Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 9 Aug 1917, p. 7

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oa 'i lt Hl, i F ter making, tes the used "and--how tthe hey it 2 ery leaf is fresh, fragrant full of its natural deliciousness. Sold . 'in sealed packets only. B107 7" i Novelties in Buthing Dresses In our attempts: to escape the midsum- mer -heat, many are taking refi NY \ | MILITARY STYLES NOW the fullness of the walst, and 'there "are APPEAR AMONG OTHERS} tho' inevitable pockets at' the sides, but : «| these. are placed on 'the: sidé, panels of the Tub Frocks of Linen and White Georgette | dress, making', somewhat -of 'a' difference , for Hot Weather--Novelties. in Bathing | {tom the usual' stylé." Dresses. . In the white dresses for afternoon there is nothing daintier than thosé of Georgette crepe. trimmed with: white chalk beads or white silk soutaché braid. .In-one rather Red Cross Notes - The regular monthly packing will be on Thursday, Aug. 16. All contributions should be in by Wednesday, Aug. 15: 'Mr. Hanmier. rectived from his' son this week the most stirring appeal for Red Gross-work which has come 'under the no- tice of Barrie Branch, When sueh en ap- peal comes from one of. our own Barrie boys, surely those who: are at home' will heed the call. This letter will be found on another page The Soldiers' Aid'had charge of the, Shop on Saturday, Aug. 4. Net receipts $27.50. The Congregational Church will have charge on Saturday, 'Aug. 11, and the fol- lowing Saturday, Allandale. churches. Shop Committee' this week-- Mrs. King,| | Mrs. 'McMartin. Next week--Mrs. Barber, Mrs, Jnckson : Donations, Saturday, Aug. 412th, St. New York, Augst. 4,. 1917. It was only natural to'expect that in these times of war, women's clothes would show the military influence, but, somehow, there have not been quite -a® many military styles onrah@: whole 88 we would have thought/ Here-ind there, 'however, \sprink- Jed anyong' the distinctly feminine frocks, some strictly military frocks appear. One of the most successful dresses on this order 1% \. is' the frock with the cape pictured. here, Capes have been rampant ever since the spring 'and early summer;- and now they are attached -to dresses and' have become quite an. important, feature of the fashions: Much of the charm of these capiés is: due to the pretty linings which they reveal when .they- are blown open by the jwind, RECIPE: Keep.on handa syrup made up of one. half cup.of FRY'S Coosa ene ip of * suger, One 'cup of warm waters Stir watil moo! for 5 minutes end chill ft ind at fe half teaspoonful of. Vanilla Ex- tract. "To serve, allaw two tablespoonfuls of this syrup to a glass witha little chopped ice and fill with cold milk. © Stir well. Try this cooling, delightful FRY drink. You'll want it often: LL Nt Patterned silks with flowers or dots are Paul's--2 ts. black currants Dropie| i employed for tie liningé: as 'well "as. plain Cash $2.40. Dalston--Vegetables. 8th o} wi ; j a Salers' in phates eciltrectia with the dress! Toniafil--2 'qts. eream; 114° 'dor. eggs: donee Nande Tow ait Dyind | Unequalied. Seria =, 'an. Advertising i material. Therese inthe sketch is 'of Shanty Bay--Flpwers. | gyi Wn, hundred towns int N. Y: State are} os e blue* gabardine' with: the popular coin-dot- edt they sre gradually losing ia y what' The Examiner offers, and "jour ; Population, - their 'storen are closing snd! shouncemient in The Exainhve call on Srown Hill Ret: Croae their young men are going away to the city | nOUncee™ eae The Crown Hill Auxiliary of the Oro Red | for lack-of oppo) unity at hame," said F, YOU 4 mere fraction of what it would cost ~. Gross Society held ~a successful sewing} C. Butler, ey of. the Jamestown to reach the same number o meeting at the home of Mrs. Henry Duni-|Board of Commerce, speaking before'a far- other way than news; more on Tuesday afternoon, July Sist: Be-| mers" week meeting at Correll ! fore the close of the meeting 'her friends Atvcording to Mr. Butler; the- farmer" took the occasion to present Mrs."George/ineeds the country 'town; it is as much 9 Atkinson with a wedding gift vf 'a. silver part-of his life snd' pleasure und comfort 'ss cream jug and sugar