yur liver is out of order, head, stomach, Diack woenecioes Wall with afew dooce ot BEECHAM'S Pll | "which gently erouse a sluggish liver, and renew the activities '80 Necessary to good health; They never produce any disagreeable after-effects. 'Their prompt use-is beneficial to the system, and will Prevent Bilious Attacks Bone Worth a Guinea'a Box - ' Can Your Hens for Winter Use « (Experimental Farms 'Note) _ DECLINED $7,500. SALARY TO, SERVE. PUBLIC FREE hens that ought to be killed anyway. The method of 'operation for lows by Dr.. Robt. Animals. Branch, Department 'of Agricul ture, Otta the flesby portions, such as the: lej and bréast,. Break off the protrudin tions/of the bones in each pieces Pr thigh: céntainer, as-clasely .as- possible. and pepper. j.chicken, process | sel contai brisg to-« boil, .For pint jars boil 214 (hours, For quart jars boil 3%4 hours. For the' bala of the chicken: Place -pack in.jar. Pour thereon the balance of the liquid in the ket:le that has not been jar. If @here is not a {used in thé 'first | water. | as follows" For pint jars 1:4. hours. For hours. If desired, the whole of ¢ [expose the gem. jars to a sudden change of MR. JOHN. G. KENT, 'a man of temperature, also, after'the jars hive cooled 'wealth, and extensive business in- | off, examine the tops to see that the cov. terests, who has refused to' accept | ers are air-tight any 'remuneration whatever for his | the product, place the glass t wervices as Generel Manager of the Canadian National: Exhibition, pre- Tofring to, serve thes public. tree of arge. He is President of the To- Tonto Board of Trade and has ecm :| 2%, the tope securely, on the Exhibition Board since 1905, always showing a close "interést in «the work. He was President-in 1912 13, the two best years in the history of' the institution. Mr. Kent.is head sof the Boy Scouts in Toronto and~ 4s identified with many. philantiropic, enterprises. Long and continued ill- Hess has-compelled Dr. Orr, Manager mince 1903, to seek slong rest. or gas which may be. generated will es to be canned, What, is preferred are good, plump: fowls, 'with @ fair proportion chickens, the bone of the' latter giving firmer jelly and lessening. the soupy or slushy product. "Not Cutting So Big a Swath Altiston mental stores ars not culting anything like the 'swath, in this district this 'season. that thev have: other seasons, Being unyable to buy in riany. foreign mlfrkets snd 'hav- ig to" take. chunces \with the Canadian' * wholeside trade in Canatiian- and American |™arket. : ; markets seems to have resulted in the lo-|, There is another point which "is impor- cal trade beating out,. the 'departmental | ®t, although possibly its "carrying out store "ut every turn. \Mjrchants say they | "AY detract' from the appearanée and af- Hever Hear the departmental: store mien-|feet the sale to an inexperienced, buyer, tioned now, As an instance of: the depart-|"8mely, that all poultry intended for food, mental stor' method, the experience of a|Camned or otherwise, after being properly deiesaan 16 2 feliting. Learning | starved, bled "and plueked, should be left Hes -in connection .with these -points, which are ,just as applicable to. poultry to be can ned as they are to those. interided for th that the..price of eitined corn. had risen; ¥ndrawn and kept in 'a. suitable tempera- | encimously 'he casuplly came- across - the | ture; for - quotations in'n Torgnto" catalogue. and at }Chemical chany the price chere stat rl sent for five large |f the bird' m eases, four: of "his: neighbors having seen |t#ke 'place. the econoniy of, such buyipg. . The money.|. > Was returned und. the.-new price 'quoted ¥ Carriages-- Our: new ~ 'wis higher than that being charged in the|!ine.' Special. value, { See them stores here. . at, Dougall: Bros. day or two in order that the which follow fhe killing Poe or hemorrhoids, are-the cause of keen distress to thousands who do not yet know Dr. Chase's Ointment. Bi abe . |, Phere are' three kinds of piles--itching, bleeding and protruding, | The itching, burning sensations usually in- | credse' at night, and' the misery which.many people en- dure is beyond description. 