» KHAKL BRAND MANITOBA. ee |! oe | ey > : ae WANIMOSS ROSE P W Witpe es po cate : BAB Y. GRAND ald, [ing some) time with the former's mother, - $ ; 5 0 ' The Sunday School teachers of the Pres-| Mri. James MacDonald. cars Eg 122 e% 0. bbyterian Church 'entertained their elusee{ The rpot, corn and potato erops, in this f to a picnic. at the home of Mr: and Mra. W. | vicinity/ are looking fine, On mensuring « Chopping Tuesdays and Fridays. J. Meliao at Friday when all spent sj hee sre FA of fed 'cor grown by i An ' very pleasant afternoon evening, We find several stocks to mea- Ask yourgrocer for these flours or phone Cookstown, Mrs. Coulter, Miss Vance and Mim Per-|wure alm t feet. : 5 5 : kins of Torqnts. ure spending a few days| Mr. and Mra.B,'L. Richardson and bro-|fl spon = ae ' Tetenbons Ne-37___F-_H. ROBINSON | ri i nes Torerecareeee | Wg rld Beater 'These Brands guaranteed or money, refunded. We exchange Flour, Bran and Shorts for Wheat, ' Tf you want the: big ones we have them and we still, have that little : rn meen | FV 8 very. interesting -address in Christ /hurn asthe men were unloading. «loud of ast Church 'on Sunday evening. hay, 'little Marjorie Dixon nosidentally hak mis : EWS OF ror Mins Walker 'of Barrie and Mise Jamie-|eaught oni of her fingers-in the pulley at|f ° , at $750 00 WY, son of Inglewood are visiting with the for-| the foot. ofthe barn donrs. t-wan badly | <.© ! oUU mer's aunt, Mrs, W.-A. Thompson, tangled and hui to be afnplitated at. the ' : 'Th: Rey, E.""Thompern, one of our old'|pecond. joint, : | The representative of The Barrie fxanriner and 'Saturday' {Iv¥ boys, will occupy the pulpit in. the|" Mrs.'Wm. Foster of Toronto' is visiting Morning in Cookstown is George F. Thompson. News 'items for |Pmbyterisi church next Sunday morn-| with her niece, Mra. Jan. Vrulick tet Cookstown and-adjacent country may, be haidéd or phoned' to is' Rev. R. H. Someryille ix absent on | The ice cream social on Thursday night 'Mr. Thompson. and will be forwarded' to this paper. Phone No. oe eich en amane the extranty P a Ge " ' her sister, in Toronto. hot -wenther,--moscuitoes und threatening | 39 §nds him. Subscriptions, either new or renewals,-may be for-. |" Mrx D.M. Stewart of Barrie visited the thunder storm, "A Surge crowd turned. out warded through Mr. Thompson, , Ivy Institute Ist Wednesday und 'gave # [for -the night's sport. A. xpéech given by spy Bh cEmest Banting and family of | The Bethewds school on the 4th line of 2 intrusive talk on) Field Comforts Capt. Willams on soliering aud fighting om ; . salto: work: Notwithstanding Ahe excessive: heat, |in France wu listened to with much inter Toronto' visitéd during the 'past week in "Innisfil was destroyed by fire about 9 am, quite e number attended the meeting 'en. 'The proceeds (about. $42.00) were Greater value, equipment considered, than any other, on the market.' ; 4 ; She's got the push--She's" pot 'the" speed--She's, off with a rush, when you give her feed. G.B. McLEAN: doje town: . (Wednesday, Aug. Ist, Tt was a brick i is A . {Wedn A % i' which war held #* the liome of Mrs. Watson |given to patriotic qurposes. ' The W. I f Mr, and Mrs. J. H. Realdman spent x few building. ~ ° The cauie: of. the fire is un-|"" Miss Cusie McEuchern ix speviding'®|wish to" thank -the Methodist C for, j known, but there is a possibility of it couple of weeks with Mise Minnie McLean. Mins Edith Coxworth and Mise Myrtle are is ee visiting their sister, Mrs. Davie in Shel-| STROUD burne. © Mins 'Standen of Toronto ix the guest of | th Of her. sister, Mex. 