Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 9 Aug 1917, p. 3

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Tange you can buy. free illustrated booklet, 'or Sale By Merril From Spr. Robt. J: McMillin , These "are some -extracts from a let Written on July 4 by Spr. R. J. McMillin to.his_mother,-Mrs. Jas, McMi From Pte. Cecil Morris = Pte. Cecil Morris of the Reserves, West Sandlit R ij ing, ina letter to' his ister Bertie; on July wrote, in part, as just one year ago today' since we North Bay "for Camp Borden, anda year ago the-28th of June 'ixice I 'enlisted, country. since: that. tinie; and some tough feeling fine, in fact, e the Cansdians had a today for Dominion. Da; to Folkestone for. part 'of the eight miles from here; éo"we t. over. They have big motor busses holding "about thirty. found all through Engl T have séen some have had-some g ones, but I am still better than I-'ever Fritz-has-my number I am good for a few ones. ,Had the pleasure of ing saluted by King George, ig, The Prince of Wales, President Poincaire, King Albert of Bel- gium, and all their stail today. It was the. finest parade I have ever seen. and I will Kindly -remember me Itis'||doubt our turn will come sooner or lat even if we go us Private, What(is:left of here the old 157th Bn. are here yet. A good are! many have Isid down their " lives | battlefields of Flanders and France to save jthe ones'theyAove so dearly at home and have, gone 0 their reward, -Améng them atest cas-| mer that of Sergt. J. Creighton of A Coy! 157th Bn, and I must mention Ptes. E. Wines, Oswald tone, L-Cyl. C. A; Flowerday, all of New Lowell, also Pte. Chiss: Wilson. of Creemore, who were ull Gut 'of 'my' old platoon and' Sir Douglas Hai dropped in Folkestone during the air- raid about a week after we got here. In thi just a few rods square, ye killed"and we could notice on the street yet. the pavement was blown up wrecked a lot. of buildings. "We. have just got home and had a good We are getting fed better here | than at Otterpodl where it was short en-|o But I- can't kick as I} Soci weighed in the other night at 180 pounds, | of We are going 'to 'concert in. the ¥Y.M.C.A.| We--had a -good tine on our vi went up to Edinburgh, | tions here and are fed well. I thought I would go to Scot. land as we had' long leave, and if I get. another' short one will see more of London, I was st London for a day. on our way I visited the Brit nions and had the. on Lord Kitchener's old -and quaint statues. Westminster Abbey worth seeing. A-great many of the Canadian Battalions here, among them those of the'157th Bn. T- saw quite a bit of Edin- left West Sandling at 9.30 9. 'm., and arriving in Edinburgh at 11.30 P.m,, we went up to the Y.M.C. acconimodation: for 'over our sts Jong. remember it. to all my' friends." lnce:we saw today, From Pte. Harold Waller ley Camp on 'July, 12, Harold Waller tells how much "the boxes from home are appreciated by the men, not only for the :contents of. the 'box, but™ also for all the kind und generous thoughts 'and good wishes' they represent Pte. Waller, who enlisted with the 67th 'Battery and wav transferred to the 119th infantry 'battalion, says: "We had it pretty hard at first, but are Getting used to it now. Writing from With and) bombs | lifé so |be certarw. We all' miss 'them very "much nder when some of their chums ough at times, T-have been in ips since I came over and am go- jing away to another camp'on Monday to machine gun course. in the same camp that Dad was in, Clark Martin is still here and' a few more of the Barrie boys. - Just' now I am having ». Nety good time; ag -am taking a machine gun course and do not have to work nearly: Yso hard 'ak 'the other fellows had a lot of wet 'and cold weather of late,' but a-change came to-day and it is very honor to hang my' cap T also 'saw some Twas' through ind sit was certainly' dress is No, 388109, B * Minard's Lintment Cures Colds, Etc. "Il Be When He | Whether "Jim" is trench, he's going - yment anda lot _---- Wes Happy- ets T on a man-of-war or ina to_have .long-lasting: en- of benefit 'fro: refresh- in time of need the'other d 'They are both well. From 'Sergt. W. V.