Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 9 Aug 1917, p. 8

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r A laudsbie, though belated, 'effort to.sup-| sion, was the preservation of the earl ap- ply: a great, need was the motion introdue- ples hy evaporation. Forty or fifty years 'ed in the Town Council this week asking} ago there were few houses in the that steps be taken to supply bath: houses | but 'had their strings of apples hung: near St* Vincent's Park.- For years Barrie|dry, but these are séldoin seen now. ° thas felt-the lack of proper facilities to per- | bulletin recently issued by the Departmé: mit the people taking full advantage offof Agriculture, Ottawa, describes this 'old-| - the bay for bathing purposes. Last year|time method of preserving spples. ss well and' this year, during the days of extreme| ss the modern process of evaporation' and 'heat particularly, hundreds of people | points out the wholetomeness and nutritive sought the cooling waters despite the ab-}value of the evaporated spple: Copies of 'sence of such conveniences as bath hotwes|this bulletin may be had on application to afford, arid their number would have been|the Department. ineréased many times had there been suit- 'able accommodation. Every year there is + the same clamant call and every: year the 'sain: resilt--nothing' 'done. In an effort to build bath. houses two years ago, the 'Town Council 'clashed with the Board of Health and thé project was dropped. This jx not a subject on which the Board. of Health end the Town Council should be at variance. Rather is it one-on which they should. heartily co-operate, as bathing is very, conducive to -health. Taking up the mbtter now -is soméwhat late in the season to be of much benefit this year, but it 'is to be hoped that Ald. Lennox, who M. A. James has entered upon his for- tieth year as editor of the Bowmanville Statesman, hevirg taken over that paper on Aug. 1, 1878. During his long assoc- istion'with the Statesman Mr. James has fhaintained « high standard, of journalism, 'strongly. advocating 'such measures as he considered to be in-the best interests of the community. Few" publishers have -kept more élosely in touch with. the men and women and boys and girls that have gone out from their territory and this with the excellence of. its local news service has made the Statesman a welcome weekly vis- brought the subject to the attention of the|itor in so many homes of Bowmanville > Council; .will not postpone further action until twelve' months hence. - At the. next meeting he should, move for the eppoint- ment of a special committee to enquire into'the whole question 'and report before the end.of September. In this way, all the information could be in the hands of/ the Council' early and srrangements made. for erecting the necessary bath houses in 'the "spring of 1918, To the Barrie Branch of' the Women's Institute the" ladies "of Barrie are -greatly indebted -for havirig an opportunity of hearing' the very practical and helpful in- structions pgiven this week -by Miss .Foot "on methods of food, 'preservation.' People nowadays' have' become far too dependent on' factory products .and canted goods-- ~ too niueh inclined to rely on the ready- made foods for their table, Such a prac- tice: adds 'neither to "the health or wealth of the consumer: 'This yéar thousands of people who, never gave s, thought to the question of food production 'have become: actively interested and have raised food: #tufis of various, kinds.! Next to produc- tion the most)important thing in- eonnec- tion with the food supply is conservation, 'and such information 'is that imparted by Miss Foot, together with the carpslgn. for the elimination of waste, should, if intelli- géntly heeded by the women of the prov- ince, ploy very important part: in the food' situation. At the ast meeting of the Board 'of. Trade. one of the questions -under_discus- ~ GOOD MEN "WANTED Rawieigh Company; Lined TO RONTO The Barrie Planing Mill Corfier Sophia and Mary Streets Manufacturers of Sash, Doors, Frames, Flooring, 'Ceiling, Mould- Bl is Water Troughs; Tanks, etc. e earry in-stock. a>large. assortment of: Rough and Dressed Lumber, B. C. Shingles and Pre- jared 'Roofing. Wood Turning-and Kiln Drying a Specialty. Dressing. done promptly. . Consult us with your building. *.. | 'THOS. ROGERS, - Phone; Office: 163, Residence 359. .. FURS! Bleaned, Altered and Repaireé Miss M. MoKERNAN 58 Small St., Barrie. OPE i RAH USE .i5'Aug. 10 and 11 "old girls" scattered throughout Cansda and the United States, » Renfrew is fortunate in having several wealthy men who"take an interest in the town and its development. ~A number of thepe have given-great' impetus. to its in- dustrial progress and now Thomas.A. Low, ex-MP., cores forward-'with an offer to spend $5,000 in 'beautifying Albion Square lin the heart of the town, A gift such as this is indeed' generous one and-the beau- ty spot that will result 'from this expendi- ture will not only be". soiirce of great should have. the uplifting influence thet beautiful surroundings usually exeft, In the enormous crop of garden produce resulting from the food 'production' cam- {psign the Belleville Ontario sees the chief leause- of a 'lessened meat consumption. {Jen't. 'the high. price' of meat more likely |to be the reason for curtailment in that |tine® ee | In-connection. with the report made by Inspector -Spotton upon the Harvey site, 'some seem inclined to lay emphasis on the fact that only a short tinie was spent in the inspection of :this ptoperty,. the infer: ence being that thorough, javestigation was not possible-in.the time taken. Those who' make this objection apparently" overlook the fact that Mr. Spotton was a 'resident of Barrie for several years. principal of the Collegiate he is particu. larly wéll fitted-to appreciate. the advan- . jtages und disudvantages of the Blake .St. dite and also. to' judge. as, to the compare- tive convenience of other locations. With {all the measurements of "the property and \the figures of the engineer as to"fall, drain- age; etc, at his disposal, there. was no Inecessity of his spending very much time 'on the ground in order to form an opinion as to the suitability of the property for Eollegiate prirpores: : Seri wan People at Home Should Do' More Following are some' extracts from a letter written to Mrs, A. D. G. Hanmer by her son: Ernest from: *'Somewhere in France" on July 5:-- July 2 and itus-most beautiful. 