'J. Lennox the kind use of their lawn for the event. Official word was feceived 'on Monday having started from matches thrown by a | that Pte. Elmer Feltis of the 157th Bn./ tramp, | wus wounded on July 12 - In the midst "of life we are in death. On Mr. und Mrs. Poole' and childreri of To-; Wednesday afternoon of last weak every a "ronta visited st Thos. Arnold's this wWeek//one was shocked to heur of the dew Joly 20. Mrs. Wis. Weight and Mrs. 8. "i Gordon spent 4 couple of days in Lefroy) ,Thureday Wholesal 'Bert Mars of Barri 'ot the ic. | Mis. Geo, Baker, who was suddenly strick- Wi Brooks is not nro ay |tast werk 'Fall Wheut -. > Dlo- not -sulfer from the' Beat' /by sing | Her work. N. Was aroun the house "Jyy and Thornton Telephone Co, are Yeiting fri nds in Tordnte Barley... $1,001.40 ; atound with heavy underweer, when Figh- St the thine ahd when Mr. Baker came in exterdine. thir' lines, fifteen new phones, Miss Allie New of Toronto ix visiting her ' Rye $176.15 Your Family eneys Ue 5 from the feld he found her lying dead. undine | a cousin, Mir Rurwell Webbs Spring Chicken .. 16 Ike : Qo Seeht pomtat ta low price' TET She en 37 yout of ape sod ee high SMiOE en snl P Mrs J. Booth and wn Roy of, Toronais Old Fowl 2. Vour Busine: : it aa eats Lrespected by > fri : z |are visiting. the former's: brot ruck Mis. Hand of Bradford. visi ted by her many friends 'and 'neigl MinEsING are visiting the former's: brothers, Ro M.| Due re] uy ness 9 3 bors. The | eympr i -- | MoConkey and KE. T, MeConkey | Turke: ter, Min. T. L' Week, doring the past few or rin conmnuaty crereey oe Ene Bee! Soe and Ste. Thin, Hine minionareg | MGaemeey and ET. MC 'ilu. Forbin | Butter devi. |i his great loss." She is survived by her Of Mongolis, China, who have been vinitity sent y werk in the. city me On Mondey-of this week Mr. and Ms./hubasd and: one 'child about two yerry of (OF two weelk advint Minesing, left for! "ar "wil Man fren iocsck of Giigaey, | Hoy Gro; Gollingher lose <brir, Lisle' girl (aholit age. She leaver isn two Mister, Ana" Ay, Hilladale og' Tieaday, July 31. 4 Alte, are visiting Fred Pescock | Wool, washed, Ib tee Neary of sie) with 'diphtheria' <The in Nixon of Tecumseth and Mrs. Rulsell.. Weston (B-rry of Torvutin pent Sunday|" 4. "Guest ter returned home after xpend. Wool, unwashed, Uy child was only sick a few days -"\Hylaird of Kitchener; her mother, who 224 Mandy' at the -paronage ing three monthe in the West Beet Hides, cured... , Mise Berths Sutherland, who is training jlives with Mre. Hylaird: and-aix brothers; MF. apd Me. & J Porwr if Swinton "Me and Mre. Led. MoCookey sind son Beet Hiden, green in the 'Western Hospital, Toronto, is home! Willinm of Palgrave; Joseph -of Toronto: Park and Mr. and Mre Wyvill and sop of 'tose motored frdin Bradford und spent (Tallow, rendered, Ws ~ Your Future With an Awisiial Divi dend Policy. in the Sun'Life A or her. yaéation.