8 bd 5 | Thursday, May ‘1, 2023 | © PROJECT PART OF = PUSH TO ADD MORE 2 é INDIGENOUS 8 EDUCATION ROLAND CILLIERS rcilliers@metroland.com boriginal education is win integrated into core ramming at local he Halton Catholic District School Board (HCDSB) will be rolling out a pilot English program ti- tled ‘English: Understand- ing Contemporary First Nations, Metis & Inuit Voices' in the 2023 to 2024 school year. The Grade 11 class will be piloted at four HCDSB schools: ed ity, Notre Dame, St. Igna- tius of Loyola and St Kate- ri Tekakwitha. John Klein, director of education, said he believes the course could be a valu- able part of student educa- "We have moved for- ward in a very purposeful and very ambitious way on this. Personally, I think it would be a great reflection solid education in Gatnalie schools if stu- dents came out of high school having a course where they would be im- mersed in a program that reflects the Indigenous cul: ture, which is just so ricl said Klein. months in preparation for the September launch. Jeff Crowell, superin- tendent of education, said Graham Paine/ Metroland The Halton Catholic District School Board will be rolling out a pilot English program titled ‘English: Understanding Contemporary First Nations, Metis & Inuit Voices’ in the 2023-24 school year. the course has been avail- able for some time but it will now be a core part of the high school education. “This course has runasanelectiveina num- ber of our schools for a number of years, and we're at a point now where four of our schools are saying insidehalton.com Notice of Study Commencement Town of Oakville Saville Area Stormwater System Improvement Study Schedule ‘B’ Municipal Class tal A Envir The Study The Town of Oakville (the Town) through Aquafor Beech Limited has initiated the Saville Area Stormwater System identify drainage system improvement, and develop preferred options to improve drainage. The study area boundary is defined by the direction of stormwater flowing on land and in sewers through the Saville area. The focus of the study is on improving drainage within Town owned lands located north of Rebecca Street. The Process This Study will follow the planning and design process as defined in the Municipal Engineers Association Municipal Class Environmental Assessment document (October 2000, as amended in 2007, 2011, 2015, and 2023) as a Schedule B project. One Public Information Centre (PIC) is being planned to discuss alternative lutions, environmental impacts, evaluation on ferred options and recommendations. PIC dates and details will be advertised as the study progresses. Results. from this study will be documented in a Project File that will be made available for a public review period. At that time, residents, Indigenous communities, and other interested persons or groups will be informed of when and where the Project File can be reviewed. Comments Invited We are interested in hearing any comments or concerns you may have with respect to this study. Comments received through the course of the study will be considered in selecting the preferred option(s). Information will be collected in accordance with the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. With th personal all comments will become a part of the public record. To provide your comments, request additional information, request to be placed on the study mailing list, or if you require this notice to be provided in an alternative format as per the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (2005), please contact: Jing Liu, P.Eng. Water Resources Engineer Transportation and Engineering Department Town of Oakville 905-845-6601 ext. 3234 Jing.liu@oakville.ca we're ready to take this on asthe Grade 11English pro- gram,” said Crowell. Other boards in the province have made oak Chris Denich, P.Eng. Water Resources Engineer Aquafor Beech Limited 647-993-2267 denich.c@aquaforbeech.com This notice was first issued on May 11, 2023 FIRST NATIONS ENGLISH PROGRAM LAUNCHING lar moves to integrate In- digenous education into core progra idol bly, in to District School B Board ree cused on Indigenous writ- ers. The Calls to Action from the Truth and Reconcilia- tion Commission of Cana- da includesa section oned- Devel HCDSB staff said the plan to add the Indigenous course has been in the works since before the CO- VID-19 pandemi