Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 9 Aug 1917, p. 2

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pa-| Weish: thing, is to go there." |TEACHER OF. VO} 'Napier had difficulty in get-|TION AND , SING! ing his pupil to ged that 'night. lessons' - for: rep: 4 (To be continued) 1 . ey perce : Barrie, Napier took the phot bad exe Minard's Liniment Cures Diphtheria. 'For. terms, 'ete., call ined them with the keen scru at studio on Wednesdays. Vbices denly awakened interest. good tested free, z 4 : THe Media oe $73,114,000 ~ BANK orTO ; Sais F ; Of ruins ina ied oes, a a {| MAUD ©. CLaxTon, LT.c.m in the Bank of Toronto have been found to bea great con-: | books of whisk wis stat eS es hee We' 5 Plano and Vocal Lassons. Sane be opened in the names of down at if The. individual ruins where: "also | photo. | "to LEE In vocal work special atteMtion is . we nes The eceints may': be Pe tae a hed separately--a portion of 'a tower, PRS . « given to Velce jon. husband and wife, and either may deposit or withdraw mon- ord! piece of a cyclopean id a ruined 7 . > Studio in King Block. Phone 424 : - '. 4 ' cts T as also Mark Napier's|| edifice that. looked ee if it might have been = 7 a Se ey. ' Interest is paidion these accounts twice a year. , hobby, and to it he meant to devote himm-|"testole MISS ELSIE NELSON ! , E * ' self now that he was. free man, end no "Where is this?" asked Napier, w Raspberries were 'quite abundant at the longer bound by, the' necessity 'of: elrning | had looked yt ie rt aes rath | EES Saturday at $1.50 pail or 17¢ a TEACHER OF, PIANO. AND his livehood. 'The large sum that he had keen fot cut cea) Nccitenscke box. Many were dissppointed inthe ofte.| 21 t. "Bhone 1968 received from Sir Glare'was a nice aug-| "On the borders 'of the Lobanzo, Carlton| ing.of black currants, which 'were very| Street. one: 186-7 mentation to his income, and he looked lsaya'be'll cite ery one showing the exact) ®earce. 20c. quart found' ready buyers fer forward to, life free from all mundane jmot Hehe are think anybody! what. were there. New potatoes ay S0e e BERT PETCH » Aes And devoted wholly to: his absorbing ha ever boca tine Ce do you) Perk. or $2.75 bug, were 'splendid quality|. -Elogutionist and Entertainer interest in the monuments' of .the past: | Tsn't that the ruins of some ancient/-4d size. Butter was scarce at 35 (> Bie, Garden Parties and Church: En- Studio at 133-Collier | , F Peter, it must be confessed,' looked for- ation 2" 'Green . peas (shelled) were 180, quart, | Gagements, etc. Phone or write ics . Branches at Barrie and Allandale, H. A. SIMs, Manager. ward with less interest "and satisfaction to, "Well, you know, to judge from a phot-| nd butter beans sold sloivly, finally going | for dates. and-terms. 437. Quebeo ji ee: a his future. He found, to his own alarm ograph is: rather .' risky 'aid Napier,}.t 5c. quart. One woman who had a bag Ave., Toronto. Phone Jet, 3958, 7 and disturbtince,.that the rutore he saw of "controlling his own' excitement. ""There| of beans must have figured on $5.00 or ' Y v the world the more disinclined he was to| may have "bee somné: setflement* more at her. original price of 10c. quart. | LEGAL feitle dawn to play hin-part in the huge". "about tes tho d years ago!" shout:| There was a large vegetable market, tur- iy ' | organization of Monk &°Co, He, had 'no ed Peter exultently. "Did you. ev see, Nips being a new offering, small white ones ALEXANDER COWAN |leantigs towards business.' And yet he such miasonry?. That's ino recent "settle | at Se. per bunch of three or four. - Successor to BANKERS _]| Knew that he would have to do 2 His ment. it's more like Babylon' than any-| Average prices were. as follows Lennox, Cowan: & Brown. . _ father had told him that he would have thing else; An, s savage country, where| Butter, Ib-.. .. aS See. Barrister, Solicitor for obtaining 4 Established 1879. sss to begin just as. the others