'There are plenty. of: flowers and plenty of shade trees, and lots of. ground for sports, so everyone is contented to remain here for duration. I have seen: Balky Reid and Carroll Mullen. They both are feeling' and looking good, but when I saw Balky he hadn't made a trip up the 'line, 86 I suppose: when I see im again "he will be tired of it and ready to go home. -I was looking.over the:Barrie papers and saw where certain Barrie- young | - met contributed to. the .Red Cross. Well, 'seeing they can't come themselves + think: they ought, to loosen up and give a- bout five or ten-times the amount they. have, because-the- Red Cross are certainly doing & wonderful work in this war. For instance: "I am wounded up the.line and am wet through; as soon as J reach. the dressing station, they: relieve me of my wet clothes and give-me clean dry ones. All this jé'done by the Red Croas, so next' time 'they come around tell the boys to loosén tip and give a little to the good cause. FANNY WARD in - "The Winning of pleasure to the citizens in future years but' As a former' and vicinity as well as at the firesides'of| hundreds of West Dutham "'old boys'" and |* We moved to where we are st present on | « So bring 'in any small photo, post opportunity. MILLINERY | are worth 3 times thie price-- | Table No. | Table No. 2 | Table No. 3 STAPLES at this,store: ' .2.yd. wide Shirting at - . Bath and Hand Towels 4 Hemstitched Pillow-Covers. White Bed Spreads. Get Butterick, | Patterns Here Jos. Day of Hearst is home' for a°boli- doy. ae B. Gilchtist is. visiting 'friends in i i i rol piel gts Giant iit 'a + f : | Your last chance---Some of these hats + $159 $2.59 $3.59 A few of themany underpriced staples 40 in. very heavy factory Cotton..15c 38c "$1.39 to $7.50 Buy at this store and get honest values Moore & Armstrong, i" F i i i s $ Read 'What We 'Have To Say About it: Thursday, Friday and Saturday, so tal photo or cabinét picture, and we will have it enlarged toa beautiful 14220 convex oval portrait, bust style, for the amazingly small price.of 19¢ You perhaps have a small picture of someone who is dear to-you, a soldier in training or on the firing line, smeone who has gone, a fath- er, a mother, a sister' or a very dear friend. Bring it in and have it enlarged the very first \Coéme today and: see enlarged: portrait samples on display, and leave your order as soon as '|possible. It must be stipulated that mail orders and orders from children cannot be accepted. A safe return is guaranteed of all photos, as. well, as an exact reproduction in large size of the portrait. There are no strings or red tape connected with this offer, and you are under no obligations whatsoever, other than to 19¢ pay the special price. -- This-is truly-a remarkable offer te our custom- ers, and'we want every one to take advantage of it. The portraits are of the most up-to-date size and style. Aug. 9th, 10th and 1 Ith. we will make the offer to ENLARGE PORTRAITS } FOR : . ONLY BUST STYLE---SIZE 14x20 INCHES | To explain this ridiculously low price before you read further, we must tell you that this is. purely. an advertising proposition'on our part. The won derful offer is made solely. for the sake of the publicity . it: will create for this store and will hold good fora limited time only. \ ye NOTE In. 'connection, with the: above offer may-we emphasize the fact that this opportunity . seldom comes toyou. The pricetis not a criterion -of the quality, the workmanship is simply marvell- ous. Out .of town customers should bring the photos of théir friends with them: on Saturday " for after an inspection of the por- traits -displayed in our window . we feel quite sure you will be anxious to leave your order. MOORE & ARMSTRONG An August Departmental (lean-up--Bargains that areworthwhile | READY-TO-WEAR ° 'Silk Crepe Special ° Friday 'and Saturday As t connenientl in selling we have This is offered as a special attraction grouped Skirts, Waists, Undergar- _ments, Middies, Dresses,' Etc. ;Group No. 1 ae 2S /Group No. 2 - -. - $1.98 \Group No.3 - - ~ $2.98 \Ghildren's Middies at - 50c. suse Dresses for big wo- en, sizes 46, 48, 50,$1.50 News from the. TRailway Ward... Erie Eyes i a i i for Friday .and 'Saturday only. . De- sirable' c It is 36 inches wide and comes in 10 shades ! ; See window display 'Fancy Goods. _ Take advantage of this offer---The goods areal riew sarnples.and worth double our price *Silk and Leather Bags and Purses reg- ular $4.00 to' $7.00, ° August 34.price .| Ladies' Collars in/ styles that are ab: - solutely authenti Regular .25¢ to '$2.50 each. Clearing } price © 98c 4 70 years of: age. |week to.ete their nephew, Lt, H. D. Leem-|A. Jay's -team. ing, recently returned frony the Front. 'The Auxiliary Jwas called 'on' Monday night\to Davenport, where an engine was off-the track. It returned to Allandale on afternoon. g -See- the: Kitties? Monday 'to visit het. husband, who "is in| Toronto, on their recruiting trip Ht ric for any time of the year. ° was also. instantly killed. "Deceased" was |Mrs. J.°'Tomlin rd; 'hop, step and jump, 'AL Derrick Ist,-S, Garside : "The Misses Catcher went to Toronto this] of war was won by W. Friar ing fed Mrs.' J. Aruistrong went to Toronto, on'|of: thé visit of the 48th Highlanders. of © ih ca bs FH | i

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