bowl, the presentation | his telephorie line, his. RFD. route or his being made by Miss Clara Partridgé snd ygood roads. On the basis of service alone the address read by Miss E. A. Rix, Lunch }the country town merchant cani justify his was then served by Mrs. Dunsmore. {place in society, but ax long ak he is rene The next sewing meeting of the Red Cross | dering. service to' the farmers, fairness de- ted foulard for the lining of the cape. The * blue foulard, with white-or yellow dots is 'very effective for these- linings. a» o E : Linen Tub Frocks ' Now that the- warm' weather is really and' truly here, the cool tub frock .comes to take the place of heavier dresses, /Linen'| in just as. much & favorite this year as ever, but thé novelty' about it is that 'it is combined with voile or orgendy. The usual trimming is heavy stitching, "braid | or embroidery. Dresses. éntirely- of linen, unfelieved by anything but perhaps a col. Minard's 'Liniment Cures Distemper. , | 7 + For Summer Outings .is This Dress of Linen Nowadays, the beach wrap is an impor- lar of organdy, "are also' considered . very smart. One of the new one-piece' inodels, especially suited: to: misses,. is illustrated. Like so many. of the: simple, - youthful] tant part of the bsther's equipment. Very attractive wraps are made of blue or rose- Colored 'jersey cloth cut in circular shape with the fastening on 'one shoulder. 'The edge of these are faced with a contrast. 14th, after which the regular regular meet~/ and: ing of the Crown Hill Wowen's Ivstitute | the 'Auxiliary will be held at the home. of Mrs.{ mands, sgid Mr. Butler, that the merchor James Quinlan on. Tuesday 'afternoon,' Aug. | should' be: permitted S to make his expenses a reasonable profit. He thiiks 'that team spirit can be planted, grown, and - styles, this one is slipped on over the head. | i I 4 hiro . .| Will take place when Mrs, 8. J. -Dunsmore | cultivated ® community' ds a farmer Bere Hee belt front ant buck to hold in A Miltary Dress with Silk-Lined Cape [flor and, "rabberinal eth oe TE; | will A panerson "The Fart the Farm: |grows: bis corn tnd that making the' moat euployed at much ae the wool jersey | ets, Wile should take in, Her of one's neighborhood. means co-operation . ~ between the town and the farm, based up. -- Silk and Wool Sweatets The following donations have been Sent | ori a'Feeognition of 'their common interests -, 'The new sweaters made of woo!' and silk|in from . Crown Hill:~-Oro Red Grose. 6! ant dependence upon: each other." '*Néi Appear to be a trifle shorter than they have | suits pyjamas. Field Comforts--6 pairs | out~of sympathy> for the merchant,'" says' Pbeen wearing them in' the past. There. are | socks." Barrie-Red Cros Roomes 1 layer |Mr. 'Butler, "'but from pure . selfishness, slip-over sweaters which are sometimes! cake, 3% dozen eggs, cash 50a 1 boat of from cold, hard business necessity, the' far. worn like' waists with white silk skirts, | bread. mer, must save his 'town."" By [Pleated or lain. The favorite colors are} = --_--«{ er tlust save hid "toy rose, blue. and TRUE ECONOMY green; also yellow and the cool-looking corn. olor.. The sweaters" op- ened down the front and belted with soft sashes have not been forsaken for thie slip- over models." There'is @ certain grace and softness about them thit makes them ever desirable, No summer wardrobe is really First Prize Wipner at. Regina Baby Show It will no-doubt be of* interest to the many friends*of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. W. Beelby; 1457 Argyle St., Regiria, formerly of Thornton, Ont., to hear that their little daughter, Rosa Lillian, on her. third birth- men' The Executive Committee of the Wo. 's Auxiliary to the Organi sources, Committee after consultation with *| the Hon Controller, is author Women to Take' a Plédge , » on of Re- W. J. Hanna; the-Daniinion Food to state that the day was awarded First Prize at: the Pro- vingial Baby Show held in connection with Regina Exhibitiod.. 