sid that he mud and cane-sticks and leaves for thateh| ges, dozen | | Probate' of - wills, guardianship ° x ; - oO would: haveto go through the whole rout. are about as far as they've got in the build-| Fowl, Ib., dressed aad and administration, and General Transact a. General Banking ion : 4) ine of office life, ut bya Pee had "Ying line. Look: here, Napier, we. must to! New' Potatogs, peck ia Solicitor, Notary, Conveyancer, Busines }| begged 2 mee pete ot = wet Shad un | Out there at' onee--you and.' New Potatoes, bag .. = 75e/2te., Oflices: Hinds" Block; No' Notes t ed gricollected at the 4 pomantoaeia signed peel the {I'm afraid that won't be possible, Pet- he Carrante, box : ig 8 Dunlop Street. Money to loan, most favorable rates, eompr rf 3 er," said Napier, trying to subdue the boy's urrants, box.. .. r ge Wee heques drawn on any Star ; Hidea, and told him, with parermal drank: exuberant excitement although his Gwo,| Black Currants, squat . Jam eos AND MURCHISON Bank in Canada or the United ¢ i peagigenna pa earn the alphabet be-'cinremed ce it was, was equaully great Pan aed, ald oienn! "AB ona Barristers, Solicitors, Not ates. By: | e 2 . . "But we must-make it ossible,"' cried | Onions, dried, basket.; .. .. Public, onveyancers, Etc, Mone: : Accounts -collected. satidhe eel " Te ; Bo Peter ad {ede bimuelt and swat Peter. "We 'absolutely rene investigate 'Onions, -green, kuinch of dozen .. to loan at lowest rates of inter: 3 qyerling. Exchange bought or Coralie Stanton tis tnountelas Gene ee among this before anyone else gets wind of its- I] Green Peas, shelled," quart 3 ( 13 Owen St. (in the 1 Sbeciat attcintiosi will be. given and Itong Po ttl tthe governor oft me He Cotman gue aE oe the Bank "of Toromtceoged, PE to the accommodition of tarmers | Heath Hosken fore fa i inet into a i etn: TA wil be of erat te Se Gherrien,ortinary binket:. 7 21 27, He Be Bi Elmvale Onto, : in this locality. : : : jeareer thst he knew in his heart he was a ccacty in the Protectorate. Ie'will cone] Apples, small frat' trees KC. MPD 6 é Money to Loan on Mortgages. ' t "a | stir i logical world ; it's | 8 Savory, small bunch... Agency Sun Life Assurance|. "Peter is a dear boy, and I'm vety fond| "Ie vee a Yau young, man, almost as tall % huge str in the areal neice Fork 81 thyme, bee eee STEWART & STEN Company of Canajla. . ., jot him myself," -she_sajd,- smiling. "T/as/Napier, but & good deal slighter. He isis Mil fal eote BREE - kno Asparagus, bunch |... BARRISTERS, Soli d Ollice Hours 10 to 4. should hate his future to be spoiled in-any /towered above his father, and belonged to "My dear: boy, remember out talk of 'this Radish, bunch., .. Fe a Public aud Convey to.loan in any sum q Turnips: Wi rent, rates. " Ofies 5 | 'onderful: find in the world, your father,{re@m, quart'. 6. wo.) Barrie, Ont. D. : 1 m "afraid, would think you were wasting }Buttermilk, quart.. |. - 5 : i your-time in exploring ruins." iy. ton .. thot CHARL! "Oh, don't jaw, Napier. If the gover-| § BARRISTER, nor lets me go, will you come out?" 606 Continental "Li a pay. And the 'girl is a perfect stranger. |as different a type from 'Glan Monk as | BEECROFT, Manager. . |1Riye wn inifrest in, bees! Saad im Ho-had. well. "She isa nice girl" suid Monk, Knit figure, Jong, straight, 'Athletic limbs;| jrither uncértuiily, and a good natural carriage. He had aly "Good. gracious, I dare say she is. 'But! god head, well set og hae shouilders, and | don't you begin to think #0, Glare. That looked 'as if he' ought: to Neve plenty of would complicate matters terribly: You /-brains, although his face was' that of a can't have both a son and a daughter.