OPINION ‘A VERY CURIOUS PROCESS ONLY SEVEN MONTHS AFTER OUR MUNICIPAL ELECTION, OUR PUBLIC SCHOOL BOARD HAS TWO VACANCIES TO FILL, WRITES MIKE FARWELL Only seven months after our municipal election, our public school board has two vacancies to fill. One seat was vacated Meissner. The other seat MIKE FARWELL Column last October, in that most recent municipal election. Now the public school board must get to the work of replacing the trustees, though it's choosing a very of Education offers boards a fair bit of latitude when it comes to filling vacancies. Other than mandating that the vacancy be filled within 90 days, school boards can election would be the most democratic method of fill- ing the vacancy. The public should be given the oppor- tunity to decide who they would like to have re- school board, on city coun- cil, in Parliament, etc. The sudden vacancies at the school board do present interesting dilemma, Fis ugh. A byelection would cost a minimum of $500,000 and, given what we know about turnout for municipal elec- tions in general, we can safely say a very small per- centage of voters would even show up for a school board byelection. Which begs the ques- tion, is it ‘worth it? that $500,000 is not worth it foraturnout that willlikely be less than 20 per cent to- day, at what point do we de- cide that the millions we spend for general elections are not worth it for turn- outs of 30 per cent, 50 per cent or eg per cent? r there was a slip- pery slope, this might be it. Metroland file photo “There's a comfortable middle road for the public board here, if only it chooses to take it,’ writes Mike Farwell. what voters wanted. Fol- lowing, the seats suddeniy vacated could be easily filled with the two peopke who earned the next most votes such a short time ago. The public school board already has precedent for the summer of 2020, almost two full years after the 201 icipal electi This time, though, rath- er than simply appointing 3 the next runners-up, the 2 board has decided to create o8 asmall committee ma of its own members ra de® 2 termine how the new trust- 3 ees will be appointed. Fa Surely, if the next run- ner-up could be appointed = s two years after the 2018 mu- 3 nicipal election, the next = runner-up could be ap- 8 pointed again today, amere ° seven months after the last municipal election. While a byelection is the most democratic 1 means of filling the ies, ap- pointing candidates of the board's own choosing is ds cidedly the least democrat- ic method. comfortable middle e road | for the public board here, if only it choos- es to take it. Columnist Mike Farwell isa broad ; MC and However, in th: became available when either holdabyelection,or can be messy and, in this case, surely we can look at the public board appointed advocate. Follow him on trustee Marie Snyder re- “appointa qualified person case, expensive.Canwere- theresultsoflast October's Laurie Trembletofillava- Twitter at @farwell_WR, signed for health reasons. to fill the vacancy.” ally placeapricetagonour election — a mere seven cancy. Tremble had been or connect with him via Both Snyder and There's no disputing democracy? months the next runner-up in the Mike.Farwell@rci.rog- Meissner were just elected that conducting a_by- Further, if we decide ingful representation of 2018 election. ers.com. OUR TIRES GO THE region of Waterloo iM col ON-/OFF-ROAD ALL-TERRAIN TIRE delivers _grippin: With a stron: all-new tread compoundin: Available in Flotation sizes U-Metric, The Open Country A/T il all-terrain tire g off-road tracti responsive and predictable on-road handling. durability and treadwear life, Toyo introduces design, construction and Italso provides a quiet ride with exceptional stability. The Open Country A/T Ill is built to get there back home, regardless of terrain or weather. P/Euro-Metric and EXTRA MILE. SO DO WE. UNTRY /T™ ion with and get 519.669.3232 371 Arthur St S, ELMIRA www.oktireelmira.com (@ XX TIRE] Honestly driven. Public Notice Route 2 and 73 Public Information Centre Virtual session 2023 service adjustments, including changes to Route 2 and 73 Monday, June 5 7 - 8:30 p.m. Presentation at 7 p.m., followed by a Q&A Meeting link at grt.ca, In-person session Wednesday, June 14 Drop in any time between 6:30 and 8:30 p.m. Room 2, Forest Heights Community Centre 1700 Queen’s Blvd., Kitchener GRAND RIVER TRANSIT GAT Bo'9]9|UOIYDOOLLE}2M