- Robert of Washington, D.C; Samuel of Prom S ution were callers ut the Paron- jut Sunday with Mr. atid Min Chus, Me. Sheer, Skins "Mr. and Mri. B. Avery stténded the. Atberta; Inane of Edmonton, and Jobn of St lat (week, motoring -bosne from Oro Contkey, Horee"Hisien fanerst of Mrs. Avery's uncle at Bright |Mount Arggst. Her.temuine were convey. *%1 Orillia where they. bud been visiting, Mr and Mee Aritcung and ions mmot-| Horse jr, th. : 28 "Abe ; z this weak. 'ed on' Fridey afternoon to St. John's cem-" {fiends « ~\ored from Newmurket "nd spent last Sun- | Lait Skinn wee ape on $1003.56 zh Melville Fisher of Toronto spent few: etery, Tecimse'b for. intertnent. The pall.' Oty Davis of Minesing Station and Mroiisy with Mr end Mr 4. fr McConkey. Ost Blaine, green 2000S oo Ble oO an a . days in town this week hearerr were Norman Morrison, Fred Ap. "Banke of Mae meee eating thar ig iad ae [yee LOnkgtiny oo os 1309 f "Henderson Fraser of Toronto was with )-. Nixon. 'Lo R jonday, July 3 : ur {Mositobsi 2s oe aeeo fe ae _ i nse Tbe "Aroald: for te weckged | oid wal Bose Cen ia f Bew. Mr: Berry will cobduct Becrapen-) 5 wee pins and tom.) Bim tons. $28.05-40.0) Canada's .Greatest Life Mrs. Harry 'Fisher and. children left" this. Card' of Thanks" tel Service next Sunday, Aug. 5 st Anten) July re .. Paltterwon god. Sem | ee ton ] 942.0045. Sak ELDAR, ao the, Goneion die tiie o¢ fi aor Flow ut 2 pan, Ber.) bave returned after u week'r' visit' at Jusurance Co 4 Prrutoes, mew; peck --¢ 6 7% é ; Tl Mr. Geo. Baker desires to express bis: voc in Mi Subjest. A Menford : ot . ' Te Pedatt Bedeis Wied ie Jou! 48h. apprecition. ofthe "sminancs and /gimr to Me Mr and Mie Btone of Owen Bound aad dic dns waked D. J. REBURN, - f Tet Bi + [many manifestations of Kindness from | The Union Prayer Meeting' in the Pree Mrs Miller of Turunto wre' visiting ot T | ~ i ; eay ae neighbors 'and other friends in hix recent iyterisin Chuich, Tuesdey, the let; was A Stotie's z Geo. Cameron, shiyyed ¥20.hoge'on Tier | Phone 142. Dis Mer r sey Tonio pe Saltiny oF Win.) cremtent thecvgh'the-lom 'of tia wie conducted by Rev' Mr. Groom sod Min | Mr. Aitkine of Toronto" iw visiting" bis |day, -Quotstions' at the 'neal "yards this : Stenden of Inlund Chins gave in addree Gsughter, Mre WV. Anderson Sweek were: eoeiknatt . ' ' ~ Provincial County Highways shout her work which was very interesting | Mr E. Leigh left' for a sbort visit with | Hoy, per owt : Poni pod Mea ee f RS! ia 5 : Se Se © opptenion' intenreewed the Pie Fenris Beree oer nae ar oe ret Doon Melallag se0eived. thas (Come sf "wwe. 2 vineial' 7. * to n the Baptist Church 7. , |provineial" minister of public works, sud Mins' E-b-l Charest @ on-the wick 'lim, | |.new» that: ber-brother tes: vesy ill at Cale. Sheep WW wv 52) Cleaned, Altered "ahd. Repeired. _ - réam fe ee ii -siperd to: the location ol | ae amit aed ce row. don Eom | Sante 516.00 ° 3 J ca sas ' re Fretich of Hamilton and Mre N bi c ; 4 ae : tage rie tae ee eee ee od Ehervile ditriet ore viiting wah Mra. © Keadall Vitis Ser nbotber at; Caleae $00. Siz MI88 Mi. MOKERWAN | ew Mr Carter Shanty. Bay thie i Mr D)Faterre and duughter Vidlet are Mix Catupbell of Walkerton ie vir 'Owen Sound -- ! 