HP OPINION PROPOSED LEGISLATION COULD LEAD TO DESTABILIZATION CANADA'S SUPPLY CHAINS CAN'T AFFORD MORE DISRUPTIONS, WRITES FAYE LYONS FAYE LYONS Column Think back to 2019: Can- ada's supply chain infi structure received very lit- tle attention, consumers gave little to no thought to ww their favourite items appeared on store shelves. Once the pandemic hit, the disruption in the supply chain became a daily news itemandasource offrustra- tion for consumers across ply chain sectors, such as trucking, rail, ports and te- lecom, are critical to our supply chain and economic wth. gro} a current matter: proposed legislation on pro- hibitin; work- country To address these issues Hansportation and_ logis- s companies have joined the council to focus on the oun anu of the Supply chain sources from collaboration ‘and i in- formation sharing to tech- nology and talent recruit- ment. The council's 72 mem- bers meet quarterly to pro- vide policy direction and recommendations to all lev- els of government on direc- tives that will support the ers in federally regulated industries including many ho play an essential role in growing the economy and ensuring supply chains are moving. "The Canadian Chamber of Commerce recently weighed in on the proposed legislation as part of th government's consultation process. current la- bour relations system, re- placement workers allow ports, telecom and air to provide a basic level of ser- vice that preserve critical services to Canadians. The proposed anti-re- placement worker legisla- tion changes the balance of power we currently have within our labour relations system, potentially leading to labour strife within key sectors of our economy. ing the use of re- placement workers threat- ens the collective bargain- ing process. It may result in longer strike action, and significant damage to the economy and our reputa- tion as a reliable place to do business. The Canadian chamber encouraged the govern- ment to engage in meaning- ful consultations that will allow for the private sector, unions and to bour dispute — prior to a work stoppage — in sectors that are essential to Cana- da's supply chains, such as pacting the economy. Legis- lation that could further disrupt or delay supply chain processes will only raise costs, which in turn willbe passed on to the con- ™ Canada’s 's reputation as a destination of choice for do- ing business relies on a re- silient and reliable system. We cannot afford to intro- duce such legi create collaborative solu- tions toavoid disrupting the ipply chain. the government should consider providing authori- ty to the minister of labour or the federal cabinet to compel binding arbitration for the resolution of a la- Faye Lyons is the vice- president of government relations and advocacy for the Oakville Chamber of Commerce. She can be reached at. SEND US YOUR LETTERS T0 THE EDITOR The Oakville Beavei values the opinions of its 8 readers, and the ty at large. With that said, we wel- come your letters to the ed- itor on all matters that im- pact area residents. Weask that letters beno more than 275 words, and include the ne name and town of the wri Your aidrese and tele- phone number must also be included for verifica- tion purposes only. We donot publish anon- ymous letters. Letters will be edited or rejected for of- fensive content, factual er- rors, Jegal t issues or space restrict Send your letters to in- lechamber.com. Jand.com. ART SALE Presenting new artworks by regional artists Online viewings available Complimentary Admission 123 King Street West, Hamilton, Ontario 905.527.6610 x 273 aghartsales.com b a fot tt || i io i hale} ee ya wl On April 19 & 20 at Delmanor Glen Abbey from 9am.-7pm for a personalized tour and experience all that retirement living-has to offer. Reservations required. Please RSVP to Rachel or Milyda at 905-469-3232. DELMANOR Glen Abbey Inspired Retirement Living™ 1459. NOTTINGHILL GATE OAKVILLE 905-469-3232 Masks and COVID rapid tests required. ‘CL ludy ‘Aepsuny | seneeg ai1A¥20 | 6 communi- 8 woo"uoyEYyapIsUt