| dreamer rather than thet of. man of ac- afternoon. Remember all your good reso- lution'. Even if this 'should be the most i 1 ' : | r : | \ i "Of course; there's nothing T should like pee Te Ser »/Southeast corner 1 Are Well Supplied Rememiber that. You have chosen, and tion and hard facts. Fis din ns YerY Vhetter,"" anid Nupiere "=| NEAR-BY MARKETS, mond Sts. Toronte' 4 peers you must abidé by' your chgige."" bronzed, and stretched rather thinly over "Tell me straight_---what do you think? OrillinWheat $220, gate 75-S0e, Ke . : --at-- "And you will stand by' me?" [high cheek. bones, giving' a) léok of ten. | Tell the photon again Lage aoe ing Bivnd DONALD Ross, LLe ; "T Will stand by you, Glare. It is SY | nese, to his face. He was,/in fact, 9 ve well." 3 BARRISTER 5 SOLICITOR, "Ere. . S ae i duty. My interests can only be yours."".| good-looking young manand of' s Glare |, Napier Jd been doing this all the time ts 76-80, | Bank of Toronto Builditie Bevo." : ~ "Darling, in a way this 'is the happiest | individual type. . No wonder that -Glare. he had been -speakin, ~ iy apes Money to lo uilditig, Barrie, 5 : day of my life," suid Monk, with-a_ thrill | Monk was so proud of him, He had, whet - r ORES cyto loa. i 7 pe, vaya: Casi (apy has vy," he said : of 'deen feeling in' his voice. 'I can't tell| was more, a: moet» excelledt disposition, 8+ towly. "I've vere ge = ? a 3 = you the joy: it is to me to have no secret \sunny tethper, @ fund'of good nan that | owl. "T've never seen anything like the Peg tet 31-B8e,. eggs B6c, chic GRESWICKE & BELL = é& { to : a 8 formation of these ruins. 'There seems to|ken 1 186. BARRISTERS, sonic: f H ee cee yan toe a Ge | pine contd saree a LST JES 8%:| be thicen of certain' otber tents ee re] ght atlort-- Wheat $2.40, oats 75c, butter| the Supreme 'court Woteacan ' though it was the beset (cit6 YU sl tural anid broadminded outlook cn' things know in other countries, "but there also | 0c, eges S20" . of Ontario, Proctors, Notarky : Though it-was the busest treachety on his in general A jen | Seem to be feattres that are quite unk Conveyancers, etc, 'Monee 2 ; i part : Tt was of his pupil's excellent qualiti . Money to. "T thing they're extraordi JAMES PATERSON _ dent det sus talk about it any more,"'| that Mark Napier was. thinking e ther cor | loan. - Omi es! In' Ros a Licensed Auctioneer and said his wife, as she took his hand in hers together in front of the hotel in Chamonix. . W. ALJ. Bell 4 Appraiser - [and 'strokéd| it tenderly." "We underitand | He way thinking that he hed never hones : For Gouniy ne Blihie Prepared | ¢#¢h other." [better pupil, although he had. had many - MEDICAL = tO. 'dondilet 'Salbe ts { reasunable| "Amd you forkive me for not trusting | wh§ had dene him more credit on the lists, t Moers SA Or ER ee O Te! via "with inp ancrse, my!sweetheart?"' he But\never hail he had one whom 'he.con. ra Fates. Satisfaction guaranteed: . | akeq anxiously, ' {sidered "better equipped to fight the hard eam "f <p, 120 Bayfield: St..Phone 191 "Yes," she vansweted. "I quite. under- | battle of the world Toronto z Orders leftiat A: Malcom- | stand. 'It is, a-"Secket for ne person only ""Peter,"" said Napier, "I'm afraid you're | QPPosite a Son's, Oftice "will 'reéeive -prompt] to keep. And so vou want EMhave the | noe lookittg forward to the life you're go- > "Church. attention girl at Dunbury, Glare?" | ing back to." : He notlded. 7 | "Frankly," said the young man "I'm| "2 * "I shouldn't feel safe unless I had het! not, But what's the good of 'talking a- 4 BY /L.R.C.s. C.P.; Lone df s : under ty eye," the ssid. "I don't know |bout it? I've got to de it. Vestine ay le 1a dan, Phy ii, els. OL: : cae whether she knows. I should be torturing' anything else" B 3 ive. and Residence,' Dunlop. St + i myself 'all the time." . | "It'll be interesting):' said Napier con: ® = a 3 Barrie, Telephone 165, Pa Ur mi a 0, "Well, under the circumstances, I sup- | solingly. . is) a= Se ABS - ate + : PT eatebllenee toe pase ste's ho harm = danse in Having r ok 'yes, ! dare say un he Jatererting i A ' ' < eu Keay ©. @! TURNBULL t ' ' c_fith and L-certainly see that it will be} enough, in a few yearn, when I've evr ihe e $ (McGILL) (Sue f . UNDERTAKE