° Muir | To the Editor of The Barrie Examiner, for the paper wi are a Idt'of /my-old chums. The I ualty we have "heard of here is. vere all-the very best soldiers and lived y after deuth their reward wou jand often woi |ches." We are in fairly' comfortable condi these few lines I wish to conv |Teaved friends and relatives of the: boys § lay down his, life 'for his friends. Yours truly, ( Sergt. W. V. Muir, 125th\Bn. - Witley, July 13 7 Audit of 157th Bi ccounts |D. H» MacLaren, 0.0:)." "The auditor lows : dated 27-4-17 showa no charges outstand. ing in the Landon 'Records of the Pay De- partment against the 157th Battalion or its Commanding Officer at that date: (4) That a Board of Officers with regard to thortage of Quartermaster's Stores (Cai dian R, 0, 323, dated 27-1-17), recommend- ed that the shortage of the 157th Battalion be made- » charge against the public with the exception of-shortages Valued at £5. 6s, chargeable to the Commanding Officer. This amount has since -been paid to the "Chief Paymaster, Findings of the Board approv- ed by Getieral Officer Commanding. (5) ilities, the following balance remained for disposal: "-Regimeital Funds £79, 66, 3d. tal' Funds Board, dated 12-247, states as. follows :--The. Regimental' Funds... Board ty-and assets of the 157th Battalion' have been duly and properly administered Ky' Lt. Gol, D..H, MacLaren, the present Com: nitinding Officer of that unit, and that all such finds, property and assets'in' England have been satisfgctorily accounted for and transferred by Deed of Trust to_she follow- ing trustees ini Canada: . Daniel Quinlan, County Treasurer of Simcoe 'County; H. A. Sims, Bank Manager, Barrie; W. T. Alian, imental Funds amounting to £79, és Sd has with the spproval of this Board been trans LDIERS' LETTERS F EpFrTET the great fact upon August Hearst's Mag- al, : This yell known financial expert |, "{I am still well and hope you are all the : same. Saw Ted Dutton and Roy Wilson; 'To: win 'the war afier the war,' 8 7 j standing ;army of investors is 9s 'essential as an army to win the w field. After' the army of done its work the army Dear Sir:-- May I ask you to publish these few lines. First I-want.to thank you you print and which my wife sends 'on T me every week. It always contains such. alot of news of in- ferest to us boys over-Here in England and F am sure the boys in the trenches 'enjoy it equally as much." We always pass it a round:-amongst the Simeoe boys who. are left, but ofcourse 'they are few now, as }) they have nearly all gone to" France where , they will make a name for themselves. And Tight here Iwill say we know now after having a third new lot of men how good they were. My officer, Mr. Smith of Brant- ford, just said the other day he had never met their equal. Our platoon before: the last' draft' was the original No. 5 Platoon, B Coy, 157th Bn, all Barrie boys, and I cannot say anything tod good about them, and would have liked very much to have holiday 'had the honor-of going to Fran Ed. end I:went them, bat no gueh. luck {gr us N.C.0 "Money is often referred to as 'the sin: ews of war.' Not less is 'money the sinews of peace and industrial arid commercial de- Our own nation has been s- roused 'during recent" months to the 'imper- ative néed for money to wage war. "That the campaign for war funds did not fall on deaf ears or stony, hearts or empty pockets was demonstra; "* "More than 4,000,000 men and women the United. States subscribed for the Lib- erty bonds. 