24 Oakville Beaver | Thursday, April 13, 2023 | uw ° =z = Ss = BUDGET 2023: A MADE IN CANADA PLAN PAM DAMOFF Column Budget 2023 focuses on three main pil- lars: affordability, health care and a clean economy. Last year, Canadians delivered the stron- gest economic growth in the G7. We recov- 126 per cent of jobs lost to the pandemic, compared to just 114 per cent in the United States. Our unemployment rate is near its record low, but people are concerned about what lies ahead. Budget 2023 is focused on helping rake life more affordable for Canadian: strengthening our universal public healthy SCOPE ss insidehalton.com care system and building a clean economy will create good jobs across the coun- Budget inhealth- funding, and a $2-billion one-time top- up to the Canada Health Transfer to address urgent pressures at emergency rooms and surgical centres. The budget includes. anew ian dental-care p! cover up to nine million uninsured o canadians through an investment of $18 billio: By the end of 2023, the Canadian, dental- care plan aims to cover Canadians under 18 years of age, older adults and persons with disabilities who meet the income criteria and do not have pre-existing covet et 2023 also includes: a push fori in- vestmenti in green manufacturing and tech- nology through clean investment tax cred- its and ensuring fair pay for workers who build the clean economy; a crackdown on predatory lending; a one-time top-up to the Canada Housing Benefit of $500 for eligible low-income renters; a quarterly tax-free cli- mate action incentive payment to offset the cost of federal pollution pricing; a ban on. cosmetic testing on animals; and a new tax- free First Home Saving Account. Canada's Infrastructure Bank will invest at least $20 billion to support the building of major clean electricity and clean growth in- frastructure projects. The budget will make life more afford- able, with supports like a grocery rebate the GST tax credit based on house- hold income. A family of; pa with two chil- dren would receive $467, while a single Ca- nadian would be eligible for $234, and an en- hanced Canada Workers Benefit means families could receive up to $2,461 this year, and a single Canadian without children could receive up to $1,428. For more details on the budget, visit bud- getcanada.ca. Pam n Damoffis is the Me her Oakville pila to the mint rh public safety. She can be reached at moff@parl.gc.ca. JROPINIONS SIGN UP FOR OUR WEEKLY NEWSLETTER AT INSIDEHALTON.COM PUT THE BLAME WHERE IT BELONGS This letter is in response to the April 6 cartoon that essentially blamed Premier Doug Ford for Ontario's high cost of living. Ford fought the carbon tax and, indeed, If tere was | to be any fairness in the carbon sed by the feds, it should not have applied. to the cost of heating, as that isa necessity of isnotth petrol to go for a Sunday drive. our car points the finger of bam for the high cost of living in the ue ‘ore rai that Oakville is — in my minantly left-leaning; however, I Taia 1 not expect to see your car- toonist foolishly pointing the finger of blame at our provincial leader rather than the true author of our inflation and the ad- ditional tax burden added to the cost of heating our homes, none other than Justin. Trudeau. Shame on you for publishing this non- sense. — Lori Crank,Oakville DIRECTORY, like to advertise your place of worship in this ture pe) CRY Meet bi Ms Covet: Weuttele(suCictuseliecelttetebeslcebt MeolesMesme-11 Molt ies b bie ior oy (Bent GLEN ABBEY UNITED CHURCH REV. TED VANCE enrol ° ral f sia Resco 7 340 Rebecca oa Street, Oakville Oakville Come to (905) 845-2942 OAKVILLE Sunday at 10 AM! if PENTECOSTAL 7 www.cbcoakville.ca APO ONS nN RE Do yonieage: . “The friendly, caring church! He is Risen! Christ is Risen Indeed! Please join us Sunday morning at 10 am for our service. We are lead by Pastor Dave Russell and Worship Leader Christopher Clause. Wherever you happen to be in your faith journey, you are welcome. 12:30 - 3PM Worship Service Sunday Evening: 7:30-9PM (Via Zoom Virtual Platform) “Covid-19 Safety Protocols Strictly followed.* ‘Tel: 416-892-8123 Fax: 1-866-281-5983 Bishop M. Brissett Email: mjbrisse@yahoo.ca JESUS IS LORD It’s your choice: WORSHIP LIVE AT 10AM! With Sunday School for kids! OR VIEW ON-LINE SERVICE ON YOUTUBE LATER Click yunitedchurch.com To help your Church minister to so many, se send e-transfers te donations @glenabbeyunitedchurch.com k you and God Bless youl 1469 Nottin E