RS Bh wiser" « ' hang of the thing and can tackle the big by '4 £ Ie Brae : inne a Roctieuse: : ia 7 : eet WE he. ed oF | parts of it, and get out to the Const. That 13 'la e our i USIC > gorner' Elizabeth and Bradfor 4 ays ; Open Day and Night Glare Monk 'sat before the beautiful! will be all right. But it'll take years. He iS \s Sts., Barrie, Phoné 145 : A .Empire-table in' the room allotted to him| told, me so. ve. got to stot at the very S| Wi Y Ty 4 ' ! iB = : for his study, and stared down 'ata sheaf | begitining, and that's what I'in going to Pa). ou' KS Morgue and Chapel Bsr cogs torint "ured down at a shea | find s0%Golely: hard." i} With his Summer! I arneson ' im connection played any agifution, and dnly- a very) "Oh, yes,"I dare say it'll be difficult at Si \3i especially. Phone 6{- 56 Collet i : [slight uncertainty. : first," said Napier,-smiling with afiection- is in the eanoe--on the yncht--to the camp ~ Td . Barrie, : 'ollier BARRIE, ONT.- = | = hone a2 He had recovered fromthe stunihing | ate- encouragement. "But. you've got tol, Pl Tend on the motor tour--you will eereo- kK ciel ang . blow 'that 'had been dealt- him. He was| go through with it, old manane 1 sure" 1D it immensely. Try it! The Viarla Ky oR. the man on¢e more who puts out his hand| you.will.. You know that your father bee Is and Victor Records furnish all the enter. 3 422° Bloor St to brush aways fly that is worrying hini, set bis whole hopes tnd ambitions on you." is | tainment required d be at 91 Owen ; + | Lorion was the fly that-werried Mim. He! They rose. and stretched themselves,, and] --~ [BF ' . : $ Peciate Oeste tela 4 ne 9 apm bei id io age 'had m t ti hi fe | SoH 29 3 Nose and 2 y kinds of small repairing--4| --He:took up a pen an wrote (borion's| | They had only just time. to chisnge for | x i e i} ious a Frompt Service. Touring. Car tor | same"and alive ee pe ren dinner. when they' returned. Ig is Master's Voice" Records I: appointment eam Ba, | iré--Motorcycle for sale, egram form. "Then he paused' 8 moment' After 'dinner the hotel guests walked up i| 90 cents for 10-inch double-sided a) Novte 3326. Barrie Phon . Non + TURTON'S QaRace See writing the message" Jealte When ce oe | the village street, | and crened ($1 Sing Me Love's Lillaby brasisTastia! 2 = : Bad a : ; id write it, it Was very' brief: °: "| their necks tip to the aowy'giante gleam- Pa - _M ame! K Ses . re Phone 484. 15 Clapperton: st, | tion the Bangala day séter:omor-|ing mysteriously, touching the heaving: ws iS peed ~ 4 Tem Lamers} 1a Iz) CHIROPRACTOR... ---- Gw:; Sorry shall. riot see you. Good-bye. lit' seemed, with 'their -white creste ' 5 berry Finn Van and Sehencl 3 . Wak : = Good luck, Cable on the' way~Monk.". ier found himself talking to a jrett, le Mulberry Rose ' Van and Schenck f ce 3 DR, VYLA M. TONLAE, 10 €. 2 : ; 5 pi ig to a jetty b i ig Graduate. Off; ' SOE Rams © P|. Lotion was quite ready. "He wae walt-| ren gh gitl. " fn the daytine | 'Til the World is Free John'L. Hess K . ice-and -resid.. x CRS a Jpg: | , ort akity aiid anes Catime., the wore] 4 Take Me Back to Old New: Bruiswick 216010 2 ence, 24 McDonald §| W. D. Minnikin thkt, He wuld. pang ng ere oare. Kew | short skirts: and nailed boots ead. teenies S lew a ae dK e jonald St., Barrie, H Sith a fe cal j that. "He. would have no preparation 'to stout stick with an iron point; but now Is wm Jo ihe) SS =e : Licensed Embalmer - jmake, only his- good-bye to say. And the | che 'yas a vision of muslin and Jace?with i ' oN ls] ACCOUNTANTS =: : eer -. Proprietor Would be off with « stout heart and'a will)» heavy: fur- coat-wrapped round her, and| ~) rH $1.50 for 12-inch double-sided . iz re am x ~ THE. BARRIE fo work, and sueceed in his: work,~beeduse | a. rose in hee golden heir. She had.made a} pS i ' ees: j . AR LAWSON, WELCH. @- COMPANY z UNDERTAKING. PARLORS ff ' Ws" coming back to nary the girl he there of Prem see Ee something sbout | * [ta Have a