'The bleeding-is eometimes 60 Profuse as to-cause déath; Protruding. piles are most 'dreaded becatse-it is commonly believed that sufkical 'operation is the Gnly means of cure. ; "It you will read. the letters quoted in' the 4 a there 'will. be little chance 'for-scepticism as big final tainty of Dr. Chase's Ointment as a cure for every form at Piles, (Or, 'better-still, ask your friends about it, for Relieve Your Liver | "Canned "chicken" may be -made at home in your own kitchen out of the old what is! known as "Straight Pack"' by. the trade. is/| very imple and is given in detail as fol: Barnes, Chief of the Meat and Canned Foods Division Health of | where drowned out. Clean and cut up-the chicken. Sort. out | romise well, corn for silage pogr, potatoes 1p. pr these fleshy portions in 'a gem-jer' ot other | well; hay abundant; roots fai Add salt (About's @easpoonful of salt two weeks late, crop average. | and one-eighth teaspoonful of pepper). Fill | roots promise \well. (to within % inch of, overflowing with the| weather. should be abundant crop. Pots: " fliguid that comes from the balance of the| toes promise to be above average. for preparing . which: is ing warm 'water and gradually |eut, Grai i J "in kettle and. boil till the mest will strip| heads well filled. free from\the bones. Strip off all meat and enough liquid to fill the se¢ond jar, id | Place in boiler as above, and boil ! en may he prepared the 'same as | the last part. In all cases take. care not to | During the cooking of s of the sealers but do.not fasten them. Any 'steam | As soon, however, as the process is finished, | open. emut, biit' look well; peas, corn, bar. While deseribing-the method of canning, | hay, half well saved. something should :bé-saiil about the poultry of) roots lute but good; hay and pastures half been said end written a-| | hour the proper m: thods of: starving, bleed- | ing. and plucking poultry for market. that | Herald--The' Toronto Gepart- [it is useless to go-over them again. One' Party sown grain a can. only emphasize the necessity of exact-| ness in carrying 'out the. accepted .princip- | Canada, 'as com 'spstched at the end of July.. Atlantic Provinces--In Prince Edward Islind frequent beneficial rains have sssur- ed excellent tereal crops, insect damage re- ducing wheat: below average. Hay an av- erage crop. -- Potétoes promise full crop with 15 p.c. imcresped acreage. In Nova Scotia all crops made excellent growth. In New. Brunswick weather was excellent for growth. Potatoes and roots are good, grain is a bad-colour. Quebec--Rimourki: Rains frequent; all crops have splendid appsarance, good hay crop. Ste Anhe de.la Pocatiere (Kamour- asks): Frequent showers' fayorable to all crops. Hay good. Grains poor, but better than expected in Jute. Rotates promise 'average.crop -Lennoxville ° {Sherbooke' Hay 'crops 'late, abiout 40 p.c. being har-, vested. Yield' above average. Heat of last. few days very beneficial to corn, roots, etc. Aubrey '(Chatesiguay): Hay aver- 'ages two tons per apre. ~All grains promisé average, crops; rodts a failure. Potatoes doing well, 'also corn except on lowlands 'ape Rouge: Hay crop | very heayy, pastures fine. All grain suffer- ing from excess of| precipitation. Roots fair. Lac a la Tortue (Champlain): Wheat oats and barley goad, potatoes very good; corn better than in June; beans promise Ontario--Ottawa: Hay harvesting about Grain and Corn -with. favorable turés very good: Prescott (Grenville) : jusking doubfful, for fod- {4 potatoes Zood. Pet- "Fall whéat ripe, 'thin, but Barley above average, peas best for several, yeurs..Opts and mixed i An. entirely new catalogue is ready for grains specially goad; potatpes and roots | cireulation of the publications iMsued in looking fine; fodder corn large acreage and | "Jun feu yeas bo the Dominion De Lgood. sppearance, - though everything is ne, tsi fer sears OY A te. Gaya lata. Y listed, of which 31 are devoted :to the about average, one third well saved, third Gir akg: dee akan ae fairly: well, rest papr. Barley, oats and ye tedint des Bb oe ae spring wheat prosperts above average;~<orn | tivation of field etops, grains; 'rasei, veg. mangolds, turnips doing well; potatos Big | gables, flax and tobaceo; 37' to insect and crop, if blight does met damage. Farm heli }*hant 'itaesr BL to lice stock taal even very' scarge. Conestogé (Waterloo) :_ Hay | fuine prioteld theses 19 to apts crop harvestéd-in. good condition. Wheat | tng® ule gheuiy 34 tg. gordeeing, Rearly ready to cul, some rust prevalent. lfruit, flower and vegetable, home and Spring erops look well, but