'Of thie number it is estimated that 3,060,000 people, or 99 per cent., .sub- scribed 'in amounts ranging' from $50 to | "This is. full of encouragement for the "Every new investor recruited will me: as piuch for America's future as every. sol: dier recruited for the colors. 'The business 'backbone of country in times of peace is ite individual investors, those' who do not consume all they earn, but who save some- thing and either invest it or deposit it. in financial institutions to be invested. for, ee with "s. No ter on the "Industrial 'and commercial victory will be achieved and permanently. retained rely by having tnmatched nati ourcess, gigantic factories and hi, ed workers; not eves by possessing a new and efficient merchant-marine fleet. we must have surplus capital, capital 'suit- able for investment both abroad and at rhome, capital which canbe mobilized aid ve, fruitful channels. "The man wyto saves a dollar for useful investment in the development of industry not one whit less patriotic than the man who, in times-of war, invests in war honds."" : directed into effect Ang. 7--Wm. McBride has his new barn I am pleased 'to state thet the -crops in this. section are Al. : Haying is a thing of the past, and was 8 good average crop. Potato, vines.in some] . of the gardens here measure four feet. . H. Fisher of Cookstown motored: through this place last week calling upon some of jhis old neighbors who were much Also through" ey to: the be-| jbove named my sincefe sympathy in their sad bereavement which is God's gain for Jerester is no man's love then this that he! Mrs. J. D. Gaule: jwith friends in Orillis Miss F. Maxwell. is still on the sick list: The thermometer registered 98 and. 100 in the shade-here for a few days last week. F, Dubeau has returned 'to his home in "y spent the week-end The Examiner has received a copy of the report of the General Auditor of the Over- : seas Military Forces of Canada, upon the) Toronto after spending « few days at John Accounts of 'the 157th Bn., C.EF. (Lt.-Col. | Desjardine' ger: tifies under date of July 16, 1917 -as Yol- es on Sunday of her work in' that. part." She expects to return. to her field of lsibu as soon 'as missionaries are allowed to tra-;tieuldrs from any Canadian Pac- fic Agent or W..B. Howard, Dis- ~Wm. Smith of the Royal Flying Corps, 'frict Passenger Agent, Toronto, Deserontd; Mrs. Smith and, niece, Miss Ed- Ont. > Toronto; 'sfént Saturday at) (1) 'That 9 final audit of the accounts of the 157th Battalion has' been made to tmy satisfaction. (2) 'That the Command: ger" Bf ing Officer has .given -a certificate stating that all furids have been accounted for and | visit that there are no outstaiding' liabilities in| the British Isles. No claims were re¢eived,|. in response to notice. published im' accord. | arice with Canadian R.-0,°355, (3) That | cy certificate from the Chief Paymaster, |, 2 jolidays with Art. 'Dyei nel Mrs, Duke Tyndale and daugh- lyrtle of Toronto. and Mr. and Mrs. k Tyndale 'and' family of Roland, Man., na Green of Levi Raymer's, companied by his wife and daughier, the guests of Rev: and Mrs, Frey one last week. locality on Sundi is Miss Velma. Sfewart of Toronto is 'visi ing her aunt, Mrs, H. M. Lougheed: Mrs,.W. Thompson-and sons Earl sd | passed through this ticinity last Thursday evening, Shaw Bros. of Sunnidale Corners hud' their stablé struck by lightning and burned'to the ground, along with five loads of hey and eleven small pigs, 'But for the efforts of the neighbors the main . barn | would have been burned, as they were oily a few. feet apart. : larence of Ottawa. visited Mrs.. A. Dyer Misses 'Figra- Dyer, "Meril Reynolds * and ' returned to the city after spendipg their holidays at their homes here, ¥ SE CANADIAN NATIONAL EXH s, 