Heart--Medley One-Step _ ik] | CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS, : sis loved. jhim, and intagined still. miore ig. Aare Victor Military Band | 55655 Te Crown Life Building, 59° Y, _. (Successor to the Late Meaford Webb) "They nearly all 'come back," said When. he returned to'the.hotél, and had) = 3 jn, Loveo Mike--Medley Fox Trot. | { Street, T; t ing, onge Full line of ail the latest f¥|Monk to himself'in a musing tore, a0 na hidden her good-night: st thet vate nest Bal Vidor Military Band IW lsec% as F nen Telephone Main M Gaekets Kept in. stook, in. ff pushed aviy the telegraq form aoe, eh hen all Chamonix retires to rest, Recon | (Bf : as 1G. it Biagio Ym BF: Welch, : As cluding Grave Vaults' an at he 'suddehly\ covered 'his fece withy find Peter anywhere. . He had lost sight| By Two Winning Red Seal Records ae | | ee ha ; z Oak' Shells, his hands of him immediately after dihnér, when he 3 j : VO Iooe Hh minute or two later he wrote out an-| 14 joined. the little crowd outside the A description of the grandeur of Old Poland, playd b other telegram. This was addremed to, hia) PM once. Paderewa, SOO oe Paved by POS LE WORKS GW. Eastman, Prop. pgent in Lagos, Vincent Morianity, It was| "tg, T say, I've been "looking for you Q Polonaise Militaire Jan Ignace Paderewski 74530 | anuel, Dealers in in Sir Glare's own private cgdle, but he Ta edi ese $ Sama i > aay Lal iranite and Marbj ente Ta Sal" Saat Sent sey fm eae cate, Name mie Mal) 7 DAL | ease Pana Sees Crwe 506 IRE [and Tebreta, 'on. cnomumentS " _ guage first, which ran as 'follows: breathed forth 'suppresied excitement, ¢| 3 i ee Se i ie Sane pe first-class workmen ems . Arnol a: "The man sails Friday on the Bangals. Ape had some most wonderful news. F441 Hear them at any "His Master's Voice' Dealers': [3 Ployed. . Prices always. rigtit. Jas. rno Garry, out my instructions as soon as pos-| You'll be crash man Tee simply the) Pt oe IF : : sible." most wonderful thing on earth."" ' pay Write for free of 550-page Musical' r ey 'Fire & Life Insur: nee Agent -- Napier followed Peter, who had tured|, JB clopedia listing over 9000 Vitter Renn = TB : CHAPTER XVII. and: Was rushing 'upstairs two' steps, at: a a : ee rae i . RP Ri !Estateand | Z Blickgelt aaa Sasciony . Cue He wondered what' 6n earth had S rine , 4 : 4 deer Yate ra et era]; te Meat nd te te Perel neg acs se peer | BerlinerGram-o-phoneCo. [f Properties for Sale:on the most reasoe Mark Napier, sat on bench- outside. the | ched on the light and fumbled with: un- Ts MONTREAL : LIMITED ee "able terms. :|hotel Couttet in Chamonix. -Their attitude: Steady 'fingers st the envelope he had been <I ves aes f $ BANK OF TORONTO BUILDING | denoted the delightful. aed healthful fa-|carrying, extracting s bundle of loose| \. | tee Lenoir Street < i : \BARRIE 2 tigue that follows on strenuous physical | Photographs from it. °° - f € af = : exertion. . '«-}, LOOK here, "Napier," \he . said, " "eit | . S| > -------- Napier was .& hsndsome man of about|down, You'll never be ble to bear it] (pal Voice" iN oY JACCOMSON. |- thirty-five, and very young looking for = standing up. Be something sbeokutely 3] 8 Voi Barrie Dealer me" Repres Insurance 'Companies | #8 His face was now: burned to- extraordinary. 'ou know that man I Al x GEO. VICKERS : K of undoubted Fineness Standing [00° of mahogany, 'but he. war neve ion prho's-staying here? io | : 2 "and : Without 'a tan, because Be was an' out-of- "What, Major Carlton, the big-game |. 5 ;, ALL STEAMSHIP LINES. _ [oor man. ~ 2 en happened ép be talkisg|. Your passage booked to or from' Fiatier try Reeling wtbghorban ties pole ir, ore Tod dinner,| ~ Bl all parts of the world, : up 'to coaching, |and he told me ete Sek fro, >| ited delightful old holuee in| West Africa. Recognised my naine, T sup, $| ALF. AMA , ; He jawed.a tot about the governar, | m he went on to fell me| ° P

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