rain needed, Howey "gato geultry sung, keeping roots and potatces/also need rain. Hydé! rousing, feeding and marketing, candling, Park (Middlesex) : "Wheat" bailly" infested | Use eee an ae ane with ball sinut 'and rust. Oats developing [Preeyat om Drodustion and sipping seer able hints, cold: storage, bees, honey. pro- duction, soil fertility, maple sugar produc: tioh, manures and' fertilizers, farm mach- % |inery, forestry; and the War Book of 1915 Potatoes and] ond 1916, Agricultural Knowledge "= ley, potatoes, turnips excellent, though late; Manitobs--Millweod: Cereals injured by drought, sbout half crop; [Agricultural Instruction Act and so on. (The catalogue will be sent. without charge | of application. being made to the Publi- cations Branch, Department of Agriculture, Ottawa. Great is Alfalfa According to 4 report published from an fauthentic snd reliable' source, the "human race may soon be fed on hay: ration. | Alfalfa was served to Kentucky farmers i he form of hot biscuits, doughnuts, ry light. Crops are' maturing rapidly.|i" ' i | Cutting will commence from tenth to fif-|¢#ke and candy, at, a Jinctie Sarin ie teenth and should be general by August 20,|Fecent annual farmers' week exhibition 0! Saskatoon: Cropa yery abort owing to con:| the Agricultural College at the stite Uni |tinuedigdrought. Best grain fields very | versity. | The progressive young. women | weedy.® Yields of hay' much below normal. the domiestic science department (too c Many 'Vegetable gardens almost total. fail. | of the cookery "and convinced: their f ure. Rosthern: Nb rain sinee July 12. Hay | Fuests that very palatable Geagred pe anid, orn poor, topts fair' grain good, but| Be obtained: for the table from theic all needs rain, - Yield) about 50 pe, unless' ®fs crops, The flour of "alfalfa is of a \copiious rains doop. Potatoes' promise a-|CFeumy. tint. before cooking) ahd .a light bove avérage. i jeteen afterwards, and while pea-green bis- Alberta--The Alberta Department of Ag-|tit# may not at first' appeallito the aver |i ; lage housewife, thé flavor is \regarded by [riculture reports Rot. and dry weather gen-| 88° housewife, the, Gavor if jregarded by erally throughout the province except in a|™Any as rich and delicious. vag \few districts. Grain and roots bave'ad.|™ents. may "easily result i greatly. in- | vanced well, 'but all need rai * ae | creased use of alfalfa for flout in the near |i southwest: portions. Haying general |ftrene The recipes sed for cooking are barley turning jn inany districts: If rain| bout the same ss, those' for ee ur. comes soon-a big drop can still be harvested | Alfalfa candy is made from: a ghycose pres Lacombe: High tempetature and dry wea-|° from .the stalk. | ther Inet three weeks of July. have 'hasten- fel maturity snd: feduced prospective, yield | of all cereals; sore districts not suffering | }from<lack 6f rain, but' all cen | would be: benefitiell by good 'rainfall | harvest 60:p.c. completed. Ea \ting will begin. about. August 20; Saskatchewan--Indian Head: July very dry with hot southwest winds; crops hi suffered considerally throughout district. fallow filling fairly |well. Stubble and'spring ploughing will be | Alberta | Western Canada ix by the-Canadian North: I. (Hay ern Railway. Special -through trains will varieties be operated from: Toréntp to Winnipeg: on fof grain will be ripe fhext week: EXcursion rates. The equipment will con- British Columbiz--Agassiz:- July: exéep- | sist. of electric lighted_colonist cars snd tionally dry and: hot.. No. rain felt until lunch counter cars _ specially designed to the 'last five days, "AM hay stored in:excel- | Cater to the needs of large bodies 'of men lent, shape. Grain crops maturing rapidly. | st moderate 'rates, West of Winnipeg the Corn growing fast; roots and pastures need | demand. for labor is great -slong the lines rain. Live: stock in good condition. Sum- | of th> Canadian Northern Railway and the merland: Apple crop will" not excved: that | Wages are correspondingly high. All par- of 1916; itis: very pajehy. Well kept or-| ticlars from A. FA "Maléomson, Town chards have held out | Agent, or General Passenger Depts, Mon- tredl, Quebec, and Toronto,'Ont. 32+f. is 'during the month:~ In 'conse- 'quence of long drought all spring' sown grain, roots and potatoes have not-develop- ed'ss usval. A heavy hay crop was gath- ered in excellent condition. Small fruit has given an average crop. e i de Sg Theré are 3174 e Agricultural Gazette, The- {speed was mide. yesterday .at the .