4 Mr. and Mrs. Beelby 'have just catise to be' proud of their little girl. Among the dq many children entered from all 'over 'the Province of Saskatchewan, Rosa Lillian had much tp. compete against. In every way, she satidfaétorily pasged the very careful, minute éxamination. made 'under the per. Food Controller -has adopted the ides of a pledge to be taken in a-house 'to. house canvass from each individual housewife to if do her best to prevent food waste-and to enco thrift and esnomy in the home: Where' pledges are given the Food Con. troller will provide a card to be placed in|. windows, 'showing that the house is pledged to save food for the Canadian soldjers and our . : '| complete without a couple of these.charm- ing sweaters, whether one spends the sum- mer in the mountains, at' the seashore, or even in the city. They may be. of Shet- land wool, all. silk, or the silk and wool | mixtures: "White Angora sajJor collars }.| cuffs on the colored wool 4weaters. are very popular; and at the same time becoming. n : " which even Your very finest ¢ are selely washed because pre are not rubbed st cleansed by 'gently stirring about. Try LUX. 'and-seeforyourself.. Thankful for 'Socks: F Gest detuned - ty | ant dirtgtion of the Public Health Com- pe j Sergt. Beudle' of the Ist. Bn. recently | missioner for the Province, Dr: M, M: a 2 wrote to Mrs. John Webb, Allandale, s0|mour, arid carried away a.cheque for "tee For War Gardens s follows :-- being the/First Prize. Water' may do the garden more harm Having beep the recipient of .2 pair of { esa than good. That. may seem a strange ' socks in which I found a slip of paper |" Field' Comforts statement, but if the ground. is. nierely ; ' bearing yout name and address; T take this) ° «9... will: be gathered on Tuesday, |*Prinkled the roots will be: coaxed 0 the | ---- en - - opportunity -in the quiet of the evening hier ga Meo "| surface and the syn will scorch them gOne D ae hours to exprest to you my many thanks | AUS: 14 > thorough watering every ten' days is fuch - Many .gfiteful 'letters have been teceived lately. Col.) ee wrote asking Mrs. Stewart 'to tl to: make or pay for thé farewell gift socks given to the 177th Bn) Col. Cutcliffe is anxious They arrived in a most. oppor- .| tune time, for we arrived at our rest lets, after coming' out of, the trenches, in the morning, and I received. the sbove better than s surface showering every. night and morning "in the- average amisteur's way The water ought to squk through ~ t6 a depth: of two. inches. to. do the -most .| were just right: size -and-what © comfort mehtionet! articles of your handiwork. They. after being over two weeks without having thet the Field Comforts helpers in Barrie and district should be thanked for the care taken of the 157th men who were drafted Just good. After all,-a good hoeing 'is often as valuable -as a wetting down. my. shoes off. Will youskindly thank the 'Swastika -Club: for' me, as I'-understand that it was from that source that the wool Was issued. I would. be "very. pleased to hear from yoiYor any member of the Club 'at any: time. Thanking 'you once again for your very -| welcome 'and useful. gift and wishj you and your Club the best of prosperity and good uel. 5 Ih acknowledgement: of 'socks sent, Mrs. Webb has recieved letters fiom. the follow- ae soldiers: also:--Pte. G. H: Hicks,.177th .,: Pte. into the 125th, most of whom are now iri Very many letters have been' re- teived. from the men: 100 packages of foot powder were des. patched by: mail this week as s0 many of the: men wrote of the discomfort: due, to the heat and perspiration. ' -Ohildren Ory FOR FLETCHER'S | CASTORIA Very Much Amateur only one in' town who didn't Gees plant 'any potatoes. One:day-I asked him. the usual' question "How are your pota- toes 'coming. on?" *{0,"" ssid he, "I have not got any. I got my lawn all dug up }ready 'and then wasitold to be sure to plant 'themi in hills and, you see, 1 had no hills 'te plant them. Far More effective than Sticky Fly itchers. "Clean to handle: Sold by Digan id Geeeyeece: There.is more actual food value in ONE POUND OF PURITY FLOUR than there is in One Pound of Beef, One Pound of Potatoes and One Pound of Milk COMBINED. May 'Check Prices primary <duty of a Food Conttdll- da.and the United nee of th : 'en Teoton oar Saewie ERE i 'Mailed postpaid to any address for 20 conte. |

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