68 Small Bt; Berrie. | the 'discussion, the Miniter guade it" Eggs Will Soar. ' - 1 i ; > ot dn ech er euter, Mre Caspbell : | : a witing with Mrs Wedley- Orchard her eieter, Mev Casu(oell " : a tie ok tebe Woks ey 3 f pliin 'that the' proposed trunk lines run | VASAT te ey ren Mr aad Min CW Walker tanned' qo, Wine, to th high iors 9 fo: thee f Ling. east and west would receive fire at quaintences here. Hawkertone and spent the duy witr Mo Hall bea ieee *s igs apne igs Mt 'y a: aq '\venuer and not until they were 'construct. Te poultry flucks the continent over tie 5 A 7 Go-To They re spending their runner vacation'! 'of "this" reduction in the five ' a | _ fed would any. of the proposed portherti 7 af Belle Beant eft of thie" reduction: te oes sw th e : ' Q T:. jectionn she talish: sph. AG 46 the Gnien _ THORNTON Ma. Hoey Lak wey a0 Bast mapolien of eg ii rage i, the Vair's Dutch Parlour 4 Ba drosd be quggested that the county Aug 2--John A Thomynon hur returned re Say Unies a were se tay! 2b per vent' on 7 : bee ad ewignste ounty provincial to his bome in Toronto sfer spending the : May at, than on the corretwisding dave : ' f : a. 'Fer ualijeny sof oh plage, Roget rot potegi girl herndrdiag DALSTON lam "year", Tie eduitieg is Hotks oc: thie 19+21 Dunlop St. ba _o (projected branch'to Singhampion and Col-. Mee NN Bnanstip-her rtuned to her A tenting of the Wouen's Institute Will' cootinent ie ill pomue ob, sod in Fagieed, Sag ; ~ ; © flimewood. Inicomneetion arith thie it came bome in T afer » visi" bere tbe eles atthe home of Mire dW Brows" there will Lee greuier wereneimiing re ved Bovan: 3 B t e lat -shat' share the Oouity Af Grep to ga Rev pon of Brampton and on Thursday, Augut th Mr W. A duction 'ue x result .of the Britwh Gover 4 é ' ¢ ee oi | Mm Bim event Bundey bere with their Osborne will give ao sddrem on "Hoyuoiny 'ment's redjueit that sv duneitic fowls be. - ietiesRil (oer ee Se ie a oe ee en eae : ss : jceied by the county' toad" men: -of Sun-. friende were deligined. 10 hear him, pregct The, roll will te eglled wud riety Sor Jel: able sexapm, gucten waite, ete The pee : Cream S R. -lete by way of Smmghampton slic by that i the Methoret Church on Sunday evio- lier sud sn wil be given ine tion meme Yi be jutified that wie eold lof Grey by way of Mixwell with the main iE iy ieee Wait a save OME eee wil well at eet ewe thal He ' i Rey WE and: Mr Baker sent bfew The Daleion Wousen's Insitute © yer doen ext fail aod winter : *h the latter's parents Mr. and Gousied the following during July: Burnie path File Comfore-- 12 pes. wocke , Barrie Wathorn: Faimets Siving 'Aiton Red Crom-4 flanpel shirts, 6-euste py? wn i) he tes f itt jatar. Oro Red Crom 12. pee sucks, 6 What ix said to be 1 pet sine | ; 2 feather pilloos 'der Sor wutotnobiles 'exer decd ini Can anes Sree, ade wie signed few dupe ago by « fra 1 a is Lethbridge. Alberts St vealle for - Ge COFFEE HOT CHOCOLATE "TOMATO BOULLION "SANDWICHES PIE AND CAKE Lunches. served, from 106 * 'up. WOME MADE CAKES © For wale every Baturday or by special order ; CROWN HILL Mise Phair Simpaun Of Torojato ie visit: Aoproves the $150 Prine ing i Crows Hill thie eck. | Lainie B Warner of Kew Haariion. BC. eh there , prs F ea ite ieee 2 eandhdise Sor the Peas oede vacant boy pone thet fe [feos ' who 'had | el epee it i AT La aiet! 4 he | ata ae, ij i PELLET JAE 3627 25.26 eat: 'Mew Bisnche Fae wd * es Oct. 22 Mr. Mie: Pameweck > ie ogee 4 ot fe mf SE ie $30 The sent jor On £5 came Sows Sot. tf Father's eveasclanag Ee irerteecged "Mw Mary Ball of eke i i