i een a 'the West Flour. One-half will be 'worth, Oxford, Brant; Water! t at the fair. 1 ot! p ells i Yorke x cultural: College, Cuviph, tb compete ts the Dist Bigin, Hest ore, Eaghioe yous gush, Haldimoasdy Noto, The judy will be done by Mis i : a ot Breadmaking and.Flour Testing. 'The local contest ne the fat: Distlct No. &--Countica of Brice, Grex. Daft, $i 608, Will be condacted under: tho aaive_ rules as all the other rogulat Distrieteof Muskoka, Parry Sound, Timiskaming, Algom Sedbaya? eg of Huptinss, Prince Edward, Peter- seria, Durkan tne ats Reta ti of Yori, Ontario, Peel, Halton) Went pan 10 loaves" 80 'airy i < GREAT OPPORTUNITY: Every ould compete. Whats onkeca .,, DONOT MISS THIS. itl between 12 and 18 years q foatit up incresseel iatereat Cates supply ef Crees 7 of thie Wast, Flour at your stint neine Te as Cae | Possible €9 iserousa th Nour deals cana u = eolliv ea write to the. . Ltd., Toronto, Sergt-Major .G. -H. Mayor 3 NAMED BELOW: \ 3 Fhe competition. is open to all-parts of theTrovince where Ruri ' Capt. R."S. Johnson of . the Canadian <mpecta Bich loaf must bé aocompatied by' the patt of the ~ School Fats age bull isso hie Diego et Rohe Tete ee | Field, Arti containing the face of the Old hiler, aad am entry form, aad Thiadot Nay. Tose eect al parrot the Province y, an old graduate: of the 'ating date of held by the Departinest o are th vé. 4 WRIGL C. 1, who still, has a warm ~ place in xn whom Crean Sais competing wil ot be thet heart for the.old' school -and its graduates, am Will atate that the girl ; | sends The Examiner the acconipanying cut Lola Thetorme willbe poet cr iy : s snag Rah of-Sergt.-Major G. -H. Mayor (son of Harry| ~ more than "ry 4 7 each girl and not mate . the ' i : : fhe seven count, Spaing ie peepee ate : : The Gum of Gumption Muyor, Big 'Bay Point) together with the, od : fe (Want ee hee hg the sotpetition to these 3 we 7 , Which District 2 This list abc whi oh ost districts in which exch' of these ¥ : ' A arse Sarees plebniee in: farwarting 9 poucotpetcugatiiyor bmomeu ctpedtorlortbe Dut pesca - Couste Wil be pled : a ve m1 x a * Cleanses' the teeth--sweetens the |i «picture of an old BEL boy oft mouth --allays 'thirst and fatigue. --_[iixa""rms g'ty tlaey's| | "Che Campbell Flour Mills Co. Limited | . ; . Kingston. Sergeant-Major Mayor is one| ; j ' (West) Toronto; Ontatio_- "9 : : . 'j ce 4 who has shown exceptional: ability anda, oe Forces in Europe are finding it a fe Oe ae ee eek yc work he was selected as the representative | _ rR 'oa eat comfort. of the Trench' Mortar Battories in Englacd 5 *: frauen' of acini serene Saal ' -- a Tt gives them vim ' Canapa | |con nic of Canada hed at Wartnin-/E~. Cream of the West Flour is. sold by the following dealers: -' and staying power, < : adian represeitatives were addresei and| Brown& Co,, Barrie; A.W. Austin, Alliston; Northway Co, Ltd., Orillia; M. J. Douglas, : a he : eccrine peepee eget Onl = Bradford; John Carlton, Beeton;-W, J. Ireland, Tottenham; S. H. Oliver, Ballycroy; Wm.. It is refres hing : and brightest Sergt-Major in the 5th Can-| Foster, Everett; A Kirkpatrick, Lefroy. wa i aie k. ee : to workers. édian Divisional Artillery." z MTRUE BLUE" , METHODIST NAVAL RECRUITS i

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