& ME NATIONAL INDIGENOUS HISTORY MONTH A PASSION FOR HELPING ville Beaver | Thursday, June 1, 2023 | m=] m oa m=) — Mm oS = 3THE PATH TO WELLNESS ROLAND CILLIERS rcilliers@metroland.com In celebration of Na- tional Indigenous History fonth, Metroland intro- duces readers to 30 Indige- nous people who are mak- ing a difference. Gail Whitlow believes it's time for everyone to get in touch with their own being. The owner of Ancestral Voices Healing Centre in Ihsweken, Whitlow uses traditional teachings and values to help change the insidehalton.com Perceptions of f people who y not e awal that they need trois per. ceptions changed. The centre provides products and services like herbal medicines and spiritual healings. "One of the passions I have is helping people to not be afraid to use their intuition. “For instance, it they come in and _ they're looking to seek an hoe for a specific ailment, I help them to figure out what they might be drawn to be- cause I don't like to make that Choice for them," said aie 's “time that we get back in touch with our be- ing and we kind of think aboutit, and we let our self be our guides when it comes to our health." awk woman who calls the Six Nations of the mn OAKVILLE Grand River home, Whit- low has spent years dedi- cated to the supporting and fostering of tradition- al Indigenous teachings. She started Ancestral Voices with the goal of helping her community, and the organization now brings together many dif- ferent kinds of healing practitioners. Whitlow sees herself as a guide for people on the path of wellness. Someone who will help an individu- al find something to over- come Whatever meir ob- stacles may lieves people orien verect the spiritual, mental and emotional aspects that play into one's physical on ae Indigenous peo- ple were to learn one thing this Indigenous History Month, she hopes it's that a lot of what is commonly / Shop for savings along the sidewalk and in-store. taught in Canadian histo- ry classes is not an accu- rate reflection on the ex- periences of Native peo- ples. "It's just time for a shift in perception and how peo- ple view us as Native peo- ple. We have to dig our- selves out of the trenches, and I'm not talking about Native people. I'm talking aboutall people. We have to lift our heads up ant have to look around and we have to see the real truth. “And I think the more that we look at each other as partners, as sisters and brothers, as opposed toen- Outdoor fitness in Towne Square every Saturday in June & July. Registration Required. PROVIDING GUIDANCE TO CHANGE PERCEPTIONS Gail Whitlow photo gal whitiow is the owner at Ancestral Voices Healing Centre in SUNVINVIERn SWEA OUTDOOR FITNESS SERIES