2 bs 5 * Continued from page 1 ject. He said a number of methods and tactics are ver | ee April 27, 2023 | Zand virtual meetings, on- 6 line content and media re- leases. said surveys would also be used to reach the wider community. Plans for these improve- ments have been develop- ing for more than a decade. In 2009, the town identi- fied the need for improve- ments along this stretch of Lakeshore Road West to meet anticipated growth needs to 2031. In July 2021, town staff's preferred solution called for improvements to bike lanes, sidewalks, intersec- tions and stormwater in- frastructure, as well as the introduction of a multi-use trail between East Street and Fourth Line and there- placement of the McCra- ney Creek Bridge. These improvements were expected to cost $43.4 million; however, council ultimately decided to step back from the project after numerous residents voiced concerns about tree loss. Town staff noted in July 2021 that the proposed im- provements would result in 60 healthy trees being cut down. On July 6, 2021, council directed town staff to pre- pare a detailed design for their preferred solution that considers options to limit tree loss and the ap- propriation of private propel Council also directed that this detailed design process include further puptie consultation. clean slate, said Kelly. "Where multiple de- sign alternatives will be de- veloped and, through the PLANNING WILL INCLUDE FURTHER PUBLIC CONSULTATION Graham Paine/Metroland Oakville council has asked Town staff to come back with proposals for road improvements along a section of Lakeshore Road West, including near Coronation Park. design process the alterna- tives, wil | os dow: rounds or eric eng nt and with input from council at each stage, with the goal to arrive at a high- level design at the end.” lion to provide multidis isci- support for the Lakeshore Road West de- sign project over the next Book your Personalized Smile Consultation today insidehalton.com 647-496-1424 2-2983 Westoak Trails Blvd. villageortho.ca Oakville me —VILLAGE— “Gb orTHODONTICs At Village Orthodontics in Oakville, we specialize in beautiful smiles using clear aligners and traditional braces. New Patients Welcome Schedule your complimentary consultation today! two years. The consulting/engi leering and design servic- es company will develop and analyze design options and perform critical activ- Its such as geotec] hydrogeology works stormwater manage- ment wa and drainage design and CIMA Canada Inc., will also work with town staff to develop and implement a comprehensive public en- gagement program for the pre ject. Area resident Chri: Bradbrook s said he believes the town is going to have to do a better job with public consultation than it has so far. membexe oft he publ who have been following this sue have usually “only mimi through their own investi- gation or word of mouth. “The lack of proactive communication regarding the opportunity to partici- pate in 'this meeting’ would suggest the town has yet to " said good start. He also asked whether the town would jisten| fo the comments and residents vrovide Mayor Rob Burton not- ed the matter is being dis- cussed because council re- fused to accept the pre- ferred design town staff brought forward back in July 2021. "So, somebody was lis- tening to somebody," said Burton. Bradbrook also called for mail-outs about the pro- ject to not just go to people living on Lakeshore Road West, noting nearby resi- dents like himself, who tatteically don't have a Lakeshore Road address, will still be impacted by any change: Ward 2 Coun. Ray Chi: holm sought to rectify this issue with his motion. Town staff also said hg project would have a dedi. cated website. ‘imeline of the de- 2023 to 2025. STORY BEHIND THE STORY: The Town of Oak- ville is launching a public consultation process to gather resident opinions on proposed Lakeshore Road West improvements and we felt people should be aware of how the town will be reaching out. Enjoy Spring in our rd Winning Retirement Residence © Lush, spacious outdoor areas © Full kitchen in every suite (Q) Extensive ‘included with rent list @uw ©) living availability Nz% Livita © um QUEENS AVENUE: 1056 Queens Avenue, Oakville, Ontario L6H 6R3_ www..livinglivita.com