'Aug. 25. - TORONTO - Sept. 10 'That after payment of all ascertained linb-| Om ® More Than Ordinarily Progressive Scale . MOBILIZATION OF NATIONAL: RESOURCES Constructive: and Destructive Needs for' War CONFEDERATION SPECTACLE 1200--PERFORMERS--4 200" tery from Birth to Nationuhood Dramatically Told The very Apex of Spectacular Achievenient in Toronto last week. with her oti Fred at Big, Bay: Point. Peter Hook, who recently -out his hand | quite severely while working in Toronto, is visiting at Cundles. | (6). That a.certificate from, the Regimen- | not in the best of health; is, staying, as a! change of' air is hoped to do her good, { gertifies that the Regimental Funds, proper: | mother, "Mrs, Long, of Allandale, visited with Mrs. S. Pratt last week. yr been' sick: « : land, who for many years were residents heére, visited their Cundles friends.last week | here recently came ns a shock to many, | as lighting struck in several. places. For- - | tunately, it did not do. much damage. GIANT LIVE-STOCK -AGRICULTURAL. DIS Judging Competitions' for Young 'armers -- New Farm_Crop Com. petitions - - Extended. Classification: and Ifnovations in All Departments : IMMENSE. EXHIBITS - { OF TRACTORS FARM '| SAVING DEVICES ART--Italian, Americanand Barrister, Collingwood. A balance of Reg. | The cause of mnie : sens his 'brother,: Dr. G. B. Jamieéon._ "French, . Persian,' adian. Masterpieces, /MUSIC--Inies' Famous Soloists and a for = Square today: after having a week's holi- 'ORDER FRO} 'THESE FULL WEK K'S LAKE Aug. 6--The farmeis ~are appreciating the 'nie cool days after the Hot weather, id'the hum of the-bintler' is heard. from rly: morning until: late in. the evening. Miss Evans, of Northern Nigeria, West Africa, gave two very "interesting uddrese- vel overseas: Rev. T. F. Barker of Collingwood; ac During th> severe electrical storm which Mrs. Frank -Cook -returned to her' home CUNDLES : Aug. 7.--Mrs, Guest is "spending a week Ed. Moffatt of Toronto 'spent over Sun- | with his parents: His wife, who is) Mrs McKechnie. of Chicago, with her| Mrs.: Forbes has returned home" after | 'ing on her brother, T. Knupp, who: has fown, and. Mrs; Brown of Mid- Wm: The electric storms which' passéd over | A. Tuck 'lost; a valuable cow' recently. Aesth could "not. be deter- "Farm help 'being' scarce, "every 'available | man is asked to do his bit to help harvest') - the crop on. which #0 much depends. DGAR Jamiesdn' of Toronto is the Mrs, Jos. Cavanagh' his "gone. camping month, -Miss Eva Brandon returned to Mitchell ENTIRE NEW MIDWAY Bowermin of Hamilton was, the You can keep ¥ jine natural color | In Raspberry Preserves IF YOU MAKE THEM,WITR > "Pure and Uncolored" Longeo ing fades raspberries,. You can avoid this by using iC SUGAR which, dissolves instantly on'dcvount of its "FINE" granulation. LANTIC e i all p: ving On account of 'its purity and high sweetenjng. \ power, Cisa 'pure cane su, table, for general cooking and for preserving. 10, 20 and-100-Ib. sacks; 2 and 5-Ib. cartons. M-YOUR Gi CHT ;ROCER BY NAME IN 'ORIGINAL PACKAGES PRESERVING LABELS FREE---Send us a red ball tradesmark cat ~~ from a bag of carton and we will send you a book of ready gummed printed labels. Atlantic Sugar Refineries, Limited Power 'Building, Montreal Every 10c Pack f ATTRACTIVE TRIPS. .. USKOKA to use for gar equally good for the 147 A Chance for. Those. Going West Homeseekers Excursions via ; Cc. PLR. Homeseekers anada each, Tuesda: Caxiadian . Pacife, the heer route.to the West. Par. 'ursions to. at. attractive until October 2" pgs .|. Read the adavts.- You can save vere) MOnéy by. doing su, : day | ILSON'S Clean to handle, 'Sold by all Drugs. gists, Grocets and General. Stores, 'Hotel, Centrally located just off Y 'Street.' t 40 S| 2 te

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