}made several years ago:on the Brooklands Several of the cars advertised two weeks, ago have been sold, but we have still a few special bargains---cars that were taken in exchange from purchasers of DODGE CARS. 'They are all -ouerhauled and- -in good running order. Come and see these--~ ' '1 Ford Roadster 1 Chalmers Touring 1 Fisher These are serviceable cars and big value at the prices we're asking. Come quick. Dodge Motor Car W Dunlop Street, Barrie : "J | Canadian : H Northern LABO WESTERN $ 12.00 TO THE BEST OF Ei Extend Power Line From Barrie Alliéton expects to have hydro' power in two months. The Herald says:--The hydro |power will be brought here from Barrie. During the building of the 'line Alliston will be headquarters for the engineers and the construction ,gang as long as they can work out 'of 'here. The line will probably be started from Allistén and taken. out to 'Cookstown. e construction gang wil then move to/Thornton and .froi there} build into Barrie and south to Cookstown. Owing to the high price of copper, steel wire for the main: transmission line has been substituted, having~ been found to serve the 'purpose. equally as well ax 'cop- per, and rany tons of this will be brought into this town and strung along /the poles between Here and Cookstown: All. the villages in the district which have taken jaction to secure power have" the bylaws before their respective zatepayers and will' Vote' within a few weeks. There is no doubt about any of these not carrying and with avery. village @ customer hydro' will, have arientirely new and profitable district by early winter. z . Fast Growing Maples Alliston Herald--At the. rate Manitoba | maples have' giown this, season it. would be' almost possible for -a 'householder to! grow his own fuel. Branches. on 'these tees have extended. in length 'ns mich as! six feet and have shot out sinaller:branch. es every couple of feet, some of these hi ing 'attained » growth of! two and.» half feet.. Manitoba maple shoots have sprung} to a height. of ten fret since »@pring when! they were but a few inches sbove ground. | 'One of the most remarkable 'growths of this. variety of tree ds to" 'b& seen beside Robert Henderson's shop, . where "seclings of last fall, not more 'than' four: iriches |: high last spring: are -now #ix jand -ejeht! feet high with splendid #preads Of branches fand trunks an inch or more through. Breaks Speed Records : New York, July 27--A world's record for Sheeps- head Bay Motor Speedway by. William faci 'der, of Indianapolis, who drove a twin-six aviation motored ear two, miles in 68.20 miles an' hour, Rader twice broke: the old) record af 58.99 seconds for the distance, 1 Maxwell Touring Plus Half a Cent per Mile Beyond. Return, Half a Cent per Mile to. Winnipeg plus $18.00 SPECIAL. THROUGH. TRAINS - LUNCH COUNTER CARS Special Accommodation for Women, Call on A. F. A. MALCOMSON, Agent, Barrie - or write General Passenger Dept,C.N. R., Toronto, Ont. SS SS SESS: ee annnnn IRIE INNIS i Truck 12 tons arerooms ELP! RERS WANTED -- FOR THE x HARVEST WINNIPEG QUIPMENT AND. Delightfully, Cool' on the Great Lakes ' ane Port MeNicoll, « short pleasant journey via Canadian Pacific Railway,..is the. Gateway" to: the Great Lakes. Ste $ leaves 'Toronto, 2. p.m. each Wednesday and' Saturday making direct connection' at) Port: McNic- oll -with' either steamship "Keé- watin" or "Ossiniboia" for Sault Ste. Marie, Port Arthur. or Fort William. Pattieulats from .Can- adian Pacific. Ticket Agents or W. B. Howard, District. Passenger Agent, Toronto, Ont: 28-33: In all countries. "Ask for our INVEN= TOR'S ADVISE which wilite exat tea MARION & Ne ~ 884 University St, Monteéale SICK WOMAN HAD ~GRYING SPELLS Restored to Health by Lydia Pinkham's . oll Iseconds. ° This inst the rate of 128.88 ff MILITAR Tub Froc for Ho Dresses, Tt was these tim: show the there havi styles"on thought." 3 Ted amon; some: strie 'of the mo is the fro Capes hav spring ani x are attach Quite an i Much .of 1 to the pr when' they Patterned employed 'eblors in s 'masterial. blue gabar 'ted foulard 'blue foular very effect Now 'ths 'and truly to take the is just' as ever, but t is: combiner usual, trim: or embroid unrelieved | lar of orzs smart. 'Ont especially. Like som: