Board Halton District ARs Notice of Passing of an Education Development Charges By-Law by the Halton District School Board TAKE NOTICE that the Halton District School Board passed Education Development Charges By-law, 2023, on the 17th day of May, 2023, under Section 257.54 of the Education Act; AND TAKE NOTICE that any person or organization may appeal the By-law to the Ontario Land Tribunal under Section 257.65 of the Act by filing with the Secretary of the Halton District School Board on or before the 26th day of June, 2023, a notice of appeal setting out the objection to the By-law and the reasons supporting the objection. The By-law will come into force on June 1, 2023 and has a term of five years. The education development charges imposed by the By-law are as follows: Types of Development Types of Development Residential: Per Dwelling Unit Non-Residential Per Square Foot of Gross Floor Area June 1, 2023 to May 31, 2024 $6,092.00 June 1, 2023 to May 31,2024 $1.51 June 1, 2024 to May 31,2025 $6,396.60 June 1, 2024 to May 31,2025 $1.61 June 1, 2025 to May 31,2026 $6,716.43 June 1, 2025 to May 31,2026 $1.71 June 1, 2026 to May 31,2027 $7,052.25 June 1, 2026 to May 31,2027 $1.81 June 1, 2027 to May 31, 2028 $7,404.86 June 1, 2027 to May 31,2028 $1.91 The education development charges are imposed on all development of lands in the Region of Halton subject to a limited number of exemptions. Accordingly, a key map showing the location of the lands subject to the By-law is not provided as part of this notice. A copy of the complete By-law is available for examination in the offices of the Board located at the J.W. Singleton Education Centre, 2050 Guelph Line, Burlington, Ontario, during regular office hours or on the Board website at Notice of a proposed by-law amending the education development charge by-law or the passage of such an amending by-law is not required to be given to any person or organization, other than to certain clerks of municipalities or secretaries of school boards, unless the person or organization gives the secretary of the Board a written request for notice or any amendments to the education development charge by-law and has provided a return address. Dated at the City of Burlington this 17th day of May, 2023 Curtis Ennis Director of Education / Secretary to the Board Learn more on EDC webpage €z0z ‘b eunr ‘epsiny, | Jeaeeg e11AyeO | EL woo-uoyeyepisu!